339 research outputs found

    Endoglin as an Adhesion Molecule in Mature and Progenitor Endothelial Cells: A Function Beyond TGF-β

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    Endoglin (ENG) is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed on endothelial cells that functions as a co-receptor for several ligands of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) family. ENG is also a recognized marker of angiogenesis and mutations in the endoglin gene are responsible for Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) type 1, a vascular disease characterized by defective angiogenesis, arteriovenous malformations, telangiectasia, and epistaxis. In addition to its involvement in the TGF-β family signaling pathways, several lines of evidence suggest that the extracellular domain of ENG has a role in integrin-mediated cell adhesion via its RGD motif. Indeed, we have described a role for endothelial ENG in leukocyte trafficking and extravasation via its binding to leukocyte integrins. We have also found that ENG is involved in vasculogenic properties of endothelial progenitor cells known as endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs). Moreover, the binding of endothelial ENG to platelet integrins regulate the resistance to shear during platelet-endothelium interactions under inflammatory conditions. Because of the need for more effective treatments in HHT and the involvement of ENG in angiogenesis, current studies are aimed at identifying novel biological functions of ENG which could serve as a therapeutic target. This review focuses on the interaction between ENG and integrins with the aim to better understand the role of this protein in blood vessel formation driven by progenitor and mature endothelial cells

    Treprostinil increases the number and angiogenic potential of endothelial progenitor cells in children with pulmonary hypertension

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    Background Pulmonary vasodilators in general and prostacyclin therapy in particular, have markedly improved the outcome of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). As endothelial dysfunction is a key feature of PAH, and as endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) may contribute to vascular repair in PAH, we suspected that prostacyclin therapy might enhance EPC numbers and functions. In the present study, objectives were to determine whether EPC may contribute to vasodilator treatment efficacy in PAH. Methods We quantified CD34+ cells, CFU-Hill and ECFC (endothelial colony forming cells) in peripheral blood from children with idiopathic PAH (n = 27) or PAH secondary to congenital heart disease (n = 52). CD34+ were enumerated by flow cytometry, CFU-Hill and ECFC by a culture assay. ECFC grown ex vivo were tested for their angiogenic capacities before and after prostacyclin analog therapy (subcutaneous treprostinil). Results ECFC counts were significantly enhanced in the 8 children treated with treprostinil, while no change was observed in children receiving oral therapy with endothelin antagonists and/or PDE5 inhibitors. CD34+ cell and CFU-Hill counts were unaffected. ECFC from patients treated with treprostinil had a hyperproliferative phenotype and showed enhanced angiogenic potential in a nude mouse preclinical model of limb ischemia. Conclusions ECFC may partly mediate the clinical benefits of prostanoids in pulmonary arterial hypertension

    Fibrin monomers evaluation during hospitalization for COVID-19 is a predictive marker of in-hospital mortality

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    BackgroundCoagulopathy is one of the main triggers of severity and worsening of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) particularly in critically ill patients. D-dimer has been widely used to detect COVID-19 coagulation disorders and has been correlated with outcomes such as disease severity and in-hospital mortality. Involvement of other fibrin degradation products, particularly fibrin monomers (FM), remains an ongoing question.MethodsWe performed a monocentric study of adult patients with COVID-19, who were admitted either in the medical ward (MW) or in the intensive care unit (ICU) and who had FM measurements performed on them during the first wave of COVID-19 outbreak. We analyzed the positivity of FM levels (FM > 7 µg/mL) to assess the ability of FM monitoring during the first days of hospitalization to predict COVID-19 outcomes.ResultsIn our cohort, 935 FM measurements were performed in 246 patients during their first 9 days of hospitalization. During patient follow-up, the FM levels were higher in patients admitted directly to the ICU than in those admitted to the MW. Moreover, we observed significantly increased levels of FM in patients when the data were stratified for in-hospital mortality. At hospital admission, only 27 (11%) patients displayed a positive value for FM; this subgroup did not differ from other patients in terms of severity (indicated by ICU referral at admission) or in-hospital mortality. When analyzing FM positivity in the first 9 days of hospitalization, we found that 37% of patients had positive FM at least once during hospitalization and these patients had increased in-hospital mortality (p = 0.001). Thus, we used non-adjusted Kaplan–Meier curves for in-hospital mortality according to FM positivity during hospitalization and we observed a statistically significant difference for in-hospital mortality (hazard ratio = 1.48, 95% CI: 1.25–1.76, p < 0.001). However, we compared the AUC of FM positivity associated with a ratio of D-dimer >70% and found that this combined receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was superior to the FM positivity ROC curve alone.ConclusionMonitoring of FM positivity in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 could be a reliable and helpful tool to predict the worsening condition and mortality of COVID-19

    Impact of aspirin and clopidogrel interruption on platelet function in patients undergoing major vascular surgery.

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    AIMS: To investigate functional platelet recovery after preoperative withdrawal of aspirin and clopidogrel and platelet function 5 days after treatment resumption. METHODS/RESULTS: We conducted an observational study, which prospectively included consecutive patients taking aspirin, taking clopidogrel, and untreated controls (15 patients in each group). The antiplatelet drugs were withdrawn five days before surgery (baseline) and were reintroduced two days after surgery. Platelet function was evaluated by optical aggregation in the presence of collagen, arachidonic acid (aspirin) and ADP (clopidogrel) and by VASP assay (clopidogrel). Platelet-leukocyte complex (PLC) level was quantified at each time-point. At baseline, platelet function was efficiently inhibited by aspirin and had recovered fully in most patients 5 days after drug withdrawal. PLC levels five days after aspirin reintroduction were similar to baseline (+4±10%; p = 0.16), in line with an effective platelet inhibition. Chronic clopidogrel treatment was associated with variable platelet inhibition and its withdrawal led to variable functional recovery. PLC levels were significantly increased five days after clopidogrel reintroduction (+10±15%; p = 0.02), compared to baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Aspirin withdrawal 5 days before high-bleeding-risk procedures was associated with functional platelet recovery, and its reintroduction two days after surgery restored antiplaletet efficacy five days later. This was not the case of clopidogrel, and further work is therefore needed to define its optimal perioperative management

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson at LEP

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    Soluble endoglin reduces thrombus formation and platelet aggregation via interaction with αIIbβ3 integrin

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    14 p.-6 fig.Background: The circulating form of human endoglin (sEng) is a cleavage product of membrane-bound endoglin present on endothelial cells. Because sEng encompasses an RGD motif involved in integrin binding, we hypothesized that sEng would be able to bind integrin αIIbβ3, thereby compromising platelet binding to fibrinogen and thrombus stability.Methods: In vitro human platelet aggregation, thrombus retraction, and secretion-competition assays were performed in the presence of sEng. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) binding and computational (docking) analyses were carried out to evaluate protein-protein interactions. A transgenic mouse overexpressing human sEng (hsEng+) was used to measure bleeding/rebleeding, prothrombin time (PT), blood stream, and embolus formation after FeCl3-induced injury of the carotid artery.Results: Under flow conditions, supplementation of human whole blood with sEng led to a smaller thrombus size. sEng inhibited platelet aggregation and thrombus retraction, interfering with fibrinogen binding, but did not affect platelet activation. SPR binding studies demonstrated that the specific interaction between αIIbβ3 and sEng and molecular modeling showed a good fitting between αIIbβ3 and sEng structures involving the endoglin RGD motif, suggesting the possible formation of a highly stable αIIbβ3/sEng. hsEng+ mice showed increased bleeding time and number of rebleedings compared to wild-type mice. No differences in PT were denoted between genotypes. After FeCl3 injury, the number of released emboli in hsEng+ mice was higher and the occlusion was slower compared to controls.Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that sEng interferes with thrombus formation and stabilization, likely via its binding to platelet αIIbβ3, suggesting its involvement in primary hemostasis control.Promex Stiftung für die Forschung Foundation Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Grant/Award Number: 201920E022 Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Universities; Grant/Award Number: RTI2018-102242-B-I00 Comunidad de Madrid; Grant/Award Number: S2022/BMD-7278Peer reviewe

    Cuticular Compounds Bring New Insight in the Post-Glacial Recolonization of a Pyrenean Area: Deutonura deficiens Deharveng, 1979 Complex, a Case Study

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    Background: In most Arthropod groups, the study of systematics and evolution rely mostly on neutral characters, in this context cuticular compounds, as non-neutral characters, represent an underexplored but potentially informative type of characters at the infraspecific level as they have been routinely proven to be involved in sexual attraction. Methods and Findings: The collembolan species complex Deutonura deficiens was chosen as a model in order to test the utility of these characters for delineating four infraspecific entities of this group. Specimens were collected for three subspecies (D. d. deficiens, D. d. meridionalis, D. d. sylvatica) and two morphotypes (D. d. sylvatica morphoype A and B) of the complex; an additional species D. monticola was added. Cuticular compounds were extracted and separated by gas chromatography for each individual. Our results demonstrate that cuticular compounds succeeded in separating the different elements of this complex. Those data allowed also the reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships among them. Conclusions: The discriminating power of cuticular compounds is directly related to their involvement in sexual attraction and mate recognition. These findings allowed a discussion on the potential involvement of intrinsic and paleoclimatic factors in the origin and the diversification of this complex in the Pyrenean zone. This character type brings the first advanc

    Sex Pheromone Evolution Is Associated with Differential Regulation of the Same Desaturase Gene in Two Genera of Leafroller Moths

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    Chemical signals are prevalent in sexual communication systems. Mate recognition has been extensively studied within the Lepidoptera, where the production and recognition of species-specific sex pheromone signals are typically the defining character. While the specific blend of compounds that makes up the sex pheromones of many species has been characterized, the molecular mechanisms underpinning the evolution of pheromone-based mate recognition systems remain largely unknown. We have focused on two sets of sibling species within the leafroller moth genera Ctenopseustis and Planotortrix that have rapidly evolved the use of distinct sex pheromone blends. The compounds within these blends differ almost exclusively in the relative position of double bonds that are introduced by desaturase enzymes. Of the six desaturase orthologs isolated from all four species, functional analyses in yeast and gene expression in pheromone glands implicate three in pheromone biosynthesis, two Δ9-desaturases, and a Δ10-desaturase, while the remaining three desaturases include a Δ6-desaturase, a terminal desaturase, and a non-functional desaturase. Comparative quantitative real-time PCR reveals that the Δ10-desaturase is differentially expressed in the pheromone glands of the two sets of sibling species, consistent with differences in the pheromone blend in both species pairs. In the pheromone glands of species that utilize (Z)-8-tetradecenyl acetate as sex pheromone component (Ctenopseustis obliquana and Planotortrix octo), the expression levels of the Δ10-desaturase are significantly higher than in the pheromone glands of their respective sibling species (C. herana and P. excessana). Our results demonstrate that interspecific sex pheromone differences are associated with differential regulation of the same desaturase gene in two genera of moths. We suggest that differential gene regulation among members of a multigene family may be an important mechanism of molecular innovation in sex pheromone evolution and speciation