652 research outputs found

    Provision Of Carbon Nanotube Bucky Paper Cages For Immune Shielding Of Cells, Tissues, and Medical Devices

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    System and method for enclosing cells and/or tissue, for purposes of growth, cell differentiation, suppression of cell differentiation, biological processing and/or transplantation of cells and tissues (biological inserts), and for secretion, sensing and monitoring of selected chemical substances and activation of gene expression of biological inserts implanted into a human body. Selected cells and/or tissue are enveloped in a "cage" that is primarily carbon nanotube Bucky paper, with a selected thickness and porosity. Optionally, selected functional groups, proteins and/or peptides are attached to the carbon nanotube cage, or included within the cage, to enhance the growth and/or differentiation of the cells and/or tissue, to select for certain cellular sub-populations, to optimize certain functions of the cells and/or tissue and/or to optimize the passage of chemicals across the cage surface(s). A cage system is also used as an immuns shield and to control operation of a nano-device or macroscopic device, located within the cage, to provide or transform a selected chemical and/or a selected signal

    Induced pressure promotes extrusion and transient polyp formation in MDCK monolayers to maintain homeostasis

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    posterIn the human body about 100,000 cells are produced every second by mitosis and a similar number die by apoptosis. What happens if too much death occurs? What happens if too little death occurs? How are dying epithelial cells removed

    Biocompatible Capsules and Methods of Making

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    Embodiments of the invention include capsules for containing medical implants and delivery systems for release of active biological substances into a host body. Delivery systems comprise a capsule comprising an interior enclosed by walls, and a source of active biological substances enclosed within the capsule interior, wherein the active biological substances are free to diffuse across the capsule walls. The capsule walls comprise a continuous mesh of biocompatible fibers and a seal region where two capsule walls overlap. The interior of the capsule is substantially isolated from the medium surrounding the capsule, except for diffusion of at least one species of molecule between the capsule interior and the ambient medium, and prevents cell migration into or out of the capsule. Methods for preparing and using the capsules and delivery systems are provided

    Bucky Paper as a Support Membrane in Retinal Cell Transplantation

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    A method for repairing a retinal system of an eye, using bucky paper on which a plurality of retina pigment epithelial cells and/or iris pigment epithelial cells and/or stem cells is deposited, either randomly or in a selected cell pattern. The cell-covered bucky paper is positioned in a sub-retinal space to transfer cells to this space and thereby restore the retina to its normal functioning, where retinal damage or degeneration, such as macular degeneration, has occurred

    A Community of Practice: Librarians in a Biomedical Research Network

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    Providing library and reference services within a biomedical research community presents special challenges for librarians, especially those in historically lower-funded states. These challenges can include understanding needs, defining and communicating the library’s role, building relationships, and developing and maintaining general and subject specific knowledge. This article describes a biomedical research network and the work of health sciences librarians at the lead intensive research institution with librarians from primarily undergraduate institutions and tribal colleges and universities. Applying the concept of a “community of practice” to a collaborative effort suggests how librarians can work together to provide effective reference services to researchers in biomedicine

    Special Issues in Bioethics and the Law

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    Genetics and Insurance Discrimination lecture given by Alexander Morgan Capron, Henry W. Bruce University Professor of Law and Medicine, Co-Director of the Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics at University of Southern California. The Repression of Memory Controversy lecture given by Elizabeth Loftus, Professor of Psychology and Adjunct Professor Law at the University of Washington, Seattle. Healthcare Reform: Threats to the Patient/Physician Relationship lecture given by David Orentlicher, Director of the Division of Medical Ethics at the American Medical Association. Healthcare and Medical Progress: Can We Afford It? lecture given by Daniel Callahan, Co-Founder and President of the Hastings Center, Briarcliff Manor New York

    Orbital debris and near-Earth environmental management: A chronology

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    This chronology covers the 32-year history of orbital debris and near-Earth environmental concerns. It tracks near-Earth environmental hazard creation, research, observation, experimentation, management, mitigation, protection, and policy-making, with emphasis on the orbital debris problem. Included are the Project West Ford experiments; Soviet ASAT tests and U.S. Delta upper stage explosions; the Ariane V16 explosion, U.N. treaties pertinent to near-Earth environmental problems, the PARCS tests; space nuclear power issues, the SPS/orbital debris link; Space Shuttle and space station orbital debris issues; the Solwind ASAT test; milestones in theory and modeling the Cosmos 954, Salyut 7, and Skylab reentries; the orbital debris/meteoroid research link; detection system development; orbital debris shielding development; popular culture and orbital debris; Solar Max results; LDEF results; orbital debris issues peculiar to geosynchronous orbit, including reboost policies and the stable plane; seminal papers, reports, and studies; the increasing effects of space activities on astronomy; and growing international awareness of the near-Earth environment

    And One Device Will Rule Them All: Make Way for Mobile Technologies

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    We are well aware that most members of our campus communities are highly dependent on mobile technologies. What are the implications for libraries? What are the implications for teaching these technologies and via these technologies? How can we keep our colleagues up to speed in this maelstrom of technology? We can now use WorldCat.org on our mobile phones, and EBSCOhost just released its customized application for mobile device users. How can we integrate these new services into an already full menu of services? How do we get started, and which services should we be providing? How can we best integrate these devices into formal and ubiquitous learning? As with most technological developments, the move towards mobile is rapid. This is not a time to sit on the sidelines and wait while other campus units develop services for mobile users, and license content for mobile devices. However, smaller libraries with limited budgets and staff cannot simply jump on the mobile bandwagon without due deliberation and planning. Libraries must make informed, deliberate choices. This group panel will lay out issues that should be discussed within individual campuses that might wish to examine their own role in the move to mobile services. What types of mobile devices are being used on your campus? Are there disciplines already implementing mobile devices in their curriculum? Which user groups might you target specific library services towards? Should the library serve as a training center for mobile devices and the use of mobile content? What are a few ways libraries might provide instruction and information literacy for mobile device users? How can libraries most effectively integrate mobile devices into formal and informal instruction? What are usability and functionality issues that libraries must address as they provide website access to mobile users? A demonstration will be provided on how libraries can use Smartphone Browser Emulators to test applications. What are the implications for the physical spaces in libraries given the use of mobile devices

    Improving 1-Year Outcomes of Infrainguinal Limb Revascularization: Population-Based Cohort Study of 104 000 Patients in England.

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    BACKGROUND: The availability and diversity of lower limb revascularization procedures have increased in England in the past decade. We investigated whether these developments in care have translated to improvements in patient pathways and outcomes. METHODS: Individual-patient records from Hospital Episode Statistics were used to identify 103 934 patients who underwent endovascular (angioplasty) or surgical (endarterectomy, profundaplasty, or bypass) lower limb revascularization for infrainguinal peripheral artery disease in England between January 2006 and December 2015. Major lower limb amputations and deaths within 1 year after revascularization were ascertained from Hospital Episode Statistics and Office for National Statistics mortality records. Competing risks regression was used to estimate the cumulative incidence of major amputation and death, adjusted for patient age, sex, comorbidity score, indication for the intervention (intermittent claudication, severe limb ischemia without record of tissue loss, severe limb ischemia with a record of ulceration, severe limb ischemia with a record of gangrene/osteomyelitis), and comorbid diabetes mellitus. RESULTS: The estimated 1-year risk of major amputation decreased from 5.7% (in 2006-2007) to 3.9% (in 2014-2015) following endovascular revascularization, and from 11.2% (2006-2007) to 6.6% (2014-2015) following surgical procedures. The risk of death after both types of revascularization also decreased. These trends were observed for all indication categories, with the largest reductions found in patients with severe limb ischemia with ulceration or gangrene. Overall, morbidity increased over the study period, and a larger proportion of patients was treated for the severe end of the peripheral artery disease spectrum using less invasive procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that from 2006 to 2015, the overall survival increased and the risk of major lower limb amputation decreased following revascularization. These observations suggest that patient outcomes after lower limb revascularization have improved during a period of centralization and specialization of vascular services in the United Kingdom