1,444 research outputs found

    Review of New Perspectives on Academic Writing: The Thing That Wouldn’t Die

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    This review reflects on, 'New Perspectives on Academic Writing: The Thing That Wouldn’t Die', by Bernd Herzogenrath

    Exploring the Changing Nature of Work and Lifelong Learning: Preliminary Findings of a Canadian National Survey

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    Preliminary findings from a large Canadian survey are used to estimate the current patterns of adult education course participation and informal learning as well as patterns of paid and unpaid work. Recent trends and relations between adult learning and work are assessed. Contending theories of learning and work are also discussed

    Following the relaxation dynamics of photoexcited aniline in the 273-266 nm region using time-resolved photoelectron imaging

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    Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) have been used to investigate the growth morphology of ultra-thin Pb films on the Ni3Al(111) face at room temperature. A previous study [K. Miśków and A. Krupski Appl Surf Sci 273, 2013, 554] using low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and real time Auger intensity recording has demonstrated that an initial two-dimensional growth of the first Pb monolayer thick ‘wetting layer’ takes place. With further deposition and for T = 300 K, flat three atomic-layer-high islands are grown. Above 350 K, the Stranski–Krastanov growth mode was observed. In the current study, the analysis of STM measurements indicate and confirm that for coverage θ = 1.0 ML two-dimensional growth of the first Pb monolayer took place. Above θ > 1.0 ML, a three-dimensional growth of the Pb islands was observed with a strongly preferred atomic-scale ‘magic height (N),’ hexagonal shape and flat-tops. At coverage θ = 3.5 ML, only islands containing N = 3, 5, 7 and 11 atomic layers of Pb are observed. At the higher coverage θ = 5.5 ML, three types of regular hexagonal islands with side lengths of 25, 30 and 45 nm are observed. Furthermore, three different island adsorption configurations rotated by 10° ± 1° and 30° ± 6° with respect to each other were observed. After an annealing at T = 400 K of 5.5 ML of lead deposited at RT on the Ni3Al(111) the morphology of the surface changes. Post-anneal, islands of Pb are observed above the ‘wetting layer’ with an estimated average size and diameter of 768 ± 291 nm2 and 38.17 ± 6.56 nm and constant uniform height of two atomic layers (N = 2)

    The evolution of unconscious social cognition and communication

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    Contemporary evolutionary theory states that those genes that enhance their own reproductive success spread through populations. Amongst sexually reproducing taxa, genes proliferate by (a) building organisms that survive at least to reproductive age and (b) are sufficiently attractive to the opposite sex to have mating opportunities. Features or ‘characters’ of organisms that contribute to (a) and (b) are described as ‘fitness enhancing’ or ‘adaptive’

    Evangelicals and Evolution: Retrospect and Prospect

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    This article was originally presented at a faculty symposium at Dordt College, chaired by the former editor of Pro Rege, Russell Maatman, in February 1990