25,595 research outputs found

    Hanging as a Flag :Mary Dyer and Quaker Hagiography

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    A spectroscopic ruler for intermediate-zone FRET measurements

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    It is well known that Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), the most common mechanism for electronic energy to migrate between molecular chromophores, has a predominantly inverse sixth power dependence on the rate of transfer as a function of the distance R between the chromophores. However, the unified theory of electronic energy transfer, derived from quantum electrodynamics, predicts an additional contribution with an R-4 dependence on distance. This intermediate-zone term becomes especially important when the chromophore spacing is similar in magnitude to the reduced wavelength (ƛ= λ 2π ) associated with the mediated energy. In previous theoretical studies we have suggested that inclusion of the intermediate term, through rate equation and quantum dynamical calculations, may be important for describing the exciton diffusion process in some circumstances, and in particular when the distance between the chromophores exceeds 5 nm. In this paper, we focus of the role of the intermediate-zone contribution to distance measurements between chromophores made through the application of spectroscopic ruler techniques. One of the major assumptions made in employing these experimental techniques is that the R−6dependence is valid. In this work, we reformulate the spectroscopic ruler principles for intermediate distances to include the inverse fourth power rate component, and compare the results of this reformulation to experimental FRET results from the literature. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    The Radio Jets and Accretion Disk in NGC 4261

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    The structure of AGN accretion disks on sub-parsec scales can be probed through free-free absorption of synchrotron emission from the base of symmetric radio jets. We present new VLBA observations of the nearby FR-I radio galaxy NGC 4261 at 22 and 43 GHz, and combine these with previous VLBA observations at 1.6 and 8.4 GHz to map absorption caused by an inner accretion disk. Assuming the disk is geometrically and optically thin and composed of a uniform 10^4 K plasma, the average electron density in the inner 0.1 pc is 10^3 - 10^8 cm^-3. Equating thermal gas pressure and magnetic field strength gives a disk magnetic field of 10^-4 - 10^-2 Gauss at 0.1 pc. The jet opening angle is between 0.3 and 20 degrees during the first 0.2 pc of the jet, and must be less than 5 degrees during the first 0.8 pc. We include an appendix containing expressions for a simple, optically thin, gas pressure dominated accretion disk model which may be applicable to other galaxies in addition to NGC 4261.Comment: 15 pages plus 6 postscript figures, accepted by Ap

    Somatic Cell Counts (Leucocyte Counts) A Standard of Milk Acceptability

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    Defining stage-specific activity of potent new inhibitors of Cryptosporidium parvum growth in vitro

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    Currently, nitazoxanide is the only FDA-approved treatment for cryptosporidiosis; unfortunately, it is ineffective in immunocompromised patients, has varied efficacy in immunocompetent individuals, and is not approved in infants under 1 year of age. Identifying new inhibitors for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis requires standardized and quantifiable in vitro assays for assessing potency, selectivity, timing of activity, and reversibility. Here, we provide new protocols for defining which stages of the life cycle are susceptible to four highly active compound classes that likely inhibit different targets in the parasite. We also utilize a newly developed long-term culture system to define assays for monitoring reversibility as a means of defining cidal activity as a function of concentration and time of treatment. These assays should provide valuable in vitro parameters to establish conditions for efficacious in vivo treatment.Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis have emerged as major enteric pathogens of infants in the developing world, in addition to their known importance in immunocompromised adults. Although there has been recent progress in identifying new small molecules that inhibit Cryptosporidium sp. growth in vitro or in animal models, we lack information about their mechanism of action, potency across the life cycle, and cidal versus static activities. Here, we explored four potent classes of compounds that include inhibitors that likely target phosphatidylinositol 4 kinase (PI4K), phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase (PheRS), and several potent inhibitors with unknown mechanisms of action. We utilized monoclonal antibodies and gene expression probes for staging life cycle development to define the timing of when inhibitors were active during the life cycle of Cryptosporidium parvum grown in vitro. These different classes of inhibitors targeted different stages of the life cycle, including compounds that blocked replication (PheRS inhibitors), prevented the segmentation of daughter cells and thus blocked egress (PI4K inhibitors), or affected sexual-stage development (a piperazine compound of unknown mechanism). Long-term cultivation of C. parvum in epithelial cell monolayers derived from intestinal stem cells was used to distinguish between cidal and static activities based on the ability of parasites to recover from treatment. Collectively, these approaches should aid in identifying mechanisms of action and for designing in vivo efficacy studies based on time-dependent concentrations needed to achieve cidal activity

    Gas flows in elliptical galaxies

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    In preparation for the next generation of x ray telescopes, researchers have begun a program investigating the evolving x ray properties of elliptical galaxies. Their galaxy models consist of a modified King profile for the luminous portion of the galaxy and can include an isothermal dark halo comprising 90 percent of the total mass. The stellar population is assumed to form at a rate which decreases exponentially on a dynamical time scale with a Salpeter initial mass function. Stellar mass loss occurs instantaneously as stars evolve off the main sequence. All stars more massive than 8 solar mass produce type II supernovae, while less massive stars loss mass through a planetary nebulae. The evolving rate of type I supernovae is normalized to a fraction, gamma sub sn I, of Tammann's (1974) value. All of this information is then incorporated into a one-dimensional hydrodynamics code to determine the evolving dynamical state of the interstellar medium

    Developing a Convention and Event Management Curriculum in Asia: Using Blue Ocean Strategy and Co-Creation with Industry

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    In this article the author discusses the development of a convention and event management curriculum in Asia through blue ocean strategy and co-creation with the industry. He emphasizes the necessity to differentiate the product from the competition, which is a concept that applies to an academic degree programs in order to create a niche in the market. The author also discusses the approach being used and the development of the curriculum

    The User Experience of Participation: Tracing the Intersection of Sociotechnical Design and Cultural Practice in Digital Ecosystems

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    In this dissertation, I combine methods from Technical Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, and User Experience Design to trace the social and creative practices of social web participants. Using actor network theory, I explore the concept of participation as social and creative practice that demands coordinative knowledge work enacted within a cultural space. Leveraging the insight gained from this research, I develop the user experience of participation as a research and design methodology that privileges the movement of people and information in order to structure and re-structure social connections. I explore this methodology through three intersections between people and technology. The first is between the practices of digital participants within online cultures and the policies aimed at regulating their social and creative work. Second, participation is defined in the ways that local exigency of participants intersects with the implementation of regulations and policies through technological design. Finally, a third intersection appears when participants work to restructure their relationships to policies and technologies through coordinative knowledge work that uncovers and links information within digital ecosystems

    Costs and Returns in the Cattle Feeding Industry in North Louisiana.

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