193 research outputs found

    Winter locations of red-throated divers from geolocation and feather isotope signatures.

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    Migratory species have geographically separate distributions during their annual cycle, and these areas can vary between populations and individuals. This can lead to differential stress levels being experienced across a species range. Gathering informa-tion on the areas used during the annual cycle of red- throated divers (RTDs; Gavia stel-lata) has become an increasingly pressing issue, as they are a species of concern when considering the effects of disturbance from offshore wind farms and the associated ship traffic. Here, we use light- based geolocator tags, deployed during the summer breeding season, to determine the non- breeding winter location of RTDs from breed-ing locations in Scotland, Finland, and Iceland. We also use δ15N and δ13C isotope signatures, from feather samples, to link population- level differences in areas used in the molt period to population- level differences in isotope signatures. We found from geolocator data that RTDs from the three different breeding locations did not overlap in their winter distributions. Differences in isotope signatures suggested this spatial separation was also evident in the molting period, when geolocation data were unavailable. We also found that of the three populations, RTDs breeding in Iceland moved the shortest distance from their breeding grounds to their wintering grounds.In contrast, RTDs breeding in Finland moved the furthest, with a westward migration from the Baltic into the southern North Sea. Overall, these results suggest that RTDs breeding in Finland are likely to encounter anthropogenic activity during the win-ter period, where they currently overlap with areas of future planned developments. Icelandic and Scottish birds are less likely to be affected, due to less ship activity and few or no offshore wind farms in their wintering distributions. We also demonstrate that separating the three populations isotopically is possible and suggest further work to allocate breeding individuals to wintering areas based solely on feather samples.Migratory species have geographically separate distributions during their annual cycle, and these areas can vary between populations and individuals. This can lead to differential stress levels being experienced across a species range. Gathering information on the areas used during the annual cycle of red-throated divers (RTDs; Gavia stellata) has become an increasingly pressing issue, as they are a species of concern when considering the effects of disturbance from offshore wind farms and the associated ship traffic. Here, we use light-based geolocator tags, deployed during the summer breeding season, to determine the non-breeding winter location of RTDs from breeding locations in Scotland, Finland, and Iceland. We also use delta N-15 and delta C-13 isotope signatures, from feather samples, to link population-level differences in areas used in the molt period to population-level differences in isotope signatures. We found from geolocator data that RTDs from the three different breeding locations did not overlap in their winter distributions. Differences in isotope signatures suggested this spatial separation was also evident in the molting period, when geolocation data were unavailable. We also found that of the three populations, RTDs breeding in Iceland moved the shortest distance from their breeding grounds to their wintering grounds. In contrast, RTDs breeding in Finland moved the furthest, with a westward migration from the Baltic into the southern North Sea. Overall, these results suggest that RTDs breeding in Finland are likely to encounter anthropogenic activity during the winter period, where they currently overlap with areas of future planned developments. Icelandic and Scottish birds are less likely to be affected, due to less ship activity and few or no offshore wind farms in their wintering distributions. We also demonstrate that separating the three populations isotopically is possible and suggest further work to allocate breeding individuals to wintering areas based solely on feather samples.Peer reviewe

    Spatial and temporal variation in foraging of breeding red‐throated divers

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    Differing environmental conditions can have profound effects on many behaviours in animals, especially where species have large geographic ranges. Seasonal changes or progression through life history stages impose differential constraints, leading to changes in behaviours. Furthermore, species which show flexibility in behaviours, may have a higher capacity to adapt to anthropogenic-induced changes to their environment. The red-throated diver (RTD) is an aquatic bird, that is able to forage in both freshwater and marine environments, though little else is known about its behaviours and its capacity to adapt to different environmental conditions. Here, we use time-depth recorders and saltwater immersion loggers to examine the foraging behaviour of RTDs from three regions across northwest Europe. We found that in the breeding season, birds from two regions (Iceland and Scotland) foraged in the marine environment, while birds from Finland, foraged predominantly in freshwater. Most of the differences in diving characteristics were at least partly explained by differences in foraging habitat. Additionally, while time spent foraging did not change through the breeding season, dives generally became more pelagic and less benthic over the season, suggesting RTDs either switched prey or followed vertical prey movements, rather than increasing foraging effort. There was a preference for foraging in daylight over crepuscular hours, with a stronger effect at two of the three sites. Overall, we provide the first investigation of RTD foraging and diving behaviour from multiple geographic regions and demonstrate variation in foraging strategies in this generalist aquatic predator, most likely due to differences in their local environment.Peer reviewe

    Grb7 SH2 domain structure and interactions with a cyclic peptide inhibitor of cancer cell migration and proliferation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human growth factor receptor bound protein 7 (Grb7) is an adapter protein that mediates the coupling of tyrosine kinases with their downstream signaling pathways. Grb7 is frequently overexpressed in invasive and metastatic human cancers and is implicated in cancer progression via its interaction with the ErbB2 receptor and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) that play critical roles in cell proliferation and migration. It is thus a prime target for the development of novel anti-cancer therapies. Recently, an inhibitory peptide (G7-18NATE) has been developed which binds specifically to the Grb7 SH2 domain and is able to attenuate cancer cell proliferation and migration in various cancer cell lines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As a first step towards understanding how Grb7 may be inhibited by G7-18NATE, we solved the crystal structure of the Grb7 SH2 domain to 2.1 Å resolution. We describe the details of the peptide binding site underlying target specificity, as well as the dimer interface of Grb 7 SH2. Dimer formation of Grb7 was determined to be in the μM range using analytical ultracentrifugation for both full-length Grb7 and the SH2 domain alone, suggesting the SH2 domain forms the basis of a physiological dimer. ITC measurements of the interaction of the G7-18NATE peptide with the Grb7 SH2 domain revealed that it binds with a binding affinity of K<sub>d </sub>= ~35.7 μM and NMR spectroscopy titration experiments revealed that peptide binding causes perturbations to both the ligand binding surface of the Grb7 SH2 domain as well as to the dimer interface, suggesting that dimerisation of Grb7 is impacted on by peptide binding.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Together the data allow us to propose a model of the Grb7 SH2 domain/G7-18NATE interaction and to rationalize the basis for the observed binding specificity and affinity. We propose that the current study will assist with the development of second generation Grb7 SH2 domain inhibitors, potentially leading to novel inhibitors of cancer cell migration and invasion.</p

    An NMR and Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Solvent Effects on Conformational Equilibria of Butanedinitrile

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    Vicinal proton−proton NMR couplings and ab initio quantum mechanics have been used to investigate solvent effects on conformational equilibria of butanedinitrile. The trans and gauche conformations are about equally favored at room temperature in solvents of low dielectric constant while the equilibrium is essentially the statistical proportions of one-third trans and two-thirds gauche in water with a high dielectric constant. The coupling assignments were confirmed with the aid of stereospecific deuterium-labeled (R,R or S,S)-1,2-dideuteriobutanedinitrile. The calculations support the observed trends. Similar results were observed for 1,2-dibromo- and dichloroethanes

    Axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer utilizing Harmonic Focus®

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For patients with axillary lymph node metastases from breast cancer, performance of a complete axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) is the standard approach. Due to the rich lymphatic network in the axilla, it is necessary to carefully dissect and identify all lymphatic channels. Traditionally, these lymphatics are sealed with titanium clips or individually sutured. Recently, the Harmonic Focus<sup>®</sup>, a hand-held ultrasonic dissector, allows lymphatics to be sealed without the utilization of clips or ties. We hypothesize that ALND performed with the Harmonic Focus<sup>® </sup>will decrease operative time and reduce post-operative complications.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective review identified all patients who underwent ALND at a teaching hospital between January of 2005 and December of 2009. Patient demographics, presenting pathology, treatment course, operative time, days to drain removal, and surgical complications were recorded. Comparisons were made to a selected control group of patients who underwent similar surgical procedures along with an ALND performed utilizing hemostatic clips and electrocautery. A total of 41 patients were included in this study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Operative time was not improved with the use of ultrasonic dissection, however, there was a decrease in the total number of days that closed suction drainage was required, although this was not statistically significant. Complication rates were similar between the two groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this case-matched retrospective review, there were fewer required days of closed suction drainage when ALND was performed with ultrasonic dissection versus clips and electrocautery.</p

    Half a Century of Wilson & Jungner: Reflections on the Governance of Population Screening.

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    Background: In their landmark report on the "Principles and Practice of Screening for Disease" (1968), Wilson and Jungner noted that the practice of screening is just as important for securing beneficial outcomes and avoiding harms as the formulation of principles. Many jurisdictions have since established various kinds of "screening governance organizations" to provide oversight of screening practice. Yet to date there has been relatively little reflection on the nature and organization of screening governance itself, or on how different governance arrangements affect the way screening is implemented and perceived and the balance of benefits and harms it delivers. Methods: An international expert policy workshop convened by Sturdy, Miller and Hogarth. Results: While effective governance is essential to promote beneficial screening practices and avoid attendant harms, screening governance organizations face enduring challenges. These challenges are social and ethical as much as technical. Evidence-based adjudication of the benefits and harms of population screening must take account of factors that inform the production and interpretation of evidence, including the divergent professional, financial and personal commitments of stakeholders. Similarly, when planning and overseeing organized screening programs, screening governance organizations must persuade or compel multiple stakeholders to work together to a common end. Screening governance organizations in different jurisdictions vary widely in how they are constituted, how they relate to other interested organizations and actors, and what powers and authority they wield. Yet we know little about how these differences affect the way screening is implemented, and with what consequences. Conclusions: Systematic research into how screening governance is organized in different jurisdictions would facilitate policy learning to address enduring challenges. Even without such research, informal exchange and sharing of experiences between screening governance organizations can deliver invaluable insights into the social as well as the technical aspects of governance