43 research outputs found

    Afforestation with Norway spruce on a subalpine pasture alters carbon dynamics but only moderately affects soil carbon storage

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    There is a strong trend toward reforestation of abandoned grasslands in alpine regions which may impact the carbon balance of alpine ecosystems. Here, we studied the effects of afforestation with Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) on an extensively grazed subalpine pasture in Switzerland on soil organic carbon (SOC) cycling and storage. Along a 120-year long chronosequence with spruce stands of 25, 30, 40, 45, and >120years and adjacent pastures, we measured tree biomass, SOC stocks down to the bedrock, natural 13C abundances, and litter quality. To unravel controls on SOC cycling, we have monitored microclimatic conditions and quantified SOC decomposability under standardized conditions as well as soil respiration in situ. Stocks of SOC were only moderately affected by the afforestation: in the mineral soil, SOC stocks transiently decreased after tree establishment, reaching a minimum 40-45years after afforestation (−25%) and increased thereafter. Soils of the mature spruce forest stored the largest amount of SOC, 13% more than the pasture soils, mainly due to the accumulation of an organic layer (23tCha−1). By comparison, C accumulated in the tree biomass exceeded the SOC pool by a factor of three in the old forest. In contrast to the small impact on C storage, afforestation strongly influenced the composition and quality of the soil organic matter (SOM). With increasing stand age, ή13C values of the SOM became consistently more positive, which can be interpreted as a gradual replacement of grass- by spruce-derived C. Fine roots of spruce were enriched in 13C, in lignin and had a higher C/N ratio in comparison to grass roots. As a consequence, SOM quality as indicated by the lower fraction of readily decomposable (labile) SOM and higher C:N ratios declined after the land-use change. Furthermore, spruce plantation induced a less favorable microclimate for microbial activity with the average soil temperature during the growing season being 5°C lower in the spruce stands than in the pasture. In situ soil respiration was approximately 50% lower after the land use conversion, which we primarily attribute to the colder conditions and the lower SOM quality, but also to drier soils (−25%) and to a decreased fine root biomass (−40%). In summary, afforestation on subalpine pastures only moderately affected SOC storage as compared to the large C sink in tree biomass. In contrast, SOC cycling rates strongly decreased as a result of a less favorable microclimate for decomposition of SOM, a lower C input by roots, and a lower litter qualit

    AGTEC-Org Agronomy Handbook of Methods

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    A common handbook was conceived in the CORE Organic AGTEC-Org project in order to give some elements of field trial monitoring

    New challenges to improve organic bread wheat production in Europe

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    The total organic area in the EU-27 had an annual average growth rate of nearly 15% from 1998 to 2006 with winter wheat being the most important cereal crop. Wheat yield in organic farming is around 30% to 70% of yield of conventional farming but higher premia for organic wheat may to some extent compensate for this. Bread wheat is grown in a variety of crop rotations and farming systems and four basic organic crop production systems have been defined. Nitrogen deficiency and weed infestation are considered to be the most serious threat in organic wheat production. Organic wheat producers will have to fulfil the technological needs of bakers although the requirements differ widely from small artisan bakers to large enterprises handling the organic bread processing. To maintain and expand organic wheat production, there is a need to control weed population, manage nitrogen nutrition and maintain crop diversity in the cropping system. In order to obtain a share in the premium price of organic wheat products, farmers may involve in further processing and marketing

    Améliorer la qualité technologique, nutritionnelle et sanitaire du bléiologique. Principaux leviers agronomiques et technologiques

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    Communication lors du colloque "DinABio 2013", 13 et 14 novembre 2013 Ă  Tours (Fance)The organic bread wheat market has been diversified over time through the emergence of different sale channels. Processors require organic bread wheat of higher quality and safety in order to meet the consumers’ demand. The overall objective of the AGTEC-Org project was to identify agronomical and technological ways to improve the performance of organic wheat and flour. The findings would contribute to enhanced baking quality and nutritional value of organic flour, as well as prevention of mycotoxin contamination. The project involved 9 research centers or universities from 5 European countries for a total budget of about 1.5 million €. More than 400 experimental treatments were analyzed from 23 agronomic trials and 4 lab-experiments on food technology. Choice of cultivar is an efficient way to obtain higher grain quality. Intercropping legumes (grain or forage) improves weed control and N availability for wheat crop or succeeding crop. Green manure can be an effective alternative to farmyard manure. Fertilization with organic fertilizers improves yield and quality when water is available. Reduced tillage affects soil fertility and wheat yield but has little effects on grain quality. Milling process strongly influences flour characteristics. Stone milling improves the nutritive value and flour characteristics remain very stable independently of the milling yield. However, stone milling slightly raises DON levels. Characteristics of flour produced by means of roller milling appear very dependent on milling yield, instead. Increasing milling yield with the aim of enriching nutritional quality has a detrimental effect on either safety (DON) or bread-making quality (bread volume). Debranning before milling has a very positive impact on flour safety by reducing its DON content by 50 %.Les acteurs de la filiĂšre blĂ© biologique panifiable font face Ă  divers enjeux complĂ©mentaires voire parfois contradictoires. Les agriculteurs et transformateurs souhaitent augmenter les niveaux de production tout en satisfaisant prioritairement les attentes des consommateurs pour une alimentation de meilleure qualitĂ© nutritionnelle et sanitaire, plus durable et plus respectueuse de l’environnement. Le projet europĂ©en AGTEC-Org a eu pour objectif d’identifier les leviers agronomiques et technologiques permettant d’amĂ©liorer conjointement la productivitĂ© et la qualitĂ© des blĂ©s et des farines biologiques. Il a rĂ©uni agronomes, technologues et Ă©conomistes issus de 9 centres de recherche et universitĂ©s europĂ©ennes pour un budget total de 1,5 M€. Plus de 400 traitements expĂ©rimentaux ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s Ă  partir de 23 expĂ©rimentations agronomiques et 4 expĂ©rimentations technologiques. Le choix de la variĂ©tĂ© est un moyen efficace pour obtenir une qualitĂ© de grain supĂ©rieure. L’insertion de lĂ©gumineuses (grain ou fourrage) dans le blĂ© amĂ©liore la compĂ©tition avec les adventices et la nutrition azotĂ©e du blĂ© et/ou de la culture de printemps suivante. L’utilisation rĂ©guliĂšre d’engrais vert peut ĂȘtre une alternative pour compenser l’absence de fumiers sur l’exploitation. La fertilisation organique amĂ©liore le rendement et la qualitĂ© des blĂ©s lorsque la nutrition hydrique est assurĂ©e. La suppression du labour peut affecter la fertilitĂ© du sol et le rendement du blĂ© alors qu’elle n’intervient pas sur la qualitĂ© du grain. Le mode de broyage (meule de pierre vs cylindres) influence fortement les caractĂ©ristiques technologiques, la sĂ©curitĂ© sanitaire et la valeur nutritionnelle de la farine. Le broyage sur meule amĂ©liore la composition nutritionnelle mais augmente aussi la prĂ©sence de certains contaminants. Les caractĂ©ristiques de la farine broyĂ©e sur meule de pierre sont moins influencĂ©es par le rendement en mouture. Au contraire, les caractĂ©ristiques de la farine obtenue par cylindre apparaissent trĂšs dĂ©pendantes du rendement en mouture. Augmenter le rendement en farine dans l’objectif d’enrichir la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle rĂ©duit aussi bien la sĂ©curitĂ© sanitaire (DON) que la qualitĂ© boulangĂšre (volume du pain). Le dĂ©corticage des grains avant broyage diminue les risques sanitaires en rĂ©duisant le taux de mycotoxines (DON) de 50%

    Improving baking quality, nutritional value and safety of organic winter wheat / Améliorer la qualité technologique, nutritionnelle et sanitaire du blé biologique, Principaux leviers agronomiques et technologiques

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    The organic bread wheat market has been diversified over time through the emergence of different sale channels. Processors require organic bread wheat of higher quality and safety in order to meet the consumers’ demand. The overall objective of the AGTEC-Org project was to identify agronomical and technological ways to improve the performance of organic wheat and flour. The findings would contribute to enhanced baking quality and nutritional value of organic flour, as well as prevention of mycotoxin contamination. The project involved 9 research centers or universities from 5 European countries for a total budget of about 1.5 million €. More than 400 experimental treatments were analyzed from 23 agronomic trials and 4 lab-experiments on food technology. Choice of cultivar is an efficient way to obtain higher grain quality. Intercropping legumes (grain or forage) improves weed control and N availability for wheat crop or succeeding crop. Green manure can be an effective alternative to farmyard manure. Fertilization with organic fertilizers improves yield and quality when water is available. Reduced tillage affects soil fertility and wheat yield but has little effects on grain quality. Milling process strongly influences flour characteristics. Stone milling improves the nutritive value and flour characteristics remain very stable independently of the milling yield. However, stone milling slightly raises DON levels. Characteristics of flour produced by means of roller milling appear very dependent on milling yield, instead. Increasing milling yield with the aim of enriching nutritional quality has a detrimental effect on either safety (DON) or bread-making quality (bread volume). Debranning before milling has a very positive impact on flour safety by reducing its DON content by 50 %

    Ecological consequences of the expansion of N2-fixing plants in cold biomes

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    Research in warm-climate biomes has shown that invasion by symbiotic dinitrogen (N2)-fixing plants can transform ecosystems in ways analogous to the transformations observed as a consequence of anthropogenic, atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition: declines in biodiversity, soil acidification, and alterations to carbon and nutrient cycling, including increased N losses through nitrate leaching and emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Here, we used literature review and case study approaches to assess the evidence for similar transformations in cold-climate ecosystems of the boreal, subarctic and upper montane-temperate life zones. Our assessment focuses on the plant genera Lupinus and Alnus, which have become invasive largely as a consequence of deliberate introductions and/or reduced land management. These cold biomes are commonly located in remote areas with low anthropogenic N inputs, and the environmental impacts of N2-fixer invasion appear to be as severe as those from anthropogenic N deposition in highly N polluted areas. Hence, inputs of N from N2 fixation can affect ecosystems as dramatically or even more strongly than N inputs from atmospheric deposition, and biomes in cold climates represent no exception with regard to the risk of being invaded by N2-fixing species. In particular, the cold biomes studied here show both a strong potential to be transformed by N2-fixing plants and a rapid subsequent saturation in the ecosystem's capacity to retain N. Therefore, analogous to increases in N deposition, N2-fixing plant invasions must be deemed significant threats to biodiversity and to environmental quality

    High-level expression and phosphorylation of phytochrome B modulates flowering time in Arabidopsis

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    Optimal timing of flowering in higher plants is crucial for successful reproduction and is coordinated by external and internal factors, including light and the circadian clock. In Arabidopsis, light-dependent stabilization of the rhythmically expressed CONSTANS (CO) is required for the activation of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), resulting in the initiation of flowering. Phytochrome A and cryptochrome photoreceptors stabilize CO in the evening by attenuating the activity of the CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1-SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA-105 1 (COP1-SPA1) ubiquitin ligase complex, which promotes turnover of CO. In contrast, phytochrome B (phyB) facilitates degradation of CO in the morning and delays flowering. Accordingly, flowering is accelerated in phyB mutants. Paradoxically, plants overexpressing phyB also show early flowering, which may arise from an early phase of rhythmic CO expression. Here we demonstrate that overexpression of phyB induces FT transcription at dusk and in the night without affecting the phase or level of CO transcription. This response depends on the light-activated Pfr form of phyB that inhibits the function of the COP1-SPA1 complex by direct interactions. Our data suggest that attenuation of COP1 activity results in the accumulation of CO protein and subsequent induction of FT. We show that phosphorylation of Ser-86 inhibits this function of phyB by accelerating dark reversion and thus depletion of Pfr forms in the night. Our results explain the early flowering phenotype of phyB overexpression and reveal additional features of the molecular machinery by which photoreceptors mediate photoperiodism

    High-throughput sequencing of litter and moss eDNA reveals a positive correlation between the diversity of Apicomplexa and their invertebrate hosts across alpine habitats

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    A high diversity of Apicomplexa was recently found in tropical soils presumably reflecting the diversity of their invertebrate hosts, but such patterns have not been explored in colder regions. We analysed the diversity of Apicomplexa and their potential metazoan hosts in litter and mosses collected in 11 different alpine habitats using an eDNA metabarcoding approach. The abundance and diversity of Apicomplexa phylotypes and of their potential invertebrate hosts were positively correlated. This confirms that eDNA metabarcoding is a useful tool to explore the unknown biodiversity of free-living eukaryotes, as well as potential host-parasite interactions. Future studies should aim at describing this diversity using a combination of morphological and molecular approaches

    Spatial micro-distribution of methanotrophic activity along a 120-year afforestation chronosequence

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    Aims: Methanotrophic bacteria drive upland soil methane (CH4) uptake. Land-use change often affects their activity, but the mechanisms involved are not well understood. We studied soil-atmosphere CH4 fluxes along a 120-year Norway spruce afforestation chronosequence on subalpine pasture, testing whether effects were related to shifts in the spatial niche of methanotrophs. Previous field data had shown that soil 14CH4 uptake increased with forest age, and that this effect was driven by decreased water filled pore space due to higher rainfall interception in the more developed canopies of older forest stands. Methods: The spatial distribution of methanotrophic activity was determined by 14CH4-labelling followed by soil section preparation, aggregate size fractionation, aggregate erosion, and micro-autoradiographic imaging. Results: Uptake rates of CH4 measured in laboratory incubations of soil cores as well as their water contents largely followed the in situ measurements previously made in the field. 14CH4 assimilation was heterogeneously distributed, and occurred further down the soil profile in older forest that had a more developed organic layer that did not contribute to CH4 uptake. Assimilation was largest in 2—8 mm aggregates, and higher at the exterior than in the interior of aggregates. Conclusions: Our data indicates that differences in soil aggregation and related methanotrophic activities did not contribute substantially to higher CH4 uptake in older forest, mostly because aggregation did not change much with age. On a per mass basis, however, large aggregates contributed less to CH4 uptake due to their unfavorable surface to volume ratio. More generally, we argue that the (sub-)aggregate heterogeneity of soil microbial activity and diversity is underexplored, although it critically determines ecological interactions that drive ecosystem-level processes