934 research outputs found

    Critique du modèle neurophysiologique de la desphinothérapie. Sonophorèse et écholocation

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    Un certain nombre de chercheurs (Birch, 1996; Cole, 1995, 1996; De Bergerac, 1998) fondent sur un modèle neurophysiologique leurs arguments en faveur de la delphinothérapie pour traiter divers désordres (DSM-IV) cognitifs et émotifs chez les enfants et les jeunes. Ce modèle recourt à des analogies avec les mécanismes de sonophorèse, d'écholocation et de transmission neurohormonale dans son application thérapeutique. Dans le but de démystifier les éléments pseudo-scientifiques auprès d'un lectorat non spécialisé, cet article critique les postulats et les implications relatifs à ces mécanismes et il conclut à l'absence d'un soutien pertinent et valide concernant ce modèle.A number of researchers (Birch, 1996 ; Cole, 1995, 1996 ; De Bergerac, 1998), claim a neurophysiological model in order to support therapeutic benefits of dolphin assisted therapy in treating various DSM-IV cognitive and emotional disorders in children and youth. The model is based on analogies with mechanisms of sonophoresis, echolocation and neurohormonal transmission during therapy. In order to demystify pseudo scientific elements in view of a nonspecialized readership, the present article discusses the postulates and implications for each mechanism and concludes to the absence of reliable and valid support for this model

    Étude des effets du programme Harmony sur les comportements adaptatifs d'un sujet présentant un trouble envahissant du développement : étude de cas

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    L'expérience citoyenne dans la participation à la gouvernance municipale : un cadre favorable à une communication stratégique basée sur l'émergence d'une relation empathique et durable

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    La communication stratégique dans les organisations municipales joue un rôle important dans la planification d'une expérience de participation citoyenne. Ce mémoire s'intéresse aux composantes de la construction d’une relation empathique basée sur l’acquisition de compétences citoyennes, sur l’accumulation d’expériences positives de participation, sur la confiance entre les parties prenantes et les organisations, tout en réitérant les postulats d’un positionnement professionnel et social de la spécialiste ou du spécialiste en communication en quête de reconnaissance. L'analyse réflexive de ce travail mène à la proposition d'un outil de sensibilisation intitulé « La communication comme levier d’une participation publique durable : Un guide de sensibilisation pour les communicatrices et les communicateurs en milieu municipal pour une mise en valeur de leur rôle stratégique et de leur impact social »

    Le locus 1q32 : susceptibilité aux maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin et rôles biologiques de C1orf106 et KIF21B

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    La maladie de Crohn (MC) et la colite ulcéreuse (CU) sont des maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin (MII) caractérisées par une inflammation chronique du tube digestif. Ces maladies à traits complexes sont le résultat d’un dérèglement du système immunitaire. Les études d’association pangénomique ont identifié au total 99 loci de susceptibilité aux MII. La région 1q32 du chromosome 1 a été identifiée comme locus de susceptibilité à la MC, la CU et la sclérose en plaque. La région autour du marqueur génétique (rs11584383) contient quatre gènes : Chromosome 1 open reading frame 106 (C1orf106), Kinesin family member 21B (KIF21B), Calcium channel, voltage-dependant, L type, alpha 1S subunit (CACNA1S) et Chromosome 1 open reading frame 81 (C1orf81). L’objectif de l’étude est de mettre ces quatres gènes dans un contexte biologique et de déterminer leur rôle potentiel dans les MII. Par réaction de polymérisation en chaîne quantitatif (qPCR), nous avons déterminé le profil d’expression de ces gènes dans des tissus murins et des lignées cellulaires humaines. KIF21B et C1orf106 sont exprimés dans les tissus gastrointestinal et immunitaire. Par la suite, nous avons testé l’implication de KIF21B et C1orf106 dans les voies biologiques connues pour leur rôle dans les MII comme l’activité NF-kB et le stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). Nos résultats montrent que la surexpression de KIF21B dans les cellules HEK293T diminue l’activité de NF-kB et la surexpression de C1orf106 augmente le stress du RE et l’activité de la voie Wnt. Globalement, ces résultats suggèrent que KIF21B et C1orf106, dans la région 1q32, sont des gènes candidats prometteurs puisqu’ils interviennent dans des voies biologiques connues des maladies inflammatoire de l’intestin.Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) characterized by chronic inflammation along the gastrointestinal tract. These complex diseases appear to be the result of an immune system dysregulation. Genome-wide association studies have identified 99 loci that contribute to IBD susceptibility. Region 1q32 of chromosome 1 has been identified as a CD, UC and multiple sclerosis susceptibility locus and the region around this marker (rs11584383) contains four genes: Chromosome 1 open reading frame 106 (C1orf106), Kinesin family member 21B (KIF21B), Calcium channel, voltage-dependant, L type, alpha 1S subunit (CACNA1S) and Chromosome 1 open reading frame 81 (C1orf81). The goal of the present study is to place these genes in a biological context and to determine their possible involvement in IBD. By using quantitative PCR (qPCR), we determined the expression profile of these genes in murine tissues and human cell lines and we observed that KIF21B and C1orf106 were expressed in immune as well as gastrointestinal tissues. Next, we tested the involvement of KIF21B and C1orf106 in biological pathways previously implicated in IBD, more specifically NF-kB activity and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. We found that overexpression of KIF21B in HEK293T cells decreased the activity of NF-kB whereas C1orf106 overexpression increased ER stress and Wnt activity. Taken together, these results suggest that KIF21B and C1orf106 are good candidate causal genes in the 1q32 region

    Accessibility, equity, and the journey to work

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    Inequality in transport provision is an area of growing concern among transport professionals, as it results in low-income individuals travelling at lower speeds while covering smaller distances. Accessibility, the ease of reaching destinations, may hold the key in correcting these inequalities through providing a means to evaluate land use and transport interventions. This article examines the relationship between accessibility and commuting duration for low-income individuals, compared to the general population, in three major Canadian metropolitan regions, Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver using multilevel mixed effects statistical models for car and public transport commuters separately. Accessibility measures are generated for jobs and workers both at the origin (home) and the destination (place of work) to account for the impact of competing labor and firms. Our models show that the impacts of accessibility on commuting duration are present and stronger for low-income individuals than for the general population, and the differences in impact are more visible for public transport commuters. The results suggest that low-income individuals have more to gain (in terms of reduced commute time) from increased accessibility to low-income jobs at the origin and to workers at the destination. Similarly, they also have more to lose from increased accessibility to low-income workers at the origin and to low- income jobs at the destination, which are proxies for increased competition. Policies targeting improvements in accessibility to jobs, especially low-income ones, by car and public transport while managing the presence of competition can serve to bridge the inequality gap that exists in commuting behavior.The work was partially funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The authors would like to thank Gillaume Barreau for the car travel time and distance information provided for each city and Robbin Deboosere for the transit travel time and distance information as well as developing the accessibility measures by car to jobs

    I only get some satisfaction: Introducing satisfaction into measures of accessibility

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    Improving accessibility is a goal pursued by many metropolitan regions to address a variety of objectives. Accessibility, or the ease of reaching destinations, is traditionally measured using observed travel time and has of yet not accounted for user satisfaction with these travel times. As trip satisfaction is a major component of the underlying psychology of travel, we introduce satisfaction into accessibility measures and demonstrate its viability for future use. To do so, we generate a new satisfaction-based measure of accessibility where the impedance functions are determined from the travel time data of satisfying trips gathered from the 2017/2018 McGill Transport Survey. This satisfaction-based measure is used to calculate accessibility to jobs by four modes (public transport, car, walking, and cycling) in the Montreal metropolitan region, with the results then compared to a standard gravity-based measure of accessibility. We then offer a dissatisfaction index where we combine the ratio between satisfaction-based and gravity-based accessibility measures with mode share data. This index highlights areas with potentially high proportions of dissatisfied commuters and where interventions for each mode could have the highest impacts on the quality of life of a given mode commuter. Such analysis is then combined with a vulnerability index to show the value of this measure in setting priorities for vulnerable groups. The study demonstrates the importance of including satisfaction in accessibility measures and allows for a more nuanced interpretation of the ease of access by researchers, planners, and policy-makers.This research was funded in part by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We would like to thank the McGill Campus Planning and Sustainability Office for their support with the 2017/2018 McGill Transport Survey. Daniel Schwartz provided technical support, for which the authors are very grateful. We would also like to thank the McGill community for their participation in the survey, Guillaume Bareau for provision of the Google API, and Robbin Deboosere for generating public transport travel times

    A young star-forming galaxy at z = 3.5 with an extended Ly\,α\alpha halo seen with MUSE

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    Spatially resolved studies of high redshift galaxies, an essential insight into galaxy formation processes, have been mostly limited to stacking or unusually bright objects. We present here the study of a typical (L^{*}, M_\star = 6 ×109\times 10^9 MM_\odot) young lensed galaxy at z=3.5z=3.5, observed with MUSE, for which we obtain 2D resolved spatial information of Lyα\alpha and, for the first time, of CIII] emission. The exceptional signal-to-noise of the data reveals UV emission and absorption lines rarely seen at these redshifts, allowing us to derive important physical properties (Te_e\sim15600 K, ne_e\sim300 cm3^{-3}, covering fraction fc0.4_c\sim0.4) using multiple diagnostics. Inferred stellar and gas-phase metallicities point towards a low metallicity object (Zstellar_{\mathrm{stellar}} = \sim 0.07 Z_\odot and ZISM_{\mathrm{ISM}} << 0.16 Z_\odot). The Lyα\alpha emission extends over \sim10 kpc across the galaxy and presents a very uniform spectral profile, showing only a small velocity shift which is unrelated to the intrinsic kinematics of the nebular emission. The Lyα\alpha extension is \sim4 times larger than the continuum emission, and makes this object comparable to low-mass LAEs at low redshift, and more compact than the Lyman-break galaxies and Lyα\alpha emitters usually studied at high redshift. We model the Lyα\alpha line and surface brightness profile using a radiative transfer code in an expanding gas shell, finding that this model provides a good description of both observables.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted in MNRA