356 research outputs found

    Interconnection Payments in Telecommunications: A Competitive Market Approach

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    In this paper, we first discuss the concept of "Bill-and-Keep" whereby the party that receives a call pays for receiving the call. We explore if this outcome is efficient and consistent with competitive markets. Following the discussion of Bill-and-Keep we offer an explanation of why the flow of traffic has been imbalanced between incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) and competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs). We explain that this outcome is the natural outcome of the barriers to entry created by the incumbents in their refusal to provide collocation to internet service providers (ISPs)

    Who’s Taking Whom: Some Comments and Evidence on the Constitutionality of TELRIC

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    The FCC requires that the price of unbundled network elements be equal to the total element long-run incremental cost of production plus a reasonable contribution to common and joint costs. This pricing standard has the potential of making the telecommunications market more competitive. TELRIC prices, however, are set independently of historic costs and therefore may not compensate investors for incurred costs. Hence, incumbent local exchange carriers have been fighting its implementation. In all probability, the U.S. Supreme Court will become involved in the debate over its adoption. The Supreme Court has looked at changes in valuation methods in the past. In the abandonment of the fair value doctrine, the Court established criteria to allow a paradigm shift. This Article argues that the same conditions may now exist for TELRIC pricing. Furthermore, the Article presents data that indicates that, to date, no taking has resulted from the use of TELRIC pricing. Hence, the Court is likely to find TELRIC as a viable alternative to historic rate of return pricing

    Retail Prices and Facility-Based Entry into the Telecommunications Market

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    There is growing sentiment that rate rebalancing to eliminate cross subsidies between local business and local residential telephone markets is necessary to induce efficient entry in the residential market. If the elasticity of supply with respect to the relative prices for business and residential local service is high in both the local business and local residential markets, then the efficiency gains from rebalancing may be large. Alternatively, other factors related to differences in characteristics between business and residential local telephone markets, such as lower costs, lower elasticity of demand, and greater willingness-to-pay for quality or redundancy in the business segment of local telephone may be more important determinants of entry. In this paper we simultaneously measure the elasticity of supply in the business market with regards to the price of business services relative to the price of residential service, using entry, economic and demographic data a the wire center level. We find that business entry is driven by market demand and cost characteristics, and that the effect of cross subsidies in prices on entry is less clear

    The Inter-Mammary Sticky Roll: A Novel Technique for Securing a Doppler Ultrasonic Probe to the Precordium for Venous Air Embolism Detection.

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    Venous air embolism is a devastating and potentially life-threatening complication that can occur during neurosurgical procedures. We report the development and use of the "inter-mammary sticky roll," a technique to reliably secure a precordial Doppler ultrasonic probe to the chest wall during neurosurgical cases that require lateral decubitus positioning. We have found that this noninvasive technique is safe, and effectively facilitates a constant Doppler signal with no additional risk to the patient

    Anticipation of coincidence in baseball players

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    20 players from Pacific University\u27s baseball team were tested on the Bassin Anticipation Timer to determine if anticipation of coincidence as measured by the Bassin correlates to actual hitting tendencies. Bassin results indicate a non-significant correlation exists between actual batting performance and performance expected from Bassin testing. The Bassin triggering device was also held in three different positions to better mimic bat handling. Analysis indicated that the location and manner in which the trigger device is held and pressed makes no statistically significant difference. However, a significant correlation did exist between Bassin performance and strike percentage. Evidence in this study suggests a new manner in which the Bassin Anticipation Timer may be employed to study, and perhaps improve, baseball players\u27 batting

    Dealing with death and the grieving process

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    There are two things that our society doesn\u27t really openly discuss. Oddly enough, they are things that will affect everyone on this planet regardless of race, religion, gender, class, or nationality. I am speaking of the beginning of life, and the end of life. The subject of how life begins is for some reason taboo in our society. Children are told absurd things like children are brought to their parents by birds, such as a stork. Another popular tale is that children are grown in gardens and are discovered under leaves. The subject of sex seems to be one that we deem unsuitable for discussion under anything but the most special circumstances. As a result, there are a lot of misconceptions and harmful myths surrounding how life begins. I have found that stigmas also surround what this paper will concentrate on, the topic of death, often times having harmful results as well

    Conformational States of a Bacterial α2-Macroglobulin Resemble Those of Human Complement C3

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    α2 macroglobulins (α2Ms) are broad-spectrum protease inhibitors that play essential roles in the innate immune system of eukaryotic species. These large, multi-domain proteins are characterized by a broad-spectrum bait region and an internal thioester, which, upon cleavage, becomes covalently associated to the target protease, allowing its entrapment by a large conformational modification. Notably, α2Ms are part of a larger protein superfamily that includes proteins of the complement system, such as C3, a multi-domain macromolecule which is also characterized by an internal thioester-carrying domain and whose activation represents the pivotal step in the complement cascade. Recently, α2M/C3-like genes were identified in a large number of bacterial genomes, and the Escherichia coli α2M homolog (ECAM) was shown to be activated by proteases. In this work, we have structurally characterized ECAM by electron microscopy and small angle scattering (SAXS) techniques. ECAM is an elongated, flexible molecule with overall similarities to C3 in its inactive form; activation by methylamine, chymotrypsin, or elastase induces a conformational modification reminiscent of the one undergone by the transformation of C3 into its active form, C3b. In addition, the proposed C-terminus of ECAM displays high flexibility and different conformations, and could be the recognition site for partner macromolecules. This work sheds light on a potential bacterial defense mechanism that mimics structural rearrangements essential for activation of the complement cascade in eukaryotes, and represents a possible novel target for the development of antibacterials

    Supporting a Multi-formalism Model Driven Development Process with Model Transformation, a TOPCASED implementation

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    International audienceThe ASSERT (Automated proof based System and Software Engineering for Real-Time Applications) European Integrated Project (IST-FP6-004033, http://www.assert-project.net/) defined and experimented a multi formalism Model Driven Engineering (MDE) process, enforcing an approach with separated specification and refinement of functional and non-functional properties.• Functional specification, design and development is based on UML profiles to support AADL concepts [2] and behavioural specification.• Real time Architecture properties are based on extensions targeting Ravenscar Computing execution Model (RCM see [6]) constraints upon component interface and ports.• Model transformation is supporting correctness preserving rules towards a Virtual Machine execution environment or a verification dedicated environment.A tool chain called IDEA (Integrated Development Environment for ASSERT) supporting the process was developed by the CS ASSERT team on top of the Eclipse/TOPCASED environment allowing:• Integrated use of several formalisms in a development life-cycle (UML, AADL, IF[4]) .• Model transformation from UML to IF, AADL to RCM and RCM to Ada• Automated code generationThe approach experimented allows combined use of best suited formalisms and features for MDE developments. The TOPCASED tool proved to be a unique integrated toolset for prototyping UML and meta models supporting tools.The main feedback gained from applying the notations and approach on small to medium case studies is that UML profiling is not scalable, and that use of several Domain Specific Languages (DSL) seems far more suitable. Semantic clashes can be limited by raising the abstraction level, and by partitioning properties for verification

    Trust, Trust Repair, and Public Health: A Scoping Review Protocol

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    Trust can be defined as “a willingness to be vulnerable to another for a given set of tasks” and thus, trust and public health are inextricably linked. State actors are key participants in population health, organizing, among other things, mandates and guidelines that target health behaviors and encourage the uptake of medicines, screenings, diagnostics, and control of health conditions. Effective implementation of these crucial, government-sponsored health efforts is conditional on the public’s belief that the state is trustworthy and has one\u27s best interest in mind – positioning trust in government as a central determinant of public health. Trusting relationships between patients, health systems, and health care providers are also essential, as high-quality, safe care and adherence with healthcare professionals’ recommendations heavily depend upon trust. In many countries, trust in government and health care providers are inseparable, as governments are the primary providers of healthcare. Despite these critical relationships, existing studies that link trust and public health outcomes often focus on contemporaneous factors, many of which are endogenous to public health outcomes (e.g., support for the incumbent political party). For example, Sopory and colleagues reported a comprehensive examination of the phenomenon of trust during public health emergency events among 68 studies from 28 countries that included individuals who were directly affected by a public health emergency. Importantly, no studies from South America or Africa were included. The shortage of research on the sociostructural, historical, economic, and political sources of low trust limits our understanding of how trust deficits might be remedied so as to improve population health. Understanding why trust is low as well as how to repair trust are thus of critical importance
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