10,078 research outputs found

    A season of saints: sermons for festivals and commemorations after Pentecost

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    Reviewed Book: Rossing, John P. A season of saints: sermons for festivals and commemorations after Pentecost. Lima, Ohio: CSS Pub, 1992

    Infrared Renormalons and Finite Volume

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    We analyze the perturbative expansion of a condensate in the O(N) non-linear sigma model for large N on a two dimensional finite lattice. On an infinite volume this expansion is affected by an infrared renormalon. We extrapolate this analysis to the case of the gluon condensate of Yang-Mills theory and argue that infrared renormalons can be detected by performing perturbative studies even on relatively small lattices.Comment: LaTeX file, 6 figures in postscrip


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    We use a numerical method to obtain the weak coupling perturbative coefficients of local operators with lattice regularization. Such a method allows us to extend the perturbative expansions obtained so far by analytical Feynman diagrams calculations. In SU(3) lattice gauge theory in four dimensions we compute the first eight coefficients of the expectation value of the Wilson loop on the elementary plaquette which is related to the gluon condensate. The computed eight coefficients grow with the order much faster than predicted by the presence of the infrared renormalon associated to the dimension of the gluon condensate. However the renormalon behaviour for large order is quite well reproduced if one considers the expansion coefficients in a new coupling related to the lattice coupling by large perturbative corrections. This is expected since the lattice and continuum Lambda scales differ by almost two orders of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    On The Difficulty of Computing Higher-Twist Corrections

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    We discuss the evaluation of power corrections to hard scattering and decay processes for which an operator product expansion is applicable. The Wilson coefficient of the leading-twist operator is the difference of two perturbative series, each of which has a renormalon ambiguity of the same order as the power corrections themselves, but which cancel in the difference. We stress the necessity of calculating this coefficient function to sufficiently high orders in perturbation theory so as to make the uncertainty of the same order or smaller than the relevant power corrections. We investigate in some simple examples whether this can be achieved. Our conclusion is that in most of the theoretical calculations which include power corrections, the uncertainties are at least comparable to the power corrections themselves, and that it will be a very difficult task to improve the situation.Comment: 27 pages, uuencoded file containing latex source and axodraw.sty fil

    Gravitational Wave Emission from the Single-Degenerate Channel of Type Ia Supernovae

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    The thermonuclear explosion of a C/O white dwarf as a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) generates a kinetic energy comparable to that released by a massive star during a SN II event. Current observations and theoretical models have established that SNe Ia are asymmetric, and therefore--like SNe II--potential sources of gravitational wave (GW) radiation. We perform the first detailed calculations of the GW emission for a SN Ia of any type within the single-degenerate channel. The gravitationally-confined detonation (GCD) mechanism predicts a strongly-polarized GW burst in the frequency band around 1 Hz. Third-generation spaceborne GW observatories currently in planning may be able to detect this predicted signal from SNe Ia at distances up to 1 Mpc. If observable, GWs may offer a direct probe into the first few seconds of the SNe Ia detonation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Austenite Formation and Manganese Partitioning during Double Soaking of an Ultralow Carbon Medium-Manganese Steel

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    Double soaking (DS) is a thermal processing route intended to produce austenite–martensite microstructures in steels containing austenite-stabilizing additions and consists of intercritical annealing (primary soaking), followed by heating and brief isothermal holding at an increased temperature (secondary soaking), and quenching. Herein, experimental dilatometry during DS of a medium-manganese (Mn) steel with nominally 7 wt% Mn and an ultralow residual carbon concentration, in combination with phase-field simulations of austenite formation during secondary soaking, is presented. The feasibility of maintaining heterogeneous Mn distributions during DS is demonstrated and insight is provided on the effects of the secondary soaking temperature and prior Mn distribution on the ferrite-to-austenite phase transformation during the secondary soaking portion of the DS treatment

    Infrared Lightcurves of Near Earth Objects

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    We present lightcurves and derive periods and amplitudes for a subset of 38 near earth objects (NEOs) observed at 4.5 microns with the IRAC camera on the the Spitzer Space Telescope, many of them having no previously reported rotation periods. This subset was chosen from about 1800 IRAC NEO observations as having obvious periodicity and significant amplitude. For objects where the period observed did not sample the full rotational period, we derived lower limits to these parameters based on sinusoidal fits. Lightcurve durations ranged from 42 to 544 minutes, with derived periods from 16 to 400 minutes. We discuss the effects of lightcurve variations on the thermal modeling used to derive diameters and albedos from Spitzer photometry. We find that both diameters and albedos derived from the lightcurve maxima and minima agree with our previously published results, even for extreme objects, showing the conservative nature of the thermal model uncertainties. We also evaluate the NEO rotation rates, sizes, and their cohesive strengths.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Brewster-angle measurements of sea-surface reflectance using a high resolution spectroradiometer

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    This paper describes the design, construction and testing of a ship-borne spectroradiometer based on an imaging spectrograph and cooled CCD array with a wavelength range of 350-800 nm and 4 nm spectral sampling. The instrument had a minimum spectral acquisition time of 0.1 s, but in practice data were collected over periods of 10 s to allow averaging of wave effects. It was mounted on a ship's superstructure so that it viewed the sea surface from a height of several metres at the Brewster angle (53 degrees) through a linear polarizing filter. Comparison of sea-leaving spectra acquired with the polarizer oriented horizontally and vertically enabled estimation of the spectral composition of sky light reflected directly from the sea surface. A semi-empirical correction procedure was devised for retrieving water-leaving radiance spectra from these measurements while minimizing the influence of reflected sky light. Sea trials indicated that reflectance spectra obtained by this method were consistent with the results of radiance transfer modelling of case 2 waters with similar concentrations of chlorophyll and coloured dissolved organic matter. Surface reflectance signatures measured at three locations containing blooms of different phytoplankton species were easily discriminated and the instrument was sufficiently sensitive to detect solar-stimulated fluorescence from surface chlorophyll concentrations down to 1 mg m−3

    Nonperturbative Effects from the Resummation of Perturbation Theory

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    Using the general argument in Borel resummation of perturbation theory that links the divergent perturbation theory to the nonperturbative effect we argue that the nonperturbative effect associated with the perturbation theory should have a branch cut only along the positive real axis in the complex coupling plane. The component in the weak coupling expansion of the nonperturbative amplitude, which usually includes the leading term in the weak coupling expansion, that gives rise to the branch cut can be calculated in principle from the perturbation theory combined with some exactly calculable properties of the nonperturbative effect. The realization of this mechanism is demonstrated in the double well potential and the two-dimensional O(N) nonlinear sigma model. In these models the leading term in weak coupling of the nonperturbative effect can be obtained with good accuracy from the first terms of the perturbation theory. Applying this mechanism to the infrared renormalon induced nonperturbative effect in QCD, we suggest some of the QCD condensate effects can be calculated in principle from the perturbation theory.Comment: 21 Pages, 1 Figure; To appear in Phys Rev
