82 research outputs found

    Potential-Density Basis Sets for Galactic Disks

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    A class of complete potential-density basis sets in cylindrical (R,phi,z) coordinates is presented. This class is suitable for stability studies of galactic disks in three dimensions and includes basis sets tailored for disks with vertical density profiles that are exponential (exp(-|z|/\zn)), Gaussian (exp(-(z/\zn)^2) or locally isothermal (sech^2(z/\zn)). The basis sets are non-discrete and non-biorthogonal; however, the extra numerical computations required (compared with discrete biorthogonal sets) are explained and constitute a small overhead. The method of construction (and proof of completeness) is simple and can be used to construct basis sets for other density distributions that are best described in circular or elliptic cylindrical coordinates. When combined with a basis set designed for spheroidal systems, the basis sets presented here can be used to study the stability of realistic disks embedded in massive halos.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 13 pages, plain TeX, uses mtexsis.tex, no figure


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    The stability of a galaxy model is most easily assessed through N-body simulation. Particle-mesh codes have been widely used for this purpose, since they enable the largest numbers of particles to be employed. We show that the functional expansion technique, originally proposed by Clutton-Brock for other simulation problems, is in fact superior for stability work. For simulations of linear evolution it is not much slower than grid methods using the same number of particles, and reproduces analytical results with much greater accuracy. This success rests on its ability to represent global modes with a modest number of basis functions; grid methods may be more effective for other applications, however. Our conclusions are based on implementations of functional expansion and grid algorithms for disk galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, to appear October 1, 1995; 16 pages including 4 figures, self-unpacking uuencoded gzipped postscript, also available by email from [email protected]

    Age-specific mortality during the 1918 influenza pandemic: unravelling the mystery of high young adult mortality.

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    The worldwide spread of a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus in 2009 showed that influenza remains a significant health threat, even for individuals in the prime of life. This paper focuses on the unusually high young adult mortality observed during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Using historical records from Canada and the U.S., we report a peak of mortality at the exact age of 28 during the pandemic and argue that this increased mortality resulted from an early life exposure to influenza during the previous Russian flu pandemic of 1889-90. We posit that in specific instances, development of immunological memory to an influenza virus strain in early life may lead to a dysregulated immune response to antigenically novel strains encountered in later life, thereby increasing the risk of death. Exposure during critical periods of development could also create holes in the T cell repertoire and impair fetal maturation in general, thereby increasing mortality from infectious diseases later in life. Knowledge of the age-pattern of susceptibility to mortality from influenza could improve crisis management during future influenza pandemics

    Evaluating undercounts in epidemics: response to Maruotti et al. 2022

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    Maruotti et al. 2022 used a mark-recapture approach to estimate bounds on the true number of monkeypox infections in various countries. These approaches are fundamentally flawed; it is impossible to estimate undercounting based solely on a single stream of reported cases. Simulations based on a Richards curve for cumulative incidence show that, for reasonable epidemic parameters, the proposed methods estimate bounds on the ascertainment ratio of ≈0.2−0.5\approx 0.2-0.5 roughly independently of the true ascertainment ratio. These methods should not be used

    Pandemic Paradox: Early Life H2N2 Pandemic Influenza Infection Enhanced Susceptibility to Death during the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic.

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    Recent outbreaks of H5, H7, and H9 influenza A viruses in humans have served as a vivid reminder of the potentially devastating effects that a novel pandemic could exert on the modern world. Those who have survived infections with influenza viruses in the past have been protected from subsequent antigenically similar pandemics through adaptive immunity. For example, during the 2009 H1N1 "swine flu" pandemic, those exposed to H1N1 viruses that circulated between 1918 and the 1940s were at a decreased risk for mortality as a result of their previous immunity. It is also generally thought that past exposures to antigenically dissimilar strains of influenza virus may also be beneficial due to cross-reactive cellular immunity. However, cohorts born during prior heterosubtypic pandemics have previously experienced elevated risk of death relative to surrounding cohorts of the same population. Indeed, individuals born during the 1890 H3Nx pandemic experienced the highest levels of excess mortality during the 1918 "Spanish flu." Applying Serfling models to monthly mortality and influenza circulation data between October 1997 and July 2014 in the United States and Mexico, we show corresponding peaks in excess mortality during the 2009 H1N1 "swine flu" pandemic and during the resurgent 2013-2014 H1N1 outbreak for those born at the time of the 1957 H2N2 "Asian flu" pandemic. We suggest that the phenomenon observed in 1918 is not unique and points to exposure to pandemic influenza early in life as a risk factor for mortality during subsequent heterosubtypic pandemics.IMPORTANCE The relatively low mortality experienced by older individuals during the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus pandemic has been well documented. However, reported situations in which previous influenza virus exposures have enhanced susceptibility are rare and poorly understood. One such instance occurred in 1918-when those born during the heterosubtypic 1890 H3Nx influenza virus pandemic experienced the highest levels of excess mortality. Here, we demonstrate that this phenomenon was not unique to the 1918 H1N1 pandemic but that it also occurred during the contemporary 2009 H1N1 pandemic and 2013-2014 H1N1-dominated season for those born during the heterosubtypic 1957 H2N2 "Asian flu" pandemic. These data highlight the heretofore underappreciated phenomenon that, in certain instances, prior exposure to pandemic influenza virus strains can enhance susceptibility during subsequent pandemics. These results have important implications for pandemic risk assessment and should inform laboratory studies aimed at uncovering the mechanism responsible for this effect

    Toward a comprehensive system for constructing compartmental epidemic models

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    Compartmental models are valuable tools for investigating infectious diseases. Researchers building such models typically begin with a simple structure where compartments correspond to individuals with different epidemiological statuses, e.g., the classic SIR model which splits the population into susceptible, infected, and recovered compartments. However, as more information about a specific pathogen is discovered, or as a means to investigate the effects of heterogeneities, it becomes useful to stratify models further -- for example by age, geographic location, or pathogen strain. The operation of constructing stratified compartmental models from a pair of simpler models resembles the Cartesian product used in graph theory, but several key differences complicate matters. In this article we give explicit mathematical definitions for several so-called ``model products'' and provide examples where each is suitable. We also provide examples of model stratification where no existing model product will generate the desired result

    Self-Interest versus Group-Interest in Antiviral Control

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    Antiviral agents have been hailed to hold considerable promise for the treatment and prevention of emerging viral diseases like H5N1 avian influenza and SARS. However, antiviral drugs are not completely harmless, and the conditions under which individuals are willing to participate in a large-scale antiviral drug treatment program are as yet unknown. We provide population dynamical and game theoretical analyses of large-scale prophylactic antiviral treatment programs. Throughout we compare the antiviral control strategy that is optimal from the public health perspective with the control strategy that would evolve if individuals make their own, rational decisions. To this end we investigate the conditions under which a large-scale antiviral control program can prevent an epidemic, and we analyze at what point in an unfolding epidemic the risk of infection starts to outweigh the cost of antiviral treatment. This enables investigation of how the optimal control strategy is moulded by the efficacy of antiviral drugs, the risk of mortality by antiviral prophylaxis, and the transmissibility of the pathogen. Our analyses show that there can be a strong incentive for an individual to take less antiviral drugs than is optimal from the public health perspective. In particular, when public health asks for early and aggressive control to prevent or curb an emerging pathogen, for the individual antiviral drug treatment is attractive only when the risk of infection has become non-negligible. It is even possible that from a public health perspective a situation in which everybody takes antiviral drugs is optimal, while the process of individual choice leads to a situation where nobody is willing to take antiviral drugs

    A Draft Genome of \u3ci\u3eYersinia Pestis\u3c/i\u3e From Victims of the Black Death

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    Technological advances in DNA recovery and sequencing have drastically expanded the scope of genetic analyses of ancient specimens to the extent that full genomic investigations are now feasible and are quickly becoming standard1. This trend has important implications for infectious disease research because genomic data from ancient microbes may help to elucidate mechanisms of pathogen evolution and adaptation for emerging and re-emerging infections. Here we report a reconstructed ancient genome of Yersinia pestis at 30-fold average coverage from Black Death victims securely dated to episodes of pestilence-associated mortality in London, England, 1348–1350. Genetic architecture and phylogenetic analysis indicate that the ancient organism is ancestral to most extant strains and sits very close to the ancestral node of all Y. pestis commonly associated with human infection. Temporal estimates suggest that the Black Death of 1347–1351 was the main historical event responsible for the introduction and widespread dissemination of the ancestor to all currently circulating Y. pestis strains pathogenic to humans, and further indicates that contemporary Y. pestis epidemics have their origins in the medieval era. Comparisons against modern genomes reveal no unique derived positions in the medieval organism, indicating that the perceived increased virulence of the disease during the Black Death may not have been due to bacterial phenotype. These findings support the notion that factors other than microbial genetics, such as environment, vector dynamics and host susceptibility, should be at the forefront of epidemiological discussions regarding emerging Y. pestis infections
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