13,435 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling of the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model

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    The critical behavior of the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model on a square lattice is obtained by numerical simulations and finite-size scaling. The order parameter as well as the distribution in the number of recovered individuals is determined as a function of the infection rate for several values of the system size. The analysis around criticality is obtained by exploring the close relationship between the present model and standard percolation theory. The quantity UP, equal to the ratio U between the second moment and the squared first moment of the size distribution multiplied by the order parameter P, is shown to have, for a square system, a universal value 1.0167(1) that is the same as for site and bond percolation, confirming further that the SIR model is also in the percolation class

    Hypermetrical Irregularity in Sonata Form: A Corpus Study

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    In sonata form, development sections are characterized by tonal, textural, and phrase-structural instability. But are these instabilities counterbalanced by regularity in other musical domains? Are any syntactic layers more consistent in developments, relative to expositions or recapitulations? This corpus study examined hypermeter in expositions and developments from eighteenth- and nineteenth-century symphonic sonata movements. It analyzed both hypermetrical shifts (where a hypermeasure's duration differs from that of the preceding group) and hypermetrical deviations (where a hypermeasure departs from the four-measure norm). Developments had significantly less hypermetrical irregularity than expositions. This difference between formal sections was observed with all composers in the corpus, though they used varied amounts of hypermetrical regularity overall. These results, which are likely related to sequence blocks in the developmental core, suggest that hypermetrical grouping might serve a stabilizing function in sonata developments

    On The Roles of APIs in the Coordination of Collaborative Software Development

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    The principle of information hiding has been very influential in software engineering since its inception in 1972. This principle prescribes that software modules hide implementation details from other modules in order to reduce their dependencies. This separation also decreases the dependency among software developers implementing these modules, thus simplifying the required coordination. A common instantiation of this principle widely used in the industry is in the form of application programming interfaces (APIs). While previous studies report on the general use and benefits of APIs, they have glossed over the detailed ways in which APIs facilitate the coordination of work. In order to unveil these mechanisms, we performed a qualitative study on how practitioners use APIs in their daily work. Using ethnographic data from two different software development teams, we identified three roles played by APIs in the coordination of software development projects. These roles are described using three metaphors: APIs as contracts, APIs as boundaries, and APIs as communication mechanisms. As contracts, APIs allow software developers to work in parallel and independently. As a communication mechanism, APIs facilitate communication among software developers by giving them something specific to talk about. At the same time, APIs establish the boundaries between developers, and, accordingly, what should be talked about. This paper also reports on problems the studied teams face when using APIs to coordinate their work. Based on these results, we draw theoretical implications for collaborative software engineering

    Manifestações Cutâneas da COVID-19: Uma Série de Casos do Brasil

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    Introduction: Brazil has presented alarming and growing data on infection and deaths from SARS-CoV-2. There are more than 4 500 000 confirmed cases and more than 137 000 deaths ranking second in the world ranking of infected people. In addition to the involvement of the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal and neurological systems, this virus also causes non-specific skin lesions in same patients. Little is known about the pathophysiology of cutaneous involvement. At this moment, we cannot predict a difference in prognosis based on skin lesions. Methods: We conducted an observational case study of 25 patients affected by SARS-CoV-2 who had dermatological lesions. We described the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of each case, demonstrating the polymorphism of the skin lesions and also making a correlation with the chronology of presented systemic symptoms. Results: Twenty five cases of COVID-19 with cutaneous manifestations (urticaria, erythematous rash, maculopapular eruption, pruritus, erythema multiforme-like lesions, dyshidrotic eczema) were observed during, after and before systemic symptoms. A few cases with skin involvement were also observed as isolated symptoms of the viral infection. These data demonstrate the clinical polymorphism related to skin involvement of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, emphasizing the importance of clinical suspicion by dermatologists when handling suspected cases in the current epidemiological scenario. Conclusion: Although the number of cases in the world stage seems to be regressing, infection by SARS-CoV-2 will be part of the dermatologist's daily routine. As long as we do not have a widely available vaccine and the pandemic takes on an endemic profile, we need to be aware of these manifestations, not only for the proper diagnosis, indication of patient isolation, as well as all the necessary biosafety procedures in dermatology clinics.    Introdução: O Brasil apresenta dados alarmantes e crescentes sobre infecção e óbitos por SARS-CoV-2. Existem mais de 4 5000 000 de casos confirmados e mais de 137 000 mortes, ocupando o segundo lugar no ranking mundial de pessoas infectadas. Além do acometimento dos sistemas respiratório, cardiovascular, renal e neurológico, esse vírus também causa lesões cutâneas inespecíficas nos pacientes. Pouco se sabe sobre a fisiopatologia do envolvimento cutâneo. No momento, não podemos prever uma diferença de prognóstico com base nas lesões cutâneas. Métodos: Conduzimos um estudo de casos observacional de 25 pacientes afetados pela SARS-CoV-2 que apresentavam lesões dermatológicas. Descrevemos as características clínicas e epidemiológicas de cada caso, demonstrando o polimorfismo das lesões cutâneas e também fazendo uma correlação com a cronologia dos sintomas sistêmicos apresentados. Resultados: Vinte e cinco casos de COVID-19 com manifestações cutâneas (urticária, erupção cutânea eritematosa, erupção maculopapular, prurido, lesões do tipo eritema multiforme, eczema disidrótico, lesões eritematosas acrais) foram observados durante, após e antes dos sintomas sistêmicos. Alguns casos com envolvimento cutâneo também foram observados como sintomas isolados de infecção viral. Esses dados demonstram o polimorfismo clínico relacionado ao envolvimento cutâneo dos pacientes infectados pela SARS-CoV-2, enfatizando a importância da suspeita clínica pelo dermatologista no tratamento dos casos suspeitos no cenário epidemiológico atual. Conclusão: Embora o número de casos no cenário mundial pareça estar regredindo, a infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 fará parte do dia a dia do dermatologista. Enquanto não tivermos uma vacina amplamente disponível e a pandemia assumir um perfil endémico, precisamos estar atentos a essas manifestações, não apenas para o diagnóstico adequado, indicação de isolamento do paciente, como também todos os procedimentos de biossegurança necessários em clínicas de dermatologia

    Supply chain network design: a case study of the regional facilities analysis for a 3D printing company

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    [EN] 3D printing supply chain network. The objective is to analyze regional facility configurations in order to lower investment risks for an organization that aims to provide additive manufacturing The growing 3D printing market can be an attraction for investment in new businesses, which may entail strategic planning for new ventures. This paper presents a case study of designing a services for orthopedic and dental prostheses production. To this end, the competitive environment, the aggregating factor and logistic costs, tariffs and tax incentives, regional demand, political factors, the value of currency, and the demand uncertainty are analyzed. The results indicate that the adopted framework for network design decisions effectively allows the analysis of regional facility configuration. It also suggests that there are no hindering factors to the implementation of a 3D printing service company. In the region studied, there are fiscal incentives of more than 60% for taxes on the movement of goods between municipalities, which can be an advantage when locating facilities outside the capital. Competitors are well qualified, but there is room for new companies focused on quality and price, which may be a case for specialized products such as protheses. The estimated demand ranges from 146 to 509 units per month, which may be an opportunity for a new entrant given the few additive manufacturing ventures identified in the region.Carvalho De Sá, B.; Dutra De Souza, EH.; Reis, LP.; De Souza Dutra, MD. (2022). Supply chain network design: a case study of the regional facilities analysis for a 3D printing company. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 10(2):211-223. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2022.17620OJS21122310

    Cartografando o meu lugar: relato de experiência sobre uma viagem formativa pelo rio Riacho, Aracruz/ES

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    This experience report aims to present the moments that make up a formative trip developed along the Riacho River in Aracruz/ES. Using a qualitative approach, with the methodological procedure of critical description, the pedagogical intent of the proposal was to provide students with alternative perspectives on the place they live in, in the context of the elective discipline "Mapping My Place". The results were satisfactory, given the mobilization of students throughout the journey undertaken with local fishermen.O presente relato de experiência tem como objetivo apresentar os momentos que constituem uma viagem formativa desenvolvida com alunos da Escola Estadual Caboclo Bernardo pelo Rio Riacho, localizado no distrito de Barra do Riacho, cidade de Aracruz/ES. Para isso, valemo-nos da abordagem qualitativa, com o procedimento metodológico da descrição crítica. O intuito pedagógico da proposta foi o de possibilitar aos estudantes outros olhares para o lugar em que vivem, no contexto do desenvolvimento da disciplina eletiva denominada “Cartografando o meu lugar”. Os resultados foram satisfatórios, tendo em vista a mobilização dos estudantes no decorrer do percurso realizado com os pescadores locais