274 research outputs found

    Penguins of the World, by Wayne Lynch

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    Green-Water Rearing and Delayed Weaning Improve Growth and Survival of Summer Flounder

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    The advent of an aquaculture industry for summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus requires that optimal methods be identified for hatchery production. Two experiments were conducted to test strategies for larval rearing and for weaning newly metamorphosed juveniles from live to artificial diets. Rearing of larvae in ‘‘green water’’ (with algae added) resulted in better survival (76.1 6 6.5%) from days 5–42 after hatching than did rearing in ‘‘clear water’’ (no algae added; 27.8 6 13.6%), although no differences in growth were apparent. When fish were weaned from live feed beginning at day 45 versus day 57 by either a ‘‘gradual’’ method (7-d weaning period) or an ‘‘immediate’’ method (no weaning period), better survival and growth were obtained with fish weaned at the later age. For both agegroups, fish weaned by the gradual method exhibited better growth, but not better survival, than those weaned by the immediate method. With these data as examples, commercial hatcheries can conduct cost : benefit analyses of the different rearing methods

    Business Groups in Emerging Economies: An Analysis of Our Current Understanding

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    Business groups are the dominant organizational form in most emerging economies. They form strong linkages between firms in order to counteract the existence of institutional voids such as the lack of adequate capital and labour markets. Groups essentially exist to reduce transaction costs and risk created by institutional failings by using the internal resources of the collective to form their own markets for resources such as capital and labour. Affiliated firms also benefit from economies of scale and scope which stems from a prolonged drive towards diversification strategies within the early years of group formation. In many economies their power and dominance is unrivalled, being responsible for a considerable percentage of many economies GDP and the engine behind their continued growth. Globalization has been a buzz word within the strategic literature for many years now, and as many face reduced opportunities in their domestic markets the allure of emerging economies is too great to resist. The population of China and India alone currently stands at over two billion people and as these economies develop so will their spending power and their importance to firms around the globe. Because of the massive impact these countries will have in shaping the future world economy and decisions many business leaders and governments will have to make in the future, it is essential that we have a clear understanding of what drives these economies and how foreign firms can interact and grow within their economies. Business groups form a firm foundation in almost all of these countries and dominate the domestic landscape. The aim of this dissertation is to unravel from the most recent research and findings, what our current state of knowledge actually is regarding such an organizational form, what has the research so far covered and in what direction is it heading? The author finds that our knowledge of business groups is limited to only a few countries such as Japan and Taiwan. Despite much of the literature focusing on such a few number of economies our understanding and knowledge even of business groups within these countries still needs to be developed. The more under developed economies have overall received even less attention and our understanding of these economies is still in its infancy. Our future understanding however looks very promising as the number of studies, techniques and theoretical perspectives used are on the increase in both the already richly studied economies of Asia and now the relatively under researched areas of the globe such as South America. The structure of this dissertation is as follows. Section one will proceed with a brief introduction to business groups and emerging economies. Section two provides an in-depth description of my methodology, what my main research aims are and how I came to my final list of journals for analysis. Sections three to five contain my analysis and interpretation of the data collected in order to answer my three most pressing research questions and each begin with a brief overview of the literature regarding the topic. Section six offers conclusions to my findings and also incorporates a discussion of how research into business groups could be improved and where we should be heading in the future

    The mental health of children and adolescents: report on the second Australian child and adolescent survey of mental health and wellbeing

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    FOREWORD This report provides compelling reading for everyone interested in the health and wellbeing of Australian children and adolescents. Based on a survey conducted in the homes of over 6,300 families with children and/or adolescents aged 4 to 17 years, the report presents a comprehensive picture of the mental health of young Australians. It documents the prevalence and type of mental health problems, the impact of those problems on families and young people themselves and the role of health and education services in providing assistance. While the primary sources of information were parents and carers, the survey also engaged directly with young people 11 years and older who completed their own survey. This information provides unique insights about aspects of their emotional lives and behaviour that are generally not visible to parents and carers

    Upwelling, offshore transport, and the availability of rockfish in central California

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    EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We used the diet of a seabird, the common murre (Uria aalge), nesting on Southeast Farallon Island and feeding in the Gulf of the Farallones, California, as an index to abundance of juvenile rockfish, then related fish abundance to indices of turbulence and upwelling over an 18-year period, 1973-1990. Strong, persistent upwelling or downwelling led to reduced availability of fish in the study area, in contrast to great abundance when upwelling was mild or pulsed. ... On the basis of our study, one effect might be that fishes thought strong enough to resist Ekman transport could be transported out of normal areas of recruitment

    ICCS 2009 International Report: Civic knowledge, attitudes and engagement among lower secondary school students in thirty-eight countries.

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    The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) studied the ways in which countries prepare their young people to undertake their roles as citizens. ICCS was based on the premise that preparing students for citizenship roles involves helping them develop relevant knowledge and understanding and form positive attitudes toward being a citizen and participating in activities related to civic and citizenship education. These notions were elaborated in the ICCS framework, which was the first publication to emerge from ICCS (Schulz, Fraillon, Ainley, Losito, & Kerr, 2008)

    New Technologies Aid Understanding of the Factors Affecting Adélie Penguin Foraging

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    The Ross Sea (Figure 1) is home to 33% of the world’s AdĂ©lie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), as well as substantial numbers of Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri), Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii), and pelagic birds (Smith et al., 2014). Among these, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Resources (CCAMLR) has designated the AdĂ©lie penguin an “indicator species” for monitoring ecosystem structure and function in the newly designated Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area (RSR-MPA). This penguin, among the best-known seabirds, has been studied for decades at multiple locations with investigations that have delved into its population history (both recent and through thousands of years), survival strategies, responses to environmental changes, and feeding ecology (summarized in Ainley, 2002, with numerous papers published thereafter)
