16,544 research outputs found

    Heat current through an artificial Kondo impurity beyond linear response

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    We investigate the heat current of a strongly interacting quantum dot in the presence of a voltage bias in the Kondo regime. Using the slave- boson mean-field theory, we discuss the behavior of the energy flow and the Joule heating. We find that both contributions to the heat current dis- play interesting symmetry properties under reversal of the applied dc bias. We show that the symmetries arise from the behavior of the dot trans- mission function. Importantly, the transmission probability is a function of both energy and voltage. This allows us to analyze the heat current in the nonlinear regime of transport. We observe that nonlinearities ap- pear already for voltages smaller than the Kondo temperature. Finally, we suggest to use the contact and electric symmetry coefficients as a way to measure pure energy currents.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, proceeding of the Low Temperature Physics Conferenc

    Strongly nonlinear thermovoltage and heat dissipation in interacting quantum dots

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    We investigate the nonlinear regime of charge and energy transport through Coulomb-blockaded quantum dots. We discuss crossed effects that arise when electrons move in response to thermal gradients (Seebeck effect) or energy flows in reaction to voltage differences (Peltier effect). We find that the differential thermoelectric conductance shows a characteristic Coulomb butterfly structure due to charging effects. Importantly, we show that experimentally observed thermovoltage zeros are caused by the activation of Coulomb resonances at large thermal shifts. Furthermore, the power dissipation asymmetry between the two attached electrodes can be manipulated with the applied voltage, which has implications for the efficient design of nanoscale coolers.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Fate of the spin-\frac{1}{2} Kondo effect in the presence of temperature gradients

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    We consider a strongly interacting quantum dot connected to two leads held at quite different temperatures. Our aim is to study the behavior of the Kondo effect in the presence of large thermal biases. We use three different approaches, namely, a perturbation formalism based on the Kondo Hamiltonian, a slave-boson mean-field theory for the Anderson model at large charging energies and a truncated equation-of-motion approach beyond the Hartree-Fock approximation. The two former formalisms yield a suppression of the Kondo peak for thermal gradients above the Kondo temperature, showing a remarkably good agreement despite their different ranges of validity. The third technique allows us to analyze the full density of states within a wide range of energies. Additionally, we have investigated the quantum transport properties (electric current and thermocurrent) beyond linear response. In the voltage-driven case, we reproduce the split differential conductance due to the presence of different electrochemical potentials. In the temperature-driven case, we observe a strongly nonlinear thermocurrent as a function of the applied thermal gradient. Depending on the parameters, we can find nontrivial zeros in the electric current for finite values of the temperature bias. Importantly, these thermocurrent zeros yield direct access to the system's characteristic energy scales (Kondo temperature and charging energy).Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, revised versio

    The Effects of Carbon Coating on the Electrochemical Performance of Metal-Oxide Short Fiber Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    This thesis focuses on the process of oxidizing centrifugally spun precursor fibers and the subsequent process of carbon coating via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for use as anode material in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Metal oxides have been studied as a potential replacement for graphite as they have been shown to have high theoretical capacities, good electronic conductivity, and can be synthesized using low-cost, scalable methods. However, metal oxides with high theoretical capacities also have low cycle life. To avoid this, metal oxides have been integrated with carbon to expand their life cycle. The work in this thesis shows the synthesis of SnO2/TiO2 composite short fibers with different ratios, followed by the deposition of carbon to be used as active material for LIB anodes. When tested, SnO2/TiO2 (3:1) CVD with a deposition time of 60-min demonstrated a specific capacity of 499 mAh g-1 and capacity retention of 111% after 100 cycles. In comparison, the 30-min had a specific capacity of 653 mAh g-1 after 61 cycles and is projected to have a capacity retention of 93.2% after 100 cycles. The results were individually compared to the non-coated and parent materials of SnO2 and TiO2

    The responses of small and large firms to tight credit shocks : the case of 2008 through the lens of Gertler and Gilchrist (1994)

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    Do large firms and small firms behave differently when credit becomes more costly or harder to obtain? Past research has found that small firms are more likely to be credit-constrained and thus tend to be affected more negatively than large firms during such times. Recent findings from the 2007-2009 recession, however, raise questions about the roles of small and large firms during periods of tight creditBusiness cycles ; Recessions

    Interactions and thermoelectric effects in a parallel-coupled double quantum dot

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    We investigate the nonequilibrium transport properties of a double quantum dot system connected in parallel to two leads, including intradot electron-electron interaction. In the absence of interactions the system supports a bound state in the continuum. This state is revealed as a Fano antiresonance in the transmission when the energy levels of the dots are detuned. Using the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green's function formalism, we find that the occurrence of the Fano antiresonance survives in the presence of Coulomb repulsion. We give precise predictions for the experimental detection of bound states in the continuum. First, we calculate the differential conductance as a function of the applied voltage and the dot level detuning and find that crossing points in the diamond structure are revealed as minima due to the transmission antiresonances. Second, we determine the thermoelectric current in response to an applied temperature bias. In the linear regime, quantum interference gives rise to sharp peaks in the thermoelectric conductance. Remarkably, we find interaction induced strong current nonlinearities for large thermal gradients that may lead to several nontrivial zeros in the thermocurrent. The latter property is especially attractive for thermoelectric applications.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Amino acid metabolism conflicts with protein diversity

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    The twenty protein coding amino acids are found in proteomes with different relative abundances. The most abundant amino acid, leucine, is nearly an order of magnitude more prevalent than the least abundant amino acid, cysteine. Amino acid metabolic costs differ similarly, constraining their incorporation into proteins. On the other hand, sequence diversity is necessary for protein folding, function and evolution. Here we present a simple model for a cost-diversity trade-off postulating that natural proteomes minimize amino acid metabolic flux while maximizing sequence entropy. The model explains the relative abundances of amino acids across a diverse set of proteomes. We found that the data is remarkably well explained when the cost function accounts for amino acid chemical decay. More than one hundred proteomes reach comparable solutions to the trade-off by different combinations of cost and diversity. Quantifying the interplay between proteome size and entropy shows that proteomes can get optimally large and diverse
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