118 research outputs found

    The origin of planetary impactors in the inner solar system

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    New insights into the history of the inner solar system are derived from the impact cratering record of the Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury, and from the size distributions of asteroid populations. Old craters from a unique period of heavy bombardment that ended ∼\sim3.8 billion years ago were made by asteroids that were dynamically ejected from the main asteroid belt, possibly due to the orbital migration of the giant planets. The impactors of the past ∼\sim3.8 billion years have a size distribution quite different from the main belt asteroids, but very similar to the population of near-Earth asteroids.Comment: 12 pages (including 4 figures

    Microstructural Characterization of TiO2-II in the Chicxulub Peak Ring

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    The peak ring of the approximately 180 kilometer-diameter Chicxulub impact crater on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, was recently drilled during IODP-ICDP (International Ocean Discovery Program-International Continental Scientific Drilling Program) Expedition 364, producing core M0077A. The new core provides insights into the anatomy, composition, tectonic deformation, shock metamorphism, and post-impact overprint of crater-filling impactites and crystalline basement rocks. The basement rocks were shocked to approximately 12.5-17.5 gigapascals, uplifted, and hydrothermally altered. This study presents a combined Raman spectroscopic and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of TiO2-II, a high-pressure polymorph of TiO2 with an alpha-PbO2 structure (orthorhombic; space group Pbcn; density 4.34 grams per cubic centimeter, in shocked granitoid rock of the Chicxulub peak ring

    Intriguing Dehydrated Phyllosilicates Found in an Unusual Clast in the LL3.15 Chondrite NWS6925

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    Meteorites provide us with valuable insights into the conditions of the early solar system. Collisions often occur in our solar system that can result in materials accreting to other bodies as foreign clasts. These foreign pieces may have multiple origins that can sometimes be easily identified as a particular type of meteorite. It is important to interpret the origins of these clasts in order to understand dynamics of the solar system, especially throughout its early history. The Nice Model, as modified, proposes a reordering of planetary orbits that is hypothesized to have triggered the Late Heavy Bombardment. Clasts found within meteorites that came from objects in the solar system not commonly associated as an impactor could be indicative of such an event suggested by the Nice Model. Impacts also redistribute material from one region of an asteroid to another, and so clasts are found that reveal portions of the geological history of a body that are not recorded by typical samples. These would be cognate clasts. The goal of this investigation was to examine meteorites that had particularly interesting foreign and cognate clasts enclosed in them. We focus here on an unusual clast located in the ordinary chondrite, NWA 6925. This is one of three clasts analyzed during the LPI summer internship of Jessica Johnson

    Striking Graphite Bearing Clasts Found in Two Ordinary Chondrite Samples; NWA6169 and NWA8330

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    Meteorites play an integral role in understanding the history of the solar system. Not only can they contain some of the oldest material found in the solar system they also can contain material that is unique. Many lithologies are only found as foreign clasts within distinctly different host meteorites. In this investigation two foreign clasts within the meteorites, NWA6169 and NWA8330 were studied. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the mineralogy and petrography of the clasts within the samples. From there an identification and possible origin were to be inferred. NWA6169 is an unclassified ordinary chondrite that has a presumed petrologic type of L3. NWA8330 is a classified ordinary chondrite that has a petrologic type of LL3. Both meteorites were found to contain clasts that were similar; both modally were comprised of about 5% acicular graphite. Through SEM and Raman Spectroscopy it was found that they contained olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, Fe-Ni sulfides, graphite, and metals. They were found to portray an igneous texture with relationships that suggest concurrent growth. Analytical microprobe results for NWA6169 revealed mineral compositions of Fa31-34, Fs23-83, and Ab7-85. For NWA8330 these were Fa28-32, Fs10-24, and Ab4-83. Only one similar material has been reported, in the L3 chondrite Krymka (Semenenko & Girich, 1995). The clast they described exhibited similar mineralogies including the unusual graphite. Krymka data displayed compositional values of Fa28.5-35.0 and Fs9-25.9. These ranges are fairly similar to that of NWA6169 and NWA8330. These samples may all be melt clasts, probably of impact origin. Two possibilities are (1) impact of a C-type asteroid onto the L chondrite parent asteroid, and (2) a piece of proto-earth ejected from the moon-forming collision event. These possibilities present abundant questions, and can be tested. The measurement of oxygen isotope compositions from the clasts should reveal the original source of the melt clasts. It may also be possible to perform Ar dating of the plagioclase present. Former analyses are now being performed

    Titanium-in-Quartz Geothermometry of Impactites and Peak-Ring Lithologies from the Chicxulub Impact Crater

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    Since its development by Wark and Watson (2006), the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer (TitaniQ) has been continuously refined and applied to a variety of lithologies from different crustal settings. Assuming quartz crystallized and incorporated Ti under equilibrium conditions and providing TiO2 activity (alpha (sub TiO2)) is reasonably constrained, crystallization temperatures at typical crustal pressures can be calculated. In turn, when crystallization temperatures are independently constrained, Ti-in-quartz can be used as a geobarometer. Here we explore the application of this technique to impact lithologies. Quartz is ubiquitous in terrestrial impact structures in upper crustal settings and can also form as a post-impact hydrothermal mineral. Together with other geothermometers, such as Ti-in-zircon, Ti-in-quartz can potentially help constrain the temperature-pressure conditions during the formation of the pre-impact target rock at terrestrial impact structures, as well as impact-produced and hydrothermally-altered lithologies. This work presents the first systematic Ti-in-quartz study of impactites and granitoid target rocks from the approximately180-kilometer-diameter, end-Cretaceous Chicxulub crater on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, thereby placing new constraints on the emplacement of felsic plutons within the Maya Block in the Paleozoic, impact melt crystallization at approximately 66 Ma (million years ago), and post-impact hydrothermal overprint inside the Chicxulub crater

    Eucrite Impact Melt NWA 5218 - Evidence for a Large Crater on Vesta

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    Northwest Africa (NWA) 5218 is a 76 g achondrite that is classified as a eucrite [1]. However, an initial classification [2] describes it as a "eucrite shock-melt breccia...(in which) large, partially melted cumulate basalt clasts are set in a shock melt flow...". We explore the petrology of this clast-bearing impact melt rock (Fig. 1), which could be a characteristic lithology at large impact craters on asteroid Vesta [3]. Methods: Optical microscopy, scanning electronmicroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy were used on a thin section (Fig. 1) for petrographic characterization. The impact melt composition was determined by 20 m diameter defocused-beam analyses with a Cameca SX-100 electron microprobe. The data from 97 spots were corrected for mineral density effects [4]. Constituent mineral phases were analyzed with a focusedbeam. Bidirectonal visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and biconical FT-IR reflectance spectra were measured on the surface of a sample slab on its central melt area and on an eucrite clast, and from 125-500 m and 100 m are coarse-grained with equigranular ~1 mm size plagioclase, quartz, and clinopyroxene (Fig. 1). Single crystals of chromite, ilmenite, zircon, Ca-Mg phosphate, Fe-metal, and troilite are embedded in the melt. Polymineralic clasts are mostly compositionally similar to the above mentioned larger clasts but scarce granulitic fragments are observed as well

    Guidebook to the geology of Barringer Meteorite Crater, Arizona (a k a Meteor Crater)

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    prepared by David A. Kring.Target Sequence--Barringer Meteorite Impact Crater--Shock Metamorphism--Crater Rim Uplift and Crater Wall Collapse--Overturned Rim Sequence--Distribution of Ejecta--Projectile--Trajectory--Energy of Impact--Age of the Crater--Environmental Effects of the Impact--Post-Impact Lake--Crater Rim East Trail Guide--Crater Floor Trail Guide

    The Utility of a Small Pressurized Rover with Suit Ports for Lunar Exploration: A Geologist's Perspective

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    Rover trade study: As summarized recently, mission simulations at Black Point Lava Flow (Arizona) that included realistic extravehicular activity (EVA) tasking, accurate traverse timelines, and an in-loop science CAPCOM (or SciCOM) showed that a small pressurized rover (SPR) was a better mobility asset than an unpressurized rover (UPR). Traverses within the SPR were easier on crew than spending an entire day in a spacesuit, enhancing crew productivity at each station. The SPR, named Lunar Electric Rover (LER), and sometimes called the Space Exploration Vehicle (SEV), could also provide shelter during a suit malfunction, radiation event, or medical emergency that might occur on the Moon. Intravehicular activity (IVA) capabilities: From within the vehicle, crew could describe and photo-document distant features during drives between stations, as well as in the near-field, directly in front of the LER, providing an ability to begin EVA planning on approach to each outcrop prior to egress. The vehicle can rotate 360 without any lateral movement, providing views in all directions. It has high-visibility windows, a ForeCam, AftCam, port and starboard cameras, docking cameras, and a GigaPan camera. EVA capabilities: To reduce timeline, mass, and volumetric overhead, rapid egress and ingress were envisioned, replacing an airlock with lower cabin pressure than on the International Space Station and suit ports on the aft cabin wall [2]. When needed for closer inspection and sample collecting, crew could egress in about 10 minutes through suit ports. Crew use SuitCams for additional photo-documentation, transmit mobile observations verbally, and collect surface materials. Typical simulations involved 3 to 4 EVA stations/day and 2 to 3 hr/day of boots on the ground. This allowed crew to explore a far larger territory, with more complex geological and in situ resource utilization (ISRU) features, than would a single, longer-duration EVA at one location, while also minimizing crew time in a spacesuit. Additionally, the vehicle could be driven with crew locked into the suit ports. This approach could involve a driver in the cockpit with a suited crewmember in a suit port, or the vehicle could be driven from the aft deck with both crewmembers in their suit ports. This approach was used when distances between stops were short enough that vehicle ingress and egress were less efficient than remaining in the suits and driving. Utility of suit ports: The advantages of suit ports were clearly demonstrated in those field-based trade studies. To illustrate those advantages further, consider the consequences of a SPR without suit ports at the Apollo 17 landing site. At that site, the crew's second EVA was an approximately 18 km loop conducted in a UPR, called the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), in 7 hr 36 min 56 s. The traverse was composed of 5 formal stations, plus 8 additional LRV stations where crew made brief scientific stops. In a scenario involving a SPR without suit ports, crew would go EVA through an airlock and probably be limited to a single EVA per day. In that case, crew could drive the SPR ~9 km from the landing site to station 2, go EVA, and complete station 2 tasks. However, to conduct station 3 tasks, the crew would then need to walk approximately 3 km to station 3, while ground control in Houston tele-robotically drives the LER to station 3. A walk of approximately 3 km is possible, as that is what the Apollo 14 crew did before LRVs were deployed, but it is a lengthy and potentially grueling EVA. Assuming crew completes station 3 tasks, they would likely need to re-enter the SPR, ending the day's EVA, and return to the landing site. They would not be able to walk the additional distances to stations 4 and 5 (the latter being about 6 km from station 3). Thus, crew in an SPR without suit ports would require two days to accomplish the same tasks Apollo 17 crew completed in a single day. If a future crew is involved in long duration traverses on the lunar surface, the deployment of a vehicle with suit ports would probably be a better solution

    Automated astronaut traverses with minimum metabolic workload : Accessing permanently shadowed regions near the lunar south pole

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe Artemis exploration zone is a topographically complex impact-cratered terrain. Steep undulating slopes pose a challenge for walking extravehicular activities (EVAs) anticipated for the Artemis III and subsequent missions. Using 5 m/pixel Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) measurements of the surface, an automated Python pipeline was developed to calculate traverse paths that minimize metabolic workload. The tool combines a Monte Carlo method with a minimum-cost path algorithm that assesses cumulative slope over distances between a lander and stations, as well as between stations. To illustrate the functionality of the tool, optimized paths to permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) are calculated around potential landing sites 001, nearby location 001(6), and 004, all within the Artemis III 'Connecting Ridge' candidate landing region. We identified 521 PSRs and computed (1) traverse paths to accessible PSRs within 2 km of the landing sites, and (2) optimized descents from host crater rims into each PSR. Slopes are limited to 15° and previously identified boulders are avoided. Surface temperature, astronaut body illumination, regolith bearing capacity, and astronaut-to-lander direct view are simultaneously evaluated. Travel times are estimated using Apollo 12 and 14 walking EVA data. A total of 20 and 19 PSRs are accessible from sites 001 and 001(6), respectively, four of which maintain slopes <10°. Site 004 provides access to 11 PSRs, albeit with higher EVA workloads. From the crater rims, 94 % of PSRs can be accessed. All round-trip traverses from potential landing sites can be performed in under 2 h with a constant walk. Traverses and descents to PSRs are compiled in an atlas to support Artemis mission planning
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