560 research outputs found

    Análisis de las condiciones de higiene y seguridad laboral en la empresa Agua Ultra Purificada del Norte en el municipio de Matagalpa del departamento de Matagalpa, en el segundo semestre del año 2015.

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    El presente trabajo se realizó en la Empresa de AGUA ULTRA PURIFICADA DEL NORTE de la ciudad de Matagalpa, durante el II semestre del año 2015, el estudio consistió en realizar un análisis de la situación actual de la higiene y seguridad laboral en la empresa. El propósito de esta investigación fue examinar a profundidad todos los aspectos sobre higiene y seguridad laboral aplicados en la empresa de AGUA ULTRA PURIFICASA DEL NORTE teniendo como base La Ley 618 “LEY DE SEGURIDAD E HIGIENE LABORAL” y las normas y planes de higiene y seguridad laboral existentes. En el estudio se abordan las principales variables como: Seguridad e higiene laboral, Medidas de protección, prevención de accidente laborales, equipos de protección, prácticas higiénicas y los conocimientos sobre métodos de seguridad e higiene laboral. Las técnicas utilizadas para la recolección de información fueron: 1. Entrevista a la Gerente de Producción. 2. Encuestas a los operarios. 3. Método de observación directa. Mediante el análisis aplicado a través de las herramientas y como conclusión general se determinó que la empresa se encuentra en condiciones deficientes en cuanto a higiene y seguridad laboral y que deberá aplicar acciones correctivas en los puntos débiles encontrados: diseño de un plan de higiene y seguridad laboral adaptado a la empresa, capacitaciones a los trabajadores en cuanto a higiene y seguridad, equipos de protección, mantenimiento en las máquinas, condiciones ambientales de trabajo. Por lo cual se recomienda aplicar las correcciones indicadas, las cuales harán que la empresa mejore las condiciones en la que se encuentra en cuanto a higiene y seguridad laboral

    Error related negativity in observing interactive tasks

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    Error Related Negativity is triggered when a user either makes a mistake or the application behaves differently from their expectation. It can also appear while observing another user making a mistake. This paper investigates ERN in collaborative settings where observing another user (the executer) perform a task is typical and then explores its applicability to HCI. We first show that ERN can be detected on signals captured by commodity EEG headsets like an Emotiv headset when observing another person perform a typical multiple-choice reaction time task. We then investigate the anticipation effects by detecting ERN in the time interval when an executer is reaching towards an answer. We show that we can detect this signal with both a clinical EEG device and with an Emotiv headset. Our results show that online single trial detection is possible using both headsets during tasks that are typical of collaborative interactive applications. However there is a trade-off between the detection speed and the quality/prices of the headsets. Based on the results, we discuss and present several HCI scenarios for use of ERN in observing tasks and collaborative settings

    Auscultation et surveillance des pertubations hydromécaniques d'ouvrages souterrains par la mesure et l'analyse de la propagation d'ondes dans les roches

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    International audienceThe excavation of a drift creates a disturbed zone, which is called EDZ (Excavation Disturbed or Damaged Zone). The study of the mechanical characteristics of this zone is essential to estimate the stability of such a drift at short, mean or long term. The propagation of ultrasonic waves is used as a mean of analysis in rock mechanics since the 1960s. Initially, it was used to determine the dynamic elastic properties. Then, it was gradually adapted to the study of the other properties of the material such as cracking, porosity, saturation, etc. With the computer tools continuously more powerful, a more elaborated treatment of the signals became possible, which allows characterization of the "EDZ". The Tests carried out in laboratory, allowed us to correlate P-wave and mechanical parameters of the studied media in elastic and plastic phases. Besides, the mechanical modeling of the EDZ around a drift allows understanding the mechanical phenomena on the scale of the work. Finally, the results of an in-site experiment allowed us to locate the EDZ around an underground mine pillar. It contributed to have a better understanding of the mechanical models available and to estimate the pillar stability.Lorsqu'une galerie est excavée, quelle que soit la méthode d'excavation, la roche encaissante subit des perturbations dans une zone dite EDZ (Excavation Disturbed or Damaged Zone). Ces perturbations peuvent se traduire par différents effets allant d'une faible variation de la pression interstitielle à un endommagement important, voire la rupture de l'ouvrage et peuvent mettre en danger la stabilité d'une partie ou de l'ensemble de l'ouvrage souterrain concerné. L'étude des caractéristiques mécaniques de cette zone " EDZ " est essentielle pour estimer la stabilité de l'ouvrage à court, moyen ou long terme. La propagation des ondes ultrasoniques est utilisée comme moyen d'analyse en mécanique des roches depuis les années 1960. Initialement, elle a été mise au point pour déterminer les modules élastiques dynamiques des roches. Ensuite, elle a progressivement été adaptée à l'étude d'autres propriétés du matériau telles que : fissuration, porosité, saturation, etc. Avec les outils informatiques sans cesse plus puissants, un traitement des signaux plus élaboré est devenu possible, ce qui permet d'envisager la caractérisation de l' " EDZ " par cette méthode. Des essais en laboratoire à la fois acoustiques et mécaniques, nous ont permis de relier qualitativement les paramètres de propagation des ondes et les caractéristiques mécaniques du milieu étudié pendant les phases élastique et plastique. Par ailleurs, la modélisation mécanique de l'EDZ autour d'une galerie permet de comprendre les phénomènes mis en jeux à l'échelle de l'ouvrage. Enfin, les résultats d'une expérimentation in situ ont permis de caractériser la distribution de la zone endommagée autour d'un pilier de mine, ce qui a contribué à la vérification des modèles mécaniques existants et à l'estimation de la stabilité de l'ouvrage

    HIV and AIDS related knowledge, source of information, and reported need for further education among dental students in Sudan- a cross sectional study

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    Background: Information on the HIV and AIDS-related knowledge among dental students provides a crucial foundation for efforts aimed at developing an appropriate dental curriculum on HIV and AIDS, and for attracting the attention of dental school educators towards the subject. Purposes: Focusing on a census of dental students attending their 3rd, 4th and 5th study year at publicly – and privately funded dental faculties in Khartoum, this study aimed to assess the prevalence and socioeconomic correlates of dental students' knowledge, sources of information and reported need for further education related to HIV and AIDS. Methods: At the time of the survey (March–May 2007), the total number of dental students registered was 782 of which 642 (response rate 82%, mean age 21.7 year, 72% girls) completed anonymous selfadministered questionnaires in supervised class room settings. Results: A total of 49% and 86% had correct sum scores with respect to knowledge of transmission through contamination and through shaking hands and eating, respectively. About half the dental students recognized a need for further education across HIV related issues, varying from 75% (basic HIV/AIDS related issues) to 84% (patient management). Only 38% of the students had correct sum scores regarding various occupational groups at risk for contacting HIV and AIDS. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that compared to privately funded dental school students, publicly funded dental school students were less likely to have correct knowledge about modes of HIV transmission (OR = 0.6) and occupational risk groups (OR = 0.6) and to have received information from lectures/health care workers (OR = 0.5). Conclusion: Students attending privately funded schools were more knowledgeable about various HIV related issues than students from publicly funded schools. About half of the students investigated had received HIV/AIDS information from various sources and reported need for further education. This suggests that students are not adequately prepared for treating patients with HIV infection and AIDS and that the dental school curriculum needs improvements. Differences between public and private dental schools should be considered when planning such improvements

    Utilization of dental health care services in context of the HIV epidemic- a cross-sectional study of dental patients in the Sudan

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    Background: HIV infected patients should be expected in the Sudanese dental health care services with an increasing frequency. Dental care utilization in the context of the HIV epidemic is generally poorly understood. Focusing on Sudanese dental patients with reported unknown HIV status, this study assessed the extent to which Andersen's model in terms of predisposing (sociodemographics), enabling (knowledge, attitudes and perceived risk related to HIV) and need related factors (oral health status) predict dental care utilization. It was hypothesized that enabling factors would add to the explanation of dental care utilization beyond that of predisposing and need related factors. Methods: Dental patients were recruited from Khartoum Dental Teaching Hospital (KDTH) and University of Science and Technology (UST) during March-July 2008. A total of 1262 patients (mean age 30.7, 56.5% females and 61% from KDTH) were examined clinically (DMFT) and participated in an interview. Results: A total of 53.9% confirmed having attended a dental clinic for treatment at least once in the past 2 years. Logistic regression analysis revealed that predisposing factors; travelling inside Sudan (OR = 0.5) were associated with lower odds and females were associated with higher odds (OR = 2.0) for dental service utilization. Enabling factors; higher knowledge of HIV transmission (OR = 0.6) and higher HIV related experience (OR = 0.7) were associated with lower odds, whereas positive attitudes towards infected people and high perceived risk of contagion (OR = 1.3) were associated with higher odds for dental care utilization. Among need related factors dental caries experience was strongly associated with dental care utilization (OR = 4.8). Conclusion: Disparity in the history of dental care utilization goes beyond socio-demographic position and need for dental care. Public awareness of HIV infection control and confidence on the competence of dentists should be improved to minimize avoidance behaviour and help establish dental health care patterns in Sudan.publishedVersio

    HIV and AIDS related knowledge, sources of information, and reported need for further education among dental students in Sudan- a cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Information on the HIV and AIDS-related knowledge among dental students provides a crucial foundation for efforts aimed at developing an appropriate dental curriculum on HIV and AIDS, and for attracting the attention of dental school educators towards the subject.</p> <p>Purposes</p> <p>Focusing on a census of dental students attending their 3<sup>rd</sup>, 4<sup>th </sup>and 5<sup>th </sup>study year at publicly – and privately funded dental faculties in Khartoum, this study aimed to assess the prevalence and socio-economic correlates of dental students' knowledge, sources of information and reported need for further education related to HIV and AIDS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>At the time of the survey (March–May 2007), the total number of dental students registered was 782 of which 642 (response rate 82%, mean age 21.7 year, 72% girls) completed anonymous self-administered questionnaires in supervised class room settings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 49% and 86% had correct sum scores with respect to knowledge of transmission through contamination and through shaking hands and eating, respectively. About half the dental students recognized a need for further education across HIV related issues, varying from 75% (basic HIV/AIDS related issues) to 84% (patient management). Only 38% of the students had correct sum scores regarding various occupational groups at risk for contacting HIV and AIDS. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that compared to privately funded dental school students, publicly funded dental school students were less likely to have correct knowledge about modes of HIV transmission (OR = 0.6) and occupational risk groups (OR = 0.6) and to have received information from lectures/health care workers (OR = 0.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Students attending privately funded schools were more knowledgeable about various HIV related issues than students from publicly funded schools. About half of the students investigated had received HIV/AIDS information from various sources and reported need for further education. This suggests that students are not adequately prepared for treating patients with HIV infection and AIDS and that the dental school curriculum needs improvements. Differences between public and private dental schools should be considered when planning such improvements.</p

    El neorrealismo en la reflexión teórica contemporánea: una reseña crítica

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    Después de presentar una sucinta reseña de los postulados realistas en el marco de la teoría de las relaciones internacionales, se revisan los aspeaos adicionales formulados por los neorrealistas, en gran medida para responder a las numerosas críticas que suscitaron los primeros. El autor retoma las críticas que hace Richard Ashley, a su vez, al neorrealismo, del cual señala que ha trabajado sobre la base de un "círculo de errores", creando una construcción teórica cerrada que se retroalimenta a sí misma a partir de una mezcla de estatismo, utilitarismo, positivismo y estructuralismo

    HIV and AIDS related knowledge, source of information, and reported need for further education among dental students in Sudan- a cross sectional study

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    Background: Information on the HIV and AIDS-related knowledge among dental students provides a crucial foundation for efforts aimed at developing an appropriate dental curriculum on HIV and AIDS, and for attracting the attention of dental school educators towards the subject. Purposes: Focusing on a census of dental students attending their 3rd, 4th and 5th study year at publicly – and privately funded dental faculties in Khartoum, this study aimed to assess the prevalence and socioeconomic correlates of dental students' knowledge, sources of information and reported need for further education related to HIV and AIDS. Methods: At the time of the survey (March–May 2007), the total number of dental students registered was 782 of which 642 (response rate 82%, mean age 21.7 year, 72% girls) completed anonymous selfadministered questionnaires in supervised class room settings. Results: A total of 49% and 86% had correct sum scores with respect to knowledge of transmission through contamination and through shaking hands and eating, respectively. About half the dental students recognized a need for further education across HIV related issues, varying from 75% (basic HIV/AIDS related issues) to 84% (patient management). Only 38% of the students had correct sum scores regarding various occupational groups at risk for contacting HIV and AIDS. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that compared to privately funded dental school students, publicly funded dental school students were less likely to have correct knowledge about modes of HIV transmission (OR = 0.6) and occupational risk groups (OR = 0.6) and to have received information from lectures/health care workers (OR = 0.5). Conclusion: Students attending privately funded schools were more knowledgeable about various HIV related issues than students from publicly funded schools. About half of the students investigated had received HIV/AIDS information from various sources and reported need for further education. This suggests that students are not adequately prepared for treating patients with HIV infection and AIDS and that the dental school curriculum needs improvements. Differences between public and private dental schools should be considered when planning such improvements.publishedVersio