59 research outputs found

    Effect of Terminal Haptic Feedback on the Sensorimotor Control of Visually and Tactile-Guided Grasping

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    When grasping a physical object, the sensorimotor system is able to specify grip aperture via absolute sensory information. In contrast, grasping to a location previously occupied by (no-target pantomime-grasp) or adjacent to (spatially dissociated pantomime-grasp) an object results in the specification of grip aperture via relative sensory information. It is important to recognize that grasping a physical object and pantomime-grasping differ not only in terms of their spatial properties but also with respect to the availability of haptic feedback. Thus, the objective of this dissertation was to investigate how terminal haptic feedback influences the underlying mechanisms that support goal-directed grasping in visual- and tactile-based settings. In Chapter Two I sought to determine whether absolute haptic feedback influences tactile-based cues supporting grasps performed to the location previously occupied by an object. Results demonstrated that when haptic feedback was presented at the end of the response absolute haptic signals were incorporated in grasp production. Such a finding indicates that haptic feedback supports the absolute calibration between a tactile defined object and the required motor output. In Chapter Three I examined whether haptic feedback influences the information supporting visually guided no-target pantomime-grasps in a manner similar to tactile-guided grasping. Results showed that haptic sensory signals support no-target pantomime-grasping when provided at the end of the response. Accordingly, my findings demonstrated that a visuo-haptic calibration supports the absolute specification of object size and highlights the role of multisensory integration in no-target pantomime-grasping. Importantly, however, Chapter Four demonstrated that a priori knowledge of haptic feedback is necessary to support the aforementioned calibration process. In Chapter Five I demonstrates that, unlike no-target pantomime-grasps, spatially dissociated pantomime-grasps precluded a visuo-haptic calibration. Accordingly, I propose that the top-down demands of decoupling stimulus-response relations in spatially dissociated pantomime-grasping renders aperture shaping via a visual percept that is immutable to the integration of haptic feedback. In turn, the decreased top-down demands of no-target pantomime-grasps allows haptic feedback to serve as a reliable sensory resource supporting an absolute visuo-haptic calibration


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    An Introduction to Journal Phishings and Their Detection Approach

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    Nowadays, the most important risk and challenge in online system are online scam and phishing attacks. Phishing attacks have been always used to steal important information of users. In this kind of scam, attacker direct victim to fake pages using social engineering techniques, then, starts stealing users` important information such as passwords. In order to confronting these attacks, numerous techniques have been invented which have the ability to confront different kinds of these attacks. Our goal in this paper is to introducing new kind of phishing attacks which are not identifiable by techniques and methods which have been invented to confronting phishing attacks. Unlike other kinds of phishing attacks which target all kinds of users, researchers are the victims of these kinds of journal phishing attacks. Finally, we`ll introduce an approach based on classification algorithms to identify these kind of journal phishing attacks and then we`ll check our suggested approach in error rate

    Fake Conferences for Earning Real Money

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    DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2p1

    Pamidronate therapy for hypercalcemia and congenital mesoblastic nephroma: a case report

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    Hypercalcemia can causes life threatening complications. We report an infant with severe hypercalcemia due to congenital mesoblastic nephroma. Hypercalcemia was corrected before nephrectomy by pamidronate. According to our knowledge this is a rare case with severe neoplasm induced hypercalcemia among neonates who treated by bisphosphonates. The aim of this report is to define new approach to neoplasm induced neonatal hypercalcemia

    Severity of post-Roux-en-Y gastric bypass dumping syndrome and weight loss outcomes: is there any correlation?

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    Bariatric surgery; Gastric bypass; Weight lossCirugĂ­a bariĂĄtrica; Bypass gĂĄstrico; PĂ©rdida de pesoCirurgia bariĂ trica; Bypass gĂ stric; PĂšrdua de pesPurpose The present research was conducted to evaluate the effect of the severity of dumping syndrome (DS) on weight loss outcomes after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) in patients with class III obesity. Methods The present retrospective cohort study used the dumping symptom rating scale (DSRS) to evaluate the severity of DS and its correlation with weight loss outcomes in 207 patients 1 year after their RYGB. The patients were assigned to group A with mild-to-moderate DS or group B with severe DS. Results The mean age of the patients was 42.18 ± 10.46 years and their mean preoperative BMI 42.74 ± 5.59 kg/m2. The total weight loss percentage (%TWL) in group B was insignificantly higher than that in group A, but besides that was not significantly different in the two groups. Conclusion The present findings suggested insignificant relationships between the presence and severity of DS after RYGB and adequate postoperative weight loss.Open Access Funding provided by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

    Affiliation Oriented Journals: Don’t Worry About Peer Review If You Have Good Affiliation

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    There has been a growing concern about fraud peer review articles that have been published in some journals in favor of their authors' affiliation, which have been discussed extensively by some researchers. This research paper introduces a new another challenge in academic world concerning journals’ editors who look at authors' affiliations rather than papers' contents. In this short paper, we will introduce this alarming problem and do an experimental test by submitting computer generated papers to some journals and finally present the results of our experiment. The paper is an expression of our concern about providing for maximum high ethics in and quality of publication policy of modern scientific journals

    Influence of Coriolis Force Upon Bottom Boundary Layers in a Large‐Scale Gravity Current Experiment: Implications for Evolution of Sinuous Deep‐Water Channel Systems

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    Oceanic density currents in many deep‐water channels are strongly influenced by the Coriolis force. The dynamics of the bottom boundary layer in large geostrophic flows and low Rossby number turbidity currents are very important for determining the erosion and deposition of sediment in channelized contourite currents and many large‐scale turbidity currents. However, these bottom boundary layers are notoriously difficult to resolve with oceanic field measurements or in previous small‐scale rotating laboratory experiments. We present results from a large, 13‐m diameter, rotating laboratory platform that is able to achieve both stratified and highly turbulent flows in regimes where the rotation is sufficiently rapid that the Coriolis force can potentially dominate. By resolving the dynamics of the turbulent bottom boundary in straight and sinuous channel sections, we find that the Coriolis force can overcome centrifugal force to switch the direction of near‐bed flows in channel bends. This occurs for positive Rossby numbers less than +0.8, defined as RoR = /Rf, where is the depth and time‐averaged velocity, R is the radius of channel curvature, and f is the Coriolis parameter. Density and velocity fields decoupled in channel bends, with the densest fluid of the gravity current being deflected to the outer bend of the channel by the centrifugal force, while the location of velocity maximum shifted with the Coriolis force, leading to asymmetries between left‐ and right‐turning bends. These observations of Coriolis effects on gravity currents are synthesized into a model of how sedimentary structures might evolve in sinuous turbidity current channels at various latitudes

    Global 30-day outcomes after bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic (GENEVA): an international cohort study

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