46 research outputs found

    Dialektika Agama dan Negara dalam Karya Jurgen Habermas

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    Agama di negara sekuler dianggap tidak memiliki pengaruh sama sekali terhadap dinamika negara. Habermas melalui teori rasio komunikatif, etika diskursus, dan demokrasi deliberatif pada akhirnya memandang bahwa dalam negara demokratis yang terdapat dialog antara agama dan negara justru menunjukkan betapa agama mampu menggerakkan negara untuk selalu beradaptasi dan saling berkomunikasi. Cara yang digunakan yakni agama harus mentransformasi diri dari agama mitis (religious-metaphysical) ke agama rasional (religious-post-metafisik). Di sini warga beragama dan warga sekuler dalam masyarakat post-sekuler dapat saling belajar satu sama lain. Warganegara beriman juga mesti belajar dari sains dan teknologi yang memiliki klaim-klaim kesahihan ilmu pengetahuan. Warganegara beriman juga harus tunduk dan mengakui rasio sekuler yang menjadi basis legitimasi negara hukum demokratis

    Development of a new protocol for 2-day generation of mature dendritic cells from human monocytes

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    We developed a new 2-day protocol for the generation of dendritic cells (DCs) from human monocytes in vitro. First, we demonstrated that 24 hours of culture with GM-CSF and IL-4 are sufficient to generate immature DCs capable of antigen uptake. We then compared two different strategies for DC maturation: proinflammatory mediators were either added together with GM-CSF and IL-4 from the beginning of cell culture or added after 24 hours of differentiation with GM-CSF and IL-4. After 48 hours of total culture period, expression of activation markers was more pronounced in cells generated by the 2-step differentiation and activation method. Our new protocol for 2-day DC differentiation reduces labor, cost and time and also reliably renders high numbers of mature and viable DCs

    Comparison of voice analysis systems for perturbation measurement

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    Dysphonic voices are often analyzed using automated voice analysis software. However, the reliability of acoustic measures obtained from these programs remains unknown, particularly when they are applied to pathological voices. This study compared perturbation measures from CSpeech, Computerized Speech Laboratory, SoundScope, and a hand marking voice analysis system. Sustained vowels from 29 male and 21 female speakers with mild to severe dysphonia were digitized, and fundamental frequency (Fo), jitter, shimmer, and harmonics- or signal-to-noise ratios were computed. Commercially available acoustical analysis programs agreed well, but not perfectly, in their measures of Fo. Measures of perturbation in the various analysis packages use different algorithms, provide results in different units, and often yield values for voices that violate the assumption of quasi-periodicity. As a result, poor rank order correlations between programs using similar measures of perturbation were noted. Because measures of aperiodicity apparently cannot be reliably applied to voices that are even mildly aperiodic, we question their utility in quantifying vocal quality, especially in pathological voices. © 1996, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

    Epidemiological investigation of a tularaemia outbreak after a hare hunt in Bavaria, Germany, 2018

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    In November 2018, a tularaemia outbreak occurred in Bavaria, Germany, among participants of a hare hunt and butchery employees handling the hares. We con-ducted an epidemiological outbreak investigation, including a retrospective cohort study among hunting participants, to identify likely transmission routes and activi-ties associated with infection. Twelve of 41 participants were antibody- positive for Francisella (F.) tularensis (attack rate: 29%). Cases reported influenza- like symptoms (n= 11), lymphadenopathy (n= 1) and conjunctivitis (n= 1). Infection only occurred in those hunting participants present while hares were processed, while risk of infec-tion was highest when directly involved (RR = 10.0; 95%CI: 2.6–392). F. tularensiswas isolated from 1/4 hares. Only two individuals reported using some of the rec-ommended personal protective equipment (PPE). Occurrence of mainly non-specific symptoms, likely due to early treatment, was not indicative of a specific transmis-sion route. Transmissions via direct (skin/mucosa) contact and by inhalation of con-taminated aerosols seem plausible. Promoting and increasing appropriate use of PPE among people processing hares is crucial to prevent future outbreaks.Peer Reviewe