623 research outputs found

    Methyl esters selectivity of transesterification reaction with homogenous alkaline catalyst to produce biodiesel in batch, plug flow, and continuous stirred tank reactors

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    Selectivity concept is essential in establishing the best operating conditions for attaining maximum production of the desired product. For complex reaction such as biodiesel fuel synthesis, kinetic studies of transesterification reaction have revealed the mechanism of the reaction and rate constants. The objectives of this research are to develop the kinetic parameters for determination of methyl esters and glycerol selectivity, evaluate the significance of the reverse reaction in transesterification reaction, and examine the influence of reaction characteristics (reaction temperature, methanol to oil molar ratio, and the amount of catalyst) on selectivity. For this study, published reaction rate constants of transesterification reaction were used to develop mathematical expressions for selectivities. In order to examine the base case and reversible transesterification, two calculation schemes (Case 1 and Case 2) were established. An enhanced selectivity was found in the base case of transesterification reaction. The selectivity was greatly improved at optimum reaction temperature (60 C), molar ratio (9 : 1), catalyst concentration (1.5 wt.%), and low free fatty acid feedstock. Further research might explore the application of selectivity for specifying reactor configurations

    Methyl esters selectivity of transesterification reaction with homogenous alkaline catalyst to produce biodiesel in batch, plug flow, and continuous stirred tank reactors

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    Selectivity concept is essential in establishing the best operating conditions for attaining maximum production of the desired product. For complex reaction such as biodiesel fuel synthesis, kinetic studies of transesterification reaction have revealed the mechanism of the reaction and rate constants. The objectives of this research are to develop the kinetic parameters for determination of methyl esters and glycerol selectivity, evaluate the significance of the reverse reaction in transesterification reaction, and examine the influence of reaction characteristics (reaction temperature, methanol to oil molar ratio, and the amount of catalyst) on selectivity. For this study, published reaction rate constants of transesterification reaction were used to develop mathematical expressions for selectivities. In order to examine the base case and reversible transesterification, two calculation schemes (Case 1 and Case 2) were established. An enhanced selectivity was found in the base case of transesterification reaction. The selectivity was greatly improved at optimum reaction temperature (60 C), molar ratio (9 : 1), catalyst concentration (1.5 wt.%), and low free fatty acid feedstock. Further research might explore the application of selectivity for specifying reactor configurations

    Application of logit model in innovation adoption: a study on biotechnology academic researchers in Malaysia

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    Agro-biotechnology is considered as a strong potential to speed up the movement towards industrialization in Malaysia due to the country’s specific needs and social, geographical and industrial context. The level of adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Malaysia should be accelerated to change this potential to actual improve. Academic centers play a great role in Malaysian context because they are the main providers for biotechnology. The aim of this paper is to determine and optimize the technology adoption scenario in Malaysia from the viewpoint of academic researchers. Based on the previous studies the general predictors of the level of adoption are determined as six factors including level of knowledge, amount of funds, level of acceptance and receptiveness, level of cooperation, level of transfer of technology and personal characteristics. According to academic researchers, among the variables mentioned above, level of knowledge, acceptance and transfer of technology influence the level of adoption of biotechnology innovation in Malaysian agro-biotechnology companies. Therefore, to accelerate the adoption of new biotechnology innovations it is suggested that policy makers place greater emphasis on providing facilities to increase the level of knowledge, acceptance and technology transfer as a strategy to accelerate the rate of biotechnology adoption in Malaysia

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Seledri (Apium Graveolens L.) terhadap Kelarutan Kalsium dalam Batu Ginjal

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    Celery (apium graveolens L.) contains chemicals that can be used as traditional medicine for various treatments. The research objective is to determine the effect of celery (apium graveolens L.) extractsin dissolving calcium kidney stones and calcium to determine the relationship between the concentration of extract of celery (apium graveolens L.) with the solubility of calcium in the kidney stones. Determination of the solubility of calcium in an extract of celery is by flame fotometer. The concentration of the extract was varried into 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20%. It showed that a concentration of 1% can dissolve the calcium as much as 15.104%; concentration of 5% can dissolve the calcium as much as 18.708%; concentration of 10% can dissolve the calcium as much as 23.683%; concentration of 15% can dissolve the calcium as much as 28.869%; and to a concentration of 20% can dissolve the calcium as much as 35.048%. It can be concluded that celeries extract can dissolve calcium of kidney stones

    Penggunaan Qr Code Dalam Pembelajaran Pokok Bahasan Sistem Periodik Unsur Pada Kelas X SMA Labschool Untad

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    Utilization of information technology in particular a QR code in education is still lacking. Therefore the reseacher is examining the QR code in the chemistry learning. Teaching and learning activities in the classroom are still dominated by teachers, meanwhile students seem expect more aids from their peers in performing the task. which due to a number of student are still lack of confidence in completing their tasks. In this study, the researchers use the QR code in the learning of periodic table topics regarding properties of elements. The problem statement was wether the learning outcomes of student who involved in the learning using QR code are better than student who take lessons without involving the use of QR code. The number of student in class X science Labschool Untad for 2013/2014 academic year are 22 student in experimental classroom and 22 student in control classroom which are determined by purposive sampling. Based on the results, it is concluded that the learning outcomes of students who took lessons with the use of QR code is higher than the learning outcome of students who took the lessons without involving the use of QR code for student in class X SMA Labschool Tadulako University

    A novel composite web service selection based on quality of service

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    Using the internet, as a dynamic environment thanks to its distributed characteristic, for web service deployment has become a crucial issue in QoS-driven service composition. An accurate adaption should be undertaken to provide a reliable service composition which enables the composited services are being executed appropriately. That is, the critical aspect of service composition is the proper execution of combination of web services while the appropriate service adaption performed with respect to predetermined functional and non-functional characteristics. In this paper, we attempts to deliberate the optimization approaches to devise the appropriate scheme for QoS-based composite web service selection

    Sensitivity measurement of Fibre Bragg grating sensor

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    A practical pass-through type fibre Bragg grating (FBG) temperature sensor system have been designed, developed, simulated, and experimentally investigated. The performance of FBG was evaluated in harsh environments exposed under direct sunlight, rain, and wind. The sensor system designed directly focused with convex and hand lens. The temperature of FBG’s sensor head been measured. The broadband laser source was launched into the system using tunable laser source (TLS) and both transmission and reflection spectra of FBG sensor were measured by optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). Results shows that the Bragg wavelength shift, ΔλB increased proportionally with the temperature changes. The sensitivity of FBG were recorded at 0.0100 and 0.0132 nm °C-1 for the systems where convex and hand lens applied to the FBG’s sensor head respectively, while the sensitivity of 0.0118 nm °C-1 measured for the system without any focusing element applied

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) pada Pokok Bahasan Ikatan Kimia di Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Sausu

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    Generally in the learning process students tend to be passive in finding out the concept. Students just rewrite the existing conceptss, so that their learning outcomes are less. To obtainthe improvement of students' learning outcome it required a learning model, one of them is cooperative learning model TSTS. This study aims to apply student-centered in the learning process of SMA Negeri 1 Sausu, and to investigate the students' learning outcomes with the application of the learning model TSTS type and the conventional on chemistry subject at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sausu. This research is experimental research with quasi experiment design. The population is the whole tenth grade students numbered 124 studends with the sample taken purposively where class B as for the control class numbered 31 students and class D as for the experimental class numbered 31 students. The results of the data analysis obtained the average score of the experimental class is 7.04 with deviation standard is 2.85 and control class is 5.43 with deviation standard is 3.11. from the results of testing hypothesis obtained tcounted = 2.26 and ttable = 2.00 at α = 0.05, so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. These data showed that students' learning outcomes with the implementation of cooperative learning model TSTS were higher than conventional learning model on the subject of chemistry at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sausu

    Theoretical study on slow-light generated by integrated microring resonator with wide bandwidth and high gain

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    We proposed a new approach to generate slow light transmission with large bandwidth and high buildup factor by using a soliton pulse propagating within integrated ring resonator circuit. The system consisted series of micron-size ring resonator fabricated by using nonlinear InGaAsP/InP material that are laterally coupled together. For convenience of analysis, optical transfer function for this model is obtained by using z-transform method. Slow light performances were modeled and discuss in this paper. Intensity buildup induced within the series of rings located at left and right sides of the system while strong nonlinear Kerr effect and mutual coupling leads to the spreading frequency bands within the device. Numerical simulation verifies that signal pulse with 45 ps relative delay time and bandwidth of 5.9 GHz (47 pm) are obtained at the communication wavelength around 1550 nm for a 100 ps signal pulse