1,101 research outputs found

    Assessing the validity of western measurement of online risks to children in an Asian context

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    Before the advent of the Internet, television with limited channels was the only media choice that most children were exposed to, and took place under family supervision. Children’s television viewing was controllable and the risks were limited to watching sexual and violent content. Nowadays, children are surrounded by a variety of digital media and are exposed to many different risks, many of which are still unknown and under-researched. For many children, the Internet is fully integrated into their daily lives, along with the potential risks. The present study aimed to (i) describe the level of risks children are exposed to, and (2) test the measurement validity of a total of 45 items assessing nine scales online risky behavior in children were adapted from studies carried out in Europe and the United States. The study comprised 420 school going children aged 9, 11, 13, 14, and 16 studying in Malaysia. Descriptive analyses showed that children were more exposed to ‘unwanted exposure to pornography’ and less to ‘conduct risk’. Boys and older children were more exposed to the risks compared to girls and younger children. The study validated five dimensions (inappropriate materials, sexting, contact-related risks on, risky online sexual behavior, and bullying/being bullied) assessing children’s online risky behavior by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Further research is needed to investigate the measurement of children’s online risk, since the scales developed in Europe and the United States are not wholly suitable to an Asian context

    Selection of broodstock of Tiger Prawn, penaeus monodon fabricius, on the basis of Morphometric traits

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    Mature Penaeus monodon were collected from Kedah, Perak, Terengganu, johore and Sabah waters in Malaysia. Selected morphometric characters and body weight Were measured individually. The results showed that the females were significantly larger (P<O.05) than the males in all locations. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that carapace length alone is sufficient to explain the variance in body weight for male and female prawns and can thus be used as a criterion for the selection of broadstock. The logarithmic relationships between body weight and total length. body weight and carapace length, and between carapace length and total length for both sexes were also calculated

    Work Environment-Related Risk Factors for Leptospirosis among Plantation Workers in Tropical Countries: Evidence from Malaysia

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    Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that is recognized as a re-emerging global public health issue, especially in tropical and subtropical countries. Malaysia, for example, has increasingly registered leptospirosis cases, outbreaks, and fatalities over the past decade. One of the major industries in the country is the palm oil sector, which employs numerous agricultural workers. These laborers are at a particularly high risk of contracting the disease. Objective: To identify the work environment-related risk factors for leptospirosis infection among oil palm plantation workers in Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 350 workers was conducted. The participants were interviewed and administered a microscopic agglutination test. Seropositivity was determined using a cut-off titer of ≥1:100. Results: 100 of 350 workers tested positive for leptospiral antibodies, hence, a seroprevalence of 28.6% (95% CI 23.8% to 33.3%). The workplace environment-related risk factors significantly associated with seropositive leptospirosis were the presence of cows in plantations (adjusted OR 4.78, 95% CI 2.76 to 8.26) and the presence of a landfill in plantations (adjusted OR 2.04, 95% CI 1.22 to 3.40). Conclusion: Preventing leptospirosis incidence among oil palm plantation workers necessitates changes in policy on work environments. Identifying modifiable factors may also contribute to the reduction of the infection

    Half-panda ring resonator used to generate 100 MHZ repetition rate femtosecond soliton

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    Interferometric measurement techniques have been employed in research and industry for investigations into propagation behavior aspects of the optical solitons within semiconductor lasers. The half-PANDA ring resonator system introduced in this paper consists of an add/drop multiplex connected to a microring resonator on the right side, where the output powers can be controlled by specific parameters. The collision of dark and bright solitons occurs inside the system in which femtosecond (fs) optical solitons with 100 MHz repetition rate form the through and drop port outputs of the system. A trapping force is produced via the add port signals that constitute the input powers; thus the femtosecond optical soliton are generated and controlled within the half-PANDA ring resonator. The results of the soliton signals are obtained based on the iterative method technique in which a number of experimental and practical parameters are employed. These circumstances allow for manipulation of the trapping bandwidth by means of system parameter alterations. The input powers of the dark and bright solitons are 5.12 mW and 4 mW respectively. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the through and drop port output signals are 35 and 76 femtoseconds respectively correspond to 0.76 and 1.56 terahertz (THz) in frequency domain, where the repetition rate of the solitons is 100 MHz

    Measurement of surface recombination velocity for silicon solar cells using a scanning electron microscope with pulsed beam

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    The role of surface recombination velocity in the design and fabrication of silicon solar cells is discussed. A scanning electron microscope with pulsed electron beam was used to measure this parameter of silicon surfaces. It is shown that the surface recombination velocity, s, increases by an order of magnitude when an etched surface degrades, probably as a result of environmental reaction. A textured front-surface-field cell with a high-low junction near the surface shows the effect of minority carrier reflection and an apparent reduction of s, whereas a tandem-junction cell shows an increasing s value. Electric fields at junction interfaces in front-surface-field and tandem-junction cells acting as minority carrier reflectors or sinks tend to alter the value of effective surface recombination velocity for different beam penetration depths. A range of values of s was calculated for different surfaces

    Characterization of grain boundaries in silicon

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    Zero-bias conductance and capacitance measurements at various temperatures were used to study trapped charges and potential barrier height at the boundaries. Deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) was applied to measure the density of states at the boundary. A study of photoconductivity of grain boundaries in p-type silicon demonstrated the applicability of the technique in the measurement of minority carrier recombination velocity at the grain boundary. Enhanced diffusion of phosphorus at grain boundaries in three cast polycrystalline photovoltaic materials was studied. Enhancements for the three were the same, indicating that the properties of boundaries are similar, although grown by different techniques. Grain boundaries capable of enhancing the diffusion were found always to have strong recombination activities; the phenomena could be related to dangling bonds at the boundaries. Evidence that incoherent second-order twins of (111)/(115) type are diffusion-active is presented

    The Influence of Education Level, Training, and Performance Appraisal Towards Career Development (Study: PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Manado)

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    Career development is a condition that indicates the status of a person improvement in an organization in a career path that has established within the organization concern. There are several factors that can make employee achieve their career development include education level, training, and performance appraisal. The objective of the study is to know the influence of education level, training, and performance appraisal towards career development at PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Manado. Data was analyzed quantitatively and through use of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The research method that used in tihs research is ordinal regression analysis using random sampling with the sample of the respondents is 58 samples of all the employees at PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Manado. The result of this study shown that education level and training have no significant influence towards career development, and performance appraisal has significant influence towards career development. To management of company, researcher suggests to keep enhancing the performance appraisal and more consider the background of education and improve training program for better human resource. Keywords: education level, training, performance appraisal, career developmen