1,313 research outputs found

    Solvation at Aqueous Metal Electrodes

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    We present a study of the solvation properties of model aqueous electrode interfaces. The exposed electrodes we study strongly bind water and have closed packed crystalline surfaces, which template an ordered water adlayer adjacent to the interface. We find that these ordered water structures facilitate collective responses in the presence of solutes that are correlated over large lengthscales and across long timescales. Specifically, we show that the liquid water adjacent to the ordered adlayers forms a soft, liquid-vapor-like interface with concomitant manifestations of hydrophobicity. Temporal defects in the adlayer configurations create a dynamic heterogeneity in the degree to which different regions of the interface attract hydrophobic species. The structure and heterogeneous dynamics of the adlayer defects depend upon the geometry of the underlying ordered metal surface. For both 100 and 111 surfaces, the dynamical heterogeneity relaxes on times longer than nanoseconds. Along with analyzing time scales associated with these effects, we highlight implications for electrolysis and the particular catalytic efficiency of platinum.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Modelling modulation perception : modulation low-pass filter or modulation filter bank?

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    In current models of modulation perception, the stimuli are first filtered and nonlinearly transformed (mostly half-wave rectified). In order to model the low-pass characteristic of measured modulation transfer functions, the next stage in the models is a first-order low-pass filter with a typical cutoff frequency of 50 to 60 Hz. From physiological studies in mammals it is known that many neurons in, e.g., the inferior colliculus, show a bandpass characteristic in their sensitivity to amplitude modulation. Results from psychophysical studies of modulation masking also suggest some kind of bandpass analysis of modulation frequencies. Results of two experiments on modulation detection that allow discrimination between models incorporating a low-pass filter and those using a modulation filterbank are presented. In the first experiment, modulation detection thresholds were measured for noise carriers of bandwidths between 3 and 6000 Hz. In the second experiment, modulation detection for a sinusoidal carrier was measured in the presence of interfering modulation components with a bandpass characteristic in the modulation spectrum. The results from these experiments could not be simulated by a model including a modulation low-pass filter, but were successfully simulated by a model using a modulation filterbank

    Redistribution of Calving Caribou in Response to Oil Field Development on the Arctic Slope of Alaska

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    Aerial surveys were conducted annually in June 1978-87 near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to determine changes in the distribution of calving caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) that accompanied petroleum-related development. With construction of an oil field access road through a calving concentration area, mean caribou density (no./sq. km) decreased from 1.41 to 0.31 (P=0.05) with 1 km and increased from 1.41 to 4.53 (P=0.04) 5-6 km from the road. Concurrently, relative caribou use of the adjacent area declined (P<0.02), apparently in response to increasing surface development. We suggest that perturbed distribution associated with roads reduced the capacity of the nearby area to sustain parturient females and that insufficient spacing of roads may have depressed overall calving activity. Use of traditional calving grounds and of certain areas therein appears to favor calf survival, principally through lower predation risk and improved foraging conditions. Given the possible loss of those habitats through displacement and the crucial importance of the reproductive process, a cautious approach to petroleum development on the Arctic Slope is warranted.Key words: Alaska, calving, caribou, disturbance, oil fieldRÉSUMÉ. Des photographies aériennes ont été prises au mois de juin chaque année de 1978 à 1987 près de la baie Prudhoe en Alaska, en vue de déterminer les changements dans la distribution des caribous (Rangifer tarandus granti) qui mettaient bas, changements accompagnant les projets de mise en valeur reliés au pétrole. Avec la construction d’une route d’accès à un champ pétrolifère à travers une zone importante de mise bas, la densité moyenne du caribou (nombre d’individus/km2) diminuait de 1,41 à 0,31 (P = 0,OS) à moins d’1 km de la route et augmentait de 1,41 à 4,53 (P = 0,04) à une distance de 516 km de la route. En même temps, l’utilisation relative de la zone adjacente par le caribou diminuait (P < 0,02), apparemment enréponse à l’augmentation de la mise en valeur de surface. On suggère que la perturbation de la distribution associée à la construction de routes diminuait la capacité de la zone environnante à supporter des femelles parturientes et qu’un espacement insuffisant des routes aurait pu faire chuter l’activité générale de mise bas. L’utilisation de terrains traditionnels de mise bas ainsi que de certaines zones à l’intérieur de ces terrains semble favoriser la survie des veaux, en particulier grâce à une baisse de la prédation et à de meilleures conditions de pâturage. Étant donné que le caribou pourrait être évincé de cet habitat et vu l’importance cruciale du processus de reproduction, on recommande une approche prudente à l’exploitation du pétrole sur le versant arctique.Mots clés: Alaska, mise bas, caribou, perturbation, champ pétrolifèr

    Carbon nanotube four-terminal devices for pressure sensing applications

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are of high interest for sensing applications,owing to their superior mechanical strength, high Young’s modulus and low density. In this work, we report on a facile approach for the fabrication of carbon nanotube devices using a four terminal configuration. Oriented carbon nanotube films were pulled out from a CNT forest wafer and then twisted into a yarn. Both the CNT film and yarn were arranged on elastomer membranes/diaphragms which were arranged on a laser cut acrylic frame to form pressure sensors. The sensors were calibrated using a precisely controlled pressure system, showing a large change of the output voltage of approximately 50 mV at a constant supply current of 100 μA and under a low applied pressure of 15 mbar. The results indicate the high potential of using CNT films and yarns for pressure sensing applications

    DocChecker: Bootstrapping Code Large Language Model for Detecting and Resolving Code-Comment Inconsistencies

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    Comments within source code are essential for developers to comprehend the code's purpose and ensure its correct usage. However, as codebases evolve, maintaining an accurate alignment between the comments and the code becomes increasingly challenging. Recognizing the growing interest in automated solutions for detecting and correcting differences between code and its accompanying comments, current methods rely primarily on heuristic rules. In contrast, this paper presents DocChecker, a tool powered by deep learning. DocChecker is adept at identifying inconsistencies between code and comments, and it can also generate synthetic comments. This capability enables the tool to detect and correct instances where comments do not accurately reflect their corresponding code segments. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DocChecker using the Just-In-Time and CodeXGlue datasets in different settings. Particularly, DocChecker achieves a new State-of-the-art result of 72.3% accuracy on the Inconsistency Code-Comment Detection (ICCD) task and 33.64 BLEU-4 on the code summarization task against other Large Language Models (LLMs), even surpassing GPT 3.5 and CodeLlama. DocChecker is accessible for use and evaluation. It can be found on our GitHub https://github.com/FSoft-AI4Code/DocChecker and as an Online Tool For a more comprehensive understanding of its functionality, a demonstration video is available on YouTube https://youtu.be/FqnPmd531xw


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    The paper aims to provide a brief agricultural profile of Tra Vinh province, informative adaptation results of Partridge coloured Hungarian chicken (PH) in Mekong Delta and describe the procedure to introduce PH into Tra Vinh province. During the introducing process, flexibility, consideration of the local condition (temperature, humidity, daily sunlight…), and availability of local resources such as bamboo blind, rice husk is essential for introducing a new chicken breed into Mekong Delta. For this, practical examples are given in the study. Regarding adaptation results, relatively high survival rate (89.6%) of PH was recorded at the end of 8th week. Although the recorded data of PH in Tra Vinh is limited, their performance is expected to be equally good or even better in comparison with that obtained in the sub-tropical climatic zone (North Vietnam). Further studies of PH adaptability in Mekong Delta for sustainable, traditional production and crossing purposes, as well as the involvement of chicken caravans to free range farming are recommended

    Change in Abundance of Pacific Brant Wintering in Alaska: Evidence of a Climate Warming Effect?

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    Winter distribution of Pacific Flyway brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) has shifted northward from low-temperate areas to sub-Arctic areas over the last 42 years. We assessed the winter abundance and distribution of brant in Alaska to evaluate whether climate warming may be contributing to positive trends in the most northern of the wintering populations. Mean surface air temperatures during winter at the end of the Alaska Peninsula increased about 1°C between 1963 and 2004, resulting in a 23% reduction in freezing degree days and a 34% decline in the number of days when ice cover prevents birds from accessing food resources. Trends in the wintering population fluctuated with states of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, increasing during positive (warm) phases and decreasing during negative (cold) phases, and this correlation provides support for the hypothesis that growth in the wintering population of brant in Alaska is linked to climate warming. The size of the wintering population was negatively correlated with the number of days of strong northwesterly winds in November, which suggests that the occurrence of tailwinds favorable for migration before the onset of winter was a key factor in whether brant migrated from Alaska or remained there during winter. Winter distribution of brant on the Alaska Peninsula was highly variable and influenced by ice cover, particularly at the heavily used Izembek Lagoon. Observations of previously marked brant indicated that the Alaska wintering population was composed primarily of birds originating from Arctic breeding colonies that appear to be growing. Numbers of brant in Alaska during winter will likely increase as temperatures rise and ice cover decreases at high latitudes in response to climate warming.Au cours des 42 dernières années, la répartition de la bernache cravant du Pacifique (Branta bernicla nigricans) s’est déplacée vers le nord en hiver, passant ainsi de régions faiblement tempérées à des régions subarctiques. Nous avons évalué l’abondance et la répartition de la bernache en Alaska l’hiver afin de tenter de déterminer si le réchauffement climatique contribue aux tendances positives au sein des populations d’hivernage les plus au nord. Les températures moyennes de l’air à la surface en hiver se sont accrues d’environ 1°C entre 1963 et 2004, ce qui s’est traduit par une réduction de 23 % du nombre de jours atteignant le point de congélation et d’une diminution de 34 % du nombre de jours pendant lesquels la couverture de glace empêche les oiseaux d’avoir accès aux ressources alimentaires. Les tendances caractérisant la population d’hivernage fluctuaient en fonction des états de l’oscillation pacifique décennale en ce sens qu’elles augmentaient pendant les phases positives (tièdes) et qu’elles baissaient pendant les phases négatives (froides). Cette corrélation vient appuyer l’hypothèse selon laquelle la croissance de la population d’hivernage de la bernache en Alaska est liée au réchauffement climatique. L’effectif de la population d’hivernage a été négativement corrélé au nombre de jours de vents forts en provenance du nord-ouest en novembre, ce qui laisse croire que l’occurrence de vents arrières favorables à la migration avant le début de l’hiver constituait un facteur-clé déterminant si une bernache migrait de l’Alaska ou y restait pendant l’hiver. Dans la péninsule de l’Alaska, la répartition de la bernache en hiver variait énormément et dépendait de la couverture de glace, surtout à la lagune Izembek particulièrement achalandée. Les observations de bernaches déjà marquées ont permis de constater que la population d’hivernage de l’Alaska était principalement composée d’oiseaux provenant des colonies de reproduction de l’Arctique qui semblent prendre de l’ampleur. Le nombre de bernaches en Alaska pendant l’hiver augmentera vraisemblablement au fur et à mesure que les températures augmenteront et que les couvertures de glace diminueront en haute latitude en raison du réchauffement climatique
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