30 research outputs found

    Mineralocorticoid receptors dampen glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity to stress via regulation of FKBP5

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    Responding to different dynamic levels of stress is critical for mammalian survival. Disruption of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling is proposed to underlie hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation observed in stress-related psychiatric disorders. In this study, we show that FK506-binding protein 51 (FKBP5) plays a critical role in fine-tuning MR:GR balance in the hippocampus. Biotinylated-oligonucleotide immunoprecipitation in primary hippocampal neurons reveals that MR binding, rather than GR binding, to the Fkbp5 gene regulates FKBP5 expression during baseline activity of glucocorticoids. Notably, FKBP5 andMR exhibit similar hippocampal expression patterns in mice and humans, which are distinct from that of the GR. Pharmacological inhibition and region- and cell type-specific receptor deletion in mice further demonstrate that lack of MR decreases hippocampal Fkbp5 levels and dampens the stress-induced increase in glucocorticoid levels. Overall, our findings demonstrate that MR-dependent changes in baseline Fkbp5 expression modify GR sensitivity to glucocorticoids, providing insight into mechanisms of stress homeostasis.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    An epigenome-wide association study of posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans implicates several new DNA methylation loci

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    Background Previous studies using candidate gene and genome-wide approaches have identified epigenetic changes in DNA methylation (DNAm) associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Methods In this study, we performed an EWAS of PTSD in a cohort of Veterans (n = 378 lifetime PTSD cases and 135 controls) from the Translational Research Center for TBI and Stress Disorders (TRACTS) cohort assessed using the Illumina EPIC Methylation BeadChip which assesses DNAm at more than 850,000 sites throughout the genome. Our model included covariates for ancestry, cell heterogeneity, sex, age, and a smoking score based on DNAm at 39 smoking-associated CpGs. We also examined in EPIC-based DNAm data generated from pre-frontal cortex (PFC) tissue from the National PTSD Brain Bank (n = 72). Results The analysis of blood samples yielded one genome-wide significant association with PTSD at cg19534438 in the gene G0S2 (p = 1.19 x 10(-7), p(adj) = 0.048). This association was replicated in an independent PGC-PTSD-EWAS consortium meta-analysis of military cohorts (p = 0.0024). We also observed association with the smoking-related locus cg05575921 in AHRR despite inclusion of a methylation-based smoking score covariate (p = 9.16 x 10(-6)), which replicates a previously observed PGC-PTSD-EWAS association (Smith et al. 2019), and yields evidence consistent with a smoking-independent effect. The top 100 EWAS loci were then examined in the PFC data. One of the blood-based PTSD loci, cg04130728 in CHST11, which was in the top 10 loci in blood, but which was not genome-wide significant, was significantly associated with PTSD in brain tissue (in blood p = 1.19 x 10(-5), p(adj) = 0.60, in brain, p = 0.00032 with the same direction of effect). Gene set enrichment analysis of the top 500 EWAS loci yielded several significant overlapping GO terms involved in pathogen response, including "Response to lipopolysaccharide" (p = 6.97 x 10(-6), p(adj) = 0.042). Conclusions The cross replication observed in independent cohorts is evidence that DNA methylation in peripheral tissue can yield consistent and replicable PTSD associations, and our results also suggest that that some PTSD associations observed in peripheral tissue may mirror associations in the brain.Stress-related psychiatric disorders across the life spa

    Mineralocorticoid receptor and glucocorticoid receptor work alone and together in cell-type-specific manner: Implications for resilience prediction and targeted therapy

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    'You can't roll the clock back and reverse the effects of experiences' Bruce McEwen used to say when explaining how allostasis labels the adaptive process. Here we will for once roll the clock back to the times that the science of the glucocorticoid hormone was honored with a Nobel prize and highlight the discovery of their receptors in the hippocampus as inroad to its current status as master regulator in control of stress coping and adaptation. Glucocorticoids operate in concert with numerous neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and other hormones with the aim to facilitate processing of information in the neurocircuitry of stress, from anticipation and perception of a novel experience to behavioral adaptation and memory storage. This action, exerted by the glucocorticoids, is guided by two complementary receptor systems, mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR), that need to be balanced for a healthy stress response pattern. Here we discuss the cellular, neuroendocrine, and behavioral studies underlying the MR:GR balance concept, highlight the relevance of hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis patterns and note the limited understanding yet of sexual dimorphism in glucocorticoid actions. We conclude with the prospect that (i) genetically and epigenetically regulated receptor variants dictate cell-type-specific transcriptome signatures of stress-related neuropsychiatric symptoms and (ii) selective receptor modulators are becoming available for more targeted treatment. These two new developments to 'restart the clock' with the to resilience.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Early handling modulates outcome of neonatal dexamethasone exposure

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    Synthetic glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone (DEX) are used to prevent or treat respiratory disorders in prematurely born infants. Besides the short-term benefit on lung development, numerous human and animal studies have reported adverse neurodevelopmental side effects. In contrast, maternal care is known to exert a positive influence on neurodevelopmental outcome in rodents. The aim of the current study was therefore to investigate whether neonatal handling (days 1-21), known to induce maternal care, might serve as an intervention strategy modulating the adverse effects of DEX treatment (days 1-3). For this purpose we have measured the outcome of these early-life manipulations on development as well as adult endocrine and behavioral phenotype of male rats. Maternal care was observed during the first week of life and indeed enhanced in response to handling. Eye opening was accelerated and body weight reduced in DEX-treated animals. In adulthood, we report that handling ameliorated impaired spatial learning observed in DEX treated non-handled animals in the T-maze. Additionally, handling reduced susceptibility to the impact of DEX treatment in the water maze. Although DEX treatment and handling both resulted in enhanced negative feedback of the stress-induced corticosterone response and both reduced startle reactivity, the acquisition of fear was only reduced by handling, without effect of DEX. Interestingly, handling had a beneficial effect on pre-pulse inhibition, which was diminished after DEX treatment. In conclusion, these findings indicate that handling of the neonate enhances maternal care and attenuates specific DEX-induced alterations in the adult behavioral phenotype. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    The three-hit concept of vulnerability and resilience: Toward understanding adaptation to early-life adversity outcome

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    Stressful experiences during early-life can modulate the genetic programming of specific brain circuits underlying emotional and cognitive aspects of behavioral adaptation to stressful experiences later in life. Although this programming effect exerted by experience-related factors is an important determinant of mental health, its outcome depends on cognitive inputs and hence the valence an individual assigns to a given environmental context. From this perspective we will highlight, with studies in rodents, non-human primates and humans, the three-hit concept of vulnerability and resilience to stress-related mental disorders, which is based on gene environment interactions during critical phases of perinatal and juvenile brain development. The three-hit (i.e., hit-1: genetic predisposition, hit-2: early-life environment, and hit-3: later-life environment) concept accommodates the cumulative stress hypothesis stating that in a given context vulnerability is enhanced when failure to cope with adversity accumulates. Alternatively, the concept also points to the individual's predictive adaptive capacity, which underlies the stress inoculation and match/mismatch hypotheses. The latter hypotheses propose that the experience of relatively mild early-life adversity prepares for the future and promotes resilience to similar challenges in later-life; when a mismatch occurs between early and later-life experience, coping is compromised and vulnerability is enhanced. The three-hit concept is fundamental for understanding how individuals can either be prepared for coping with life to come and remain resilient or are unable to do so and succumb to a stress-related mental disorder, under seemingly identical circumstances. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Immediate Effects of Maternal Deprivation on the (Re)Activity of the HPA-Axis Differ in CD1 and C57B1/6J Mouse Pups

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    The postnatal development of the mouse is characterized by a period of hypo responsiveness of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis to mild stressors. Maternal deprivation (MD) during this period can disrupt the quiescence of the HPA-axis. The present study examined the influence of strain (outbred CD1 vs. inbred C57BL/6J mice) on some central and peripheral components of the HPA-axis in neonatal mice (5-day-old) in the presence of their mother or after 24 h MD (on postnatal day 4) under basal or mild stressful conditions. In the presence of the dam, adrenal corticosterone (CORT) secretion was low in both mouse strains. Compared to CD1 mice, C57BL/6J had lower CORT levels associated with higher ACTH levels and ACTH/CORT ratio (i.e., lower adrenal sensitivity to ACTH), and higher glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA expression in the paraventricular nucleus. Although MD disinhibited the HPA-axis in both strains as reflected by increased basal CORT and ACTH, we found a strain-dependent pattern. MD increased CORT more in C57BL/6J compared to CD1 mice together with a lower ACTH/CORT ratio (i.e., higher adrenal sensitivity to ACTH), while GR mRNA was no longer different in the two strains. However, this increased adrenal sensitivity in maternally deprived C57BL/6J mice was not reflected in their CORT response to a subsequent novelty stressor, possibly due to an MD-induced ceiling effect in their steroidogenic capacity. In conclusion, the immediate outcome of MD depends on the genetic background of the mother infant dyad, suggesting that maybe also the outcome in later-life cannot be generalized.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Testing the cumulative stress and mismatch hypotheses of psychopathology in a rat model of early-life adversity

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    Background: In the present study, we tested both the cumulative stress and the mismatch hypothesis of psychopathology. For this purpose the combined effects of early-life adversity and later-life stress exposure on behavioral markers of psychosis susceptibility were studied in male Wistar rats.Method: Experiment I: rat pups divided on the basis of the levels of their maternal care experience in low, medium or high maternal care groups, were reared post-weaning in groups (Exp. IA) or in social isolation (Exp. IB) and tested at adulthood under basal conditions or after an acute corticosterone (CORT) administration. Maternal care levels were assessed by measuring the dam's licking and grooming (LG) the first postnatal week of life. Experiment II: rat pups exposed as neonates to daily sessions of 8 h of maternal separation (MS) on postnatal days 3, 4 and 5 either altogether in their home cage (HOME SEP) or alone in a novel environment (NOVEL SEP). were reared post-weaning in groups and tested at adulthood under basal conditions.Adult testing included behaviors marking psychosis susceptibility: apomorphine-induced gnawing (APO-gnawing), acoustic startle response and its modulation by a prepulse stimulus (PPI). The behavior of the Medium LG offspring was used as baseline reference for all the three experiments.Results: Experiment I: Low maternal LG history alone had limited effects on the behavior of Wistar offspring, although increased acoustic startle and increased PPI, at high prepulse intensity levels, were observed. When low maternal LG history was combined with post-weaning social isolation, basal APO-gnawing was decreased and PPI increased, compared to High LG and Med LG offspring. This reflects attenuated psychosis susceptibility. High LG offspring reared in isolation displayed, however, the highest APO-gnawing and the lowest PPI levels among rats reared in social isolation, which is indicative for increased psychosis susceptibility. These findings support the mismatch hypothesis. For demonstration of the cumulative stress hypothesis an injection of CURT in the adult Low LG offspring was required that increased APO-gnawing and reduced PPI. This CURT-induced PPI disruption was greatly enhanced after additional isolation rearing. The High LG group, either socially housed or reared in isolation, was resistant to the acute effects of CORT at adulthood.Experiment II: MS increased psychosis susceptibility only in NOVEL SEP rats that had experienced MS in the context of early social isolation. These individuals displayed increased adult APO-gnawing and reduced PPI, if reared post-weaning in a condition that does not match with their early life social environment (i.e. group housing). This finding supports the mismatch hypothesis.Conclusion: The outcome of environmental manipulations on developmental programming of psychosis susceptibility depends on the interplay of early-life adversity and later-life stressors in a manner that supports the mismatch hypothesis. However, evidence for the cumulative stress hypothesis arises if vulnerable individuals are exposed in later life additionally to excess of the stress hormone CURT. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Environmental and tactile stimulation modulates the neonatal handling effect on adult rat spatial memory

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    Handling of rat pups promotes their adult cognitive performance. However, new data suggest that individual components of the handling procedure, like exposure to novelty or tactile stimulation, have distinct lasting effects on behaviour. In this study we examined the interaction of early novelty exposure with a varying amount of tactile stimulation on spatial recognition memory and corticosterone secretion of adult male and female rats. A split litter design was used and the experimental animals were also compared to animal facility reared controls. The experiment was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, we examined the effect of novel or home environment during the 15-min of neonatal handling, following 10 back-strokes. Tactile stimulation of 10 back-strokes combined with novelty exposure, enhanced novel arm discrimination in a Y-maze task in adult rats of both sexes compared to their siblings that stayed at home, as well as to the animal facility reared controls. In the second phase, additional back-stroking (total of 20 back-strokes) reduced the Y-maze performance of males neonatally exposed to novelty, while the same treatment enhanced the performance of their siblings that stayed at home. Basal corticosterone levels, determined 1 week post-Y-maze, were significantly increased only in the novelty exposed/10 back-stroked females compared to same sex non-handled controls. In contrast, 10 back-strokes combined with the home cage environment increased corticosterone in males. Increase to 20 back-strokes reversed the impact of neonatal environment on corticosterone levels. These data suggest that the nature and intensity of the individual components of a mild early life manipulation, like handling, are critical in modifying aspects of adult memory performance and basal adrenocortical function. © 2009 ISDN