28 research outputs found

    Bewertungsmodell für die Wertschöpfungstiefe der Erdölverarbeitung in der Mongolei

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    Die Forschungsarbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Frage, ob es zielführend ist, die Mongolei durch Veredelung eigener Ölressourcen mit Mineralölprodukten zu versorgen. Die Mongolei ist ein Land mit großem mineralischen Rohstoffpotential, darunter auch Erdöl. Zurzeit wird der Bedarf an Mineralölprodukten ausschließlich durch Import gedeckt. Zur Untersuchung der technischen Machbarkeit einer Ölverarbeitungsindustrie wurden verschiedene Raffinieriekonzepte auf Basis des mongolischen Rohöls Tamsag erarbeitet. Anschließend wurde anhand einer Bewertungsmethode die gesamtwirtschaftliche Relevanz der Downstream-Industrie in der Mongolei geprüft. Im Ergebnis der Untersuchungen zeigte sich, dass eine Erdölindustrie für die Mongolei sinnvoll ist. Die Erdölveredelung, als neuer Wirtschaftszweig, würde Möglichkeiten wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung eröffnen und die Importabhängigkeit der strategisch wichtigen Mineralölprodukte vermeiden

    Yersinia pestis Lineages in Mongolia

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    BACKGROUND: Whole genome sequencing allowed the development of a number of high resolution sequence based typing tools for Yersinia (Y.) pestis. The application of these methods on isolates from most known foci worldwide and in particular from China and the Former Soviet Union has dramatically improved our understanding of the population structure of this species. In the current view, Y. pestis including the non or moderate human pathogen Y. pestis subspecies microtus emerged from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis about 2,600 to 28,600 years ago in central Asia. The majority of central Asia natural foci have been investigated. However these investigations included only few strains from Mongolia. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Prokaryotic Repeats (CRISPR) analysis and Multiple-locus variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) with 25 loci was performed on 100 Y. pestis strains, isolated from 37 sampling areas in Mongolia. The resulting data were compared with previously published data from more than 500 plague strains, 130 of which had also been previously genotyped by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis. The comparison revealed six main clusters including the three microtus biovars Ulegeica, Altaica, and Xilingolensis. The largest cluster comprises 78 isolates, with unique and new genotypes seen so far in Mongolia only. Typing of selected isolates by key SNPs was used to robustly assign the corresponding clusters to previously defined SNP branches. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We show that Mongolia hosts the most recent microtus clade (Ulegeica). Interestingly no representatives of the ancestral Y. pestis subspecies pestis nodes previously identified in North-western China were identified in this study. This observation suggests that the subsequent evolution steps within Y. pestis pestis did not occur in Mongolia. Rather, Mongolia was most likely re-colonized by more recent clades coming back from China contemporary of the black death pandemic, or more recently in the past 600 years

    Agricultural cooperation opportunity between Mongolia and Korea

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    The agricultural cooperation between Mongolia and South Korea lacks collaboration between the private sectors and is limited to only small-scale projects of governmental and non-governmental organizations at this time. Studying the agricultural cooperation between the two countries shows possible collaboration opportunities with potentially beneficial results for both Mongolia and South Korea. Therefore, for the benefit of the national economy, a collaboration between the private sectors of Mongolia and South Korea should be supported by the government. Assuming that the collaboration between the two countries on the production of highly demanded agricultural products in both the South Korean and the world market is potential, several versions of collaborating opportunities are demonstrated. Монгол Улс, БНСУ-ын хөдөө аж ахуйн салбарын хамтын ажиллагаа, боломж Хураангуй: Монгол Улс болон БНСУ-ын хөдөө аж ахуйн /ХАА/ салбарын өнөөгийн хамтын ажиллагаа нь төрийн болон төрийн бус байгууллагуудын хамтран хэрэгжүүлдэг бага хэмжээний төсөл хөтөлбөрүүдээс хэтрэхгүй, хувийн хэвшлүүдийн хамтын ажиллагаа дутмаг байдалтай байна. Хоёр улсын ХАА-н салбарын давуу сул талуудыг харьцуулан судалж үзэхэд харилцан үр ашигтайгаар хамтран ажиллах боломжууд харагдаж байна. Тиймээс улс орны эдийн засагт үр өгөөжөө өгөх Монгол Солонгосын хувийн хэвшлийн хамтын ажиллагааг дэмжих нь зөв. Манай хоёр улс БНСУ болон дэлхийн зах зээлд эрэлт өндөр цөөн хэдэн төрлийн ХАА-н бүтээгдэхүүний үйлдвэрлэлд хамтран ажиллах боломжтой гэж үзсэний үндсэн дээр энэхүү өгүүллийн хүрээнд хамтын ажиллагааны хэд хэдэн хувилбар гаргасан. Түлхүүр үгс: БНСУ, мал аж ахуй, газар тариалан, экспорт

    Bewertungsmodell für die Wertschöpfungstiefe der Erdölverarbeitung in der Mongolei

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    Die Forschungsarbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Frage, ob es zielführend ist, die Mongolei durch Veredelung eigener Ölressourcen mit Mineralölprodukten zu versorgen. Die Mongolei ist ein Land mit großem mineralischen Rohstoffpotential, darunter auch Erdöl. Zurzeit wird der Bedarf an Mineralölprodukten ausschließlich durch Import gedeckt. Zur Untersuchung der technischen Machbarkeit einer Ölverarbeitungsindustrie wurden verschiedene Raffinieriekonzepte auf Basis des mongolischen Rohöls Tamsag erarbeitet. Anschließend wurde anhand einer Bewertungsmethode die gesamtwirtschaftliche Relevanz der Downstream-Industrie in der Mongolei geprüft. Im Ergebnis der Untersuchungen zeigte sich, dass eine Erdölindustrie für die Mongolei sinnvoll ist. Die Erdölveredelung, als neuer Wirtschaftszweig, würde Möglichkeiten wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung eröffnen und die Importabhängigkeit der strategisch wichtigen Mineralölprodukte vermeiden

    Two new books on Mongolian-Korean relation

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    No abstract in English Монгол, Солонгосын харилцаанд холбогдох хоёр шинэ бүтээлийн тухай

    Bewertungsmodell für die Wertschöpfungstiefe der Erdölverarbeitung in der Mongolei

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    Die Forschungsarbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Frage, ob es zielführend ist, die Mongolei durch Veredelung eigener Ölressourcen mit Mineralölprodukten zu versorgen. Die Mongolei ist ein Land mit großem mineralischen Rohstoffpotential, darunter auch Erdöl. Zurzeit wird der Bedarf an Mineralölprodukten ausschließlich durch Import gedeckt. Zur Untersuchung der technischen Machbarkeit einer Ölverarbeitungsindustrie wurden verschiedene Raffinieriekonzepte auf Basis des mongolischen Rohöls Tamsag erarbeitet. Anschließend wurde anhand einer Bewertungsmethode die gesamtwirtschaftliche Relevanz der Downstream-Industrie in der Mongolei geprüft. Im Ergebnis der Untersuchungen zeigte sich, dass eine Erdölindustrie für die Mongolei sinnvoll ist. Die Erdölveredelung, als neuer Wirtschaftszweig, würde Möglichkeiten wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung eröffnen und die Importabhängigkeit der strategisch wichtigen Mineralölprodukte vermeiden

    Border protection and national security of Mongolia

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    Both globalization and the 9/11 terrorist attacks spawned heated debates about border security. It is widely agreed that in a globalizing world borders should be as open as possible and much has been written in recent years about the value of 'soft' borders in maintaining good relations between neighboring states, creating borderland prosperity and developing successful open market economies. The reality, in many parts of the world, is that borders are hardening rather than softening as states, more than ever; seek to protect themselves from perceived external threats and to ensure that their frontiers are secure. Thus, today, managing borders and maintaining their security is a complex and challenging task for states. The aim of this thesis is to examine the implications of the re-emergence of security as a key dimension of boundary management and to seek answers to questions such as "Can borders actually be made secure?" and "If so, what border management strategies are available and how are they working in practice?" mostly, in Mongolia. According to the Mongolian National Security Concept of 1993, one of the nine securities of Mongolia, the security of Mongolian existence is defined by the guarantee of its independence, sovereignty, inviolability of state borders and territorial integrity. In the last 15 years, necessity of improvement in state border protection has arisen as a result of the changed foreign policy and socio-economic situation, military and political circumstances of the world and regions and the trends of the relations with neighboring countries. The thesis explores the effects of the policy options on the prevention of terrorism within Mongolian borders. It also explores the effects of those policy options on the movement of people across international borders. The scope is limited to border security policy and the implications are drawn for Mongolian policy makers. Three case studies are included from the Border Protection services of (1) the United States, (2) the Russian Federation and (3) the People's Republic of China. It is generally accepted both practically and theoretically that secure state borders are an integral part of national sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of any nation. In the Information Technology dominated new century, the guarantee of national state borders' security and protection may be ensured if the specific national traditional ways of ensuring border security are creatively adjusted to modern international standards and to the latest scientific and technological trends.http://archive.org/details/borderprotection109452360Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Political change and human rights policy in South Korea

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    노트 : East Asia from the Perspective of Politics, Security and Gende

    Genitive Case-marked Subject in Modern Mongolian

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    This paper presents peculiarities of the genitive case marked subject in Modern Mongolian. First, we argue that subordinate clauses with the genitive case-marked subject in Modern Mongolian are CP. Second, we provide an explanation for certain conditions of the genitive subject construction in Modern Mongolian (MM). Third, we attempt to show the genitive case marked subject is semantically restricted and information structurally marked in MM.Keywords: genitive subject, determining suffix, optionality, case alternatio