30 research outputs found


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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/1Science is the intellectual process for using complete mental and physical resources available in order to understand, explain, quantitate and predict normal as well as unusual natural phenomena. Rasoushadhis (metallic and mineral preparations) are unique preparations in Ayurveda along with herbal preparations that includes Bhasmas, herbo-mineral preparations, and Kupipakwa Rasayanas. Tal Sindoor, a Kupipakwa Rasayana, is Sagandha (presence of Sulphur), Sagni (processing with heat), Kantastha (near the neck of the bottle) Murchita Parada Yoga. Tal Sindoor has mercury (Parad), sulphur (Gandhak) and arsenic tri sulphide (Haratal) as ingredients. It is indicated in all types of skin disorders (Sarva Kushtahara), skin problems associated with itching (Kandu), vitiated Rakta Dhatu (Rakta dosha hara) and other diseases of infectious origin like Abscess (Vidradhi), Gonorrhoea (Upadamsha), fever (Jwara, Sannipataja Jwara) at 125-250 mg (1-2 Ratti) dose. Anti–microbial activity of Tal Sindoor was conducted to evaluate drug efficacy against bacilli of gram positive, gram negative and fungus as broad spectrum antibiotic. Drug Tal Sindoor was tested in 2 methods i.e. Gradient plate technique and Kirby-bauer method for its anti-microbial activity against 7 micro-organisms. Tal Sindoor is an effective anti-microbial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans. But K. pneumoniae and A. Baumannii were resistant to Tal Sindoor like they are with other anti-biotics


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    Background: Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, which deals with the conversion of metals & minerals into potent medicines. In Rasashastra, the metals like gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, tin, zinc etc. are converted in to Bhasma and are applied in therapeutics. Validity of this branch of science totally depends on the successful completion of the practical aspects with careful observations, and it becomes necessary to perform analytical studies to check the quality of the finished products. Hence, the present study was carried out to understand the pharmaceutical processing and to analyze the Trivanga Bhasma with the aid of classical tests and modern analytical tools.Materials & Methods: Trivanga Bhasma was prepared by subjecting the Vanga, Naga & Yashada to Samanya & Vishesha Shodhana, Jarana and Marana processes as per the classical references. Final product was then subjected to all the classical Bhasmaparikshas and also analyzed by adopting modern analytical techniques.Results & Conclusion: Yellow coloured Trivanga Bhasma which passed all the Bhasmaparikshas was obtained after seventeen Laghuputas. Percentile of tin, lead & zinc were noted


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    Disorders of lipid metabolism and obesity are reported by 30% to 40% with increased prevalence. These conditions are co-related with Medo-pradoshajavikara - a condition leading for excess formation of Meda (lipids) directly from Amarasa Dhatu (improperly formed chyle) and travel all over body through blood circulation. This stage is compared to hyperlipidaemia where it is defined as excess circulation of lipids in blood. The present study highlights the efficacy of Ooshakadi Lekhana Basti (type of therapeutic enema) processed by Ooshakadigana Dravyas (alkaline substances). Ooshaka (alkaline sand) was special drug and used almost for first time which is synonymously known as Kshara Mrittika. A single blinded controlled study has been conducted on 45 patients randomized in to three groups each containing 15 patients. The control drug was atrovastin. Average mean reduction of lipids were found statistically significant (p<0.05) in the experimental groups over control group in all types of lipids except HDL which has presented increase pattern. Hence the study establishes the efficacy of Ooshakadi Lekhana Basti in hyperlipidaemia of obese and non-obese patients


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    Ayurveda advocates the use of Rasoushadhis (metallic preparations) along with herbal preparations. Unprocessed metals and minerals like mercury and arsenic are highly toxic. Shila Sindoor is one of the Rasoushadhi being possessed with mercury, sulphur and arsenic disulphide as ingredients. In this study 12 rats were selected randomly from stock colony and divided into 2 equal groups of 6 rats each of group-I (vehicle control) and group-II (treatment group). Group-I rats were treated orally with 0.5ml of compound consisting of 3 parts of de-ionized water and 2 parts of honey. Group-II rats were administered with 0.5ml of compound similar to group-I, vortexed with test compound Shila Sindoor (250mg/Kg body weight) for 14 consecutive days to evaluate the toxic effects of Shila Sindoor. There was no morbidity or mortality during the study. Liver and kidney are the two major vital organs to maintain metabolism and protect human body by eliminating the toxins or deposit in these organs to defend other organs of body from toxicity. The results suggested that body weight, 13 different blood parameters like WBC, RBC, platelet count etc., 8 types of biochemical parameters like SGOT, SGPT, creatinine, urea etc., and lipid-peroxidation of group-II were not statistically significant in comparison with group-I. The histopathological study of kidney and liver of both groups revealed normal histology. In this paper genuine effort is put forth to appraise the safety of Rasoushadhis after meticulous process as described in Ayurveda. The result evinced that drug Shila Sindoor is safe for consumption at treatment dose as prescribed in classics

    A holistic approach to the management of Erb′s palsy

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    A 4.5-month-old female baby, presenting with complete paralysis of right upper limb with typical waiter′s tip deformity, diagnosed as Erb′s palsy was brought to Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Hospital. Patient was treated with an integrated approach of physiotherapy and Ayurvedic treatment with an intention of aiding faster recovery of the patient to lead a near normal life. As per Ayurvedic classics, this condition can be correlated to Ekangavata (Vata effecting any one part of the body), which is Apatarpana in nature (diseases with deprived growth of body tissue). Hence, the choice of treatment is Santarpana Chikitsa (nourishing treatment). Santarpana Bahyopakramas (nourishing external treatment modalities) such as Ashwagandhabalalakshadi Taila (Ayurvedic medicated oil) Abhyanga (oleation therapy) and Shastikashali Anna Lepa (application of processed rice paste) were administered along with electrical stimulation (physiotherapy modality), both galvanic and faradic current in three sessions. Appreciable results were observed in the form of reduction of disparity in length and mid-arm circumference of right upper limb compared to unaffected left upper limb and the muscle power too improved from zero to four, facilitating patient to near normal movement

    Anti-Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras

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    Rasa Shastra, one of the Pharmaco-therapeutic branches of Ayurveda where metals, minerals, poisonous plants and animal products are used after proper processing for internal administration. Talakeshwara Ras is one of Khalvi rasayanas where Emblica officinalis (Dhatri) and minerals Arsenic tri sulphide (Haratala) & Borax (Tankana) are the ingredients. It is indicated for Sarva Kushta at one Masha (1 gm) dose. Anti -Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras was done with an intention to evaluate its efficacy against gram positive and gram negative bacilli. So an honest attempt has been made to put forth the "Anti - Microbial activity of Talakeshwara Ras" which had its anti microbial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Optical Microangiography and Progressive Ganglion Cell-Inner Plexiform Layer Loss in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the association between optical microangiography (OMAG) measurements and progressive ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) loss in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). DESIGN: Prospective case series. METHODS: Sixty-three eyes of 38 patients with POAG were studied for ≥2 years and with ≥ 3 optical coherence tomography examinations. Only those hemifields with mild to moderate functional damage at baseline (106 hemifields) were included in the analysis. OMAG imaging was performed at the baseline visit. The effects of clinical parameters (age, gender, central corneal thickness, presence of disc hemorrhage, and mean and fluctuation of intraocular pressure), baseline mean deviation, retinal nerve fiber layer, and GCIPL thickness and baseline OMAG measurements (peripapillary and macular perfusion density [PD] and vessel density [VD]) on the rate of change of GCIPL thickness were evaluated using linear mixed models. RESULTS: Average (± standard deviation) mean deviation, quadrant retinal nerve fiber layer, and sector GCIPL thickness of the analyzed hemifields respectively at baseline were -5.2 ± 2.8 dB, 94.5 ± 20.0 µm, and 72.4 ± 8.7 µm, respectively. Peripapillary PD and VD in the quadrant were 43.1% ± 7.0% and 17.0 ± 2.6 mm/mm2, respectively. Macular PD and VD in the quadrant were 37.2% ± 6.9% and 15.1 ± 2.6 mm/mm2, respectively. Rate of sector GCIPL change was -0.97 ± 0.15 µm per year. Multivariate mixed models showed that lower peripapillary PD (coefficient 0.04, P = .01) and VD (coefficient 0.09, P = .05) were significantly associated with a faster rate of GCIPL loss. CONCLUSIONS: Lower baseline peripapillary OMAG measurements were significantly associated with a faster rate of GCIPL loss in patients with mild to moderate POAG