28 research outputs found

    Recension exploratoire d’écrits sur les fiducies foncières, les biens communs et le droit communal

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    Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Département SociologieLa réalisation de cette étude exploratoire s’inscrit dans une démarche de recherche-action initiée par Éric Pineault du département de sociologie de l’UQAM et Jocelyn Darou, alors étudiant au programme de maîtrise du même département. Une subvention de recherche de trois mille dollars fut obtenue du Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES) pour produire une recension d’écrits sur les fiducies foncières en lien avec le domaine de l’agriculture biologique. A été associé à la démarche l’organisme Protec-Terre (http://www.protec-terre.org). Le présent rapport rend compte de l’étude qui fut réalisée. Il est divisé en trois sections. La première section présente le travail de recension effectué par Jocelyn Darou. La deuxième section porte sur la question des biens communs. Elle a été réalisée par Claude Côté, présentement étudiant de premier cycle au département de sociologie. La troisième section situe brièvement la question des biens communs dans le contexte général des développements historiques qu’a connus la question des « droits de propriété ». La méthodologie de recherche utilisée était relativement simple. Elle a consisté en une recension d’écrits réalisée principalement à partir de documents thématiques en langues française et anglaise consultés sur Internet et portant sur : • les fiducies foncières ; • la notion de bien commun ; • la question du droit en lien avec la notion de communalité

    Reducing variability in conditions for cell handling improves MSC yields

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    Efficient cell expansion in vitro is essential to commercialization of human MSC as a cellular therapy. The cost of goods sold (COGS) is dramatically affected by how long it takes to expand the cells in vitro and the cell yield determines the number of doses generated for profit. Therefore, maximizing MSC growth in culture is critical for the success of MSC-based cellular therapies. Studies by others have shown that temperature differences in cell production can adversely affect cell yields. Here we study the effects of variability in temperature and CO2, like changes seen during routine cell handling in a room air BSC, on human MSC yield. We cultured human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal/stem cells for 8 biweekly subpassages (P4-P12) with conventional room air CO2 incubator conditions (37 degrees C/ 5% CO2). The culture was divided into separate cultures for routine cell handling in two different conditions (1) room air BSC conditions (RT/ 0.1% CO2) (variable) or (2) the same conditions as incubation (constant). At each passage, cells were plated in 96-well plates which were assayed over time for cell growth kinetics. Consistently, MSC incubated and handled in constant conditions recovered more quickly after subpassage and were more likely to continue to divide, improving final cell yields. We conclude that constant conditions for cell handling are critical for maximum MSC cell yield

    Scale-out of massively parallel patient-specific cell cultures with a modified transportable conditioned cell culture chamber

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    Barrier Isolators, which separate the cell culture processing atmosphere from the bioburden of personnel, are the best means to reduce contamination risks. These isolators are currently being used for cGMP-compliant clinical trials1, 2. Scaling cell production processes presents non-obvious restrictions to most people. Compared to open processing, modular Cytocentric isolators can be replicated to scale proportionately with each stage in cell processing until all steps are accommodated maximally. This allows a process to efficiently and quickly scale with operations from pre-clinical through clinical studies3. However, for processing of massively parallel patient-specific cell cultures, incubation capacity in a barrier isolator, unlike in the open room, can be a bottleneck. Inexpensive and infinitely elastic incubation capacity can be provided by existing external incubators if cultures can be safely transported to and from the isolator for processing. We tested a modified transportable conditioned cell culture chamber (TC4) designed to enclose cell cultures inside the exterior incubator and fit through the airlocks of the barrier isolator to safely deliver cells to the interior for processing. We have previously published on good cell growth using this processing system to expand K562 cells, a hematopoietic stem cell-like cell line that has been used as a surrogate for CAR-T cell processing. In this study, we addressed sterility concerns by running mock production runs with a highly permissive color-changing bacterial broth. We ran three production runs, moving mock cultures between the barrier isolator and the external incubator with the TC4 transport chamber. We took samples of the final mock cell product, sealed them into sterile vials, and incubated them long-term, monitoring for bacterial growth. We also performed environmental monitoring of the barrier isolator processing chamber with an air sampler and contact plates. Positive control samples were all yellow and turbid. Negative samples and all test materials were negative for microbial growth. We concluded that this transport chamber could help safely alleviate the bottleneck in cell production presented by the unique needs of massively-parallel patient specific cell incubation. References: Mei, S.H., et al., Isolation and large-scale expansion of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with serum-free media under GMP-compliance. mortality, 2014. 40: p. 1. Marathe, C.S., et al., Islet cell transplantation in Australia: screening, remote transplantation, and incretin hormone secretion in insulin independent patients. Horm Metab Res, 2015. 47(1): p. 16-23. Yufit, T., P. Carson, and V. Falanga, Topical Delivery of Cultured Stem Cells to Human Non-Healing Wounds: GMP Facility Development in an Academic Setting and FDA Requirements for an IND and Human Testing. Current drug delivery, 2014. 11(5): p. 572-581

    Political Conditionality and Press Freedom: The Efficacy of Usaid Press Conditionalities in Ethiopia and Mozambique.

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    Abstract: the literature on aid effective ness is ambiguous about the effectiveness of aid and the conditions following aid distribution. This study explores the effectiveness of aid conditionalities by looking at the dynamics of press freedom directed aid conditions in Ethiopia and Mozambique. A most similar case analysis of both countries with an in depth look at election period and at judicial review shows us that the strategic importance of the grantee country and also the specific of judicial review might explain the different in effectiveness of press freedom conditions in sub-Saharan Africa.Political Scienc

    Through Silence We Speak: Approaches to Counselling and Psychotherapy with Canadian First Nation Clients

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    Canadian First Nations are composed of 53 different cultures. Their key forces involve a sense of community, respect for elders, and deep values and religious beliefs promoting growth. Counselling issues include assimilation, post-traumatic stress, addictions, cultural identification, health, and issues caused by societal rupture. Non-Native counsellors may be seen as unhelpful or even potentially harmful to community strengths. Counselling methods need to be based on deep respect, benefit to the community, spirituality, and values. Skills include listening in a way that gives meaning to both verbal and nonverbal messages, growth from one’s own hardships, and being helpful versus using technique.

    Les loges d’Orange en Outaouais

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    An Intervention with an Adolescent Incest Victim/Abuser

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    Clinical work with clients who are both victims and also sexual abusers is complex and troubling. The present article describes one session of the treatment of a 14-year-old victim/ offender. The approach combines the story-telling technique of Richard Gardner and the fantasy work of Violet Oaklander. These methods are particularly useful for overcoming resistance. As counselling continues, however, the client must move towards a more conscious understanding in dealing with the problem to prevent recurrence of the incidents of abuse.Le travail clinique avec les clients qui sont en même temps victimes et abuseurs d'abus sexuel est difficile et troublant. L'article actuel décrit une séance avec une victime/abuseur de 14 ans. L'approche se sert de la technique "raconteur" de Richard Gardner et de la technique de fantasmes de Violet Oaklander. Ces méthodes sont utiles pour dépasser les résistances. Cependant, durant le traitement, il faut que le client fasse face à ses actes. Si non, on ne pourrait pas prévenir une répétition de l'abus

    Counselling in the Northern Native

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    It would appear that recurrent problems exist between counsellor and Native clients. This paper attempts to delineate these problems and suggests certain directions to counsellors. Several attitude or value differences, often unrecognized, seem to exist between Natives and Non-Natives. Empirical studies show that Native counsellors are preferred and are given more important material, non-directive approaches are disliked, and the concept of career choice may not hold in northern communities. In conclusion it is suggested that counsellors need to show flexibility and understanding of inter-ethnic issues.Il semble que divers problèmes existent entre le counseling et les différents groupes autochtones. Cet article tente de délinéer ces problèmes et suggère certaines directions pour les conseillers d'orientation. Des différences au niveau des attitudes et des valeurs existent entre les autochtones et les non-autochtones. Les recherches empiriques montrent que les clients autochtones préfèrent les conseillers autochtones et partagent les problèmes plus importants avec eux. De plus, le concept de choix de carrière ne fonctionne pas dans les communautés du nord. Il est suggéré que les conseillers d'orientation développent plus de flexibilité et de sensibilité vis-à-vis des problèmes inter-ethniques

    A Basic Communication Workshop for Operation Room Nurses

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