41 research outputs found

    Emergence of electromotive force in precession-less rigid motion of deformed domain wall

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    Recently it has been recognized that the electromotive force (emf) can be induced just by the spin precession where the generation of the electromotive force has been considered as a real-space topological pumping effect. It has been shown that the amount of the electromotive force is independent of the functionality of the localized moments. It was also demonstrated that the rigid domain wall (DW) motion cannot generate electromotive force in the system. Based on real-space topological pumping approach in the current study we show that the electromotive force can be induced by rigid motion of a deformed DW. We also demonstrate that the generated electromotive force strongly depends on the DW bulging. Meanwhile results show that the DW bulging leads to generation of the electromotive force both along the axis of the DW motion and normal to the direction of motion


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    Perhitungan volume permukaan kuadratis dengan menggunakan integral lipat dua membutuhkan ketelitian dalam proses pencariannya, oleh karena itu diperlukan alat atau sarana yang dapat membantu mengecek keakuratannya. Salah satu alat atau sarana yang dapat digunakan adalah program R. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan rumus volume permukaan kuadratis serta mengetahui aplikasi integral dalam menentukan volume benda permukaan kuadratis menggunakan program R. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh rumus volume permukaan kuadratis serta penggunaan integral dalam menentukan volume benda permukaan kuadratis menggunakan R. Benda permukaan kuadratis yang akan dihitung harus diukur panjang bagian-bagiannya terlebih dahulu, selanjutnya akan ditentukan daerah integrasi dan fungsi yang akan diintegrasikan

    Smear Layer Removal in the Apical Third of Root Canals by Two Chelating Agents and Laser: A Comparative in vitro Study

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    Introduction: Smear layer (SL) is produced as a result of mechanical instrumentation of the canal(s). Despite the controversies regarding its removal, the evidence-based trend has shifted towards removing and eliminating the SL. Different methods have been used to remove the SL and the aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the ability of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 18% etidronate and Er: YAG on effective removal of the SL. Methods and Materials: Fifty straight single-rooted teeth were divided into three experimental groups (n=15) and one control group of five. The canals were instrumented with HERO 642 rotary files up to 30/0.06. In group 1, canals were irradiated with Er: YAG laser; in groups 2 and 3, canals were irrigated with 17% EDTA and 18% etidronate, respectively. In group 4 (control) distilled water was used for canal irrigation. The amount of remaining SL was quantified according to Hulsmann’s method with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data was analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (P<0.05). Results: The results showed statistically significant differences in terms of SL removal among the groups (P<0.05). The amount of removed SL by EDTA was significantly greater followed by Er: YAG laser and 18% etidronate. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, EDTA was more effective in removing SL compared to Er: YAG and etidronate

    An Efficient Rapid Method for Generators Coherency Identification in Large Power Systems

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    With steadily increasing interest in enhancing large power systems’ transient stability, generator coherency identification has become critical for the dynamic equivalents, controlled-islanding, and wide-area control of these systems. This paper presents an approach based on two classical and powerful techniques. The proposed method comprises the slow coherency method followed by the time-domain-based simulation of transient stability to identify the coherent groups of generators. In this regard, various operating conditions of the system are considered to obtain the updated coherency information between groups of generators by analyzing the chosen generator rotor angle. The proposed approach’s merits are tested on the New England IEEE 39-Bus and modified IEEE 118-Bus test systems in the PowerFactory software tools through Python. Corresponding simulation results validate the proposed paradigm’s effectiveness by enhancing the transient stability speed of a large power system without decreasing its coherency behavior accuracy. It is also observed that the proposed scheme tends to be more consistent in determining the coherent groups of generators in the presence of disturbances and different operational conditions.© 2022 the Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The study of lexical innovation and ancientism in the works of some holy Defense narratives

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    Abstract Sometimes poets and writers use ancient words and phrases in Persian language and literature to express their emotions and meanings (ancientism); sometimes they use different techniques to create novel ideas on the creation of words and combinations. In other words, the authors improve their vocabulary with the use of ancient words and the creation of new words and compositions. The Holy Defense literature is the general title that covers various types of poetry, story, novel, and memory. Memoir writing is one of the most important narrative approaches in Holy Defense literature. In this research, we try to study the types of lexical innovation and ancientism in order to introduce the works of memoir writing from the Holy Defense era. For this research, thirteen works were selected from Holy Defense narrators. After examining the language of these works and extracting the types of lexical innovation and lexicalism, according to different types of language (standard language, sub-standard, and over- standard), these innovations and ancientism were divided into six categories: (1) the creation of new terms and combinations; (2) the use of words, combinations, and terms of the alien, which itself consists of three parts: a) the use of foreign self-contained words and phrases in the language; b) Military and political terms and words; c) the use of hard foreign words ; 3) the use of native terms; 4) the use of everyday words and phrases; 5) The use of proper names; 6) the use of ancient words. In the result of this research it can be found that in these works the use of foreign words in different ways is the most. In contrast, the use of new words has been less widely used; also ancientism or archeanism has little effect on these works. Different types of language in the studied works In the study of the prose works of the Holy Defense memories, it can be seen that in these texts, innovation and ancientism can not be considered in terms of one type of language, because in these works, due to the writer, the audience, the text, one kind of language has not been used. For this reason, explanations are first given on the three types of standard language, sub-standard, and over- standard languages. The standard language is the language of the educated and the language used in scientific, cultural or political circles (Sarlly, 2008: 49; Rrzai, 2004: 20; Najafi, 1999: seven) The over-standard language is a type of language that is placed on the top of the imaginary line of standard language. In this language, instead of standard language words, words of ancient language, the innovation and revival of past words, metaphors, and special poetic words are used (ibid, 76). The sub-standard language is another type of language that falls under the imaginary line of standard language. Some have limited the language of the sub-standard to the folk language, and it is considered to be the language of the low society groups, marginalized, uneducated, and even antisocial groups (the same: 76 and 77). Najafi in Dictionary of folk Persian, in addition to popular language, also speaks the colloquial language as a subset of the language group and below the standard language line (Najafi, 1999: six). In the parts that the characters describe, the language is a sub-standard type. The following are some examples: The following examples are from the following statement: "As I gaze at the ceiling" (Bakhtiari, 2011: 11); "I was thinking with myself"(ibid., 19); "I was too tired" (ibid. 148); "The mother and father underestand why I chained myself to the lesson" (the same: 31); "But they did not care" (Rahimi, 2009: 96); "Roll out over soils" (Sepehri, 1391: 305) ; "I will shoot a tissue paper in a bucket" (Bakhtiari, 2011: 16); "reticence of the director in that position puzzled him" (Abad, 1393: 84). The narrator's language in this memoir, for simplicity, has a more sub-standard approach, but in parts, it is standardized. Here are some examples: “The more we went from Mosul, it becomes warmer and warmer.” (Abad, 1393, 485); "We were accustomed to say the necessary things slowly "(Sepehri, 2014: 249); "We came by the water, and we saw the place where we should entere the water and the side of our movement" (ibid: 539); I felt my face was burning" (Zarabizadeh, 1393: 33); "I was asked to write a story of Nahj al-Balagha" (Kazemi, 2010). : 71); "If you please, I will take you to my wife's family house" (Hosseini, 1392: 605). It is worth mentioning that sometimes due to the use of metaphors or enumeration, the language is approaching the over-standard. For example, a writer may use poetry in his remarks, which in this case, the language deviates from the standard and sub-standard. Of course, the use of poetry in these kinds of languages is a kind of highlighting: "He put the peach sweater that he had made for you, on his face, and throw soil on his head and reads: They called you yousof, so gave you to wolf   Death become your wplf, my yousof And he said with a groan, where is my sister? Where is my mother?" (Abad, 2014: 417). "She had a beautiful face. He had a bloody diarrhea. He was yellow and skinny.” "I'm going to die for my heart death I'm sad with sorrow for my dearest» This poem was about the martyr Beheshti" (Bakhtiari, 2007: 332). "Because we wanted to go to the right path, because we loved the right and were guided by that path and by that love: "You walk in this road and do not ask anything Right will tell you, how to go” And this matter was tangible for us and we felt it "(Kazemi, 2010: 205). Of course, this poem is from Attar, and its original principle was: "You walk on the road and dont ask anything, and the road will tell you how to go" (Attar, 1358: 93). "This time, what a pleasant mantra, they read: Caravan passes by the purple flowersits ambassador is the young martyr ... This song reminds me of the children of the revolver of Bilal" (Makhdoomi, 2008: 142). With regard to these points and considering different types of language, it is advisable to consider the type of language in order to examine the types of lexical innovations; as, for example, the use of rhetoric in language may create the notion that, with the use of rhetorical techniques, the language goes away from the standard and approaches the over-standard language; but it should be noted that some rhetorical techniques are far from this feature; for example, the use of the irony in the sub-standard language is a natural subject, and even using a lot of irony can be a feature of this type of language; For example, the following examples can be used to say that the use of irony, not only does not close the language to the over-standard, but is based on the following characteristics of the language, but is a feature of sub-standard language: "I was up all night,waiting" (Zarabizadeh, 2011: 46); "As if nothing happen" (the same as: 118); "I couldn’t calm down" (ibid, 99); "I had been tired, too long before" (The same: 94); "He will turned back with nothing" (Sepehri, 2011: 22); "he died with my first bullet" (ibid, 40)

    The Effect of Size and Taper of Apical Preparation in Reducing Intra-Canal Bacteria: A Quantitative SEM Study

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    Introduction: Bacteria and their byproducts are major etiologic factors in endodontic diseases. Prevention or reduction of root canal bacterial contamination is the main aim of endodontic treatment. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of size and taper of master apical file (MAF) in reducing bacteria from the apical third of the curved canals using a quantitative scanning electron microscope (SEM) study. Methods and Materials: Eighty-nine human mandibular first molars with curved MB canals (20º-35º) were divided into one control group (n=5) (without rotary instrumentation) and 6 experimental groups (n=14). The canals were prepared using RaCe rotary files to the MAF sizes 25/0.04, 25/0.06, 30/0.04, 30/0.06, 35/0.04 and 35/0.06, in groups 1 to 6, respectively. All the experimental groups were finally rinsed with 2 mL of 17% EDTA followed by 3 mL of 5.25% NaOCl. The mesial roots were split longitudinally. Remaining bacteria in the apical third of MB canals were evaluated using SEM (2000×). Data analysis was performed using one way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: All the experimental groups showed significant bacterial reduction (P<0.001). Although the greater size and/or taper resulted in decrease in bacteria, differences between the groups were not significant. Conclusion: Based on this in vitro study the MAF #25/0.04 had no significant difference compared to other groups with greater apical size/taper; all groups could effectively reduce intra-canal bacteria

    Comparing Post-Obturation of Apical Microleakage Following the Use of Different Intracanal Chelators

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    Objectives: Different chelators may be used during root canal treatment, offering various advantages including lubricant effect inside the canal and smear layer removal. However, chelator residues in narrow root canals can lead to apical microleakage. The aim of this in-vitro study was to compare apical microleakage following the use of three root canal chelators via fluid filtration method in root canals instrumented with ProTaper rotary system.Methods: Sixty-eight distobuccal canals of maxillary first molars were randomly divided into six groups of four experimental (n=15) and a positive and a negative control group (n=4). In groups one to three, RC-Prep, 17% EDTA and Glyde File Prep were used as chelators, respectively and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) was used as irrigant in all groups except for group four. In group four, root canals were instrumented without chelators and only saline was used for irrigation. Root canals in all groups were prepared using ProTaper rotary system up to F2 file and filled using cold lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer. Apical microleakage was assessed by fluid filtration method. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis test.Results No significant differences were noted among the experimental groups regarding apical microleakage (P>0.05). However, preparations with RC Prep+ NaOCl and Glyde File Prep+ NaOCl yielded the highest and the lowest values of apical microleakage, respectively.Conclusion: Use of different chelators did not cause statistically significant difference in apical microleakage of root canals


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    Water is one of the important needs for human body. Therefore, water which consumed should be healthy and have certain quality. One of its quality parameter is total hardness. Total hardness is the hardness which caused by Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Hard water, or water with a high level of total hardness, if consumed in long term can lead to hyperparatyroidsm, Nephrolithiasis, and musculusweakness. The aim of this study were to determine total hardness level of refill drinking waterwhich sold in Kayutangi Banjarmasin and to compare it with the standard parameter of total hardness in Permenkes 492/Menkes/IV/2010 which is 500 mg/L in maximum. There were 16 samples in this study that taken from refill drinking water store were found accidentally. The quantitative analysis was done by complexometry titration method with Na2-EDTA as titrant and Eriochrome Black T as indicator. The results showed that the ranges of total hardness level of 16 samples that determined between 35,64 – 99,00 mg/L which is suitable with the standard based on Permenkes 492/Menkes/IV/201

    The role of the Rashba coupling in dynamical induced electromotive force: a Berry curvature investigation

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    A Berry curvature investigation has been made on the magnetic modulated structures such as domain walls (DWs) and helimagnetic spin configurations. Results of the present study show that the geometry of the spin configuration and the direction of the magnetic field creating the spin precession are of crucial importance in the magnitude of obtained electromotive force. It has recently been recognized that the Rashba coupling increases significantly the electromotive force when this coupling is high enough to give predominant contribution in the magnetization dynamics. However, in the opposite case when the Rashba interaction has negligible contribution in the magnetization dynamics it was shown that the magnitude of the electromotive force decreases slightly by increasing the Rashba coupling strength. Therefore the effect of the Rashba interaction in the electromotive force of the moving DWs rests largely on the strength and also effectiveness of this interaction in the magnetization dynamics