313 research outputs found


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    Pelaksanaan kegiatan observasi lingkungan yang ada di Dinas Kesehatan, dan lingkungan  di area Dinas Kesehatan untuk pengelola limbah medis yang menjadi peranan penting. Dinas Kesehatan adalah sebagian pelayanan kesehatan yang dalam pelayanannya tersebut dapat menghasilkan limbah medis. Dinas Kesehatan Aceh Barat telah memiliki Incenerator untuk mengelola limbah medis. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar memudahkan kita mengetahuibagaimana proses pengelolaan limbah medis di Dinas Kesehatan Aceh Barat dan apakah sesuai dengan KEMENKES RI NOMOR: 1204/MENKES/SKJX/2004 mengenai persyaratan-persyaratan lingkungan kesehatan di Dinas Kesehatan. Peneltian tersebut menggunakan metode observasi yaitu adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan interaktif. penentuan dalam obesrvasi ini melibatkan lima sumber informasi yaitu: Kepala dinas kesehatan, pegawai, tata usaha, petugas limbah, dan Cleaning Service. Dengan menggunakan teknik puposive sampling.. Tujuan di lakukan penelitian ini agar dapat mengetahui bagaimana petugas melakukan penanganan terhadap masalah lingkungan dan limbah medis di dinas kesehatan Aceh Barat, dan menganalisis bagaimana proses limbah medis di dinas kesehatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, pengelolaan limbah medis di Dinas kesehatan Aceh Barat pemilihan pada limbah medis yang harus lebih diperhatikan, masangan lebel limbah medis yang ditempelkan pada masing-masing limbah sesuai jenisnya, Hasil dari pengelolaan akhir dari limbah medis harus diperhatikan agar tidak mencemari lingkungan di sekitarnya. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian diatas ialah pengelolaan pada limbah medis di Dinas Kesehatan Aceh Barat sudah baik


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    This study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of soursop flower extract (Annona muricata L.) and hematological profile of rats (Rattus norvegicus) due to administration of soursop flower ethanol extract and Salmonella enteritidis infection. The concentrations of soursop flower ethanol extract used for the antibacterial activity test were 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, with the antibiotic ampicillin 10 ÎĽg/disk was used s a positive control (PC) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 10% as a negative control (NC). For examination of hematological features, 15 male rat aged two months were used. All rats were divided into 5 treatment groups, each consisting of three rats. The NC group was not given soursop flower ethanol extract and S. enteritidis infection. The PC group was not given soursop flower extract but was given S. enteritidis infection. Groups P1, P2, and P3 were given ethanol extracts of soursop flower at a dose of 0.18, 0.36, and 0.72 g/rat/day peroral for a week using gastric sonde. On the following day (after administration of soursop flower extract) the first blood drawing was performed. All rats, except NC group, were then infected with S. enteritidis intraperitonially at dose of 3x108 CFU/mL dose (0.5 mL McFarland). One week after being infected with S. enteritidis, a second blood drawing was performed. The results of the antibacterial activity test showed that there was no antibacterial activity was observed since no inhibition at various concentrations was formed. The administration of soursop flower extract at various dosage levels was able to maintain the number of leukocytes but reduced the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value and the number of platelets in rats; whereas S. enteritidis infection decreased all the hematologic features of lab rats

    Vaksin Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) sebagai Kandidat Kontrasepsi Imunologi pada Wanita

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    Tercatat pada tahun 2017 ada sekitar 7,5 miliar jumlah populasi manusia dengan angka pertumbuhan 1 miliar setiap 12 tahun. Peningkatan populasi ini terjadi 95% di negara berkembang. Setiap tahun ada sekitar 80 juta wanita di seluruh dunia setiap tahunnya mengalami kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan dan sebagian besar wanita pada kelompok ini menggunakan beberapa metode kontrasepsi yang telah tersedia. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode kontrasepsi baru dan lebih baik yang dapat diterima, efektif, dapat dijangkau dan tersedia diberbagai negara berkembang, yaitu dengan metode kontrasepsi imunologi. Salah satu metode kontrasepsi imunologi pada wanita adalah vaksin hCG. Vaksin hCG ini pertama kali dipublikasikan oleh Talwar, et al pada tahun 1976 dan menjadi satu-satunya metode kontrasepsi imunologi yang telah melewati uji klinis fase II. hCG merupakan target potensial dan terbaik dalam mencegah kehamilan tanpa adanya efek samping yang merugikan. Berbeda dari kontrasepsi steroid yang dapat menghambat ovulasi, metode vaksin hCG tidak menganggu ovulasi dan produksi hormon steorid seks serta tidak menganggu keteraturan siklus menstruasi. Baik protein ujung C (CTP) dari β-hCG maupun β-hCGnya sendiri telah digunakan sebagai kandidat imunogen untuk mengembangkan kontrasepsi imunologi. Metode ini diketahui aman, efektif menekan angka kehamilan dan bersifat reversibel

    Indonesia Between Asean Countries and the World in Hydroelectricity

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    Hydropower is predicted to be the most favourable energy regarding the global needs to cope with the global warming and the low cost energy resources utilization. Fossil fuel tends to depletion in the coming decades and the fossil energy price will race up. The states which energy is depend only on oil will result in the fragile economic base. Hydropoelectricity is now being energy developed even in a leading petroleum producer country. Indonesia with 75.000 MW hydroelectricity potential all over the country is hoped to generate more power in hydro energy to ascend the percentage of the state renewable energy consumption as a part of Indonesia process to diversify the domestic energy consumption to keep the economic away from oil dependency. Hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy of the world. In year 2005, some 2950 TWh of hydropower was generated, equivalent to 90% of electricity from world renewable energy consumption

    The Boston Fair Housing Commission : a case study in the local implementation of the federal Fair Housing Act

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1990.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-57).by Fay Darmawi.M.C.P

    Mucosal Mast Cells Contribution in Intestinal Defense of Chickens (Gallus domesticus) Infected Naturally by Ascaridia galli

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    This study was aimed at finding out the investigation of mucosal mast cells   in intestines of chicken  that  were  naturally  infected  by  Ascaridia galli.  Amount  of  ten  intestine  of  freshly slaughtered chickens (Gallus domesticus) found from local abatoir in Banda Aceh were divided into two groups containing five intestines of each. Mucosal mast cells count were done of which histologic slides were made in stained serial histological sections with Alcian blue (pH 0,3) and Safranin-O (pH 0,1) of the intestines. The result showed that the mucosal mast cells increased significantly (P 0.05) in intestines of chickens infected naturally by survival A. galli adult worms. It was concluded that the intestinal defense of chickens against parasite infection is associated with the mucosal mast cells contribution by creating an environment hostile to the establishment and survival of intestinal nematodes, A. galli

    The Analysis of Binahong Leaves Potential (Anredera cordifolia) as an Alternative Treatment of Anticataractogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Cataract is a condition where the retina cannot capture images completely and causes blindness due to an imbalance of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These free radicals can be suppressed using antioxidants from several plants, one of which is binahong leaves. AIM: The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of binahong leaves as an initial screening that can play a role in inhibiting the process of cataractogenesis. METHODS: By extracting binahong leaves with 60% ethanol, the extracts were tested for phytochemistry using the X technique and GC–MS using the Perkin-Elmer GC Clarus 500. The experimental process and all laboratory analyses were fully carried out from June to December 2019 at the Laboratory of Food Analysis and Yield Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. RESULTS: Analysis of binahong leaf potential showed that binahong leaves contain flavonoids, steroids, phenols, alcoholics, terpenoids, and saponins. While the GC–MS analysis results showed that binahong leaves are rich in phytol and contain fatty acids. CONCLUSION: Binahong leaves have the potential to be anticataractogenesis because they contain compounds rich in antioxidants


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    The variety of biodiversity that grows in Indonesia makes this country the second megacenter in the world after Brazil. More than 30,000 plant species grow and 2,500 of them are medicinal plants one of them is arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) as well as natural sources of animal wealth such as Dumbo catfish (Powder Clarias gariepinus) which is a source of protein that is needed by the body. Several researchers have also investigated the active compounds contained in the two ingredients, but differences in the environment and the maintenance process significantly affect the chemical content. This research focused on the initial phytochemical test and chemical composition of Maranta arundinacea extract and Clarias gariepinus powder extracted with 40% ethanol by maceration and hydrolysis technique


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    The variety of biodiversity that grows in Indonesia makes this country the second megacenter in the world after Brazil. More than 30,000 plant species grow and 2,500 of them are medicinal plants one of them is arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) as well as natural sources of animal wealth such as Dumbo catfish (Powder Clarias gariepinus) which is a source of protein that is needed by the body. Several researchers have also investigated the active compounds contained in the two ingredients, but differences in the environment and the maintenance process significantly affect the chemical content. This research focused on the initial phytochemical test and chemical composition of Maranta arundinacea extract and Clarias gariepinus powder extracted with 40% ethanol by maceration and hydrolysis technique

    Populasi Ascaridia galli Dalam Usus Halus Ayam Yang Diberikan Kombinasi Ekskretori/Sekretori L3 dan Imunoglobulin Yolk

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    Ascaridia galli populations in intestine of chickens treated with combination of excretory/secretory L3 and immunoglobulin yolkABSTRACT. The purpose of the present study was to determine the presence of worm populations in intestine of chickens vaccinated and combined with egg yolk to experimental Ascaridia galli infection. Amount of 18 head chickens were devided into six groups (A – F). Group A, the chickens were not vaccinated. Group B, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3. Group C, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3, challenged with dose 1000 L2, and treated ten times with 0,875 mg egg yolk with an interval of one day intra orally. Group D, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3 and challenged with dose 1000 L2. Group E, the chickens were challenged with dose 1000 L2 and treated ten times with 0,875 mg egg yolk with an interval of one day intra orally. Group E, the chickens were challenged with dose 1000 L2. Intestinal worm burdens of infected groups were recorded. The result showed that excretory/secretory of A. galli L3 combined with egg yolk decreased significantly A. galli survival in intestine of laying hens. Vaccinations were positively correlated with worm burden at 12 weeks after chalanged. The results suggest that A. galli L3 excretory/secretory product contain potential antigen and that antibody-mediated mechanisms contribute to immune protection
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