24 research outputs found

    Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Graphic Organizers

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    This action research is carried out to (1) identify whether graphic organizers enrich student’s vocabulary mastery; and (2) to describe the classroom situation when graphic organizers are employed in instructional process of vocabulary.The research is conducted in two cycles from March to May 2016/2017 in the eight years of SMP Muhammadiyah Sekampung, East lampung. The procedure of the research consists of identifying the problem, planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting the result of the research. Qualitative data are collected through interview, observation, questionnaire, and research diary. Quantitative data are collected through test. To analyze qualitative data, the researcher used constant comparative method. It consists of four steps: (1) comparing incidents applicable to each category; (2) Integrating categories and their properties; (3) delimiting the theory; (4) Writing the theory. Meanwhile, to analyze quantitative data, the researcher employed descriptive statistic.   The result of the research shows that using graphic organizers can enrich students’ vocabulary mastery and classroom situation. The improvement on students’ vocabulary included; a) the students are able to speak English; b) the students are able to understand the meaning of the text as they have a lot of vocabularies. The improvement of the classroom situation; (a) students come on time in the class (b) students are more motivated to join the class (c) Students pay more attention in the instructional process (d) students’ participation in responding the questions are high

    OPTIMIZING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta in 2009/2010 Academic Year)

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    This action research is carried out to (1) identify whether graphic organizers can improve students’ reading comprehension; and (2) to describe the classroom situation when graphic organizers are employed in instructional process of reading comprehension. The research is conducted in two cycles from March to May 2010 in the second grade of SMA N.6 Surakarta. The procedure of the research consists of identifying the problem, planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting the result of the research. Qualitative data are collected through interview, observation, questionnaire, and research diary. Quantitative data are collected through test. To analyze qualitative data, the researcher used constant comparative method. It consists of four steps: (1) comparing incidents applicable to each category; (2) Integrating categories and their properties; (3) delimiting the theory; (4) Writing the theory. Meanwhile, to analyze quantitative data, the researcher employed descriptive statistic. The result of the research shows that using graphic organizers can improve students’ reading comprehension and classroom situation. The improvement on students’ reading comprehension included; (a) students are able to find explicit information in a text; (b) students are able to comprehend of the text; (c) Students are able to find main idea in a paragraph; (d) students are able to infer the meaning of the text. The improvement of the classroom situation; (a) students come on time in the class (b) students are more motivated to join the class (c) Students pay more attention in the instructional process (d) students’ participation in responding the questions are high. In addition, the improvement also happens to the scores. The mean score increases from 57.56 in the pre-test, 63.34 in the formative test of cycle 1, and 69.56 in the post test of cycle 2. The mean score of writing is higher than the writing KKM (Kriteria Kelulusan Minimal) which is 63. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that students’ reading comprehension could be improved by the implementation of graphic organizers. Therefore, it is recommended that (1) teacher should give the explicit model during implementing graphic organizers in teaching reading; and (2) teachers need to improve their acquisition of knowledge about graphic organizers through collaboration with other teachers


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    The study is to find out whether skimming technique enhance students’ reading comprehension at English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Academic Year 2015/2016. This research is conducted at English Study Program of Muhammadiyah University of Metro. The population of the research is the students of English department, while the sample of the research is the students at fourth semester of English department Muhammadiyah University of Metro. To determine the sample, the researcher employs purposive technique sampling. Then, To collect the data, the researcher used documentation, Observation, Interview and questionnaire. Furthermore, to analyze the data, the researcher apply some steps: (1) data reduction, (2) data display and (3) data conclusion. The result of research indicates that the skimming technique has significant contribution to students’ reading comprehension at fourth semester of English Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Metro.


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    In language teaching, media is one of the tools that very useful to support its successful teaching. In teaching pronunciation, the students need to give additional information how to pronounce words. One of the ways is by using Youtube pronunciation videos. By using Youtube pronunciation videos, the students will get more input and knowledge how to pronounce words from the native. The objective of this research is to know whether there is a significant influence of watching Youtube pronunciation videos towards students’ pronunciation ability. There were two variables in this research, the independent variable (X) was Youtube Pronunciation videos and dependent variable (Y) was the students’ pronunciation ability. The research method used was experimental design. The researchers dealt with two classes, they were an experimental class and a control class. In the experimental class, the researchers used Youtube pronunciation videos, whereas in control class the researchers did not use any media. Each class received the same pre-test and post-test. The population of this research was the second year students of MAN 1 Model Bandar Lampung. The samples of this research were two classes consisting of 90 students. In collecting the data, the researchers used reading aloud test as the instrument. After doing the data analysis, it was found that there is a significant influence of using videos towards students’ pronunciation ability. It can be seen from the result of the T test that T-observed was 5.34615, and the result of T-critical was 1.67. It means thatT-observed was higher than T-critical (T-observed> T-critical). Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. This result means that there is significant influence of watching Youtube pronunciation videos towards students’ pronunciation ability


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    The objective of the study is to know whether there is influence of Time Token method toward students’ speaking ability. The research design of this research is Quantitative Design. The population of this research is 625 students. It consists of 21 classes and average of each class consists of 32 students. The researchers conducted the research at the eighth grade of SMP N 1 Batanghari. The researcher took 64 students from the total population as the sample. This research takes two classes: they are experimental class and control class. In Colleting the data, the researcher used test. The test comprised two tests: pre test and post test. To analyze data, the researcher used ttest formula. The result of the study showed that tcount5,37 and tdaf is 2,00 (on criteria1) and 2,66 (on criteria 2). It means that tcount >tdaf. And the criteria of tcount is Ha accepted if tcount>tdaf.


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    Cohesion is the relation between one sentences and another sentence, it refers to the meaning in the sentence. Cohesion is divided into twotypes; grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. This research analyzegrammatical and lexical cohesion types in the song lyric of Q1 Album by Gamaliel.The objectives of this research were to identify the kinds of grammatical and lexicalcohesion found in the song lyric and to know the most dominant type found.Descriptive qualitative method was used to classify and analyze the data. Thisresearch applied the theory of Halliday and Hasan to identify the types ofgrammatical and lexical cohesion. The researcher found 217 cohesion items whichconsist of 181 references, 1 substitution, and 16 conjunction in grammaticalcohesion. While in lexical cohesion, there are 11 reiteration (9 repetitions, 1synonym, and 1 general word) and 8 collocations. The most dominant type ofgrammatical cohesion is personal reference with 121 items or around 55.7% andrepetition with 9 items or around 4.1% in lexical cohesion

    Developing Android-Based English Learning Material

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    This research aims to find out what the product of English materials at tenth grade of SMA N 1 Metro and to know the experts’ validation and students’ acceptability on Android-based English materials. The type of this research is Research and Development. The researcher uses ADDIE model. The subjects are 32 students in X IPS 2 class. The data collecting technique is using questionnaire and interview. The data analysis technique is descriptive analysis. The result indicates that (1) the validation of material expert I on android-based English material in content aspect obtained a total score of 94 and aspect of language obtained a total score of 96 is in a very good category. Furthermore, the result of expert II in content aspect obtained a total score of 92 and aspect of language obtained a total score of 88 is in a very good category; (2) the validation of media expert I in view aspect obtained a total score of 93 and aspect of presentation obtained a total score of 100 is in a very good category. Whereas the result of expert II in view aspect obtained a total score of 83 and aspect of presentation obtained a total score of 95 is in a very good category; (3) the students’ responses on android-based English material is in a very good category with the percentage of 96%. It can be concluded that Android-based English material is very easily to use at SMAN 1 Metro. The researcher recommends for the next researcher to develop Android-based English material with other design