102 research outputs found

    Draft Genome Sequence of Dietzia sp. Strain UCD-THP (Phylum Actinobacteria).

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    Here, we present the draft genome sequence of an actinobacterium, Dietzia sp. strain UCD-THP, isolated from a residential toilet handle. The assembly contains 3,915,613 bp. The genome sequences of only two other Dietzia species have been published, those of Dietzia alimentaria and Dietzia cinnamea

    Astro2020 White Paper: A Direct Measure of Cosmic Acceleration

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    Nearly a century after the discovery that we live in an expanding Universe, and two decades after the discovery of accelerating cosmic expansion, there remains no direct detection of this acceleration via redshift drift - a change in the cosmological expansion velocity versus time. Because cosmological redshift drift directly determines the Hubble parameter H(z), it is arguably the cleanest possible measurement of the expansion history, and has the potential to constrain dark energy models (e.g. Kim et al. 2015). The challenge is that the signal is small - the best observational constraint presently has an uncertainty several orders of magnitude larger than the expected signal (Darling 2012). Nonetheless, direct detection of redshift drift is becoming feasible, with upcoming facilities such as the ESO-ELT and SKA projecting possible detection within two to three decades. This timescale is uncomfortably long given the potential of this cosmological test. With dedicated experiments it should be possible to rapidly accelerate progress and detect redshift drift with only a five-year observational baseline. Such a facility would also be ideal for precision radial velocity measurements of exoplanets, which could be obtained as a byproduct of the ongoing calibration measurements for the experiment.Comment: White paper submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Survey. 6 page

    Polyanhydride Nanoparticles Induce Low Inflammatory Dendritic Cell Activation Resulting in CD8+ T Cell Memory and Delayed Tumor Progression

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    Introduction: Adjuvants and immunotherapies designed to activate adaptive immunity to eliminate infectious disease and tumors have become an area of interest aimed at providing a safe and effective strategy to prevent or eliminate disease. Existing approaches would benefit from the development of immunization regimens capable of inducing efficacious cell- mediated immunity directed toward CD8+ T cell-specific antigens. This goal is critically dependent upon appropriate activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) most notably dendritic cells (DCs). In this regard, polyanhydride particles have been shown to be effectively internalized by APCs and induce activation. Methods: Here, a prophylactic vaccine regimen designed as a single-dose polyanhydride nanovaccine encapsulating antigen is evaluated for the induction of CD8+ T cell memory in a model system where antigen-specific protection is restricted to CD8+ T cells. Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) are used as an in vitro model system to evaluate the magnitude and phenotype of APC activation. Primary DCs, particularly those with described ability to activate CD8+ T cells, are also evaluated for their in vitro responses to polyanhydride nanoparticles. Results: Herein, polyanhydride nanoparticles are shown to induce potent in vitro upregulation of costimulatory molecules on the cell surface of BMDCs. In contrast to the classically used TLR agonists, nanoparticles did not induce large amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, did not induce characteristic metabolic response of DCs, nor produce innate antimicrobial effector molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO). The polyanhydride nanovaccine results in protective CD8+ T cell responses as measured by inhibition of tumor progression and survival. Discussion: Together, these results suggest that the use of a polyanhydride-based nanovaccine can be an effective approach to inducing antigen-specific CD8+ T cell memory by providing antigen delivery and DC activation while avoiding overt inflammatory responses typically associated with traditional adjuvants

    Polyanhydride Nanoparticles Induce Low Inflammatory Dendritic Cell Activation Resulting in CD8+ T Cell Memory and Delayed Tumor Progression

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    Introduction: Adjuvants and immunotherapies designed to activate adaptive immunity to eliminate infectious disease and tumors have become an area of interest aimed at providing a safe and effective strategy to prevent or eliminate disease. Existing approaches would benefit from the development of immunization regimens capable of inducing efficacious cell- mediated immunity directed toward CD8+ T cell-specific antigens. This goal is critically dependent upon appropriate activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) most notably dendritic cells (DCs). In this regard, polyanhydride particles have been shown to be effectively internalized by APCs and induce activation. Methods: Here, a prophylactic vaccine regimen designed as a single-dose polyanhydride nanovaccine encapsulating antigen is evaluated for the induction of CD8+ T cell memory in a model system where antigen-specific protection is restricted to CD8+ T cells. Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) are used as an in vitro model system to evaluate the magnitude and phenotype of APC activation. Primary DCs, particularly those with described ability to activate CD8+ T cells, are also evaluated for their in vitro responses to polyanhydride nanoparticles. Results: Herein, polyanhydride nanoparticles are shown to induce potent in vitro upregulation of costimulatory molecules on the cell surface of BMDCs. In contrast to the classically used TLR agonists, nanoparticles did not induce large amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, did not induce characteristic metabolic response of DCs, nor produce innate antimicrobial effector molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO). The polyanhydride nanovaccine results in protective CD8+ T cell responses as measured by inhibition of tumor progression and survival. Discussion: Together, these results suggest that the use of a polyanhydride-based nanovaccine can be an effective approach to inducing antigen-specific CD8+ T cell memory by providing antigen delivery and DC activation while avoiding overt inflammatory responses typically associated with traditional adjuvants

    Características psicosociales de las mujeres adolescentes explotadas sexualmente en Barranquilla

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    For the development of the research, the basic elements of the psycho-social competency were divided into categories of psycho-social characteriscs, that facilitated their evaluation, as follows: psycho-social and physical support, psycho-social and physical threats, adult activities, basic needs and family composition. These categories were examined through an open interview based on a questionnaire and a focal group which enabled a more profound analysis of the answers provided by the sexually exploited adolescems in reladon to their personal and social strengths, and to their problems in the environment where they live. The results show that the sexually exploited adolescents have some of the psycho-social characteristics studied by Forrest Tyler, who is the author of the theoretic proposal that supported this study, but that they do not manage to integrate them efficiently, and therefore they are not competent. from the psycho-social point of view. Key words: Psycho-social, environment, competency.Para el desarrollo de la investigación. los elemenros básicos de la competencia psicosocial fueron divididos en categorías de características psicosociales, que facilitaron su evaluación, así: apoyo psicosocial y físico, amenaza psicosocial y físicas. Actividades adultas, necesidades básicas y composición familiar. Estas categorías fueron examinadas a través de una entrevista abierta basada en un cuestionario y un grupo focal que permitió profundizar en torno a las respuestas de las adolescemes explotadas sexualmente con relación a sus fortalezas personales y sociales, y a sus problemas en el medio ambiente en que se desenvuelven. Los resultados nos muestran que las mujeres adolescentes explotadas sexualmente reúnen algunas de las características psicosociales planteadas por Forrest Tyler, autor de la propuesta teórica que respaldó el estudio, pero no logran integrarlas eficazmente, debido a lo cual no son competentes desde el punto de vista psicosocial

    Astro2020 Project White Paper: The Cosmic Accelerometer

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    We propose an experiment, the Cosmic Accelerometer, designed to yield velocity precision of 1\leq 1 cm/s with measurement stability over years to decades. The first-phase Cosmic Accelerometer, which is at the scale of the Astro2020 Small programs, will be ideal for precision radial velocity measurements of terrestrial exoplanets in the Habitable Zone of Sun-like stars. At the same time, this experiment will serve as the technical pathfinder and facility core for a second-phase larger facility at the Medium scale, which can provide a significant detection of cosmological redshift drift on a 6-year timescale. This larger facility will naturally provide further detection/study of Earth twin planet systems as part of its external calibration process. This experiment is fundamentally enabled by a novel low-cost telescope technology called PolyOculus, which harnesses recent advances in commercial off the shelf equipment (telescopes, CCD cameras, and control computers) combined with a novel optical architecture to produce telescope collecting areas equivalent to standard telescopes with large mirror diameters. Combining a PolyOculus array with an actively-stabilized high-precision radial velocity spectrograph provides a unique facility with novel calibration features to achieve the performance requirements for the Cosmic Accelerometer

    Influencia de la cultura empresarial en el éxito o fracaso de los talleres de hamacas y de calzado de cuero para mujer de la ciudad de Masaya

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    ESTE TRABAJO EXPLORA LAS OPORTUNIDADES Y OBSTACULOS que enfrentan dos sectores productivos de la ciudad de Masaya, la artesanía de hamacas y el calzado de cuero para mujeres, a partir de su cultura empresarial. Los éxitos y los fracasos de uno y otro sector se explican y fundamentan en el estilo empresarial característico de los talleres productores. Para realizar la investigación, se eligieron 15 talleres de cada especialidad y se estudió la cultura empresarial y el estilo de dirección. Este enfoque empresarial raramente se ha aplicado a los estudios de las diferentes empresas nicaragüenses y menos aún, de los talleres artesanales. Con este trabajo se espera abrir un ámbito a la exploración y la investigación

    Polyanhydride Nanoparticles Induce Low Inflammatory Dendritic Cell Activation Resulting in CD8+ T Cell Memory and Delayed Tumor Progression

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    Introduction: Adjuvants and immunotherapies designed to activate adaptive immunity to eliminate infectious disease and tumors have become an area of interest aimed at providing a safe and effective strategy to prevent or eliminate disease. Existing approaches would benefit from the development of immunization regimens capable of inducing efficacious cell-mediated immunity directed toward CD8+ T cell-specific antigens. This goal is critically dependent upon appropriate activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) most notably dendritic cells (DCs). In this regard, polyanhydride particles have been shown to be effectively internalized by APCs and induce activation.Methods: Here, a prophylactic vaccine regimen designed as a single-dose polyanhydride nanovaccine encapsulating antigen is evaluated for the induction of CD8+ T cell memory in a model system where antigen-specific protection is restricted to CD8+ T cells. Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) are used as an in vitro model system to evaluate the magnitude and phenotype of APC activation. Primary DCs, particularly those with described ability to activate CD8+ T cells, are also evaluated for their in vitro responses to polyanhydride nanoparticles.Results: Herein, polyanhydride nanoparticles are shown to induce potent in vitro upregulation of costimulatory molecules on the cell surface of BMDCs. In contrast to the classically used TLR agonists, nanoparticles did not induce large amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, did not induce characteristic metabolic response of DCs, nor produce innate antimicrobial effector molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO). The polyanhydride nanovaccine results in protective CD8+ T cell responses as measured by inhibition of tumor progression and survival.Discussion: Together, these results suggest that the use of a polyanhydride-based nanovaccine can be an effective approach to inducing antigen-specific CD8+ T cell memory by providing antigen delivery and DC activation while avoiding overt inflammatory responses typically associated with traditional adjuvants

    Families’ perceptions of and experiences related to a pediatric weight management program.

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    Objective: To examine parents' and children's perceptions of and experiences related to a Parents as Agents of Change (PAC) intervention for managing pediatric obesity. Methods: Ten families were recruited from a PAC intervention. Participants were interviewed before (10 adults and 9 children), during (9 adults and 8 children), and after (8 adults) the intervention. Results: Before the intervention, families reported goals to increase physical activity, plan and eat healthier meals, reduce screen time, and lose weight. During the intervention, families described different approaches to making behavior changes depending on who assumed responsibility (parent, child, or shared responsibility). After the intervention, group setting, goal setting, and portion size activities were viewed positively. Suggestions for improvement included engaging children and reducing intervention length. Conclusions and Implications: Practitioners delivering PAC interventions should discuss families' goals and concerns, and who is responsible for making lifestyle changes. Practical activities are valuable. The length of interventions and engagement of children should be considere