398 research outputs found


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    This Research aims to improve children’s interpersonal skills trough activities that tell stories in group B TK Kartika VI-15, Biak Numfor. The subjects in this research were students in group B of TK Kartika VII-15 Biak Numfor. This type of research is Class Action Research. Based on the analysis of observational data on teacher teaching activities in the first cycle of 14 aspects, the achievement percentage was 71.43% or 10 aspects, and the percentage of inaccessibility was 28.57% or 4 aspects. 64.29% or 9 aspects achieved and the percentage of inaccessibility was 35.71% or 5 aspects. While in the second cycle the results of teacher teaching activities increased to 92.86% or 13 aspects achieved and the percentage of inaccessibility was 7.14% or 1 aspect. While the learning activities of students in the second cycle increased to 85.71% or 12 aspects achieved and the percentage of inaccessibility was 14.29% or 2 aspects


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    AbstractThe main purpose in writing this paper is to explore the students of polytechnic experience in the application  of “SMART ENTREPRENEUR” program with the ultimate goal education, namely as many as 30% (thirty percent) its alumnus interested in dabbling as entrepreneurs. Formerly the focus of this vocational institution is to produce graduates who are ready to work in companies. The application of the program is including : a). The introduction and the design of  business world, b). Lessons for college students in developing effort or open a new business and do benchmark of similar business to improve the performance of business. c). The college students have experiences in developing their businesses become larger through giving negotiation technique, networking, and good personal skills.  This research is using inductive qualitative method. Data were collected through the observation, interviews,the field practice and documentation study.  Thisprogram is increasing the interest of college students to be entrepreneur, but it needs to be implementedthat is more coordinate from the institutions in order to achieve the ultimate goal. Keywords: Education Program, Entrepreneur, Smart Entrepreneur

    An Analysis of the Health Services of the General Hospital of Biak, Papua Province

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    Public health services are one of the elements of welfare that must be fullfilled by the government. The low quality of services provided by service providers such as hospitals is a social condition that poses a serious threat and must be anticipated as a form of improving service patterns. This study aims to analyze the quality of health services. The method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The primary data was collected through observation and interviews. Secondary data obtained through the study of documentation. Data were analyzed using an interactive model. The results showed that the still a gap between patient assessment and the provision of services provided by the service provider, including service procedures and health facilities such as inadequate facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, various strategies are needed as steps to improve the quality of health care programs


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk tindak pidana di bidang teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik yang dapat dilakukan penyidikan oleh penyidik dan kewenangan penyidik dalam penyidikan tindak pidana di bidang teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, disimpulkan:1) Bentuk-bentuk tindak pidana di bidang teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik, seperti perbuatan dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang memiliki muatan yang melanggar kesusilaan, perjudian, penghinaan dan/atau pencemaran nama baik, pemerasan dan/atau pengancaman, menyebarkan berita bohong dan menyesatkan yang mengakibatkan kerugian konsumen dalam transaksi elektronik,dan menimbulkan rasa kebencian atau permusuhan individu dan/atau kelompok masyarakat tertentu berdasarkan atas suku, agama, ras, dan antargolongan (SARA); 2) Kewenangan penyidik dalam penyidikan tindak pidana di bidang teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik yaitu: menerima laporan atau pengaduan dan memeriksa tersangka atau saksi dan alat atau sarana teknologi informasi serta melakukan penggeledahan, penyegelan dan penyitaan terhadap alat dan/atau sarana kegiatan teknologi Informasi yang diduga digunakan untuk melakukan tindak pidana di bidang teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik.Kata kunci: Kewenangan Penyidik, Tindak Pidana, Teknologi Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik

    Reason, inclination: Franklin at Philadelphia, 1762–1764

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    Summer, 1762. England and Prussia are at war with France and Spain. There are fronts in Europe and the colonies in Africa, North America, and the Caribbean. On the southern coast of England, Dr Benjamin Franklin is about to return home to Philadelphia. He is 56 years old, a retired printer, a published scientist, but at London he is better recognised as a low-born statesman from Pennsylvania with a reputation for causing trouble with the establishment. His mission was as simple as it was outrageous: oust Penn’s sons from their inherited rule and transfer the colony’s governance to the Crown. He has been wildly unsuccessful. In five years he’s done little more than to strengthen his enemies, multiply his own vulnerabilities, and nearly bankrupt his employers. But despite these professional failures he has discovered the metropolis to be extremely suited to his moral, cultural, and philosophical interests – and to his infinite ambition. It’s almost three decades since his first attempts at Philadelphia to nurture the local citizenry out of ignorance, superstition, low morals. In England he has discovered a country where, to his delight, there are ‘in every neighbourhood more sensible, virtuous and elegant minds than we can collect in ranging a hundred leagues of our vast forests’. When he sets sail, half-reluctantly, it is with the promise to cross over again as soon as he can 
 and if he can convince his wife to make the dangerous voyage 
 to settle in London forever. I interpret this moment as a turning point for Franklin, a final attempt against increasing personal and political friction to realise his elusive dream of uniting in one place his family, his career, and the activities that lent meaning to his life. The three chapters bound here comprise the first half of that story. At Philadelphia he would meet with a horrorshow: deadly fever, failed harvests, reports of vicious murders on the western frontier, a terrorist insurgency amassing on the outskirts of Philadelphia, the ruthless partisanship of Pennsylvania politics. The next two years – 1762 to 1764 – contained an almost brutal panorama of colonial American life. The contrast to the stability and intelligent bustle of London was as stark as it was dispiriting, and Franklin’s letters reveal how near the edge of the world he felt himself to be during this time. How would Poor Richard fare, haunted by a sense of futility and the inescapable reality of isolation? Here I have pursued Franklin in the midst of the culture and intrigue of his Georgian London, through the storms and progress of his colonial Philadelphia. It seems as though he understood these cities to be not just landscapes of sights and sounds and smells, some more wonderful and magnificent than others – not just sets, but actors, too. It was the talking, thinking element that could finally evoke for him two ways of being, scenes and stages and indeed whole theatres upon which one’s interests and insecurities might be shaped and his ambition played out. And as such, two places could evoke for Franklin two different dimensions of himself, a distinction so profound that in a moment rich with finality he even named them: Reason (America), and Inclination (London). This Franklin, unable to quite reconcile these twin spirits, is not the man whom I have encountered in prior portraits. He is more agitated, more conflicted, hypochondriac, and sometimes almost paranoid. He is a great reader, but sometimes not a careful one. He is given to escape into endless experiments with an ever-larger scientific apparatus. He is a frugal tinkerer, a playful refiner, a conjurer of agreeable little shocks. He is susceptible to fits of intensity and melancholy, to spells of vindictiveness, and to sustained, probably displaced antagonism towards the authority of the Church. He could never quite accommodate that far-flung American stage. And after five years in London, he was even less able to readjust to what became for him a set of confinements – intellectual, material, spiritual, and social. II So I have come to believe that the pivot of Franklin’s life, the essential tension, is expressed in the continual self-enhancement that led him back into London society. Partly because it was also expressed in the two versions of his memoirs that tension has come to frame, under different guises, Dr Franklin’s afterlife. To erase it, or resolve it, as many biographers have attempted to do, and therefore to claim Franklin for one side of the water or the other, is no way to recover his experience. Biographers must consider carefully the nature of a record so charged with national identity as Franklin’s in its preservation, presentation, and editorial interpretation. The Prologue, in tracing early Franklin life-writing and the publication of his memoirs, exposes and explores some of these problems. I wrote the Prologue – ‘The Life of the Life of Dr Franklin’ – not so much as an introduction to the biographical chapters but rather as a companion or parallel commentary to them. Its creative footing owes a good deal to such modern/historical split narratives as those by Dava Sobel (Longitude) and Josephine Tey (The Daughter of Time), and also to some of the ideas of self and memory explored in the stories of Jorge Luis Borges. The setting is a time in the not very distant future, when the United States, as a nation, is become so removed from the pretended innocence of its original ideals that the mythologies surrounding its foundation and its so-called Founding Fathers are no longer the darlings of biographers but rather curiosities for the amusement of antiquarians. Such are the protagonists, two men neither young nor old corresponding across the Atlantic, each possessed of the right amount of time and eccentricity for making enquiries of a bygone age. Indeed, the two voices, though opposed in some ways (Cladentweed the donnish foil to the footstepper’s stumbling independence), both appear to call out to the past – or even from it. The reader whom the Prologue will benefit most will be familiar with Franklin’s autobiography and the correspondence he inserted into it. Dr Farrand’s introduction to the Parallel Text edition, cited early on in the footnotes, and also Henry Stevens’s history of the lost holograph of the autobiography are especially helpful in tracing its journey into and out of obscurity. Both pieces of scholarship provide a remedial dose for the misconception of the historical record as a set of involuntary footprints, a lucky trail left by the human passage through a natural forest of events. A third source, informative (with reservations) and rewarding in its own way, is the account by John Bigelow – the U. S. minister to France under Lincoln – of locating and editing the lost holograph in the years just following the American civil war. It was when reading Bigelow’s memoirs that I wondered how he had come to the conclusion that the draft he possessed was more authentic than the text published by Temple Franklin in 1817 – in short, that the differences he found between holograph and printed edition were to be put down to Temple himself, and not to a later, lost draft made by Franklin. Two copies of the holograph are known (and were then known) to have been made. And Franklin’s letters confirm that the copies were made under his personal instruction. (These letters were also published well before 1866, in numerous editions.) If the changes attributed to Temple were found to be present in the copies, it would almost certainly indicate that Franklin was aware of them, that Bigelow’s ‘Bohemian’ ‘mutilations’ were nothing more offensive than Franklin’s own corrections: his turns of phrase become less colloquial and his grammar more syntactic in the twenty years between first and second drafts. But neither copy has been found. (Why not? Where are they? One was almost certainly destroyed at the print house. I tracked the other as far as rural Maine, but there the scent is lost.) Lacking one of these copies, it is impossible to know for certain just what Temple Franklin changed or did not change. Nevertheless, my initial question was possible to answer: had John Bigelow ever considered that these second drafts of the manuscript made by Franklin, from which Temple made his edition, might have been different to the holograph? No, he did not. And yet the pieces of the puzzle which had entered public circulation were already adequate to have led him to entertain the possibility of it. Why, then, couldn’t he see the evidence in front of him? Or why wouldn’t he say so, if he did? But perhaps Bigelow, after all, was merely continuing the long tradition among Franklin’s nineteenth century editors of harbouring an ungodly suspicion towards prior editors of the Founder’s papers, which could cross at times into bare hostility. On the extreme end of this, Franklin had become the embodiment of a new kind of order, and the fact of his public service in life meant that his papers, in death, should become public property. (Not to publish all was to withhold or suppress.) And what might they contain? Some exposĂ© of how the powerful secretly worked against the interests of ordinary people; some irreproachable justification for the violence of the war of independence; or, just dirt to smear on the memories of celebrated Englishmen. By no editor, however, was any of this delivered, and in consequence there arose doubts of the material’s authenticity. While these early editions of Franklin attracted all sorts of criticism – inaccurate copyediting, poor selection, belated delivery, etc. – it was the charge of inauthenticity that turned out to be the critics’ sharpest weapon. As I got to know all the inventive edges of that weapon I could detect a peculiar leaning or roughness on the surface of what then constituted Franklin’s biographical tradition – scar tissue, where the weapon had left a mark. For what mattered to those early life-writers was not only the documentation itself but also the circumstances of its path to publication. The editorial tardiness; the perceived concealment; the inexplicable gaps; the eventual uncovering of new material – this contextual picture, even, had been made a kind of biographical foundation in a way I had not before considered. The record was anything but involuntary. It seemed rather purposeful, in fact, in its handling; and – maybe – such handling was itself capable of influencing the memory of Franklin’s life? Of causing Bigelow to believe a manuscript to be something it probably was not? The authorship of Temple Franklin’s text is the central mystery of Franklin’s autobiography. It is against that backdrop, more or less, that the Prologue’s fictional correspondents examine the construction of Franklin’s early afterlife – or, as one of them puts it, the ‘creation, migration, collection, exegesis, evaluation, transcription, translation, and often transformation’ of an important part of his biographical record


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    Negara Nordik telah menjadi teladan bagi negara-negara yang akan melakukan transisi energi dari energi fosil ke energi baru terbarukan. Norwegia merupakan salah satu negara yang berhasil dengan pemanfaatan energi baru terbarukan sebesar 98% dari kebutuhan energi nasional. Keunggulannya membuat negara ini pun melakukan kampanye hijau hingga mencetuskan program NICFI dan REDD+ terkait upaya pengurangan karbon dan deforestasi sebagai tindak lanjut transisi energi. Indonesia sebagai negara yang kaya akan potensi energi baru terbarukan pun telah bekerja sama dengan Norwegia tentang program transisi energi ini. Namun, sejak adanya banyak perbedaan antara kedua negara, maka kebijakan dalam bidang yang sama pun harus menyesuaikan dengan kondisi masing-masing negara, sehingga output yang dihasilkan berbeda. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kebijakan energi baru terbarukan Indonesia dengan perbandingan negara-negara Kawasan Nordik yang dinilai telah mampu memanfaatkan energi terbarukan secara optimal dengan mempertimbangkan upaya pengurangan karbon, deforestasi dan dampak lingkungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan di mana sumber data didapat dari regulasi energi baru terbarukan kedua negara dan penelitian terdahulu terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam kebijakan energi baru terbarukan berbasis kebijakan keamanan energi, Norwegia lebih unggul terkait pembatasan dan pencadangan energi, sedangkan untuk diversifikasi Indonesia lebih beragam potensinya. Akan tetapi, dalam tindak lanjut dampak lingkungan pasca transisi Indonesia dan Norwegia memiliki perbedaan. Cadangan energi yang dimilikinya mengantarkan Norwegia menjadi suplier bagi negara adidaya, sedangkan Indonesia cenderung memanfaatkan sumber dayanya sesuai dengan kepentingan nasional.   Kata kunci: Indonesia; Norwegia; Kebijakan; Energi TerbarukanNegara Nordik telah menjadi teladan bagi negara-negara yang akan melakukan transisi energi dari energi fosil ke energi baru terbarukan. Norwegia merupakan salah satu negara yang berhasil dengan pemanfaatan energi baru terbarukan sebesar 98% dari kebutuhan energi nasional. Keunggulannya membuat negara ini pun melakukan kampanye hijau hingga mencetuskan program NICFI dan REDD+ terkait upaya pengurangan karbon dan deforestasi sebagai tindak lanjut transisi energi. Indonesia sebagai negara yang kaya akan potensi energi baru terbarukan pun telah bekerja sama dengan Norwegia tentang program transisi energi ini. Namun, sejak adanya banyak perbedaan antara kedua negara, maka kebijakan dalam bidang yang sama pun harus menyesuaikan dengan kondisi masing-masing negara, sehingga output yang dihasilkan berbeda. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kebijakan energi baru terbarukan Indonesia dengan perbandingan negara-negara Kawasan Nordik yang dinilai telah mampu memanfaatkan energi terbarukan secara optimal dengan mempertimbangkan upaya pengurangan karbon, deforestasi dan dampak lingkungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan di mana sumber data didapat dari regulasi energi baru terbarukan kedua negara dan penelitian terdahulu terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam kebijakan energi baru terbarukan berbasis kebijakan keamanan energi, Norwegia lebih unggul terkait pembatasan dan pencadangan energi, sedangkan untuk diversifikasi Indonesia lebih beragam potensinya. Akan tetapi, dalam tindak lanjut dampak lingkungan pasca transisi Indonesia dan Norwegia memiliki perbedaan. Cadangan energi yang dimilikinya mengantarkan Norwegia menjadi suplier bagi negara adidaya, sedangkan Indonesia cenderung memanfaatkan sumber dayanya sesuai dengan kepentingan nasional.   Kata kunci: Indonesia; Norwegia; Kebijakan; Energi Terbaruka


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    ABSTRAKKehadiran Penggugat dan Tergugat di persidangan syarat penting dan sangat berpengaruh pada agenda persidangan. Kehadirannya di muka persidangan dapat memberikan dampak yang berbeda terhadap jalannya persidangan yang berakibat Hak hukum para pihak dapat terabaikan. Rumusan masalah yakni Bagaimanakah pengaturan hukum dalam perkara perdata jika tergugattidak hadir dalam persidangan dan bagaimanakah pertimbangan hukum oleh Hakim dalam putusan No. 21/Pdt.G/2020/PN-Tbt. Penelitian ini adalah hukum normatif ditujukan pada peraturan –peraturan yang tertulis atau bahan hukum. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian yang memfokuskan kepada studi kasus. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan perlu adanya pengaturan hukum yang pasti, jika tergugat atau penggugat tidak hadir dalam persidangan, maka hak-haknya akan gugur dan semua gugatan penggugat harus dikabulkan dalam putusa Verstek. Diperlukan adanya sumber manusia secara khusus para penebak hukum yang memahami tentang pertimbangan-pertimbangan dalam membuat suatu putusan, sehingga dapat mengadopsi rasa keadilan, kepastian dan kemamfaatanhukum.Kata Kunci : Penerapan Hukum, Ketidakhadiran Terguga

    Pengaruh Liputan Media Terhadap Efisiensi Investasi Pada Perusahaan Non Keuangan dalam Perspektif Syariah

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    This study examines the effect of media coverage on investment efficiency in non-financial companies that trade products according to Islamic law listed in the 2003 DSN-MUI article 3 paragraph 2. Media coverage reduces underinvestment but increases overinvestment. The negative effects of media coverage of under-investment are more pronounced in firms influenced by greater information asymmetry and poorer corporate governance. The positive effect of media coverage on overinvestment is driven by media-driven CEO overconfidence. Additional results show that both in general, higher news optimism is associated with less investment but more investment. In addition, media coverage influences investment efficiency through its information dissemination rather than its information generation function. Collectively, the results of this study indicate that corporate media promotes more investment (overinvestment) than underinvestment (underinvestment)
