6 research outputs found


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    This paper analysis the impact of two different types of exogenous shocks on the consumption, approximated by retail trade in Croatia. The aim of this paper is to show that the crisis caused by financial disturbances and the crisis caused by pandemic have different repercussions on movements of interest rates and further impact on consumption. Banks react differently in a crisis that has no cause in the financial sector compared to the crisis caused by disturbances in the financial and banking market as we had in 2008. Therefore, it will be proven that in crisis of 2020, which is more significant in strength than the crisis in 2009, Croatia has pursued a different economic policy, aimed to retaining jobs and maintaining the level of consumption from pre-recession periods. All mentioned emphasizes two facts: 1. The irrational behavior of the state in a crisis caused by disturbances in the financial and banking sector differs to the state reaction to the crisis caused by a pandemic, that has no financial cause; 2. Fear of negative psychological expectations and falling demand and personal consumption, are the most important components in the GDP structur


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    In recent years, external trade figures between Croatian and Hungarian have marked significant changes. Although, both of them have been passed strong process of transformation in the earlier nineties of the last century. In the observed period, Hungarian export marked significant result in terms of external coverage ratio and it is continuously in the surplus side. Comparing with Croatia, the results are totally different; low external trade coverage ratio (in average below 60%) and continuously in the deficit side. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to point out how depreciation of exchange rate in correlation with internal depreciation influence on the net foreign direct investment inflow (hereinafter FDI) and external trade balance. Thus, in the observed period Hungary had significant high level of capital accumulation in terms of FDI, followed with high level of internal depreciation and depreciation of exchange rate, while Croatian economy, had considerably lower level of capital accumulation measured in terms per capita FDI followed with internal appreciation and stable exchange rate. Additionally, in the observed period, Croatia had passed through the recession which lasted six years, while in Hungary that was not the case

    Sindrom izgaranja defektologa zaposlenih u Ŕkolama za decu sa smetnjama u razvoju

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    Introduction. Numerous global studies as well as the studies from Serbia have indicateds the individuals professionally engaged in providing assistance to other people and who belong to the so-called "helping professions" (health workers, psychologists, pedagogists, social workers, teachers, etc.) as the professionals at a high risk for developing various psychophysical stress reactions and symptoms of a burnout syndrome. The burnout syndrome is viewed nowadays both as a social and a professional problem, and not only as a manifestation of the psychological state of an individual. Objective. The aim of this paper is to determine levels of the burnout syndrome in special education teachers working in schools for children with developmental disorders, as well as to determine a correlation between that phenomenon and socio-demographic aspects. Method. This cross-sectional study was conducted during the school year 2017/18. on a suitable sample and included 225 special education teachers from the Republic of Serbia. As research instruments, the Work-related Stress Inventory and a Questionnaire for collecting socio-demographic data were used. Results. A cross-sectional analysis of the socio-demographic aspects and the burnout syndrome has pointed to a statistically significant difference between the type of the students`disability (Ļ‡2 = 57.916; p lt 0.01) and the total length of the teachers`service (F (4) = 3.067, p = .017). Approximatelly one half of the respondents who work with students with motor skill disorders, and nearly one third of the respondents working with hearing impaired children possess the highest levels of burnout, while a logistic regression analysis has shown that professionals working in these fields have a 3.56-fold higher likelihood of manifesting high levels of burnout . Conclusion. Burnout syndrome is more pronounced in special education teachers who have been burning out due to their lengthy work engagement. And among them, at greater risk are those who work with children with motor skill disorders and hearing impairments. One should not forget one`s personal life that may affect the burnout. Living conditions, and above all an unsolved housing status therefore, show a closer relation with burning out.Uvod. Brojna istraživanja u svetu i kod nas su pokazala da su osobe koje se profesionalno bave pružanjem pomoći drugim ljudima i koje pripadaju tzv. "pomagačkim profesijama" (zdravstveni radnici, psiholozi, pedagozi, socijalni radnici, nastavnici itd.) pod visokim rizikom za razvijanje različitih psihofizičkih stresnih reakcija i simptoma sindroma izgaranja. Sindrom izgaranja se danas posmatra kao druÅ”tveni i profesionalni problem, a ne samo kao odraz psiholoÅ”kog stanja pojedinca. Cilj rada. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje izraženosti nivoa sindroma izgaranja kod defektologa zaposlenih u Å”kolama za decu sa smetnjama u razvoju, kao i utvrđivanje povezanosti ove pojave sa sociodemografskim karakteristikama. Metod. Ova studija preseka sprovedena je tokom Å”kolske 2017/18. godine, na prigodnom uzorku i obuhvatila je 225 defektologa sa teritorije Republike Srbije. Kao instrumenti istraživanja koriŔćeni su Inventar izgaranja na radu i lista za prikupljanje sociodemografskih podataka. Rezultati. Analiza ukrÅ”tanja sociodemografskih obeležja i sindroma izgaranja pokazala je da postoji statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na tip smetnji učenika kojima defektolozi realizuju nastavu (Ļ‡2 = 57.916; p lt 0.01) i ukupan radni staž (F(4) = 3.067, p = .017). Oko polovine ispitanika koji realizuju nastavu deci sa motoričkim smetnjama i skoro trećina ispitanika koji rade sa decom sa sluÅ”nim smetnjama imaju najviÅ”e nivoe izgaranja, dok je regresiona analiza pokazala da osobe koje rade u ovim oblastima imaju 3,56 puta veću verovatnoću da manifestuju viÅ”i nivo izgaranja. Zaključak. Sindrom izgaranja je izraženiji kod defektologa kod kojih je usled dugotrajnog rada doÅ”lo do sagorevanja, a među njima su pod većim rizikom oni koji rade sa decom sa motoričkim i sluÅ”nim smetnjama. Ne treba zanemariti ni privatnu sferu života, koja utiče na izgaranje, pa tako uslovi života, pre svega nereÅ”eni stambeni problem pokazuju veću povezanost sa izgaranjem

    Impact of demographic changes on the structure of personal consumption in Croatia

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    U doktorskom radu je provedeno istraživanje o utjecaju demografskih promjena na kretanje i strukturu osobne potroÅ”nje u Hrvatskoj na vrlo reprezentativnom uzorku. U istraživanju su temeljito obrazložene tekuće i projicirane demografske promjene te njihov utjecaj na kretanje osobne potroÅ”nje, aproksimirane potroÅ”njom u trgovini na malo. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka o individualnoj potroÅ”nji po dobi na mikrorazini, izvrÅ”ena je segmentacija potroÅ”nje po potroÅ”ačkim dobnim skupinama na razini Hrvatske i županija. Na temelju postavljenih hipoteza u doktorskom radu utvrđeni su učinci demografskih promjena na porezni, mirovinski i zdravstveni sustav. Deficit domicilne osobne potroÅ”nje i generiranje potroÅ”nje iz endogenih izvora, predstavljat će sve veći izazov u budućnosti. Promjene demografskih struktura, uvjetovane prirodnom i emigracijskom depopulacijom, značajno utječu na kretanje potroÅ”ačkog potencijala domicilnog stanovniÅ”tva, kao i na promjene u potroÅ”ačkim preferencijama. Rast potroÅ”nje temeljen na egzogenim izvorima, kao Å”to je inozemna turistička potroÅ”nja je visoko elastičan. Male promjene u kretanju inozemne turističke potroÅ”nje mogu imati značajne učinke na kretanje ukupne potroÅ”nje, zbog visoke razine udjela inozemne turističke potroÅ”nje u strukturi BDP-a. U ispitivanju hipoteza rada, koriÅ”ten je balansirani ekonometrijski panel model (RE) i (FE), te deskriptivna statistika, dok je u ispitivanju ciljeva rada, koriÅ”ten model viÅ”estruke linearne regresije i deskriptivna statistika. Poseban znanstveni doprinos u području ekonomske demografije dan je kroz nalaze o potroÅ”nji na razini županija, pri čemu je izoliran udio inozemne turističke potroÅ”nje.The PHD dissertation examines the impact of demographic changes on movements and structure of personal consumption in Croatia. It thoroughly explains current and projected demographic changes and their impact on personal consumption trends, approximated by the retail consumption. With data collection on individual consumption by age at the micro level, the segmentation of consumption by consumer age groups was done at Croatian and at county level. Based on hypothesis, in the dissertation was also determinated the impact of negative demographic trends on tax policy, pension and on health system. Deficit of domestic personal consumption from endogenous sources will be an increasing issue in the future. Changes in demographic structures, caused by natural depopulation and emigration, significantly influence on movements of consumption trends of the domestic population and have an impact on consumer preferences. Consumption growth based on exogenous sources such as a foreign tourism consumption has a high elesticity. Minor changes in the movement of the foreign tourist consumption can have a significant effect on the movement of total consumption, due to the high level of share of foreign tourist consumption in total GDP. The balanced econometric panel models (RE) and (FE), and descriptive statistics were used in study of hypothesis, while in the analyzes of goals, the models which have been used are multiple linear regression and descriptive statistics. Special scientific contribution in the field of economic demography was made through detailed research on consumption at the county level, wherein the foreign tourist spending was excluded

    Work-related burnout syndrome in special education teachers working with children with developmental disorders - possible correlations with some socio-demographic aspects and assertiveness

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    The aim of this research was to examine the levels of burnout syndrome dimensions in special education teachers and correlations with some socio-demographic characteristics, job characteristics, and levels of assertiveness. The research included 225 special education teachers from Serbia (82% were women, 18% were men, with the average age of 42.51 +/- 9.23 years). Research instruments included Maslach Burnout Inventory, Rathus Assertiveness Schedule, and a socio-demographic questionnaire. There were differences in all burnout dimensions in relation to types of students' special needs. Higher levels of burnout symptoms were observed in teachers working with children with motor skill disorders. The assertiveness scores had a significant negative correlation with emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation, and a positive correlation with a lack of accomplishment. The results obtained may help in the planning of the adequate preventative measures for improving the mental health of those professionals

    Friend or foe: Association of uric acid with oxidative stress in Canine hyperadrenocorticism

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    Canine hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) or Cushingā€™s syndrome is a multisystemic clinical condition caused by chronic exposure to elevated concentrations of glucocorticoids. It has been considered that oxidative stress is implicated in pathophysiology of HAC. The exact impact of uric acid (UA) on oxidative stress in hyperadrenocorticism remains unclear, given its ability to act as both an antioxidant and a pro-oxidant. In addition, increased UA levels are related to the development of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type II diabetes in humans with HAC. For this purpose, we aimed to investigate the association of UA with the components of oxidative stress in dogs with HAC. This study included 12 dogs with newly diagnosed HAC and 12 healthy controls. The oxidative stress in serum samples was assessed by advanced oxidation protein product (AOPP) and thiobarbituric acidā€“reactive substances (TBARS), and antioxidative status by total antioxidant capacity (TAC), reduced glutathione (GSH) and paraoxonase-1 (PON-1). Uric acid was compared between two groups and correlated with oxidative stress parameters. The results showed that dogs with HAC exerted markedly higher level of UA compared to healthy controls (p<0.001). Additionally, higher levels of AOPP and TBARS (p=0.001; p =0.043) were observed in the HAC group, indicating oxidative damage compared to the controls. Among antioxidants, only GSH exhibited a difference between groups (p=0.001). Correlation analysis of UA revealed strong association with TBARS (r=0.615; p=0.037), which implies that UA is linked to an increase of oxidative stress in canine Cushingā€™s syndrome. The results of this study indicate a possible pro-oxidant role of UA in dogs with HAC