17 research outputs found

    The impact of anthropogenic pollution on soil degradation at wide area of Bor City

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    Земљиште као основни природни ресурс има важну еколошку и производну функцију. Бројни природни и антропогени утицаји доводе до промене равнотеже процеса у земљишту и до његове деградације, а самим тим и до смањење продуктивности услед погоршања физичких, хемијских и биолошких особина земљишта. Од свих хемијских загађивача, тешки метали се сматрају супстанцама које имају посебан еколошки, биолошки и здравствени значај, а њихови извори могу бити природног и антропогеног порекла. Физички, хемијски и биолошки процеси у земљишту ће одредити специјацију, мобилност као и биорасположивост микроелемената. Ерозиони процеси су најчешћи узрок који доводи до физичке деградације земљишта, и подразумева спирање и подривање земљишта (а понекад и матичне стене) под утицајем површинског отицања воде, док еродибилност земљишта представља отпорност земљишта према наведеним ерозионим процесима. Испитивано подручје обухвата области под називом: Тилва Њагра, Чока Купјатра и Чока Куруга, које чине комплекс од 152.91 км2, налазе се 10 км северозападно од Бора. У подручјима где је заступљена интензивна експлоатација руда као што је подручје града Бора од посебног значаја је проучавање и праћење деградиције земљишта због очување његових функција, посебно ако се узму у обзир измерене повишене годишње концентрације појединих тешких метала у ваздуху, као и ружа ветрова која се простире према истраживаном подручју. Одређивање вредности нултог стања земљишта (енгл. background) је неопходна мера приликом процене загађености земљишта у оквиру истраживаног подручја, обзиром да не можемо проценити антропогени утицај због чињенице да геолошки супстрат у свом саставу већ има одређену количину микроелемената. Степен загађења дефинише се одређеним референтним факторима, као што су индекси за процену степена загађености земљишта, чијом употребом можемо утврдити геопросторну дистрибуцију и интезитет загађења. 6 Дефинисан је концептуални модел за приказивање укупне деградације земљишта као и међусобних утицаја физичких, хемијских и других фактора...The soil as a basic natural resource has the main ecological and production function. Numerous natural and anthropogenic effects lead to a change in the balance of the soil process and its degradation, and consequently to a decrease in productivity due to the deterioration of the physical, chemical, and biological soil properties. Of all chemical contaminants, the harmful microelements are considered as substances that have special ecological, biological and health significance, and they can have the natural or anthropogenic origin. Physical, chemical and biological processes in the soil will determine the speciation, mobility and ultimately the bioavailability of microelements. Erosion processes are the most common cause leading to physical soil degradation and involve the erosion and undermining of the soil (and sometimes also the base rock) under the influence of surface swelling caused by water, while the soil erosion is the soil resistance according to the mentioned erosion processes. The Tilva Njagra, Coka Kupjatra and Coka Kurugu research area has 152.91 km2, and it is located 10 km northwest of the Bor City. In areas with the intensive exploitation of ores, such as the area of the Bor City, the study and monitoring of soil degradation is of particular importance, especially taking into account the excessive measured annual concentrations of certain harmful microelements in the air, as well as the wind rose which is it extends towards the research area. Determining of soil background is a necessary measure when assessing soil contamination within the research area since we can not estimate the anthropogenic impact due to the fact that the geological substance in its composition already has a certain amount of harmful microelements. The degree of pollution is defined by certain reference factors, such as the soil pollution indexes for estimating the degree of contamination, which can determine the pollution geospatial distribution and their intensity. 8 A conceptual model has been defined for total soil degradation based on interactions between physical, chemical and other influences..

    Effect of environment of the rutin content in leaves of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.

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    The experiments were conducted in four locations in Serbia: Valjevo, Kucevo, Nova Pazova and Surduk in 2012 and 2013. A working hypothesis that growing conditions would not affect the rutin content in buckwheat leaves was set up. The content of rutin in leaves of buckwheat was determined by the HPLC/DAD technique, using the external standard calibration method. Out of the basic biometric parameters, average value, variance, and the variation coefficient were estimated. Results were processed by the analysis of variance for the factorial experiment. The analysis of variance showed existence of significant differences in the rutin content, over locations, but only in the first year of testing. The average content of rutin in the first and the second year was 3.30% and 2.61%, respectively, and in both years of testing it amounted on average to 2.82%. The variation in the rutin content was larger in the second year of testing. On the other hand, this variation was lower in the first year (5.3-29.0%) in comparison to the second year (16.2-28.6%). Relatively lower rutin contents were recorded in samples collected at lower-altitude locations

    The effect of the application of complex and mixed fertilizers on wheat yield and soil fertility

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    Crop productivity and soil fertility of arable lands largely depends on the applied fertilizer, including their composition, dosage and way of application. In the paper, a comparison of the fertilization values of different composite fertilizers was performed. The complex composite and different mixed fertilizers with fillers (lime and zeolite) were used in two experiments on two types of soil, Pseudogley and Cambisol. The grown crops were wheat and corn. The results showed no significant differences between applied fertilizers in terms of crop yield and nutrient uptake. Use of lime and zeolite as filler didn't result in increase of the fertilization effect of the applied fertilizers. The way of distribution of composite fertilizers influenced on the overall fertilization effect. Manual application of mixed fertilizers had better fertilization effect in comparison to mechanical spread, while use of complex fertilizers mechanically had better effect in comparison to blended mixed fertilizers

    Chemical and granulometric parameters of agricultural soil in the Surčin area : Republic of Serbia

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    In the period from June to October 2019, tests of chemical properties and granulometric composition of 280 composite soil samples were conducted in the area of Petrovčić and Progar, Surčin Municipality (Belgrade, Serbia), to a depth of 30 cm. The presence of total sand, clay and silt fractions in the analyzed soil samples indicates a relatively uniform granulometric composition (textural class of light clays), but with unfavorable ratio of total sand/clay fractions, in which the clay fraction prevails. The largest number of soil samples has strongly acidic, medium and acidic values of substitution and active acidity, are carbonate-free, while the values of electrical conductivity are very low and indicate the complete absence of salinity in the surface soil horizon/layer. The largest number of soil samples is moderately provided with total nitrogen and humus, with very low, low and medium content of easily available phosphorus, as well as medium (CM Petrovčić) to high and medium provided with easily available potassium (CM Progar). The obtained results indicate that the studied soils of Petrovčić and Progar are suitable for intensive field production. However, low pH values indicate an adequate application of limestone and fertilizers, as well as measures such as undermining and drainage


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    Remote sensing is a convenient method for plant monitoring by employing vegetation variables which is changed dynamically in time and space. Furthermore, in the last few decades the number and quality of information that can be derived from remotely sensed images is rapidly increased. The widespread usage of information from satellite-born sensors provides a new tool for studying the biophysical properties of vegetation by mapping vegetation resources and changes that arise over extended periods of time. The European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 mission, as a part of the European Global Monitoring for Environment (GMES) initiative, is a polar-orbiting, superspectral high resolution imaging mission that envisaged flying a pair of satellites; the first planned to launch in 2013. The Sentinel-2 mission combine a large swath, frequent revisit and systematic acquisition of high-spatial resolution land surfaces imagery with a large number of spectral bands; that will provide accurate and easily accessible data for the environmental management. The most important impact of Sentinel-2 for plant monitoring is expected to be the improved plant parameters: Fraction of Vegetation Cover (FVC), Leaf Area Index (LAI), Leaf Chlorophyll Content (Cab), Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) and Leaf Water Content (Cw); by incorporating three new spectral bands in the red-edge region, which are centered at 705, 740 and 783 nm. The goal is to improve site-specific plant management by the retrieving different plant parameters as an input for management measures aimed to nondestructive monitoring of plant development and the detection of many environmental stresses, which can limit plant productivity

    Methods for the assessment of background limits of Cd and Cr in the soil of Moravički district

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    This paper presents different approaches to background limits assessment of Cr and Cd content in the soil of the Moravički district. The investigated elements have right-skewed asymmetrical distribution, with high dispersion, especially Cr. By using graphical methods (cumulative curve - CDF and boxplot ) the obtained background limits of the natural contents were Cd 1.40 mg kg-1 and Cr 230 mg kg-1. Natural and log-transformed data were used for empirical methods, and significantly higher values were obtained than in the natural simulation. The background limits obtained by empirical methods were different. The maps show that the largest part of the territory has a relatively low concentration of investigated elements, whose values are the most similar to the background limits calculated by [Median+2MAD] methods and below. In parts of the territory with an increased content the most suitable computational methods are [Mean ± 2SD] and boxplot - calculation of the upper threshold. Background limits are given for certain homogenous geochemical wholes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TP 037006: Proučavanje uticaja kvaliteta zemljišta i voda za navodnjavanje na efikasniju proizvodnju poljoprivrednih kultura i očuvanje životne sredine

    Methods for the assessment of background limits of Cd and Cr in the soil of Moravicki district

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    У раду су приказане различите методе одређивања границе природ ног садржаја Cr и Cd у земљишту Моравичког округа. Дистрибуција садр жаја испитиваних елемената је десно асиметрична, са високом дисперзијом, посебно садржаја Cr. Применом графичких метода (кумулативна крива–CDF и boxplot) добијене су границе природног садржаја за Cd 1,40 mg kg-1, и за Cr око 230 mg kg-1. За емпиријске методе коришћени су природни подаци и ло гаритамски трансформисани, при чему су добијене знатно веће вредности него у природној симулацији. Граничне вредности добијене различитим ме тодама се разликују. Карте показују да највећи део територије има релативно ниске концентрације испитиваних елемената чије границе природног садр жаја највише одговарају вредностима израчунатим методом [Median±2MAD] и ниже. На деловима територије са повећаним садржајима погодније су ра чунске методе [Mean±2Sd] и boxplot–обрачун горњег прага. Дате су границе природног садржаја за поједине хомогене геохемијске целине

    Spatio-temporal analysis of land use/land cover change and its effects on soil erosion (Case study in the Oplenac wine-producing area, Serbia)

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    In this paper, various spatial modelling techniques were applied to analyse changes in soil cover and their impact on soil erosion in the Oplenac wine-producing area in Serbia in the past (1985 and 2013) and in the future (with predictions for 2041). The Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs Sediment Delivery Ratio (InVEST SDR) model and the Modules for Land Use Change Evaluation (MOLUSCE) model, integrated with methods of remote sensing, were successfully applied and were shown to be valid tools for predicting the impact of Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes when estimating soil loss. The results revealed that the greatest impact of land use changes between 1985 and 2013 was on a reduction in areas under vineyards and an extension of meadow and pasturelands as an individual and social response to economic conditions during the research period. The forecast for 2041 reflected the trends observed in the previous period, with the greatest changes witnessing an increase in urban areas and a decrease in areas of arable land. It was also found that the effect of LULC changes on spatio-temporal patterns in the Oplenac wine-producing area did not have a major impact on soil loss, meaning this area, with its good agro-climatic characteristics, is suitable for the intensification of agricultural production

    Influence of Soil Type on the Reliability of the Prediction Model for Bioavailability of Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni and Cu in the Soils of the Republic of Serbia

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    The principles of sustainable agriculture in the 21st century are based on the preservation of basic natural resources and environmental protection, which is achieved through a multidisciplinary approach in obtaining solutions and applying information technologies. Prediction models of bioavailability of trace elements (TEs) represent the basis for the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence in digital agriculture. Since the bioavailability of TEs is influenced by the physicochemical properties of the soil, which are characteristic of the soil type, in order to obtain more reliable prediction models in this study, the testing set from the previous study was grouped based on the soil type. The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of improvement in the prediction of bioavailability of TEs by using a different strategy of model development. After the training set was grouped based on the criteria for the new model development, the developed basic models were compared to the basic models from the previous study. The second step was to develop models based on the soil type (for the eight most common soil types in the Republic of Serbia—RS) and to compare their reliability to the basic models. From the total number of developed models by soil type (80), 75% were accepted as statistically reliable for predicting the bioavailability of TEs by soil type and 70% of prediction models had a higher determination coefficient (R2), compared to the basic models. For the Fluvisol soil type, all prediction models were accepted, while the least reliable prediction was for the Planosol type. As in the previous study of bioavailability prediction for TEs, the prediction models for Cu stood out, with more than half of the models with R2 greater than 0.90. Results of this study indicated that the formation of a testing set by soil type derives models whose predictions are more reliable than the basic ones. To improve the performance of prediction models, it is necessary to include additional physicochemical parameters and to conduct an adequate analysis of extensive testing sets with more comprehensive statistical techniques