14 research outputs found

    Zinc ions stimulate the cooperative RNA binding of hordeiviral Îłb protein

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    AbstractA small regulatory γb protein of the Poa semilatent hordeivirus (PSLV) contains two zinc finger-like motifs separated by a basic motif in the N-terminal part and a C-terminal coiled-coil motif. Interactions of the recombinant PSLV γb protein and its mutants with various RNAs (ssRNA, dsRNA, ssRNA oligonucleotides) and ssDNA were studied in gel-shift assays. The results demonstrated that zinc ions are essential for effective nucleic-acid-binding activity of the γb protein, suggesting the important role of zinc finger motifs in these interactions. Deletion of the C-proximal coiled-coil region did not affect highly cooperative RNA–protein binding, indicating that the N-terminal part of the protein contributes to the protein–protein interactions needed for the protein–RNA cooperativity

    Cucumber Mosaic Virus 2b Protein Subcellular Targets and Interactions: Their Significance to RNA Silencing Suppressor Activity

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    10 páginas, 8 figuras -- PAGS nros. 294-303The RNA silencing suppressor activity of the 2b protein of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has been variously attributed to its nuclear targeting, its interaction with and inhibition of Argonaute 1 (AGO1), or its ability to bind small RNAs in vitro. In addition, the 2b ortholog of Tomato aspermy virus forms aggregates and binds RNAs in vitro. We have further studied the relationships between CMV 2b protein silencing suppressor activity and its subcellular distribution, protein-protein interactions in vivo, and interactions with small interfering RNAs in vitro. To do this, we tagged the protein with fluorescent markers and showed that it retained suppressor activity. We showed that the 2b protein is present in the nucleolus and that it self-interacts and interacts with AGO1 and AGO4 in vivo. Using a battery of mutants, we showed that the putative nuclear localization signals and phosphorylation motif of the 2b protein are not required for self-interaction or for interaction with AGO proteins. The occurrence of neither of these interactions or of nucleolar targeting was sufficient to provide local silencing-suppression activity. In contrast, the ability of the 2b protein to bind small RNAs appears to be indispensable for silencing suppressor functionKim for providing the binary construct expressing fibrillarin-mRFP. Work at T. C Canto’s lab was funded by grants 200740I003 from the CSIC, grant L2008-03482 from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science, and bilateral grant P2008RU03 from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. I. González s recipient of a Ph.D. grant from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science. L. Martínez, C. Llave, and F. Atencio were funded by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science. P. Palukaitis was funded by the Scottish Executive Research Evaluation and Rural Affairs Directorate. M. G. Lewsey and J. P. Carr were funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant BB/D008204/1Peer reviewe

    Natural Fibrous Materials Based on Fungal Mycelium Hyphae as Porous Supports for Shape-Stable Phase-Change Composites

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    Adsorption of organic phase-change materials (PCMs) by the porous matrix of microfibrillar cellulose (MFC) is a simple and versatile way to prepare shape-stable phase-change composites, which are promising as sustainable thermoregulating additives to construction materials. However, due to MFC inherent morphology, the resulting composites have relatively low poured density that complicates their introduction in sufficient amounts, for instance, into mortar mixes. Unlike MFC, fungal mycelium has, by an order, less fibrils thickness and, thus, possesses significantly higher poured density. Herein, we studied the feasibility of fungal mycelium-based matrices as alternative biopolymeric porous supports for preparation of sustainable and shape-stable phase-change composites. Two methods were employed to prepare the porous mycelium-based supports. The first one was the solid-state fermentation, which resulted in partial biotransformation of MFCs to mycelium hyphae, while the second one was the liquid-state surface fermentation, used to cultivate the reference matrix of Trametes hirsuta hyphae. The phase-change composites were prepared by adsorption of model organic PCMs on porous biopolymer matrices. The mass ratio of support/PCM was 40/60 wt%. The composites were studied with respect to their structure, composition, poured density, latent heat storage properties, and thermal and shape stability. The employment of the partially transformed to mycelium-hyphae MFC fibers was found to be a suitable way to prepare phase-change composites with improved poured density while preserving a reasonable latent heat capacity and shape stability as compared to the MFC/PCM composites

    Draft genome sequences of Hirudo medicinalis and salivary transcriptome of three closely related medicinal leeches

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    Background Salivary cell secretion (SCS) plays a critical role in blood feeding by medicinal leeches, making them of use for certain medical purposes even today. Results We annotated the Hirudo medicinalis genome and performed RNA-seq on salivary cells isolated from three closely related leech species, H. medicinalis, Hirudo orientalis, and Hirudo verbana. Differential expression analysis verified by proteomics identified salivary cell-specific gene expression, many of which encode previously unknown salivary components. However, the genes encoding known anticoagulants have been found to be expressed not only in salivary cells. The function-related analysis of the unique salivary cell genes enabled an update of the concept of interactions between salivary proteins and components of haemostasis. Conclusions Here we report a genome draft of Hirudo medicinalis and describe identification of novel salivary proteins and new homologs of genes encoding known anticoagulants in transcriptomes of three medicinal leech species. Our data provide new insights in genetics of blood-feeding lifestyle in leeches.Correction in: BMC GENOMICS, Volume: 21, Issue: 1, Article Number: 503, DOI: 10.1186/s12864-020-06897-0</p

    Genome analysis of E. coli isolated from Crohn’s disease patients

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    Abstract Background Escherichia coli (E. coli) has been increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease (CD). The phylogeny of E. coli isolated from Crohn’s disease patients (CDEC) was controversial, and while genotyping results suggested heterogeneity, the sequenced strains of E. coli from CD patients were closely related. Results We performed the shotgun genome sequencing of 28 E. coli isolates from ten CD patients and compared genomes from these isolates with already published genomes of CD strains and other pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. CDEC was shown to belong to A, B1, B2 and D phylogenetic groups. The plasmid and several operons from the reference CD-associated E. coli strain LF82 were demonstrated to be more often present in CDEC genomes belonging to different phylogenetic groups than in genomes of commensal strains. The operons include carbon-source induced invasion GimA island, prophage I, iron uptake operons I and II, capsular assembly pathogenetic island IV and propanediol and galactitol utilization operons. Conclusions Our findings suggest that CDEC are phylogenetically diverse. However, some strains isolated from independent sources possess highly similar chromosome or plasmids. Though no CD-specific genes or functional domains were present in all CD-associated strains, some genes and operons are more often found in the genomes of CDEC than in commensal E. coli. They are principally linked to gut colonization and utilization of propanediol and other sugar alcohols

    Genetic diversity of Escherichia coli in gut microbiota of patients with Crohn’s disease discovered using metagenomic and genomic analyses

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    Abstract Background Crohn’s disease is associated with gut dysbiosis. Independent studies have shown an increase in the abundance of certain bacterial species, particularly Escherichia coli with the adherent-invasive pathotype, in the gut. The role of these species in this disease needs to be elucidated. Methods We performed a metagenomic study investigating the gut microbiota of patients with Crohn’s disease. A metagenomic reconstruction of the consensus genome content of the species was used to assess the genetic variability. Results The abnormal shifts in the microbial community structures in Crohn’s disease were heterogeneous among the patients. The metagenomic data suggested the existence of multiple E. coli strains within individual patients. We discovered that the genetic diversity of the species was high and that only a few samples manifested similarity to the adherent-invasive varieties. The other species demonstrated genetic diversity comparable to that observed in the healthy subjects. Our results were supported by a comparison of the sequenced genomes of isolates from the same microbiota samples and a meta-analysis of published gut metagenomes. Conclusions The genomic diversity of Crohn’s disease-associated E. coli within and among the patients paves the way towards an understanding of the microbial mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of the Crohn’s disease and the development of new strategies for the prevention and treatment of this disease