617 research outputs found

    Consumption habits of young adults in relation to new types of alcoholic beverages.

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    BACKGROUND: A new type of hard seltzer beverage containing alcohol has been introduced to the Czech market, focusing on young people as the target group. Alcohol consumption among the present population group is considered to be a widespread phenomenon. Therefore, it is important to study and define consumption habits in relation to new types of alcoholic beverages. OBJECTIVES: The main aim of the research is to analyze the consumption of hard seltzer on the Czech market as well as the effect provided by the advertising of this product on the young population. An integral part of the research is the analysis of a new alcoholic beverage introduction in terms of risky and binge drinking. METHODS: This is a quantitative research that was conducted in March 2022. The data were obtained through an online questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of Google Forms. Subsequently, the data were transferred to MS Excel and analyzed by means of methods of descriptive and analytical statistics. RESULTS: The online research covered 509 respondents aged from 18 to 26. Out of the total group, only 101 respondents noticed the introduction of a new type of hard seltzer beverage containing alcohol. The largest part of the respondents found out about the new beverage from the Internet (28 %),...VÝCHODISKA: Na český trh byl uveden nový typ alkoholického nápoje , jehož cílovou skupinou jsou především mladí lidé. Užívání alkoholu mezi danou skupinou populace je velice rozšířeným jevem, proto je důležité zkoumat a zjišťovat její spotřební zvyklosti k novým typům alkoholických nápojů. CÍLE: Hlavním cílem výzkumu je analýza užívání na český trh a působení reklamy na tento výrobek na mladou populaci. Nedílnou součástí práce je analýza uvedení nového alkoholického nápoje z pohledu rizikového a nárazového pití. : Jedná se o kvantitativní výzkum, j ž byl proveden v březnu 2022. Data byla získána prostřednictvím dotazníkového on line šetření. Dotazník byl vytvořen pomocí Google Forms. Následně byla data převedena do MS Excel a analyzována pomocí metod deskriptivní a analytické VÝSLEDKY ne výzkumu se zúčastnilo 509 respondentů ve věku 18 Z celkového ů uvedení nového nápoje . Největší část respondentů se o novince dozvědělo z internetu (28 %), od kamarádů či známých (2 televize (22 %). Nápoj zaujal respondenty především svým nízkým obsahem kalorií, ovocnou chutí, dostupností a množstvím alkoholu. ZÁVĚR A DOPORUČENÍ: Uvedení nového nápoje na trh zaznamenalo 20 % respondentů. Podle výzkumu 72 % respondentů, kteří reklamě na následně ochutnali. Proto je důležité zavádět přesnější opatření a omezovat reklamu na...Department of Addictology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika adiktologie 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Coping Behavior of Criminal Police Officers at Different Stages of Professional Activity

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    The results of the investigation of the peculiarities of the coping behavior and mechanisms of psychological protection of police officers at different stages of professional activity are presented in the article. The study involved 65 criminal police officers, who were divided into two groups depending on the length of service: the first group included 30 policemen of the initial professional training who were just accepted for a job in criminal police units, their length of service was 3 months (46.2%); the second group consisted of 35 officers of criminal police units with 5-15 years of service experience (53.8%). Research methods: theoretical methods involved the analysis and generalization of the provisions of social and psychological literature, classification; the empirical methods – psychodiagnostic test methods, including the questionnaire called “Professional Burnout”, the questionnaire for coping strategies, the questionnaire of Life Style Index. The majority of the police officers of both groups were determined to have a low level of professional burnout. It was diagnosed that when solving complex problems, police officers use similar copings (problem-solving planning, self-control, search for social support, careful actions) and the same mechanisms of psychological defense against stress (rationalization, projection, and objection) at different stages of professional activity. A number of statistically significant correlations were found between occupational burnout rates and psychological defense mechanisms and copings

    Managerial competencies

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    The theme of this thesis are the competencies of a manager. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the concepts of executive and management skills, executive function, managerial skills and managerial activities. It includes individual competencies and competency models manager. In the practical part will be focus on the enterprise "Sammit Motors (Vladivostok)." On its example we will show, how managerial skills work in practice and how the competency model is created. The aim is to build a competency model specific to job positions in an organization. The partial objectives focus on the analysis of the concepts of competencies and managerial competency models

    Consumption habits of young adults in relation to new types of alcoholic beverages.

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    BACKGROUND: A new type of hard seltzer beverage containing alcohol has been introduced to the Czech market, focusing on young people as the target group. Alcohol consumption among the present population group is considered to be a widespread phenomenon. Therefore, it is important to study and define consumption habits in relation to new types of alcoholic beverages. OBJECTIVES: The main aim of the research is to analyze the consumption of hard seltzer on the Czech market as well as the effect provided by the advertising of this product on the young population. An integral part of the research is the analysis of a new alcoholic beverage introduction in terms of risky and binge drinking. METHODS: This is a quantitative research that was conducted in March 2022. The data were obtained through an online questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of Google Forms. Subsequently, the data were transferred to MS Excel and analyzed by means of methods of descriptive and analytical statistics. RESULTS: The online research covered 509 respondents aged from 18 to 26. Out of the total group, only 101 respondents noticed the introduction of a new type of hard seltzer beverage containing alcohol. The largest part of the respondents found out about the new beverage from the Internet (28 %),..

    Effect of universities research groups' size and hierarchy on their performance

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    Heutzutage ist die Bewertung der Produktivität von Wissenschaftlern und wissenschaftlichen Organisationen mit Hilfe von szientometrischen Indikatoren eines der dringlichsten Probleme. Trotz der bedeutenden Fortschritte in der Entwicklung der Wissenschaft war es bisher nicht möglich, die Signifikanz und Qualität der eigenen Ergebnisse optimal zu messen. Diese Arbeit beinhaltet die Forschung zu den Faktoren der wissenschaftlichen Produktivität und die Ansätze ihrer Bewertung. Sie untersucht die Rolle der Gruppengröße und -hierarchie für die Leistung und Produktivität von Gruppen. In dieser Studie wurden Forschungsgruppen von österreichischen und deutschen Universitäten, insbesondere aus den Physik-Abteilungen, untersucht. Um zu den Ergebnissen zu kommen, wurde die gesamte relevante Literatur analysiert. Anschließend wurden die Daten der Universitäten gesammelt, Gruppen gebildet und zwei Produktivitätsmaße, wie die Anzahl der Publikationen und die Anzahl der Zitate, gefunden. Folglich wurden die gesammelten Daten mit statistischen SPSS-Methoden ausgewertet. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse dieser qualitativen Analyse ausgewertet, alle Forschungsfragen beantwortet und Vorschläge für zukünftige Forschung vorgeschlagen.Nowadays the evaluation of the productivity of both scientists and scientific organizations with the help of scientometric indicators is one of the most urgent problems. Despite the significant progress in the development of science, it has not been able yet to find an optimal way of measuring the significance and quality of its own results. This thesis includes the research related to the factors of scientific productivity and approaches of its evaluation. It examines the role of group size and hierarchy on group’s performance and productivity. In this study research groups from Austrian and German Universities, in particular from the Physics Departments were investigated. In order to come to the results, all the relevant literature was analyzed. Afterwards, the data from the Universities was collected, groups were formed and two measures of productivity, such as the number of publications and number of citations, were found. Consequently, the collected data was evaluated using SPSS statistical methods. Finally, the results of this qualitative analysis are evaluated, all the research questions are answered and suggestions for future research are proposed

    Cellular signaling pathways in the filamentous fungus Sordaria macrospora\textit {Sordaria macrospora}

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    Das septation initiation network\textit {septation initiation network} (SIN) ist eine Kinase-Kaskade, die zum tierischen Hippo-Signalweg homolog ist. Sowohl Hippo in den Tieren als auch der SIN in der Spalthefe zeigen eine Interaktion mit dem striatin interacting phosphatases and kinases\textit {striatin interacting phosphatases and kinases} (STRIPAK) Komplex. Im pilzlichen Modellorganismus Sordaria macrospora\textit {Sordaria macrospora} reguliert STRIPAK u. a. die Fruchtkörperentwicklung. Die STRIPAK-assoziierte germinal center Kinasen\textit {germinal center Kinasen} (GCK) SmKIN3 in S. macrospora\textit {S. macrospora} ist zu den zentralen pilzlichen SIN-Kinasen homolog. Zur Aufklärung der biologischen Funktion von SmKIN3 wurden die Analysen von Einzel- und Doppelmutanten durchgeführt, sowohl auch Herstellung von den kinase-dead\textit {kinase-dead} Mutanten. Zusammengefasst wird die pilzliche Entwicklung von SmKIN3 zusammen mit anderen Signalwegen reguliert. SmKIN3 in S. macrospora\textit {S. macrospora} ist eine Verbindungskomponente zwischen dem STRIPAK Komplex und dem SIN. Diese Arbeit trägt damit zum besseren Verständnis von eukaryotischen GCK-Netzwerken bei

    (Table 1) Temperature, salinity, and micronutrient concentrations in the surface water layer of the White Sea on August 17-28, 2004

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    Species composition, cell concentration (N), and biomass (B) of phytoplankton, as well as chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, primary production (PP), and concentrations of dissolved inorganic micronutrients (phosphorus, silica, nitrogen as nitrite) were estimated for the Kandalaksha Bay (KB), the Dvina Bay (DB), and the basin (Bas) of the White Sea in August of 2004. Micronutrient concentrations were lower compared to the average long-term values for the summer period. Chl a concentration varies from 0.9 to 2.0 mg/m**3 for most of the studied areas, reaching up to 7.5 mg/m**3 in the Northern Dvina River estuary. The surface water layer of the DB was the most productive area, where PP reached up to 270-375 mg C/m**3/day. Phytoplankton biomass varied from 11 to 205 mg C/m**3 with the highest values observed in the Bas and DB. Three groups of stations were defined during the analysis of phytoplankton species composition similarity. Dinoflagellates Dinophysis norvegica and Ceratium fusus were particular to phytoplankton assemblages in the KB; diatom Ditylum brightwellii was particular to the upper and central parts of the DB. These three phytoplankton species were less abundant in the Bas

    «Пересборка митинга»: Интернет в протесте и протест в интернете

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    Митинг как устойчивая форма публичного городского ритуала заметно трансформируется под влиянием интернета и социальных сетей. В ситуации, когда социальные сети оказываются важным источником информации об офлайн­реальности, митинг или пикет можно провести, не выходя из дома или развернув плакат только для того, чтобы с ним сфотографироваться. При этом одной из важных тем рефлексии участников и зрителей подобных акций оказывается проблема «подлинности» виртуальной реальности и производимых в ней политических действий. Пользователи социальных сетей задаются вопроса­ ми о том, насколько значима акция, частично или полностью проведенная в интернете, выполнение каких условий делает ее «реальной» или «состоявшейся»,—иными словами, пытаются определить статус виртуальной реальности и границу между «реальным» и «виртуальным», «оригиналом» (в терминах И. Гофмана) и «фальсификацией». Результатом этого рефрейминга становится переопределение того, что активисты, горожане и правоохранительные органы считают «политической акцией». В статье авторы рассматривают, как, с одной стороны, изменяется восприятие публичной политической акции в социальных сетях, а с другой—какие конфликты порождает это изменение