15 research outputs found

    Variation in Soil Respiration across Soil and Vegetation Types in an Alpine Valley.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Soils of mountain regions and their associated plant communities are highly diverse over short spatial scales due to the heterogeneity of geological substrates and highly dynamic geomorphic processes. The consequences of this heterogeneity for biogeochemical transfers, however, remain poorly documented. The objective of this study was to quantify the variability of soil-surface carbon dioxide efflux, known as soil respiration (Rs), across soil and vegetation types in an Alpine valley. To this aim, we measured Rs rates during the peak and late growing season (July-October) in 48 plots located in pastoral areas of a small valley of the Swiss Alps. FINDINGS: Four herbaceous vegetation types were identified, three corresponding to different stages of primary succession (Petasition paradoxi in pioneer conditions, Seslerion in more advanced stages and Poion alpinae replacing the climactic forests), as well as one (Rumicion alpinae) corresponding to eutrophic grasslands in intensively grazed areas. Soils were developed on calcareous alluvial and colluvial fan deposits and were classified into six types including three Fluvisols grades and three Cambisols grades. Plant and soil types had a high level of co-occurrence. The strongest predictor of Rs was soil temperature, yet we detected additional explanatory power of sampling month, showing that temporal variation was not entirely reducible to variations in temperature. Vegetation and soil types were also major determinants of Rs. During the warmest month (August), Rs rates varied by over a factor three between soil and vegetation types, ranging from 2.5 μmol m-2 s-1 in pioneer environments (Petasition on Very Young Fluvisols) to 8.5 μmol m-2 s-1 in differentiated soils supporting nitrophilous species (Rumicion on Calcaric Cambisols). CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this study provides quantitative estimates of spatial and temporal variability in Rs in the mountain environment, and demonstrates that estimations of soil carbon efflux at the watershed scale in complex geomorphic terrain have to account for soil and vegetation heterogeneity

    Different harvest intensity and soil CO2 efflux in sessile oak coppice forests

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    Soil CO2 efflux accounts for about 45-80% of total ecosystem respiration and is therefore an important part of the ecosystem carbon cycle. Soil CO2 efflux has been poorly studied in forests managed in the ancient coppicing manner. In our study, soil CO2 efflux, temperature, and moisture were measured in sessile oak stands with different harvesting intensity (control: 0% intensity; V1: 75%; V2: 80 %; V3: 85%; and V4: 100%) during the fifth and sixth years after harvesting. Soil CO2 efflux was in the range 2-8 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 and indicated an increasing pattern with increasing harvesting intensity. The slope of that pattern became less steep from the fifth to the sixth year after harvesting, thus indicating gradual recovery of soil carbon dynamics in the coppiced stand toward the equilibrium state existing before harvesting. Temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux ranged between 2.1 and 2.8, with the lowest values measured in the control stand. Soil CO2 efflux in the control stand was more sensitive to changes in soil moisture than was that on harvested plots. By our calculations, 6.2 tC ha-1 was released from the control stand and 6.2-6.8 tC ha-1 from the harvested stands during the sixth year after harvesting. If mean temperature were to rise by 1 °C, the amount of soil carbon released would increase by 7.7% in the control stand and, depending on harvesting intensity, by 9.0-10.8% in the harvested stands

    Effect of different dolomitic limestone dosages on soil respiration in a mid-altitudinal Norway spruce stand

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    Woody tissue photosynthesis reduces stem CO2 efflux by half and remains unaffected by drought stress in young Populus tremula trees

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    A substantial portion of locally respired CO2 in stems can be assimilated by chloroplast-containing tissues. Woody tissue photosynthesis (P-wt) therefore plays a major role in the stem carbon balance. To study the impact of P-wt on stem carbon cycling along a gradient of water availability, stem CO2 efflux (E-A), xylem CO2 concentration ([CO2]), and xylem water potential (psi(xylem)) were measured in 4-year-old Populus tremula L. trees exposed to drought stress and different regimes of light exclusion of woody tissues. Under well-watered conditions, local P-wt decreased E-A up to 30%. Axial CO2 diffusion (D-ax) induced by distant P-wt caused an additional decrease in E-A of up to 25% and limited xylem [CO2] build-up. Under drought stress, absolute decreases in E-A driven by P-wt remained stable, denoting that P-wt was not affected by drought. At the end of the dry period, when transpiration was low, local P-wt and D-ax offset 20% and 10% of stem respiration on a daily basis, respectively. These results highlight (a) the importance of P-wt for an adequate interpretation of E-A measurements and (b) homeostatic P-wt along a drought stress gradient, which might play a crucial role to fuel stem metabolism when leaf carbon uptake and phloem transport are limited