3,448 research outputs found

    Limitations on wind-tunnel pressure signature extrapolation

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    Analysis of some recent experimental sonic boom data has revived the hypothesis that there is a closeness limit to the near-field separation distance from which measured wind tunnel pressure signatures can be extrapolated to the ground as though generated by a supersonic-cruise aircraft. Geometric acoustic theory is used to derive an estimate of this distance and the sample data is used to provide a preliminary indication of practical separation distance values

    Wind-tunnel investigation of the validity of a sonic-boom-minimization concept

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    The Langley unitary plan unitary plan wind tunnel was used to determine the validity of a sonic-boom-minimization theory. Five models - two reference and three low-boom constrained - were tested at design Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.7. Results show that the pressure signatures generated by the low-boom models had significantly lower overpressure levels than those produced by the reference models and that small changes in the Mach number and/or the lift caused relatively small changes in the signature shape and overpressure level. Boundary-layer effects were found in the signature shape and overpressure level. Boundary-layer effects were found to be sizable on the low-boom models, and when viscous corrections were included in the analysis, improved agreement between the predicted and the measured signatures was noted. Since this agreement was better at Mach 1.5 than at Mach 2.7, it was concluded that the minimization method was definitely valid at Mach 1.5 and was probably valid at Mach 2.7, with further work needed to resolve the uncertainty

    Current research in sonic-boom minimization

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    A review is given of several questions as yet unanswered in the area of sonic-boom research. Efforts, both here at Langley and elsewhere, in the area of minimization, human response, design techniques and in developing higher order propagation methods are discussed. In addition, a wind-tunnel test program being conducted to assess the validity of minimization methods based on a forward spike in the F-function is described


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    How social change occurs is an important consideration when analyzing the effects of public land management policies on rural communities. This paper utilizes data from a recent study in Owyhee County, Idaho, to explore the combination of social attributes that contribute to community attitudes of cohesion, integration, and attachment in a set of rural communities. Specifically, we examine the importance of social networks and where a particular public land activity, ranching, fits into those networks. We then evaluate the role such networks play in determining respondent attitudes about the cohesiveness of their community, how they are integrated with people in their community, and how attached they are to where they live. The results indicate that increasing density of acquaintenship and intimate social connections to ranching and other local businesses increase the strength of cohesion and integration attitudes. Density of acquaintenship and intimate social connections to local businesses increase community attachment, but a social connection to ranching does not.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Land Economics/Use,


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    Economic impacts often are cited as justification both for and against changes in grazing policy on public lands. A recent study conducted in Owyhee County, Idaho, illustrates a process to gather ranch-level economic information, develop economic models for different ranching systems, and use the models to estimate economic impacts of grazing policy changes. Ranch-level models were developed from producer panels and interviews within the county. Costs and returns, livestock production information, dependency on public lands, and other factors relative to ranch-level economics were gathered in four meetings with livestock producers and other interested parties. Results indicate that, as dependency on federal lands rise, both costs and returns fall. Ranch-level economic impacts of alternative grazing policy scenarios also are detailed.Land Economics/Use, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Genetic differentiation of spring-spawning and fall-spawning male Atlantic sturgeon in the James River, Virginia

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    Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, Acipenseridae) populations are currently at severely depleted levels due to historic overfishing, habitat loss, and pollution. The importance of biologically correct stock structure for effective conservation and management efforts is well known. Recent improvements in our understanding of Atlantic sturgeon migrations, movement, and the occurrence of putative dual spawning groups leads to questions regarding the true stock structure of this endangered species. In the James River, VA specifically, captures of spawning Atlantic sturgeon and accompanying telemetry data suggest there are two discrete spawning groups of Atlantic sturgeon. The two putative spawning groups were genetically evaluated using a powerful microsatellite marker suite to determine if they are genetically distinct. Specifically, this study evaluates the genetic structure, characterizes the genetic diversity, estimates effective population size, and measures inbreeding of Atlantic sturgeon in the James River. The results indicate that fall and spring spawning James River Atlantic sturgeon groups are genetically distinct (overall FST = 0.048, F’ST = 0.181) with little admixture between the groups. The observed levels of genetic diversity and effective population sizes along with the lack of detected inbreeding all indicated that the James River has two genetically healthy populations of Atlantic sturgeon. The study also demonstrates that samples from adult Atlantic sturgeon, with proper sample selection criteria, can be informative when creating reference population databases. The presence of two genetically-distinct spawning groups of Atlantic sturgeon within the James River raises concerns about the current genetic assignment used by managers. Other nearby rivers may also have dual spawning groups that either are not accounted for or are pooled in reference databases. Our results represent the second documentation of genetically distinct dual spawning groups of Atlantic sturgeon in river systems along the U.S. Atlantic coast, suggesting that current reference population database should be updated to incorporate both new samples and our increased understanding of Atlantic sturgeon life history

    The optimal P3M algorithm for computing electrostatic energies in periodic systems

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    We optimize Hockney and Eastwood's Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh (P3M) algorithm to achieve maximal accuracy in the electrostatic energies (instead of forces) in 3D periodic charged systems. To this end we construct an optimal influence function that minimizes the RMS errors in the energies. As a by-product we derive a new real-space cut-off correction term, give a transparent derivation of the systematic errors in terms of Madelung energies, and provide an accurate analytical estimate for the RMS error of the energies. This error estimate is a useful indicator of the accuracy of the computed energies, and allows an easy and precise determination of the optimal values of the various parameters in the algorithm (Ewald splitting parameter, mesh size and charge assignment order).Comment: 31 pages, 3 figure

    Modifications to Marshall's Annular Seal Test (MAST) Rig and Facility for Improved Rotordynamic Coefficient Testing of Annular Seals and Fluid Film Bearings

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    The limits of rotordynamic stability continue to be pushed by the high power densities and rotational speeds of modern rocket engine turbomachinery. Destabilizing forces increase dramatically with rotor speed. Rotordynamic stability is lost when these destabilizing forces overwhelm the stabilizing forces. The vibration from the unstable rotor grows until it is limited by some nonlinearity. For example, a rolling element bearing with a stiffness characteristic that increases with deflection may limit the vibration amplitude. The loads and deflections resulting from this limit cycle vibration (LCV) can lead to bearing and seal damage which promotes ever increasing levels of subsynchronous vibration. Engineers combat LCV by introducing rotordynamic elements that generate increased stabilizing forces and reduced destabilizing forces. For example, replacing a labyrinth seal with a damping seal results in substantial increases in the damping and stiffness rotordynamic coefficients. Adding a swirl brake to the damping seal greatly reduces the destabilizing cross-coupled forces generated by the damping seal for even further increases in the stabilizing capacity. Marshall?s Annular Seal Test (MAST) rig is designed to experimentally measure the stabilizing capacity of new annular seal designs. The rig has been moved to a new facility and outfitted with a new slave bearing to allow increased test durations and to enable the testing of fluid film bearings. The purpose of this paper is to describe the new facility and the new bearing arrangement. Several novel seal and bearing designs will also be discussed

    Assessing Operational Total Lightning Visualization Products

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    In May 2003, NASA's Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) program successfully provided total lightning data from the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (NALMA) to the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Huntsville, Alabama. The major accomplishment was providing the observations in real-time to the NWS in the native Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) decision support system. Within days, the NALMA data were used to issue a tornado warning initiating seven years of ongoing support to the NWS' severe weather and situational awareness operations. With this success, SPoRT now provides real-time NALMA data to five forecast offices as well as working to transition data from total lightning networks at Kennedy Space Center and the White Sands Missile Range to the surrounding NWS offices. The only NALMA product that has been transitioned to SPoRT's partner NWS offices is the source density product, available at a 2 km resolution in 2 min intervals. However, discussions with users of total lightning data from other networks have shown that other products are available, ranging from spatial and temporal variations of the source density product to the creation of a flash extent density. SPoRT and the Huntsville, Alabama NWS are evaluating the utility of these variations as this has not been addressed since the initial transition in 2003. This preliminary analysis will focus on what products will best support the operational warning decision process. Data from 19 April 2009 are analyzed. On this day, severe thunderstorms formed ahead of an approaching cold front. Widespread severe weather was observed, primarily south of the Tennessee River with multiple, weak tornadoes, numerous severe hail reports, and wind. This preliminary analysis is the first step in evaluation which product(s) are best suited for operations. The ultimate goal is selecting a single product for use with all total lightning networks to streamline training and science sharing

    6 Months

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