2,470 research outputs found

    Radon exposure and cancers other than lung cancer in Swedish iron miners.

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    Data are presented on the risks of cancers other than lung cancer in a cohort of iron miners from northern Sweden occupationally exposed to elevated levels of the radioactive gas radon. Compared with rates for the four northernmost counties of Sweden, mortality was increased for all cancers other than lung cancer (ratio of observed to expected deaths 1.21, 95% confidence interval 1.03-1.41), stomach cancer (ratio of observed to expected deaths 1.45, 95% confidence interval 1.04-1.98), and rectal cancer (ratio of observed to expected deaths 1.94, 95% confidence interval 1.03-3.31). Despite these overall increases, mortality was not significantly associated with cumulative exposure to radon, either for all cancers other than lung cancer or for any site of cancer other than lung cancer individually. However, the data from this cohort on its own have limited power; and for several sites of cancer the data in this study would be consistent with a radon-related increase. Further study of cancers other than lung cancer in populations exposed to radon is required

    Prediction of the Current Density at an Electrode at Which Multiple Electrode Reactions Occur under Potentiostatic Control

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    It is often desirable to be able to predict the total current density at an electrode when multiple electrochemical reactions occur there under potentiostatic control. It is also sometimes desirable to include the effect of ionic migration within the diffusion layer upon the predicted total (1) and partial current densities (2). A procedure for doing this can be illustrated by considering the rotating disk electrode (RDE) system and the associated potential distribution near the RDE as shown in Fig. 1 and 2

    Diet, smoking and lung cancer: a case-control study of 1000 cases and 1500 controls in South-West England

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    We have examined the relationship between diet and lung cancer in a case–control study of 982 cases of lung cancer and 1486 population controls in south-west England in which subjects were interviewed personally about their smoking habits and their consumption of foods and supplements rich in retinol or carotene. Analyses were performed for 15 dietary variables, including intake of pre-formed retinol and carotene. There were significant associations (P< 0.01) with lung cancer risk for 13 of the variables, eight of which remained after adjustment for smoking. When the 15 variables were considered simultaneously, independent significant associations remained for 5: pre-formed retinol (increased risk), and fish liver oil, vitamin pills, carrots and tomato sauce (decreased risk). It is unlikely that all five associations represent biological effects, or that they can all be explained by residual confounding by smoking, or by biases. We conclude that there is at least one as yet unidentified factor that is causally related to lung cancer risk and of considerable importance in terms of attributable risk in this population. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    N-acetyltransferase 2 and bladder cancer: an overview and consideration of the evidence for gene–environment interaction

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    Genetic polymorphism of the carcinogen metabolizing enzyme N -acetyl transferase 2 (NAT2) may influence susceptibility to bladder cancers related to smoking or to occupational exposure to arylamine carcinogens. This article reviews the results of 21 published case–control studies of NAT2 polymorphism and bladder-cancer risk, with a total of 2700 cases and 3426 controls. The published evidence suggests that NAT2 slow acetylator phenotype or genotype may be associated with a small increase in bladder cancer risk. However, given the possibility of selective publication of results from studies that found an excess risk, the current evidence is not sufficient to conclude that there is a real increase in risk. Only five of the 21 studies reported results separately for the effect of NAT2 on bladder cancer risk in smokers and non-smokers. Although the results suggest that the effect may be greater in smokers than in non-smokers, the possibility of publication bias makes these results difficult to interpret. There was insufficient evidence to assess the joint effect of NAT2 and occupational exposure to arylamines on bladder cancer risk. Even if estimates of the effect of NAT2 from published data are correct, studies with around 3000–5000 cases will be needed to confirm them. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    A pantothenate suxotroph of BCG rxpressing Gag confers enhanced HIV-specific immunogenicity compared to wildtype and perfingolysin expressing strains

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    In tuberculosis vaccine studies, perfingolysin expressing strains (pfo) of recombinant Mycobacterium bovis (rBCG) have been shown to enhance immunogenicity as compared to wildtype strains whilst pantothenate auxotrophic strains (ΔpanCD) have been shown to be safer and more immunogenic. Our group has recently shown that rBCGΔpanCD expressing HIV-1 Gag is more immunogenic than the wildtype Pasteur strain of BCG in the murine model. In this study, a wild type strain, a ΔpanCDstrain, a pfo strain and a ΔpanCD strain expressing perfringolysin (ΔpanCDpfo) of Danish BCG were used as vectors to express HIV-1 subtype C Gag. Gag specific immune responses induced by a prime with each rBCG-Gag vaccine and boost with modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) were compared

    Urban transportation: Perspectives on mobility and choice

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    A study of urban transportation systems are presented characterized by intensive scrutiny of many ideas, philosophies, and academic perspectives. This report is intended to communicate some dimensions of the urban transportation problem to the general public

    Flow dynamics and mixing processes in hydraulic jump arrays: Implications for channel-lobe transition zones

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    A detailed field investigation of a saline gravity current in the southwest Black Sea has enabled the first complete analysis of three-dimensional flow structure and dynamics of a series of linked hydraulic jumps in stratified, density-driven, flows. These field observations were collected using an acoustic Doppler current profiler mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle, and reveal that internal mixing processes in hydraulic jumps, including flow expansion and recirculation, provide a previously unrecognised mechanism for grain-size sorting and segregation in stratified density-driven flows. Field observations suggest a newly identified type of hydraulic jump, that is a stratified low Froude number (< 1.5–2) subaqueous hydraulic jump, with an enhanced ability to transport sediment downstream of the jump, in comparison to hydraulic jumps in other subaerial and submarine flows. These novel field data underpin a new process-based conceptual model of channel lobe transition zones (CLTZs) that explains the scattered offset nature of scours within such settings, the temporal variations in infill and erosion between adjacent scours, how bed shear stresses are maintained across the CLTZ, and why the locus of deposition is so far downstream of the scour zone
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