202 research outputs found

    Darah Miller Family History

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    Faktor Perkembangan Motorik dan Perkembangan Kognitif Anak: Literature Review

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    Perkembangan anak adalah segala perubahan yang terjadi pada anak, dilihat dari berbagai aspek, antara lain aspek fisik (motorik), emosi, kognitif, dan psikososial. Perkembangan motorik merupakan perkembangan pengendalian gerakan tubuh melalui kegiatan yang terkoordinir antara susunan saraf, otot, dan otak. Secara umum perkembangan motorik bisa dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu motorik kasar dan motorik halus. Sedangkan perkembangan kognitif anak mengacu pada proses mengingat, pengambilan keputusan, dan pemecahan masalah. Perkembangan kognitif dimaksudkan agar anak mampu melakukan eksplorasi terhadap dunia sekitar melalui panca indera. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor perkembangan motorik dan perkembangan kognitif anak ditinjau dari beberapa literature. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi literature. Pencarian sumber literatur data base yang relevan menggunakan Google Scholar dan Garuda dengan menggunakan kata kunci: “Faktor Perkembangan” + “Perkembangan Motorik” + “Perkembangan Kognititf” + “Pada Anak”.  Pencarian artikel tersebut disesuaikan dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dengan menggunakan analisis population, intervensi, conclution, and output (PICO). Skrining didapatkan artikel sebanyak 359 dan yang digunakan 5 artikel sesuai dengan kriteria. Hasil studi literature didapatkan bahwa faktor perkembangan motorik dan perkembangan kognitif pada anak yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Cara untuk mangatasi keterlambatan perkembangan motorik dan perkembangan kognitif dengan mengajak anak keluar ruangan dan memperhatikan sekitar, mengajak menggambar, dan mengajak bermain. Kesimpulan faktor perkembangan motorik dan perkembangan kognitif anak antara lain faktor aktivitas fisik, faktor gangguan saraf motorik, faktor keturunan (orang tua) dan faktor kebebasan berfikir

    Efficiency of developed solid state bioreactor ‘FERMSOSTAT’ on cellulolytic and xylanase enzymes production

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    FERMSOSTAT is a developed laboratory scale solid state fermenter. It is a horizontal stirrer drum bioreactor with about 70 L capacities. The fermenter is made of stainless steel which is anti-corrosive and non-toxic to the process organism. The fermenter is equipped with sets of control systems for temperature, agitation, aeration and also outlets for substrate sampling as well as inlets for inoculation and substrate additions. The uniqueness of this FERMSOSTAT system is its ability to carry out in situ substrate sterilization and extraction of enzymes at the end of SSF process. Moreover, the mixing system provided by FERMSOSTAT can be performed either full or half mixing as well as forward or reverse mixing. Furthermore, the mixing can be programmed to run at certain agitation rate and time interval during the fermentation process to prevent or reduce damage to the fungus mycelia. FERMSOSTAT is a developed SSF bioreactor and not an improvement of any existing one. The performances of FERMSOSTAT have been evaluated. Under optimum solid state fermentation conditions, about 63.4, 397 and 3.21 U/g of CMCase, xylanase and FPase activities were detected, which were higher compared to the tray system

    Studies on antibiotic compounds of methanol extract of Curculigo latifolia dryand

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    A research was conducted to study the effect of different parts of the extracts from Curculigo latifolia Dryand plant.  They were from the roots, stems and leaves by using methanol as the extraction solvent.  The antimicrobial activity of methanol extract from Curculigo latifolia Dryand was then performed on various tested bacteria, yeasts and fungi.  The results revealed that the extracts possessed antimicrobial activities on all of tested bacteria and yeasts. However, all the tested fungi exhibited resistant against all the different parts of Curculigo latifolia Dryand extracts. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum lethality concentration (MLC) of the Curculigo latifolia Dryand extracts against bacteria and yeast cells were determined and the mode of action of the roots extract on the cells was studied by means of microscop

    Volatile Bioactive Compounds from Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae IBRL OS-64, an Endophytic Fungus Residing in the Leaf of Ocimum sanctum

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    Endophytic fungi are known as potential novel compound producers with promising antimicrobial activities. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the possible bioactive compounds present in the ethyl acetate extract of Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae IBRL OS-64. The ethyl acetate extract exhibited significant antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in disc diffusion assay. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was performed with chloroform, acetone and ethyl acetate (1:2:1, respectively) used as a solvent system and nine spots with diverse polarities were obtained. The TLC chromatogram with the active spot was localized with bioautography assay and the finding revealed that the dark spot with an Rf value of 0.5882 showed good antibacterial activity against all test bacteria. The fraction F5 exhibited promising antibacterial activity upon partial purification of dark spot via column chromatography and the GC-MS analysis of fraction F5 resulted in the detection of a major compound, 2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, mono (2-ethylhexyl) ester with 90% matching factor. Thus, this compound may greatly contribute to the antibacterial activity of the fraction and has the potential to be developed as an antibiotic. The findings indirectly indicate that fungal endophytes from the medicinal plant could be a potential candidate for bioactive compounds with pharmaceutical properties

    Psychological Manipulation in Political Discourse: A Case Study of Facebook Posts on Urhobo Language Curriculum

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    Texts, either written or spoken, are of varying types and serve different functions, including serving as a means of socially influencing people through underhanded tactics. In the present study, patterns of how the language used in social media-based political discourse reflects psychological manipulation tendencies on the part of netizens are examined. The goal is to investigate the psychological manipulation types and functions embedded in the texts. The study draws on insights from the perceived role that Facebook posts, comments, replies, and reactions had in the approval of the Urhobo Language Curriculum (UCL). The data for the study was collected from Facebook posts on the subject matter of the Urhobo language curriculum (ULC) made between 2015 and 2016. The discussion in the study is descriptive and leans on inference from addresses’ (evaluative) responses to the identified posts. These responses include comments, replies, and reactions. The approach adopted is based on the assumption that “... the perlocutionary effect of the addresser’s statement is represented in the addressee’s statement” (Boboshko 2015:64). It is argued that the texts used in social-media-based political discourses serve two functions: (i) informing; and (ii) brandishing emotions with the intention of manipulating a target into doing what one wants


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    Objective: To investigate the effects of ethyl acetate crude extract of an endophytic fungus, L. pseudotheobromae IBRL OS-64 which was isolated from leaf of Ocimum sanctum against the growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)., a common pathogenic bacteria to human.Methods: Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) were determined. Time-kill assay was used to examine the effect of the extract on the MRSA growth profile. The effects of the extract on the ultrastructure of MRSA cells were analyzed by scanning electron microscopic (SEM) study.Results: The results obtained from this study showed the fungal ethyl acetate crude extract exhibited a strong bactericidal effect on MRSA where the ratio of MBC/MIC was 2 and less than 4. The MIC and MBC values were 125.0 and 250.0 ”g/ml, respectively. The time-kill study revealed that the bacteriocidal activity of the extract was both concentration and time-dependent. After 12 h treatment, the interaction of extract with MRSA cells resulted in the formation of dents, cavity or small dimples on the cell surface, indicating disintegration of the cell wall and cell membrane that resulting in leakage of their cytoplasmic contents, and ultimately cell death.Conclusion: The ethyl acetate crude extract of L. pseudotheobromae IBRL OS-64 showed a significant anti-MRSA activity and principally affected the cell wall and the cell membrane of the growing MRSA cells. This is the first report on L. pseudotheobromae, an endophytic fungus isolated from medicinal herb, Ocimum sanctum Linn

    In vitro antioxidant activity of Lantadene A

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    Lantadenes are the pentacyclic triterpenoids present in the leaves of the plant Lantana camara. Pentacyclic triterpenes are often studied as their biological properties are considerable and contributes to the development of modern therapeutic drugs. In recent years various natural product based compounds are extensively studied for various pharmacological activities including antioxidant activity. Therefore, this study aims to determine the in vitro antioxidant activity of Lantadene A (from Lantana camara ) as results will enhance the knowledge of the compound towards development of hepatoprotective agents. The antioxidant assays performed on the compound were the DPPH radical scavenging assay, nitric oxide assay, superoxide anions scavenging activity and iron chelating assay. Results showed promising antioxidant activities as the IC50 for Lantadene A in the above assays were 6.574 mg/ml, 0.098 mg/ml, 2.506 mg/ml and 0.001 mg/ml respectively as compared to the standards (BHT, ascorbic acid and EDTA) 0.027 mg/ml, 0.075 mg/ml, 1.025 mg/ml and 0.47 mg/ml respectively. The DPPH radical scavenging assay for Lantadene A was weaker than BHT while iron chelating assay of Lantadene A is much stronger than the standard. The rest of the assays were comparable to the reference standards. These results suggest that Lantadene A can be a potential cadidate to be developed as an antioxidant.

    Enhancement of reducing sugar production by A. niger USM AI1 on oil palm frond in tray system via solid state fermentation

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    To obtain higher reducing sugar production via solid state fermentation (SSF), it is necessary to develop a stabile bioprocess system. In this study, optimized the physical parameter of SSF in a shallow aluminium tray (30 cm x 20 cm x 6 cm) was carried out  in order to maximize  reducing sugar production by A. niger USM AI1 using oil palm frond as a substrate.  Production of reducing sugars before optimization in tray system was 185.00 ± 2.85 mg / g substrate with the fungal growth of 2.32 mg ± 0.06 glucosamine / g substrate. However, after optimization of physical parameter (amount of substrate, inoculum size, temperature and moisture content in substrate) the maximum reducing sugar yield was achieved 251.13 ± 1.95 mg / g substrate with the fungus growth of 3.21 ± 0.10 mg glucosamine / g on the 4 days of cultivation period.  The results showed that the production of reducing sugar was increased by 35.7% compared to before optimization.   Thus, optimized the physical parameter of solid state fermentation in a tray system has succeeded in increasing the production of reducing sugars. To meet the increasing demands of reducing sugar from biomass, it is necessary to obtain the optimum condition in SSF proces
