2,344 research outputs found

    Diagnosing magnetars with transient cooling

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    Transient X-ray emission, with an approximate t^{-0.7} decay, was observed from SGR 1900+14 over 40 days following the the giant flare of 27 Aug 1998. We calculate in detail the diffusion of heat to the surface of a neutron star through an intense 10^{14}-10^{15} G magnetic field, following the release of magnetic energy in its outer layers. We show that the power law index, the fraction of burst energy in the afterglow, and the return to persistent emission can all be understood if the star is composed of normal baryonic material.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps figur

    Answer Set Programming for Non-Stationary Markov Decision Processes

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    Non-stationary domains, where unforeseen changes happen, present a challenge for agents to find an optimal policy for a sequential decision making problem. This work investigates a solution to this problem that combines Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) with Answer Set Programming (ASP) in a method we call ASP(RL). In this method, Answer Set Programming is used to find the possible trajectories of an MDP, from where Reinforcement Learning is applied to learn the optimal policy of the problem. Results show that ASP(RL) is capable of efficiently finding the optimal solution of an MDP representing non-stationary domains

    Flux of Primordial Monopoles

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    We discuss how in supersymmetric models with D and F-flat directions, a primordial monopole flux of order 10^{-16} - 10^{-18} cm^{-2} sec^{-1} sr^{-1} can coexist with the observed baryon asymmetry. A modified Affleck-Dine scenario yields the desired asymmetry if the monopoles are superheavy (~ 10^{13}-10^{18} GeV). For lighter monopoles with masses ~ 10^{9}-10^{12} GeV, the baryon asymmetry can arise via TeV scale leptogenesis.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    Kerr-Schild type initial data for black holes with angular momenta

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    Generalizing previous work we propose how to superpose spinning black holes in a Kerr-Schild initial slice. This superposition satisfies several physically meaningful limits, including the close and the far ones. Further we consider the close limit of two black holes with opposite angular momenta and explicitly solve the constraint equations in this case. Evolving the resulting initial data with a linear code, we compute the radiated energy as a function of the masses and the angular momenta of the black holes.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Revised version. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Transdermal Drug Delivery System in Veterinary Practice: An Overview

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    In veterinary practice drug delivery strategies are complicated by species diversity, body size variations, cost constraints and level of convenience. A new frontier in the administration of therapeutic drugs to veterinary species is transdermal drug delivery system. It implies topical drug application to achieve systemic pharmacological effects. Its efficacy is primarily dependent upon the barrier properties of the targeted species skin, as well as the ratio of the area of the patch to the species total body mass needed to achieve effective systemic drug concentrations. The candidate drug must have sufficient lipid solubility to be considered for transdermal delivery. The adhesive of the patches is critical to the safety, efficacy and quality of the product. This novel drug delivery system offers many advantages over conventional oral and invasive methods of drug delivery like reduction in hepatic first pass metabolism, enhancement of therapeutic efficiency, maintenance of steady plasma level of the drug and improved owner compliance. With efficient experimental designs and available transdermal patch technology, there are no obvious hurdles for the development of effective therapeutic agents in veterinary practice

    Nuclear Reaction Rates in a Plasma

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    The problem of determining the effects of the surrounding plasma on nuclear reaction rates in stars is formulated ab initio, using the techniques of quantum statistical mechanics. We derive a result that expresses the complete effects of Coulomb barrier penetration and of the influence of the surrounding plasma in terms of matrix elements of well defined operators. We find that possible "dynamical screening" effects that have been discussed in the literature are absent. The form of our results suggests that an approach that relies on numerical calculations of the correlation functions in a classical Coulomb gas, followed by construction of an effective two body potential and a quantum barrier penetration calculation, will miss physics that is as important as the physics that it includes.Comment: 66 pages, revtex, Errors Fixed, Explanation Adde

    Comment on ``Cosmological Gamma Ray Bursts and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays''

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    In a letter with the above title, published some time ago in PRL, Waxman made the interesting suggestion that cosmological gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are the source of the ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECR). This has also been proposed independently by Milgrom and Usov and by Vietri. However, recent observations of GRBs and their afterglows and in particular recent data from the Akeno Great Air Shwoer Array (AGASA) on UHECR rule out extragalactic GRBs as the source of UHECR.Comment: Comment on a letter with the above title published by E. Waxman in PRL 75, 386 (1995). Submitted for publication in PRL/Comment

    Synegies Between Visible/Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometry and the Thermal Infrared in an Urban Environment: An Evaluation of the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HYSPIRI) Mission

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    A majority of the human population lives in urban areas and as such, the quality of urban environments is becoming increasingly important to the human population. Furthermore, these areas are major sources of environmental contaminants and sinks of energy and materials. Remote sensing provides an improved understanding of urban areas and their impacts by mapping urban extent, urban composition (vegetation and impervious cover fractions), and urban radiation balance through measures of albedo, emissivity and land surface temperature (LST). Recently, the National Research Council (NRC) completed an assessment of remote sensing needs for the next decade (NRC, 2007), proposing several missions suitable for urban studies, including a visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared (VSWIR) imaging spectrometer and a multispectral thermal infrared (TIR) instrument called the Hyperspectral Infrared Imagery (HyspIRI). In this talk, we introduce the HyspIRI mission, focusing on potential synergies between VSWIR and TIR data in an urban area. We evaluate potential synergies using an Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and MODIS-ASTER (MASTER) image pair acquired over Santa Barbara, United States. AVIRIS data were analyzed at their native spatial resolutions (7.5m VSWIR and 15m TIR), and aggregated 60 m spatial resolution similar to HyspIRI. Surface reflectance was calculated using ACORN and a ground reflectance target to remove atmospheric and sensor artifacts. MASTER data were processed to generate estimates of spectral emissivity and LST using Modtran radiative transfer code and the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation algorithm. A spectral library of common urban materials, including urban vegetation, roofs and roads was assembled from combined AVIRIS and field-measured reflectance spectra. LST and emissivity were also retrieved from MASTER and reflectance/emissivity spectra for a subset of urban materials were retrieved from co-located MASTER and AVIRIS pixels. Fractions of Impervious, Soil, Green Vegetation (GV) and Non-photosynthetic Vegetation (NPV), were estimated using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) applied to AVIRIS data at 7.5, 15 and 60 m spatial scales. Surface energy parameters, including albedo, vegetation cover fraction, broadband emissivity and LST were also determined for urban and natural land-cover classes in the region. Fractions were validated using 1m digital photography
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