13 research outputs found

    ln vivo prediction of body composition from the dilution space of the deuterium oxide in two lactating Spanish dairy breed ewes

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    Thirteen Churra (5 forty days and 8 seventy,days after lambing) and twelve Latxa (6 forty days and 6 a hundred and twenty days after lambing) lactating dairy ewes were used to obtain predicting equations of body fat, protein and energy from the live weight and the dilution space of deuterium oxide (SD20). Ewes were injected with 0.6 gD 20/kgo f live weight in the jugular vein and blood samples were collec5te, d7, 29 and 31 hours after infusion. The D20 content of blood water was determined by infrared spectrometry, and SDZO was calculated as the ratio between the weight of the injected D20 and its predicted concentration at zero time. After the last bleeding ewes were sheared and slaughtered and the body water, fat, protein, ash and energy were chemically determined. The Churra ewes presented 2% more water and 1.7% less protein in the fat free empty body 40 days than 70 days after lambing and fat free empty body water content decreased linearly (R=-0.60) with empty body fat content. There was however a close negative relationship (R2=0.97) between the fat and water content of the fleece free body weight. Neither the breed nor the stage of lactation significantly affect this relationship. Body water was predicted from SD20 with a residual standard deviation (RSD) of approximately kg when a pool equation was considered, though for a same SD20, the Latxa ewes presented 1.76 kg more water than the Churra ewes. Body fat and energy were predicted from the live weight and measured body water with a RSD of 0.437 kg and 6.85 Mcal, respectively, when a pool equation was considered. The adjusted means of body energy differed significantly between breeds and when this effect was taken into account the RSD diminished to 3.10 Mcal. When SDZO was substituted for measured body water, the resulting RSD were 0.980 kg and 6.85 Mcal, respectively. The intercept of the prediction equation of body fat differed significantly between breeds and when this effect was taken in account the RSD decreased to 0.703 kg. The accuracy of the body protein prediction from the ewes sheared body weight (RSD=0.56k9g from the pool equation and 0.282 kg for equation taking into account the breed effect) was not improved by the inclusion of SD20 as a second predictive variable. The stage of lactation did not significantly affect any of the equations studied

    Efecto de la dl-metionina y la hidroxi-an谩loga de la dl-metionina sobre la productividad en pollos de engorde

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    La metionina (Met) es el amino谩cido (AA) m谩s limitante en dietas comerciales para avicultura. Durante los 煤ltimos 25 a帽os, la DL-Met y la forma l铆quida del hidroxi an谩logo de la DL-Metionina 谩cido libre (MHA-FA) han sido las fuentes propuestas como suplementaci贸n en condiciones comerciales. Niveles excesivos de prote铆na bruta aumentan el coste y pueden perjudicar el desarrollo de las aves (Binder y Lemme, 2007). El objetivo de este ensayo fue evaluar los efectos de niveles crecientes de dos fuentes de Metionina sint茅tica en pollos de engorde de 1 a 34 d铆as de edad

    Predicci贸n de la composici贸n corporal de las ovejas a partir del espacio de difusi贸n del 贸xido de deuterio

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    En este art铆culo se analiza la consistencia de los principios en los que se basa la estimaci贸n de la composici贸n deI cuerpo de las ovejas a partir del espacio de difusi贸n del 贸xido de deuterio (EDI).O). El cuerpo magro de las ovejas presenta una composici贸n relativamente constante, lo que posibilita que se pueda predecir el contenido en l铆pidos y energ铆a del cuerpo de las ovejas a partir de su peso vivo y su contenido en agua con unas desviaciones est谩ndar residuales (DER) inferiores a 0,5 kg y 5 Mcal, respectivamente. Por otra parte, es posible estimar el contenido en agua del cuerpo de las ovejas a partir del EDD2D con elevada precisi贸n, siendo el coeficiente de variaci贸n asociado a la relaci贸n entre ambas variables de aproximadamente un 4%. Los resultados obtenidos en ovejas F1 (Rasa Aragonesa x Romanov), en distintas fases fisiol贸gicas, y en ovejas lecheras de raza Churra y Latxa en lactaci贸n muestran que el peso vivo y el EDD2O, utilizados conjuntamente, permiten estimar el contenido en grasa y energ铆a del cuerpo de las ovejas con unas DER del orden de 800 g y 7 Mcal, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran tambi茅n que es recomendable utilizar ecuaciones obtenidas en animales deformatos y caracter铆sticas similares, no siendo posible con los datos actuales proponer ecuaciones espec铆ficas para cada fase fisiol贸gica

    Predicci贸n de la composici贸n corporal de las ovejas a partir del espacio de difusi贸n del 贸xido de deuterio

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    En este art铆culo se analiza la consistencia de los principios en los que se basa la estimaci贸n de la composici贸n deI cuerpo de las ovejas a partir del espacio de difusi贸n del 贸xido de deuterio (EDI).O). El cuerpo magro de las ovejas presenta una composici贸n relativamente constante, lo que posibilita que se pueda predecir el contenido en l铆pidos y energ铆a del cuerpo de las ovejas a partir de su peso vivo y su contenido en agua con unas desviaciones est谩ndar residuales (DER) inferiores a 0,5 kg y 5 Mcal, respectivamente. Por otra parte, es posible estimar el contenido en agua del cuerpo de las ovejas a partir del EDD2D con elevada precisi贸n, siendo el coeficiente de variaci贸n asociado a la relaci贸n entre ambas variables de aproximadamente un 4%. Los resultados obtenidos en ovejas F1 (Rasa Aragonesa x Romanov), en distintas fases fisiol贸gicas, y en ovejas lecheras de raza Churra y Latxa en lactaci贸n muestran que el peso vivo y el EDD2O, utilizados conjuntamente, permiten estimar el contenido en grasa y energ铆a del cuerpo de las ovejas con unas DER del orden de 800 g y 7 Mcal, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran tambi茅n que es recomendable utilizar ecuaciones obtenidas en animales deformatos y caracter铆sticas similares, no siendo posible con los datos actuales proponer ecuaciones espec铆ficas para cada fase fisiol贸gica

    ln vivo prediction of body composition from the dilution space of the deuterium oxide in two lactating Spanish dairy breed ewes

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    Thirteen Churra (5 forty days and 8 seventy,days after lambing) and twelve Latxa (6 forty days and 6 a hundred and twenty days after lambing) lactating dairy ewes were used to obtain predicting equations of body fat, protein and energy from the live weight and the dilution space of deuterium oxide (SD20). Ewes were injected with 0.6 gD 20/kgo f live weight in the jugular vein and blood samples were collec5te, d7, 29 and 31 hours after infusion. The D20 content of blood water was determined by infrared spectrometry, and SDZO was calculated as the ratio between the weight of the injected D20 and its predicted concentration at zero time. After the last bleeding ewes were sheared and slaughtered and the body water, fat, protein, ash and energy were chemically determined. The Churra ewes presented 2% more water and 1.7% less protein in the fat free empty body 40 days than 70 days after lambing and fat free empty body water content decreased linearly (R=-0.60) with empty body fat content. There was however a close negative relationship (R2=0.97) between the fat and water content of the fleece free body weight. Neither the breed nor the stage of lactation significantly affect this relationship. Body water was predicted from SD20 with a residual standard deviation (RSD) of approximately kg when a pool equation was considered, though for a same SD20, the Latxa ewes presented 1.76 kg more water than the Churra ewes. Body fat and energy were predicted from the live weight and measured body water with a RSD of 0.437 kg and 6.85 Mcal, respectively, when a pool equation was considered. The adjusted means of body energy differed significantly between breeds and when this effect was taken into account the RSD diminished to 3.10 Mcal. When SDZO was substituted for measured body water, the resulting RSD were 0.980 kg and 6.85 Mcal, respectively. The intercept of the prediction equation of body fat differed significantly between breeds and when this effect was taken in account the RSD decreased to 0.703 kg. The accuracy of the body protein prediction from the ewes sheared body weight (RSD=0.56k9g from the pool equation and 0.282 kg for equation taking into account the breed effect) was not improved by the inclusion of SD20 as a second predictive variable. The stage of lactation did not significantly affect any of the equations studied

    Effect of the origin of the bean on the chemical composition, protein quality, and nutritive value of the soybean meal

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    Commercial samples of soybean meals (SBM) from USA (n = 42), Brazil (BRA; n = 51), and Argentina (ARG; n = 64) were collected from 2016 to 2018 to study the influence of the origin of the beans on chemical composition, nutritive value, and protein quality, including amino acid content per unit of protein of the SBM . All samples were collected in Europe by personal of the Quality Control Department of key feed mills and integrators . The SBM samples were either processed in the country of origin of the beans and then exported to Europe or crushed in Europe from identity preserved beans . Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 1990). Year of the crop was considered as a random effect and was not including in the model. When the model was signifi-cant, the Tukey test was used to make pairwise comparisons between treatment means . Brazilian meals had more CP than USA and ARG meals (P < 0.001). USA meals had more stachyose and sucrose (P < 0.001) and less neutral detergent fiber (P < 0.05) than BRA and ARG meals, but an opposite effect was observed raffinose (P < 0.001). Lys, Met, Cys, and Trp content per unit of protein was higher for the USA meals than for the BRA and ARG meals (P < 0.001). Mineral content varied with the origin of the beans, with the ARG meals having more K, Mn, and Cu than the USA and BRA meals (P < 0.001). BRA meals had more Mg, Zn, and Fe than the USA and ARG meals (P < 0.001). Phosphorus content was higher for the ARG and USA meals than for the BRA meals (P < 0.001). Protein quality indicators were affected by the origin of the beans . Protein dispersibiity index, KOH protein solubility, and trypsin inhibitor activity were higher (P < 0.001) for the USA meals than for the BRA and ARG meals . Heat damage indicator was lowest for the USA meals (P < 0.001). The data reported confirm that chemical composition, amino acid profile, protein quality, and nutritive value of the SBM varied with the country of origin of the beans . Consequently, bean origin should be considered by the nutritionists when evaluating the nutritive value of commercial soybean meals