171 research outputs found

    Differentiated Learning Model For Student with Reading Difficulties

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    This research is an analytical-descriptive study which focuses on the characteristics of students with difficulties in reading and the needs for differentiated learning instruction. The result of this study reveals that the prevalence of Students with Difficulties in Reading reaches 9,15% of the total population of students from each elementary school in Tomohon. The most excellent ability in reading comprehension which students have achieved is the level of literal reading. Students who have this level of reading skill can only be found in two elementary schools. Of 10 elementary schools, only students from 4 elementary schools whose reading ability lies on the lowest level, that is understanding vocabulary. In general, students face the difficulties in understanding inference and applying vocabularies. Learning process which has recently used is inadequate to accommodate students’ ability and solve their difficulties. The methods used in class include lectures and assignments. There are two methods, those are Rumpang Method and Glass analysis. The recent condition which students with difficulties in reading face requires immediate and meticulous problem solving. Therefore, teachers need to apply differentiated learning instruction in order to facilitate adaptive learning process suitable for the abilities of students with difficulties in reading

    Processus de Vieillissement actif : cas des pratiques de protection sociale des travailleurs informels du secteur des transports routiers urbains d’Adjamé (commune d’Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire)

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    La présente étude vise à comprendre, les pratiques de protection sociale des travailleurs informels du secteur des transports routiers urbains d’Adjamé (commune d’Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire) dans le processus du vieillissement actif. Dans une approche interactionniste, la théorie de la stratégie d’ajustement de R.Lazarus et S.Folkman (1984) a été mobilisée en vue d’évaluer les risques liés au vieillissement de cette catégorie socioprofessionnelle avant de saisir leurs stratégies d’ajustement au vieillissement actif. Partant, l’approche qualitative à travers des entretiens semi directifs, des observations directes, la recherche documentaire et la technique d’échantillonnage à choix raisonné, a permis de collecter des données et d’aboutir aux résultats suivants : d’abord, le vieillissement est perçu par les travailleurs informels comme une incapacité socio-économique et physique. Ils y voient comme une sorte de mort sociale. En outre, ces travailleurs, pour faire face aux risques liés au vieillissement, ils disposent des ressources physiques et socio-affectives conséquentes. Enfin, la solidarité intergénérationnelle et l’approche préventive par l’investissement social sont pour ceux-ci des ressources résilientes qu’ils mobilisent pour favoriser leurs vieillissements actifs. This study aims to understand, in the process of active ageing, the social protection practices of informal workers in the urban road transport sector of Adjamé (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire). In an interactionist approach, the adjustment strategy theory of R. Lazarus and S. Folkman (1984) was mobilised in order to evaluate the risks linked to ageing in this socioprofessional category before understanding their adjustment strategies to active ageing. Accordingly, the qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews, direct observations, documentary research and the purposive sampling technique made it possible to collect data and to arrive at the following results: firstly, ageing is perceived by these informal workers as a socio-economic and physical incapacity, or even social death. Second, they have the physical and socio-emotional resources to cope with the risks associated with ageing. Finally, their strategies for adjusting to active ageing are based on intergenerational solidarity on the one hand and the preventive approach through social investment on the other


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    Latar Belakang:Asuhan kebidanan komprehensif (continuity ofcare) adalah pemberian asuhan kebidanan sejak kehamilan (Antenatal Care), bersalin (Intranatal Care), nifas (Postnatal Care), bayibaruLahir (Neonatal Care), hingga memutuskan menggunakan KB, Continuity of care merupakan pelayanan yang dicapai ketika terjalin hubungan yang terus menerus antara seorang wanita dan bidan (Pratami, 2014).Masalah ibu dan bayi masuk dalam salah satuGoals SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) yang dalam targetnya mengatakan pada tahun 2030 mengurangi Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di bawah 70 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup dan mengakhiri kematian bayi dan balita yang dapat dicegah dengan seluruh Negara berusaha menurunkan angka kematian neonatal setidaknya hingga 12 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup dan angka kematian balita 25 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup (Bappenas, 2016).Berdasarkan BS(puskesmas Oepoi)Tahun 2016 kunjungan ibuhamil K1 mencakup 100%,K4 83,5%,persalinan 91,7%,nifas 94,5%,KN1 95,4%,kunjungan lengkap 94,8%,yang menggunakan alat kontrasepsi IUD 1%,MOW 0%,Implant 4,6%,suntik 73,2%,dan penggunaanPil 19,9%. Tujuan :Melakukan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif dengan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan pada Ny. V.M di Puskesmas Oepoi Kota Kupang tanggal 07 mei s/d 28 juni 2019. Metode : Studi kasus menggunakan metode penelaahan kasus.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil trimester III yang berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Oepoi sampel yang diambil adalah ibu hamil trimester III NY.V.M umur 31 tahun G1P0A0 AH0UK 37 38 minggu di PuskesmasOepoiperiode 07 Juni s/d 28 juni 2019. Hasil: Asuhan kebidanan secara komprenhensif yang diberikan pada Ny.V.M selama kehamilan TM III yaituDiberikan 2 kali imunisasi TT yaitu TT1 pada tanggal 14-02-2019 dan TT2 pada tanggal 04-03-2019 dan kunjungan ANC nya teratur,TM1 2x ,TM II 3x,TM III 3x, Ny. V.M melahirkan di Rsia Dedari Kupang lahir secara spontan pervaginam pada tanggal 15 mei 2019 pukul 15.30 wita, bayi lahir langsung menangis, nilai Apgar 9/10 jenis kelamin Laki-Laki, dilakukan IMD selama 1 jam, hasil pemeriksanan tropometri yaitu BB bayi 2.800 gram, PB 48cm, LK 33 CM, LD 32 cm, LP 32 CM, diberikansalepmata dan Vitamin K 1 jam setelah persalinan, HB0 1 jam setelah pemberian vit K dan salepmata, kedaan bayisehat. Selama proses persalinanberjalan normal yaitu kala I 12 jam, kala II 40 menit, kala III 10 menit, pengawasan selama 2 jam post partum, dilakukan pemantauan selama KF1, KN 1 sampai KF3 dan KN3, ibu diberikonseling dan atas persetujuan keluarga/istri ibu mengikuti KB PIL pada tanggal 28 juniI 2019. Simpulan: Penulis telah menerapkan asuhan kebidanan komprenhensif pada Ny. V.M yang di tandai dengan ibu sudah mengikuti semua anjuran, keluhan ibu selama hamil teratasi, ibu melahirkan fasilitas kesehatan, masa persalinan berjalan normal, masa nifas berjalan normal, bayi baru lahir dalam keadaan baik serta KB

    Differentiation Learning Model for Students with Special Needs at UNIMA Manado

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    Differentiated learning is a learning approach process for students with different abilities in the same class. The purpose of differentiated learning is to maximize the growth/progress of each student and individual success through the adjustment of each student (from where he or she is), and assistance in the learning process. It is very urgent for students with special needs to be served according to their capacity.. From the research results obtained data, students with special needs at Unima consist of the blind, deaf, and physically disabled, without intellectual barriers, with diverse learning needs. With the act of making a difference in the media and learning models, they are able to master the lecture material well. Universities such as Manado State University, are able to implement it, and have an influence on the optimization and existence of inclusive learning services


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    Abstrak Manusia yang hidup menjalani aktivitas budaya tentu memahami bahwa kebudayaan memiliki nilai dan makna, termasuk dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam kehidupannya. Praktik ritual urrata merupakan salah satu kegiatan kebudayaan yang dilakukan oleh anggota berhak gereja, bertujuan untuk memohon kesembuhan dan meramalkan kehidupan masa mendarang. Tentu saja, ritual ini bertentangan dengan prinsip iman Kristen. Iman Kristen berpatokan pada kehidupan yang mengandalkan Kristus sebagai sumber Keselamatan. Selain itu, ritual urrata mengabaikan prinsip persekutuan umat yang kudus (gereja). Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mendeskripsikan sikap gereja terhadap pelaksaan ritual urrata.  Metode penelitian dalam penulisan ini kualitatif deskripsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gereja menyadari bahwa ritual urrata dilakukan sebagai upaya jemaat memohon kehidupan yang baik, sehingga jemaat yang melakukan ritual urrata akan diberikan sanksi atau disiplin gerejawi – diasingkan dari persekutuan jemaat. Prinsip gereja semacam ini, perlu dikritisi dari tujuan pelaksaan ritual tersebut. Artinya Gereja perlu memeriksa model pelayanan di jemaat dan model edukasi jemaat. Sehingga gereja tidak hanya memberikan penilaian salah terhadap ritual ini namun pelaksanaan ritual urrata sebagai bentuk kritik jemaat terhadap gereja.&nbsp


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    Tujuan dari penelitian tindakan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model pembelajaran SAVI dan efektivitas pembelajaran bagi siswa berkesulitan belajar membaca di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri II Tomohon dan SD GMIM III Tomohon. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan. Penelitian tindakan memberikan jawaban berguna bagi para guru atau tenaga pendidik dalam melakukan perbaikan pembelajaran. Model tindakan yang digunakan adalah model Elliot, dengan melaksanakan 2 siklus. Subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa berkesulitan membaca yang berjumlah 13 siswa, 8 siswa di SD Negeri II Tomohon dan 5 siswa di SD GMIM III Tomohon. Berdasarkan proses pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan, mulai dari tahapan asesmen, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, evaluasi dan refleksi, pada setiap siklus, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa : a) Hasil belajar dan efektivitas pembelajaran tematik pada peserta didik yang berkesulitan membaca kelas IV SD Negeri II Tomohon dan SD GMIM III Tomohon dapat ditingkatkan melalui penerapan model pembelajaran SAVI, b) Proses pembelajaran yang menerapkan Model Pembelajaran SAVI mampu mengatasi keterbatasan siswa berkesulitan membaca untuk memahami materi pelajaran dengan belajar dari bergerak, mengamati, mendengar dan berpikir sehingga efektivitas pembelajaran dan hasil belajar meningkat. ****************** The purpose of this action research is to describe the application of the SAVI learning model and the effectiveness of learning for students who have difficulty learning to read in class IV Tomohon Public Elementary School and SD GMIM III Tomohon. The method used in this research is action research. Action research provides useful answers for teachers or educators in improving learning. The action model used is the Elliot model, by carrying out 2 cycles. The research subjects were 13 students who had difficulty reading, 8 students in Tomohon Elementary School II and 5 students in Tomohon GMIM III Elementary School. Based on the learning process that has been carried out, starting from the stages of assessment, planning, implementation, observation, evaluation and reflection, in each cycle, it can be concluded that: a) Learning outcomes and the effectiveness of thematic learning in students who have difficulty reading grade IV SD Negeri II Tomohon and SD GMIM III Tomohon can be improved through the application of the SAVI learning model, b) The learning process applying the SAVI Learning Model is able to overcome the limitations of students having difficulty reading to understand the subject matter by learning from moving, observing, listening and thinking so that the effectiveness of learning and learning outcomes increase . Keywords: SAVI, students with reading difficulties, Learning to read

    Penerapan Metode Naive Bayes Untuk Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Jagung

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    Jagung dengan nama latin Zea Mays merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan dunia yang terpenting selain gandum dan padi. Pemilihan lahan jagung memiliki peranan penting terhadap kualitas hasil panen tanaman jagung. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi adalah tidak semua petani jagung mengerti bagaimana lahan yang cocok untuk tanaman jagung. Sistem pendukung keputusan ini menggunakan satu metode dalam penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah Naive Bayes. Hasil dari sistem memberikan rekomendasi kepada petani pemula sebagai bahan pertimbangan ataupun rekomendasi untuk pengambilan keputusan secara tepat, serta mendapatkan data rekomendasi alternatif teratas pada sistem untuk pemilihan lahan. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan terhadap 5 data lahan jagung dengan pengolahan data menggunakan aplikasi berbasis website dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Hasil perhitungan Naive Bayes mendapatkan tingkat kesesuaian lahan jagung berupa Cocok, Kurang Cocok, dan Tidak Cocok

    Modeling the Effects of Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) Wall Thickness on Its Structural and Fatigue Performances for Wave-Induced Load

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    The Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) exhibits significant bending and oscillation owing to undue vessel (which the riser is attached to) movements. The prevalent hydrodynamic loads (wave, current, hydrostatic pressure) are the leading causes of this structural behavior. These initiate a motion - related fatigue phenomenon. This study evaluates the feasibility of increasing the SCR Wall Thickness (WT) for better fatigue performance and structural responses when subjected to the dominant wave spectrum (Ochi Hubble) in deep water West Africa. Relevant data were acquired from an offshore facility in the study area and managed empirically through the use of marine structural analysis software- ORCAFLEX®. Following Det Norske Veritas (DNV, 2010) methodology, 4 SCRs of uniform Internal Diameters (ID) were designated (SCR1, SCR2, SCR3, SCR4), modeled with different WTs (0.0626ft, 0.1876ft, 0.3126ft, 0.4376ft) and analyzed under eight wave load cases. Before the fatigue assessments, the systems were analyzed for static and dynamic responses. Results showed that increasing the WT increases the Fatigue Life (FL) only along each riser arc length - from top to bottom. It was also observed from the systems’ structural response analyses that the effective tension at the Hang off Point (HOP) increases with increase in WT and a compromise in the capacity of the SCRs to flex alongside the hydrodynamic loads due to cumulative rise in the weight of the system. This eventually lowered the FL at the HOP below the DNV’s minimum FL for design purposes – 200 years.Keywords: Steel Catenary Riser, Wall thickness, Fatigue Performance, Ochi-Hubble, Structural response.DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/10-6-03Publication date:July 31st 201

    The Use of Biochar From Cow Feces and Bioboost in The Red Chili Plant (Capsicum annum L.)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence and interaction by giving biochar and bioboost of the growth and fruitage of chili. This research is used Randomized Block Design factorial patterned with 2 factor, the first treatment is biochar of cow feces with 4 standards of dosage (0; 5; 10; dan 15 ton ha-1), meanwhile the second factor is bioboost with 3 standards of dosage (30, 60, dan 90 cc tan-1). The interaction between biochar and bioboost gave the real influenced into the height, weight of fresh roots, oven-dry of the leaves, oven-dry of the chili each plant but gave not real influenced into the other variables. The height weight of dry chili was obtained into the interaction between biochar 10 ton ha-1 and 60 cc tan-1 is 3.20 g or increased by 28 % if compared with the lowest weight in bioboost 60 cc tan-1 without biochar is 2.25 g
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