15 research outputs found

    Lip Reading with Hahn Convolutional Neural Networks moments

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    International audienceLipreading or Visual speech recognition is the process of decoding speech from speakers mouth movements. It is used for people with hearing impairment , to understand patients attained with laryngeal cancer, people with vocal cord paralysis and in noisy environment. In this paper we aim to develop a visual-only speech recognition system based only on video. Our main targeted application is in the medical field for the assistance to la-ryngectomized persons. To that end, we propose Hahn Convolutional Neu-ral Network (HCNN), a novel architecture based on Hahn moments as first layer in the Convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture. We show that HCNN helps in reducing the dimensionality of video images, in gaining training time. HCNN model is trained to classify letters, digits or words given as video images. We evaluated the proposed method on three datasets, AVLetters, OuluVS2 and BBC LRW, and we show that it achieves significant results in comparison with other works in the literature

    La dimension territoriale de la stratĂ©gie RSE des multinationales vis-Ă -vis des territoires d’implantation Revue de littĂ©rature

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    Cet article prĂ©sente une revue de littĂ©rature des liens possibles entre une entreprise multinationale et son territoire d’implantation Ă  travers sa stratĂ©gie de responsabilitĂ© sociale. En effet, « la RSE dans un contexte international constitue un champ de recherche insuffisamment explorĂ© » (Arthaud-Day (2005). Les recherches ont traditionnellement portĂ© leur intĂ©rĂȘt sur les problĂšmes nationaux, ce n’est que derniĂšrement que le caractĂšre international de la RSE commence Ă  ĂȘtre abordĂ©, car le pouvoir politique et Ă©conomique grandissant des multinationales les pousse Ă  assumer leurs responsabilitĂ©s en terme de rĂ©gulation des enjeux sociaux maintenant qu’elles Ă©largissent leurs territoires Ă  des pays souvent Ă©mergeants aux conditions institutionnelles et organisationnelles diffĂ©rentes/ Pour ce faire, on parlera plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment de territoire en tant que dimension spatiale des stratĂ©gies des multinationales et comme modalitĂ© d'organisation de l'espace, car on ne peut pas limiter le territoire Ă  sa dĂ©finition gĂ©ographique, mais le positionner comme variable indissociable et dĂ©terminante de la stratĂ©gie de l’entreprise

    L’Échelle quĂ©bĂ©coise de comportements adaptatifs au Maroc

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    Les personnes handicapĂ©es sont beaucoup plus prĂ©disposĂ©es Ă  vivre des difficultĂ©s au niveau de l’intĂ©gration scolaire que la population ordinaire. De plus, elles ont tendance Ă  ne pas ĂȘtre diagnostiquĂ©es par les professionnels qui les encadrent. Au Maroc, l’évaluation de ces personnes est considĂ©rĂ©e actuellement comme le principal point faible. Le prĂ©sent article rĂ©pond Ă  deux objectifs : l’adaptation au contexte scolaire marocain de l’Échelle quĂ©bĂ©coise de comportements adaptatifs – version scolaire et un essai de validation sociale, auprĂšs des parents et des enseignants. Il ressort que cet outil adaptĂ© au contexte marocain est intĂ©ressant, rĂ©pond Ă  la demande du milieu et reçoit un accueil positif. Il peut donner une base de travail, Ă©clairer les Ă©quipes Ă©ducatives sur les compĂ©tences acquises par chaque enfant et contribuer Ă  l’élaboration d’un projet pĂ©dagogique individualisĂ©.Children with special needs are much more predisposed to have difficulties with school integration than the average people. In addition, they tend not to be diagnosed by the professionals who supervise them. In Morocco, the evaluation of these individuals is currently considered as the main weak point. This article has two objectives: the adaptation of the scale (of Quebec) of adaptive behavior (-school version) to the Moroccan school context and an essay of social validation from the parents and teachers. It appears that the right tool is interesting, answering to the demand of underworld and receiving a positive reception. It can give a working basis, informing educational teams on the skills acquired by each child and helps to develop an individualized educational program

    Lip Reading with Hahn Convolutional Neural Networks moments

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    International audienceLipreading or Visual speech recognition is the process of decoding speech from speakers mouth movements. It is used for people with hearing impairment , to understand patients attained with laryngeal cancer, people with vocal cord paralysis and in noisy environment. In this paper we aim to develop a visual-only speech recognition system based only on video. Our main targeted application is in the medical field for the assistance to la-ryngectomized persons. To that end, we propose Hahn Convolutional Neu-ral Network (HCNN), a novel architecture based on Hahn moments as first layer in the Convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture. We show that HCNN helps in reducing the dimensionality of video images, in gaining training time. HCNN model is trained to classify letters, digits or words given as video images. We evaluated the proposed method on three datasets, AVLetters, OuluVS2 and BBC LRW, and we show that it achieves significant results in comparison with other works in the literature

    Towards an Adaptive Learning Model using Optimal Learning Paths to Prevent MOOC Dropout

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    Currently, massive open online courses (MOOCs) are experiencing major developments and are becoming increasingly popular in distance learning programs. The goal is to break down inequalities and disseminate knowledge to everyone by creating a space for exchange and interaction. Despite the improvements to this educational model, MOOCs still have low retention rates, which can be attributed to a variety of factors, including learners’ heterogeneity. The paper aims to address the issue of low retention rates in MOOCs by introducing an innovative prediction model that provides the best (optimal) learning path for at-risk learners. For this purpose, learners at risk of dropping out are identified, and their courses are adapted to meet their needs and skills. A case study is presented to validate the effectiveness of our approach using classification algorithms for prediction and the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to optimize learners’ paths

    Seasonal variations of phytoplankton assemblages in relation to environmental factors in Mediterranean coastal waters of Morocco, a focus on HABs species

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    International audienceStudies on phytoplankton and in particular Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) species in southern Mediterranean waters are scarce. We performed from April 2008 to June 2009 weekly investigations on microphytoplankton community structure and abundance in two contrasted marine ecosystems located in the western Moroccan Mediterranean coast, M'diq Bay and Oued Laou Estuary. Simultaneously, we measured the main physico-chemical parameters. Globally, the two studied areas showed comparable values of the assessed abiotic environmental factors. Temperature and salinity followed seasonal variation with values ranging from 13.5°C to 21.4°C and 31 to 36.8, respectively. Average nutrient values in surface water ranged from 0.7 to 45.76 ÎŒM for dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 0.02-2.10 ÎŒM for PO 4 and 0.23-17.46 ÎŒM for SiO 4 in the study areas. A total of 92 taxa belonging to 8 taxonomic classes were found. The highest number of microphytoplankton abundance reached 1.2 × 10 6 cells L −1 with diatoms being the most abundant taxa. Factorial Discriminant Analysis (FDA) and Spearman correlation test showed a significant seasonal discrimination of dominant microphytoplankton species. These microorganisms were associated with different environmental variables, in particular temperature and salinity. Numerous HABs species were encountered regularly along the year. Although Dinophysis species and Prorocentrum lima were present in both sites, no Lipophilic Shellfish Poisoning was detected for the analyzed bivalve mollusks. Domoic acid (DA), produced by toxic species of Pseudo-nitzschia was found with concentrations up to 18 ”g DA g −1 in the smooth clam Callista chione. Data showed that the observed persistent and dramatic Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) intoxication of mollusks resulted probably of Gymnodinium catenatum pro-liferations in both studied areas. Contrary to C. chione, the cockle Achanthocardia tuberculatum showed a permanent and extremely high toxicity level during the 15 months survey with up to 7545 ”g Equivalent Saxitoxin kg −1 flesh (ten times higher than the sanitary threshold of 800 ”g eqSTX Kg −1 flesh). The present work highlights for the first time the dynamic of microphytoplankton including HABs species and their associated toxin accumulation in the commercially exploited shellfish in the southern western Mediterranean waters of Morocco. Furthermore, the acquired data will help us to improve the monitoring of HABs species and related toxins in these coastal marine systems

    Enhancement of the photoluminescence property of hybrid structures using single-walled carbon nanotubes/pyramidal porous silicon surface

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    This work presents additional physical results about the enhancement of the photoluminescence property of hybrid structures using single walled carbon nanotubes/pyramidal porous silicon surface, in comparison with what has already been published on these structures in terms of synthesis conditions and FTIR investigations as reported recently by the same authors in Journal of Alloys and Compounds 694 (2017) 1036 1044. Herein, the effect of the single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) layer on the optical properties of pyramidal Porous Silicon (pPSi) in hybrid SWCNTs/pPSi structure synthetized by chemical and electrochemical etching of silicon wafer was studied. Using both scanning electron mi croscopy (SEM), SWCNTs formed a thin film on pPSi surface and they are partly embedded in its pores. An analysis of Raman spectra for the realized structures confirmed the passivation of pPSi surface by SWCNTs film. The surface bond configurations were also monitored. Moreover, SWCNTs modified Pho toluminescence (PL) spectrum of pPSi by shifting PL peaks towards high energies, showed that the defect created in the materials can result in an efficient and stabilized photoluminescence response on Silicon (Si)