58 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Osteoporosis Using Ultrasound

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    We have developed an equipment using ultrasound transducers to help in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. The equipment consists of an X-Y axes displacement system controlled by a microcomputer and uses two ultrasound transducers in opposite sides to inspect the calcaneus region of the patient. We have used two pairs of transducers with 500 kHz and 1 MHz central frequencies. Each pair of transducers was fixed in the X-Y displacement system submerged in a small water tank with a support for the foot of the patient. The transmitter was excited with pulses of 400-600 kHz or 800-1200 kHz and the ultrasound waves propagating through the bone in the calcaneus region are received by the opposite transducer, amplified and acquired in a digital oscilloscope. The data are transferred to the microcomputer and the ultrasound attenuation and the ultrasound transmission velocity are determined. The system was tested in patients, selected from a group that had already been diagnosed using a DEXA equipment. The results showed that there is a decrease in the ultrasound transmission velocity and the ultrasound attenuation in osteoporotic patients when compared to healthy patients of the same sex and age group. The conclusion is that ultrasound attenuation and the transmission velocity in the calcaneus region may be used as parameters in the evaluation of osteoporosis using our new system.398227828

    Ultrasonic Doppler Blood Flowmeter For Extracorporeal Circulation

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    In cardiac surgeries it is frequently necessary to carry out interventions in internal heart structures, and where the blood circulation and oxygenation are made by artificial ways, out of the patient's body, in a procedure known as extracorporeal circulation (EC). During this procedure, one of the most important parameters, and that demands constant monitoring, is the blood flow. In this work, an ultrasonic pulsed Doppler blood flowmeter, to be used in an extracorporeal circulation system, was developed. It was used a 2 MHz ultrasonic transducer, measuring flows from 0 to 5 liters/min, coupled externally to the EC arterial line destined to adults perfusion (diameter of 9.53 mm). The experimental results using the developed flowmeter indicated a maximum deviation of 3.5% of full scale, whilst the blood flow estimator based in the rotation speed of the peristaltic pump presented deviations greater than 20% of full scale. This ultrasonic flowmeter supplies the results in a continuous and trustworthy way, and it does not present the limitations found in those flowmeters based in other transduction methods. Moreover, due to the fact of not being in contact with the blood, it is not disposable and it does not need sterilization, reducing operational costs and facilitating its use.397844845

    Diffractive Limited Acoustic Field Of An Apodized Ultrasound Transducer

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    The diffraction in the acoustic field of an ultrasound transducer can be modeled as the result of the interference of edge and plane waves generated from the periphery and the center of the piezoelectric element, respectively. Our objective in developing ultrasound transducers with apodized piezoelectric ceramic discs was to generate acoustical fields with reduced edge waves interference. Transducer were built with apodized ceramic discs (polarized more intensively in the central region than in the edges) and their mapped acoustic fields showed a distinct pattern when compared to those of conventional transducers. A polynomial equation describing the nonlinear poling field intensity, was used with the Rayleigh equation to simulate the nonuniform vibration amplitude distribution generated by the apodized transducers. Simulated acoustic fields were compared to experimental field mappings. The results of simulations and experimental tests showed reduction in the lateral spreading of acoustic fields produced by apodized transducers, compared to those produced by conventional transducers. The reduced presence of the lateral lobes in the apodized acoustic field is due to the minimized vibration of the disc periphery. The numerical and experimental results were in good agreement and showed that it was possible to reduce acoustic field diffraction through nonlinear polarization of the piezoelectric element.398213214

    Sobrevivência e ocorrência de muda em Triatoma infestans Klug (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) após choque de temperatura

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    Survival and molting occurrence were studied in specimens of Triatoma infestans over 30 days after temperature shocks. Hyperthermal and hypotermal shocks could be found to affect both survival and molting incidence as a function of temperature and period of the developement phase and sex of the specimens. Considering the various test conditions, the shock at 0°C for 12 h was found to elicit the most deleterious effect, whereas shocks at 40°C and 0°C even for 1 h are interpreted as affecting the hormonal balance which controls molting. Cases of a rise in post-shock survival are suggested to have been favored by heat-shock protein action.A sobrevivência e a ocorrência de mudas em espécimes de Triatoma infestans foram estudados num período de 30 dias após choques de temperatura. Foi demonstrado que choques hipertérmico e hipotérmico interferem nesses processos, na dependência da temperatura do choque, tempo de sua duração, fase de desenvolvimento e sexo dos espécimes. Dentre as situações experimentais utilizadas, o choque a 0°C por 12 h pareceu produzir a ação mais deletéria, porém choques a 40°C e 0°C mesmo por uma hora são admitidos como afetando o desenvolvimento hormonal que controla a muda. Casos de aumento de sobrevivência pós-choque são sugeridos como tendo sido favorecidos por ação de proteínas de choque térmico

    Relação do índice de desenvolvimento humano e as variáveis nutricionais em crianças do brasil

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    Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é demonstrar a relação do Indice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH) de diferentes regiões brasileiras no comportamento das variáveis de composicão corporal-indicadores do estado nutricional, assim como, a adequação da utilização destas variáveis.Materiais e Método Estudo descritivo, de corte transversal de topología comparativa. A amostra foi composta por alunos de escolas públicas, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 8 e 10 anos, de 3 regiões brasileiras, escolhidas de maneira aleatória, sendo: Sul n= 262 masculino e n=251 feminino; Nordeste n=45 masculino y n=35 feminino; Norte n=96 masculino y n=38 feminino.Os protocolos utilizados foram de estatura, massa, somatória de dobras cutáneas e IMC. O IDH foi retirado do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento. A estatística utilizada foi a descritiva e inferencial, através do método comparativo Anova one-way para os dados paramétricos e o teste Kurskal-Wallis para os dados não paramétricos, sendo adotado um nível de significância de p and lt;0,05, ou seja, 95 % de probabilidade para as afirmativas e/ou negativas, denotadas durante as investigações.ResultadosFoi demostrada a existência de uma diferencia significativa p and lt;0.0001 nas variáveis estudadas.Conclusiones A utilização de antropometria como uma ferramenta auxiliar para conhecer a composição corporal das crianças podem ajudar na prevenção ou tratamento precoce dos distúrbios alimentares, como desnutrição e obesidade. Ela pode ser parte das intervenções das políticas públicas ligadas à assistência infantil,na utilização de formas simples e eficiente para evitar problemas de saúde pública

    Gestão por competências em organizações de governo

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    Ao longo dos últimos anos vem se ampliando os espaços e o interesse, no meio acadêmico e empresarial, pelas discussões sobre uso da abordagem da competência como marco importante para as atividades de gestão de recursos humanos. A difusão dessa abordagem entre as organizações públicas brasileiras é, entretanto, bem mais recente, e conta, ainda hoje, com um número insuficiente de estudos e publicações. É esta a razão da importância e pertinência da publicação do livro " Gestão por competências em organizações de governo"Número de páginas: 100 p.Gestão de PessoasISBN 85-256-0046-