28 research outputs found

    A preliminary list of the Herpetofauna from termite mounds of the cerrado in the Upper Tocantins river valley

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    Termite mounds are known to offer refuge and microhabitats to a great variety of invertebrates and vertebrates. In the valley of the upper Tocantins River, within areas of influence of hydroelectric power plants 4,000 termite mounds were surveyed to evaluate the diversity of amphibians and reptiles using these environments. Surveys in termite mounds from two other areas (Corumbá River and Araguaia River basins) were used for comparative purposes. The results for termitaria in the upper Tocantins river valley revealed nine families, 13 genera, and 25 species of amphibians, and 16 families, 32 genera, and 47 species of squamate reptiles. Compared to a general herpetofaunal list of the region, the data indicate that between 30.6% and 56.8% of the species use termitaria.<br>Termiteiros são conhecidos por oferecer refúgio e micro habitats para uma grande variedade de invertebrados e vertebrados. Aproveitando trabalhos realizados na área de influência de usinas hidrelétricas no vale do rio Tocantins, inspecionamos avaliamos 4.000 termiteiros visando determinar os anfíbios e répteis que se utilizam desses ambientes. Resultados obtidos em duas outras áreas (bacias dos rios Corumbá e Araguaia) foram utilizadas como comparação. No vale do alto rio Tocantins nove famílias, 13 gêneros e 25 espécies de anfíbios e 15 famílias, 32 gêneros e 47 espécies de Squamata foram encontrados nos termiteiros. Esses dados indicam que entre 30.6% e 56.8% das espécies da herpetofauna utilizam termiteiros

    An introspective examination of single-unit versus multi-unit franchisees

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    Innovation Climate in Plural Form Franchise Networks: The Mediator Role of Mutual Learning

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    International audienceOffers an interdisciplinary understanding of the economics and management of interfirm networks Presents new research perspectives on the relationship between networks and innovation Highlights a network-centric view of the new digital economyInterfirm networks include franchising, retail and service chains, cooperatives, financial networks, joint ventures, strategic alliances, licensing, public-private partnerships and new network forms in the digital economy. This book gathers the latest research studies that approach these networks – and the creation of innovation under the conditions of a complex, dynamic, knowledge-intensive and digital economy – from an interdisciplinary perspective. The studies, all of which were written by respected experts, explore how firms can improve their competitiveness by securing access to innovation, knowledge, complementary resources and capabilities otherwise not available to them. In addition, they highlight how, driven by an unpredictable environment, firms embedded in inter-organizational networks are increasingly transforming from co-operators to collaborators and valuable co-creators of innovation