425 research outputs found

    Rice Fields Chemical and Physical Properties and the Implications on Breeding Strategie

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    Soil related constraints are major limiting factors in crop production in the Sahel. The objective of this study was to assess the properties of farmer's fields soil and irrigation water in Niger and the implications in rice improvement. Composite soil samples were collected from irrigated and non-irrigated fields. Sample of irrigation water was also collected. Physical and chemical analyses were performed in the laboratory. The results showed that most of rice fields were clayey and the non irrigated ones were mostly sandy. The soils were acidic and saline, the electrical conductivity ranged from 2.2 to 16.5 decisiemens per meter. The T-test showed that total dissolved salt, sodium adsorption ratio, cation exchange capacity, and organic matter percentage were significantly higher in irrigated fields than non-irrigated fields. The irrigated soils pH varied from 3.2 to 6.8, the electrical conductivity was greater than 4, and the sodium adsorption ratio was below 13 while the exchangeable sodium percentage was below 15. The irrigation water samples varied in term of ion content from site to site. The total sodium quantity estimated to be deposited varied from 87 kg/ha/year to 218 kg/ha/year. Rice fields' soils are saline and are getting worsened by irrigation water that contains salt. Therefore, the development of rice varieties that could withstand osmotic and ionic salt stress is necessary for sustainable production in the Sahel ecozone

    Performance based grouping of adapted and exotic drought tolerant maize (Zea mays L) inbred lines under stressed and nonstressed conditions

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    Knowledge of the heterotic responses of elite adapted and exotic maize inbred lines can facilitate their utilization for population improvement and hybrid development. In the present study, a line x tester mating design was used to determine the combining ability of 20 elite drought-tolerant maize inbred lines developed at CIMMYT and IITA and to classify them into heterotic groups under diverse growing conditions. The 20 lines were crossed each with two inbred line testers representing the tropical and temperate heterotic pattern established in West and Cental Africa (WCA), to generate 40 testcrosses. A trial comprising the 40 testcrosses along with the cross between the two testers and three hybrid checks were evaluated at two environments in the dry season and at six environments in the rainy season. GCA effects were more important than SCA effects in controlling grain yield in both seasons. Two exotic lines in the dry season and four exotic lines in the rainy season had significantly positive GCA effects. Only EXL22 was identified as a superior line in the two seasons. Only two adapted lines had significantly positive GCA effects in either or both seasons while three adapted lines consistently had significantly negative GCA effects in both seasons. Hybrid between EXL22 and tester 9071 showed broad adaptation to all test environments. The two testers separated some of the lines into two main heterotic groups. the lines in each heterotic group and the good combiners will be utilized for developing populations for extracting new improved inbred lines

    Strategies for Planning and Promoting Library Services to New Users

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    A team of academic librarians is using a set of common strategies – assessment, advocacy and advertisement - to develop and enhance health information services and programs to an urban campus community and beyond. As a means of meeting the challenge of disseminating and promoting a large number of new information resources and skills to current library patrons and to new user populations, these strategies inform a refocused program for on-site library instruction, a current health information outreach initiative and planning for a new health outreach initiative. By sharing the methods and results of these strategies in consort with a high level of collaboration among librarians and by forging new partnerships with organizations outside of the library, librarians can efïŹciently manage the challenge of expanded clientele expectations. Taken together, these activities are promising practices that may be especially useful for planning new programs. This paper will describe the representative programs and the purposes of the strategies employed to enhance existing programs and to develop new ones

    Peroxidase extraction from jicama skin peels for phenol removal

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    Phenol and its derivatives exist in various types of industrial effluents, and are known to be harmful to aquatic lives even at low concentrations. Conventional treatment technologies for phenol removal are challenged with long retention time, high energy consumption and process cost. Enzymatic treatment has emerged as an alternative technology for phenol removal from wastewater. These enzymes interact with aromatic compounds including phenols in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, forming free radicals which polymerize spontaneously to produce insoluble phenolic polymers. This work aims to extract peroxidase from agricultural wastes materials and establish its application for phenol removal. Peroxidase was extracted from jicama skin peels under varying extraction conditions of pH, sample-to-buffer ratio (w/v %) and temperature. Experimental results showed that extraction process conducted at pH 10, 40% w/v and 25oC demonstrated a peroxidase activity of 0.79 U/mL. Elevated temperatures slightly enhanced the peroxidase activities. Jicama peroxidase extracted at optimum extraction conditions demonstrated a phenol removal efficiency of 87.5% at pH 7. Phenol removal efficiency was ∌ 97% in the range of 30 - 40oC, and H2O2 dosage has to be kept below 100 mM for maximum removal under phenol concentration tested

    Incidence and severity of cassava mosaic disease in farmer’s fields in Ghana

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    A survey of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) was carried out in Ghana from 2007-2008 to assess CMD incidence, infection type, severity and adult whitefly population. A total of 136 farmers’ fields across major cassava producing areas in the Brong Ahafo, Western, Northern, Ashanti and Volta regions were assessed. CMD was prevalent in most of the 136 fields surveyed. Frequently encountered local landraces were susceptible to the disease. CMD incidence reached 100% in farmers’ fields. Mean disease incidence ranged from 46% in the Ashanti region to 90% in the Western region of the country. CMD incidence averaged 66.0%, with cutting-borne infection and Whitefly-borne infections being 54.0% and 12.0%, respectively. CMD shoot symptom severity ranged from 2.0 to 3.7 in the farmers’ fields, with a mean of 2.9. Mean adult whitefly population was 0.47. The high prevalence of CMD requires a concerted effort in the management of CMD in the country

    Induction of Isochromanones by Co-Cultivation of the Marine Fungus Cosmospora sp. and the Phytopathogen Magnaporthe oryzae

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    Microbial co-cultivation is a promising approach for the activation of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) that remain transcriptionally silent under artificial culture conditions. As part of our project aiming at the discovery of marine-derived fungal agrochemicals, we previously used four phytopathogens as model competitors in the co-cultivation of 21 marine fungal strains. Based on comparative untargeted metabolomics analyses and anti-phytopathogenic activities of the co-cultures, we selected the co-culture of marine Cosmospora sp. with the phytopathogen Magnaporthe oryzae for in-depth chemical studies. UPLC-MS/MS-based molecular networking (MN) of the co-culture extract revealed an enhanced diversity of compounds in several molecular families, including isochromanones, specifically induced in the co-culture. Large scale co-cultivation of Cosmospora sp. and M. oryzae resulted in the isolation of five isochromanones from the whole co-culture extract, namely the known soudanones A, E, D (1-3) and their two new derivatives, soudanones H-I (4-5), the known isochromans, pseudoanguillosporins A and B (6, 7), naphtho-Îł-pyrones, cephalochromin and ustilaginoidin G (8, 9), and ergosterol (10). Their structures were established by NMR, HR-ESIMS, FT-IR, electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectroscopy, polarimetry ([α]D), and Mosher’s ester reaction. Bioactivity assays revealed antimicrobial activity of compounds 2 and 3 against the phytopathogens M. oryzae and Phytophthora infestans, while pseudoanguillosporin A (6) showed the broadest and strongest anti-phytopathogenic activity against Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas campestris, M. oryzae and P. infestans. This is the first study assessing the anti-phytopathogenic activities of soudanones

    Genotype by environment interaction on resistance to cassava green mite associated traits and effects on yield performance of cassava genotypes in Nigeria

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 04 Sept 2020Cassava is the main source of carbohydrate for over 70% of the people in Nigeria, the world’s largest producer and consumer of the crop. The yields of cassava are, however, relatively low in Nigeria largely due to pests and disease infections that significantly lead to inconsistencies in productivity of cassava genotypes in various environments. Fifty-eight F1 hybrid cassava genotypes plus their two parents which served as check varieties were evaluated in three locations for two years (that is six environments). The objectives of the study were to evaluate genotype by environment interactions (GEI) on resistance to cassava green mite [CGM, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar)] associated traits and effects on yield performance of cassava genotypes in Nigeria and to identify superior genotypes that exhibit high stability which combine CGM resistance and high fresh root yield with general and specific environmental adaptation using additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype stability index (GSI). The combined analysis of variance based on AMMI revealed significant genotype, environment, and genotype by environment interactions (GEI) for all traits. The percentage variation due to environment was higher than the percentage variation due to genotype for cassava green mite severity (CGMS), leaf retention (LR), root dry matter content (RDMC), and fresh root yield (FRY) indicating that environment greatly influenced the expression of these traits. The percentage variation due to GEI accounted for higher percentage variation than that of genotype and environment separately for all traits, indicating the influence of genotype by environment interaction on expression of the traits. These findings reveal that screening/evaluating for these traits needs multi-environment trials. According to GSI ranking, genotypes G31 (IBA131794), G19 (IBA131762), the check variety G52 (TMEB778), and G11 (IBA131748) were identified as the most stable and most resistant to CGM which also combine high FRY and other useful agronomic traits, implying that these traits in cassava can even be incorporated as preferred by farmers. These genotypes can be tested in more environments to determine their adaptability and potential recommendation for release to farmers for growing

    Use of the Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA) to Evaluate Medical Students’ Competencies in Finding and Evaluating Online Health Information (Poster Presented at MHSLA Annual Conference)

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    To maintain awareness of current medical evidence and clinical practice guidelines in order to provide the best possible patient care, physicians must be able to locate, critically evaluate, synthesize, and make clinical decisions based on health information from multiple digital sources. Concerningly, however, medical students and junior doctors have been found to exhibit poor information literacy skills, including an inability to conduct efficient literature searches, find randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews, or evaluate study quality. Here, we describe our medical library’s experience in administering the Health version of the Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA) tool to two cohorts of first-year medical students to evaluate their perceived and actual competencies in finding and critically evaluating online health information. We also describe our creation of online training modules that aim to improve medical students’ health information literacy skills, including one on using Bloom’s taxonomy to ask great research questions and another on deciding when to use various types of information sources (e.g., textbooks, journals, point-of-care clinical decision tools) to answer different types of health-related questions. Our preliminary findings suggest that first-year medical students are better at evaluating health information than they are at finding health information, although both skills show room for improvement. These findings will help guide our development of additional educational interventions to improve medical students’ research readiness

    Nano-Doped Monolithic Materials for Molecular Separation

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    Monoliths are continuous adsorbents that can easily be synthesised to possess tuneable meso-/macropores, convective fluid transport, and a plethora of chemistries for ligand immobilisation. They are grouped into three main classes: organic, inorganic, and hybrid, based on their chemical composition. These classes may also be differentiated by their unique morphological and physicochemical properties which are significantly relevant to their specific separation applications. The potential applications of monoliths for molecular separation have created the need to enhance their characteristic properties including mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, and chemical and thermal stability. An effective approach towards monolith enhancement has been the doping and/or hybridization with miniaturized molecular species of desirable functionalities and characteristics. Nanoparticles are usually preferred as dopants due to their high solid phase dispersion features which are associated with improved intermolecular adsorptive interactions. Examples of such nanomaterials include, but are not limited to, carbon-based, silica-based, gold-based, and alumina nanoparticles. The incorporation of these nanoparticles into monoliths via in situ polymerisation and/or post-modification enhances surface adsorption for activation and ligand immobilisation. Herein, insights into the performance enhancement of monoliths as chromatographic supports by nanoparticles doping are presented. In addition, the potential and characteristics of less common nanoparticle materials such as hydroxyapatite, ceria, hafnia, and germania are discussed. The advantages and challenges of nanoparticle doping of monoliths are also discussed

    Genetic Variation for Striga hermonthica Resistance and Yield Among Sorghum Accessions in Nigeria

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    Striga hermonthica (Delile) Benth., commonly referred to as witch weed, is a major constraint to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) production in the Northern region of Nigeria because of high yield losses due to infestation. To identify parental lines useful in breeding for S. hermonthica resistant sorghum genotypes adapted to Nigeria, twenty-five sorghum accessions were evaluated in Nigeria across three test environments. Both phenotypic and genetic components influenced the variation observed in the sorghum accessions. The estimates for the genetic coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance for the area under Striga number progress curve (ASUNPC), Striga emergence counts, yield and other agronomic traits, obtained in this study revealed that genetic gain for resistance to S. hermonthica could be realized through selection. Based on the performance of the 25 sorghum accessions SRN39, Danyana, Sepon82, and SAMSORG40 were the top four accessions found to be most resistant to S. hermonthica. Assessment of resistance was based on the low Striga emergence counts and the ASUNPC values. These accessions can be used as donor sources of S. hermonthica resistant genes for introgression into cultivars adapted to Nigeria, followed by recombination breeding for pyramiding the different resistance mechanisms
