51 research outputs found

    Innovations of the new public administration language: professionally prestigious sociolectisms or the signs of communicative failures?

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    This article is devoted to the study of the formation and functioning of professional innovations in the language of Russian public administration, reflecting the manifestation of tendencies toward standardization and informality in the choice of lexical items and syntactic constructions. To conduct a research, we used methods of linguistic observation and description, methods of component, comparative and lexicographic analysis, as well as the methodology of complex cognitively oriented synchronous diachronic analysis of language subsystems and their units. Printed text versions of speeches by people in the Government and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation were the materials for the study. A language analysis of the new public administration made it possible to single out a whole series of lexical-semantic, word-formative, morphological and syntactic innovations, which are identification marks of the studied subsystem and necessary elements of the thesaurus of a civil servant personality. A special group of language innovations of the new public administration is formed by the so-called thematically reoriented semantic neologisms. It is established that the language development of the new public administration is on the way to expand the field of functioning and strengthening its influence on the linguistic taste formation of Russian society. It is noted that the written form of communication in the field of public administration is significantly influenced by the oral colloquial element, and the results of this effect are manifested in all aspects: from lexical to communicative-pragmatic. Researchers are particularly worried about the consolidation in the professional language of the studied sphere of linguistic items violating linguistic and ethical-moral standards that create barriers for effective communication. In conclusion, it is unacceptable to actualize reduced professional language elements that contribute to the inefficiency of communication between representatives of authority and the community

    Nonabelian density functional theory

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    Given a vector space of microscopic quantum observables, density functional theory is formulated on its dual space. A generalized Hohenberg-Kohn theorem and the existence of the universal energy functional in the dual space are proven. In this context ordinary density functional theory corresponds to the space of one-body multiplication operators. When the operators close under commutation to form a Lie algebra, the energy functional defines a Hamiltonian dynamical system on the coadjoint orbits in the algebra's dual space. The enhanced density functional theory provides a new method for deriving the group theoretic Hamiltonian on the coadjoint orbits from the exact microscopic Hamiltonian.Comment: 1 .eps figur

    Quantitative oculomotor assessment in hereditary ataxia: discriminatory power, correlation with severity measures, and recommended parameters for specific genotypes

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    Characterizing bedside oculomotor deficits is a critical factor in defining the clinical presentation of hereditary ataxias. Quantitative assessments are increasingly available and have significant advantages, including comparability over time, reduced examiner dependency, and sensitivity to subtle changes. To delineate the potential of quantitative oculomotor assessments as digital-motor outcome measures for clinical trials in ataxia, we searched MEDLINE for articles reporting on quantitative eye movement recordings in genetically confirmed or suspected hereditary ataxias, asking which paradigms are most promising for capturing disease progression and treatment response. Eighty-nine manuscripts identified reported on 1541 patients, including spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA2, n = 421), SCA3 (n = 268), SCA6 (n = 117), other SCAs (n = 97), Friedreich ataxia (FRDA, n = 178), Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC, n = 57), and ataxia-telangiectasia (n = 85) as largest cohorts. Whereas most studies reported discriminatory power of oculomotor assessments in diagnostics, few explored their value for monitoring genotype-specific disease progression (n = 2; SCA2) or treatment response (n = 8; SCA2, FRDA, NPC, ataxia-telangiectasia, episodic-ataxia 4). Oculomotor parameters correlated with disease severity measures including clinical scores (n = 18 studies (SARA: n = 9)), chronological measures (e.g., age, disease duration, time-to-symptom onset; n = 17), genetic stratification (n = 9), and imaging measures of atrophy (n = 5). Recurrent correlations across many ataxias (SCA2/3/17, FRDA, NPC) suggest saccadic eye movements as potentially generic quantitative oculomotor outcome. Recommendation of other paradigms was limited by the scarcity of cross-validating correlations, except saccadic intrusions (FRDA), pursuit eye movements (SCA17), and quantitative head-impulse testing (SCA3/6). This work aids in understanding the current knowledge of quantitative oculomotor parameters in hereditary ataxias, and identifies gaps for validation as potential trial outcome measures in specific ataxia genotypes

    Methodological approaches for minimization laboratory researches in diagnostics of platelets hyperaggregation

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    The way of diagnostics of hyperactivity platelets, not demanding special conditions of haemocoagulation shifts in a vascular wall in vitro is offered. The way is based on biochemical research of plasma of blood of the patient used for routine haemostaziological of tests; with the subsequent calculation of a diagnostic index by solving rule. It is surveyed 65 patients in total. The correlation analysis of a degree of aggregation platelets and pH-plasmas of blood at women is carried out The method of the discriminantal analysis deduces solving rule of conformity of values pH-plasmas and hyperaggregations of platelets.Sol\ring rule: Д =constl X PPP-const2.Where: Д — diagnostic significant index; constl and const2-constants; PPP - value of a parameter pH poor platelets plasmas of the researched patient. The way does not demand the expensive material base, special reactants, is convenient in execution at use of a minimum quantity of a researched material, provides reception of the necessary information within one hour from the moment of a fence of blood of the patient, we reproduce in laboratory of any level.Предложен способ диагностики гиперактивности тромбоцитов, не требующий специальных условий моделирования реологии в сосудистой стенке in vitro. Способ основан на биохимическом исследовании плазмы крови пациента, используемой для рутинных гемостазиологических тестов, с последующим подсчетом диагностического индекса по решающему правилу. Всего обследовано 65 пациентов. Проведен корреляционный анализ степени агрегации тромбоцитов и pH плазмы крови пациентов. Методом дискриминантного анализа выведено решающее правило соответствия значений pH плазмы и гиперагрегации тромбоцитов: Д = constlXPPP- const2 где: Д - диагностически значимый индекс; constl и const2- постоянные величины: РРР - значение показателя pH бедной тромбоцитами плазмы исследуемого пациента. Способ не требует дорогостоящей материально-технической базы, специальных реактивов, удобен в исполнении при использовании минимального количества исследуемого материала, обеспечивает получение необходимой информации в течение часа с момента забора крови пациента, воспроизводим в лаборатории любого уровня

    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1

    Efficacy evaluation of the intravaginal preparation containing lactobacilli culture in the case of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis

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    То determine the effectiveness of the recurrence vulvovaginal candidiasis prevention by lactobacilli drugs within a multicenter international study at Mother and Child Care Research Institute in Russian Public Health Ministry, follow-up of 30 patients be carried out. After antimycotic therapy using a Sertaconazole, female patient from main group (15 women) received intravaginal lactobacillus preparation 'Lactoginal' within 21 days; a comparison group of patients did not receive the probiotic. The period of dynamic observation up of patients was 5 months, during which carried out registration of exacerbations (reported and laboratory-confirmed). These results demonstrate the effectiveness of combined therapy using Sertaconazole (Zalain) followed by the application Lactoginal within 21 days to prevent recurrence of vulvovaginal candidiasis compared to monotherapy with Sertaconazole.С целью определения эффективности профилактики рецидивов вульвовагинального кандидоза препаратами лакто-бацилл в рамках многоцентрового международного исследования в ФГБУ «НИИ ОММ» наблюдалось 30 пациенток. После проведения антимикотинеской терапии сертаконазолом, пациентки основной группы (15 женщин) получали интравагинально препарат лактобацилл «Лактожиналь» в течение 21 дня; пациентки группы сравнения не получали пробиотик. Период динамического наблюдения за пациентками составил 5 месяцев, во время которого проводилась регистрация обострений (релортированных и лабораторно подтвержденных). Представленные результаты демонстрируют эффективность использование комплексной терапии сертаконазолом (Залаин) с последующим применением прерапата Лактожиналь в течение 21 дня с целью профилактики рецидива вульвовагинального кандидоза по сравнению с монотерапией препаратами сертаконазола

    Physical-improving activity of educational establishments

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    Сегодня, по данным научных исследований, наблюдается снижение уровня здоровья и физического развития студенческой молодежи. Одним из путей улучшения сложившейся ситуации является повышение эффективности физкультурно-оздоровительной деятельности образовательных учрежденийToday, according to scientific researches, decrease in a level of health and physi-cal progress of student's youth is observed. One of ways of improvement of the developed situa-tion is increase of efficiency of physical-improving activity of educational establishment


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    The work is aimed at obtaining yttrium and calcium stabilized zirconia with a spheroidal particle shape and a narrow particle size distribution. It was shown that the stabilizing com-ponents have a different effect on the morphology and particle size distribution of the obtained oxides


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    This work is aimed at finding optimal conditions for the synthesis of CdS films in order to obtain films of controlled thickness and high homogeneity. The presence of Cd(OH)2 in the synthesized films was revealed. The optimal parameters for the synthesis of CdS films are found