19 research outputs found

    Proust og den hemmelige læsemåde

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    Proust og den hemmelige læsemåd

    O olhar etnográfico e a voz subalterna

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    Proust engine : night train

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    Autorka analizuje rolę nowoczesnych machin, które zaczynają służyć celom estetycznym w powieści Prousta "W poszukiwaniu straconego czasu". Kolej żelazna, fonografia, telegrafia, telefonia, kinematografia, technika rentgenowska, automobile, samoloty - wszystko to w Poszukiwaniu panoramicznie przechodzi nam przed oczyma i wzmacnia wielki temat opowieści: czas utracony. Nowoczesność, powiada Danius, przynosi ze sobą emancypację zmysłów, polegającą tym, że nie są już one wyłącznie narzędziem poznania ale przeniesione zostają do sfery estetyki.The author analyses the role of modern pieces of machinery whose purpose in Marcel Proust's novel cycle Ala recherche du temps perdu becomes aesthetic. Railroad, phonogra­ phy telegraphy telephony cinematography x-ray technology automobiles, airplanes - all that passes fonA/ard in front of the reader's eyes, reinforcing the cycle's grand theme: the "lost time". Modernity as Ms. Danius argues, brings about an emancipation of the senses in that the latter are no more merely an instrument of cognition but are transferred to the sphere of aesthetics

    Sorte strømper, grønne tråde. Proust og inversionens hermeneutik

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    Sara Danius: “Black Socks, Green Threads: On Proust and the Hermeneutics of Inversion”Inversion – especially sexual inversion – is a major preoccupation in In Search of Lost Time, just as it is manifest in other writers in the period. Still, the theme of homoerotic love has been marginalized in the reception of Proust. Why? Because he wanted it that way. In Proust, it turns out, inversion is more than a theme. It is part not only of what he said but also of how he said what he said. This article suggests that inversion serves as a fundamental rhetorical device, one that offered Proust an ingenious mechanism for doing what he wanted to do in approaching the theme of same-sex desire and, equally important, for instructing his readers in the art of reading