33 research outputs found

    3D geometrijsko modeliranje namjeŔtaja

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    U radu je prikazan opis računalne grafike u dizajnu namjeÅ”taja. Uvođenje računalne grafike u dizajn namjeÅ”taja mora biti koncipirano na bazi podataka pomoću kojih se mogu proučiti elementi modela ili cijeli model. Za tu je svrhu opisan način 3D geometrijskog modeliranja namjeÅ”taja. Računalnom vizualizacijom virtualnog 3D postupka u interakciji s digitaliziranim realno izvedenim namjeÅ”tajem i okolinom uvedeno je optimalno i ergonomsko oblikovanje i određivanje dimenzija namjeÅ”taja. Radi Å”to boljeg uvida u sve komponente i redoslijede njihova sklapanja, izveden je rasčlanjeni prikaz stolice te ispitane mogućnosti vizualizacije modela


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    Koncept bitcoin mreže prvi je puta predstavljen 2008. godine od strane osobe ili grupe ljudi pod pseudonimom Satoshi Nakamoto. Već sljedeće godine je puÅ”ten u pogon prvi softver za provedbu bitcoin transakcija, a danas se dnevno provede njih viÅ”e od 70 tisuća. Obzirom na izrazito snažan rast te mreže, čija je vrijednost u posljednjih pet godina dosegla okvirno 7 milijardi USD, jasno je kako postoji konkretna potreba za primjenom novih oblika digitalnih plaćanja u elektroničkom poslovanju.The mathematical concept of Bitcoin network was introduced in the year 2008. by a person, or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. During the next year, the first implementation of software for supporting Bitcoin transactions was put into operation. Today, it supports more than 70,000 daily transactions, and market value in the last five years has reached roughly $ 7 billion. Therefore, it can be easily seen that that there is a specific need for the application of new forms of digital payment in electronic commerc

    Association of CT-estimated lumbar bone mineral density and fatty infiltration of psoas muscle in a young and middle age population

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    Aims: Age-related changes of bones and skeletal muscles were investigated in previous studies. The aim of our study was to determine the possible association of CT-estimated lumbar spine bone density and psoas major muscle changes in a young and middle-aged population, in whom the age-related changes are not considerably advanced. We also investigated to which extent the iodine contrast affected bone and muscle attenuation. Methods: Baseline and CT imaging data of patients aged 18 to 49 years, who underwent a multiphasic abdominopelvic CT exam at the University Hospital Split from July to December 2021, were retrospectively retrieved. CT attenuation values, Hounsfield Units (HU), of lumbar spine and psoas major muscle were measured at the level of L4 on native (precontrast), arterial and venous postcontrast scans.Results: The mean age of 113 included patients was 40.61 years, 51.33% were men. CT attenuation values of lumbar spine and psoas major muscle correlated. The highest correlation was found between age and L4, while the correlation between age and psoas muscle was somewhat weaker. No significant differences were observed between the sexes, except higher L4 HU in women. The application of iodine contrast significantly increased HU, with a mean increase of nearly 12% at lumbar spine and 18-26% at psoas muscle.Conclusion: CT attenuation values of lumbar spine and psoas major muscle correlate in young and middle-aged population. Age-related changes were somewhat stronger in bones than in muscles. Iodine contrastysignificantly increases the HU of both bone and muscle

    3D geometrijsko modeliranje namjeŔtaja

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    U radu je prikazan opis računalne grafike u dizajnu namjeÅ”taja. Uvođenje računalne grafike u dizajn namjeÅ”taja mora biti koncipirano na bazi podataka pomoću kojih se mogu proučiti elementi modela ili cijeli model. Za tu je svrhu opisan način 3D geometrijskog modeliranja namjeÅ”taja. Računalnom vizualizacijom virtualnog 3D postupka u interakciji s digitaliziranim realno izvedenim namjeÅ”tajem i okolinom uvedeno je optimalno i ergonomsko oblikovanje i određivanje dimenzija namjeÅ”taja. Radi Å”to boljeg uvida u sve komponente i redoslijede njihova sklapanja, izveden je rasčlanjeni prikaz stolice te ispitane mogućnosti vizualizacije modela

    The applicability of magnetic resonance imaging classification system (MRICS) for cerebral palsy and its association with perinatal factors and related disabilities in a Croatian population-based sample

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    Aim To investigate the association of cerebral palsy motor disorders, perinatal factors, and related disabilities with brain magnetic resonance imaging classification score (MRICS)-based groups in a population-based sample. Methods The study enrolled children with cerebral palsy born from 2003 to 2015 treated at Split University Hospital who underwent brain MRI scanning. Perinatal data (plurality, birth weight, gestational age, and Apgar score) were collected from hospital records. Motor disorders of cerebral palsy (gross and fine motor function) and the related disabilities (intellectual status, speech and eating ability, epilepsy, vision and hearing status) were evaluated with neurological status assessment. Neuroimaging findings were presented as MRICS-based groups. Results Of 115 enrolled children, an abnormal finding on brain MRI was confirmed in 95%, including white matter injury (66%), maldevelopments (13.9%), gray matter injury (9.6%), and miscellaneous findings (6.1%). Gross and fine motor function were not significantly associated with MRICS-based group. All related disabilities and perinatal factors, except Apgar score, were significantly associated with MRICS-based group. Conclusion Brain MRICS-based groups were associated with perinatal risk factors and related disabilities of cerebral palsy, but not with common motor disorders. MRI classification score is a reliable diagnostic tool, which strongly correlates with perinatal factors and related disabilities of cerebral pals

    Ethical aspects of human biobanks: a systematic review

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    Aim To systematically assess the existing literature on ethical aspects of human biobanks. Method We searched the Web of Science and PubMed databases to find studies addressing ethical problems in biobanks with no limits set (study design, study population, time period, or language of publication). All identified articles published until November 2010 were included. We analyzed the type of published articles, journals publishing them, involvement of countries/institutions, year of publication, and citations received, and qualitatively assessed every article in order to identify ethical issues addressed by the majority of published research on human biobanking. Results Hundred and fifty four studies satisfied our review criteria. The studies mainly came from highly developed countries and were all published in the last two decades, with over half of them published in 2009 or 2010. They most commonly discussed the informed consent, privacy and identifiability, return of results to participants, importance of public trust, involvement of children, commercialization, the role of ethics boards, international data exchange, ownership of samples, and benefit sharing. Conclusions The focus on ethical aspects is strongly present through the whole biobanking research field. Although there is a consensus on the old and most typical ethical issues, with further development of the field and increasingly complex structure of human biobanks, these issues will likely continue to arise and accumulate, hence requiring constant re-appraisal and continuing discussion


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    Infekcije povezane sa zdravstvenom skrbi veliki su problem u cijelome svijetu, čak 5ā€“10% svih hospitaliziranih bolesnika dobije takvu infekciju tijekom liječenja. JoÅ” od vremena I. P. Semelweissa poznato je da su čiste ruke najvažniji pojedinačni činitelj koji može smanjiti broj tih infekcija. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) prepoznala je taj problem i priÅ”la izradi Smjernica za higijenu ruku u zdravstvenim ustanovama. Stoga se pristupilo izradi i ovih Smjernica, kojih je svrha smanjenje broja infekcija povezanih sa zdravstvenom skrbi koje se prenose rukama zdravstvenih radnika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Smjernice su namijenjene svim zdravstvenim i nezdravstvenim radnicima zdravstvenih ustanova koji dolaze u izravan dodir s bolesnicima. Interdisciplinarni tim stručnjaka načinio je Smjernice, koristeći se Smjernicama SZO-a, drugim smjernicama i drugom internacionalnom literaturom. Snaga preporuka određena je metodologijom CDC/HICPAC, a kategorizirane su na temelju postojećih znanstvenih podataka, teoretski logične podloge, primjenjivosti i ekonomskog utjecaja. Nakon Å”iroke rasprave u stručnim druÅ”tvima Smjernice su prihvaćene. Smjernice obuhvaćaju preporuke o indikacijama za higijenu ruku, tehniku higijene ruku, kirurÅ”ku pripremu ruku, odabir sredstava za higijenu ruku, njegu kože, nokata, upotrebu rukavica, higijenu ruku bolesnika i posjetilaca, ulogu edukacije, ulogu zdravstvene ustanove i državne uprave; nadalje, u Smjernicama je objaÅ”njen koncept Ā»Pet trenutaka za higijenu rukuĀ« te je prikazan izvadak iz literature o higijeni ruku.Healthcare associated infections (HCAI) are huge problem all over the world, and 5ā€“10% of all hospitalized patients will develop infection during hospitalization. From the times of I. P. Semelweiss we know that clean hands are the most important single factor that can decrease the number of HCAI. World Health Organization (WHO) has recognised this problem and developed Guidelines for hand hygiene in healthcare institutions. This also was the reason of developing Croatian national Guidelines. The main goal of the Guidelines was to decrease number of HCAI associated with the hands of healthcare workers. These Guidelines are meant for all healthcare workers and other hospital staff who come to the direct contact with patients. An interdisciplinary team of experts developed these Guidelines using WHO Guidelines, other existing guidelines and literature reviews for hand hygiene. Grades of evidence for specific recommendations were determined using CDC/HICPAC grading system. Categorization is based on existing data, theoretical basis, applicability and economic impact. After a broad discussion in different professional societies, Guidelines were accepted. Guidelines include recommendations for hand hygiene indications, hand hygiene technique, surgical hand preparation, choosing hand hygiene preparations, skin care, nails, glove use, patients and visitors hand hygiene, role of education, as well as role of healthcare institution and role of government. Furthermore, in the Guidelines the concept of Ā»Five moments for hand hygieneĀ« is explained in detail, and main literature data are presented

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    The efficiency to use Braille notetaker in education and rehabilitation for students with visual impairments

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    Razvoj asistivnih tehnologija ima velik utjecaj na razvoj samostalnosti osoba s invaliditetom, posebno osoba sa senzornim oÅ”tećenjima koje zbog prirode oÅ”tećenja imaju smanjen pristup informacijama. S obzirom da se 90% informacija prima vizualnim putem, posebno rizična skupina su osobe oÅ”tećena vida koje svoj gubitak moraju kompenzirati oslanjanjem na preostala osjetila. Upravo im razvoj tehnologije, omogućava da lakÅ”e prate zahtjeve okoline te imaju jednake mogućnosti pristupa informacijama kao i vrÅ”njaci bez oÅ”tećenja. Brojne su asistivne tehnologije koje osobama oÅ”tećena vida nude veću razinu samostalnosti u izvrÅ”avanju nastavnih i izvannastavnih obveza. Važno je napraviti dobar spoj osobe i tehnologije, odnosno osobi omogućiti koriÅ”tenje onog uređaja koji najviÅ”e odgovara njenim potrebama. Jedan od oblika asistivnih tehnologija koja značajno može pomoći osobi oÅ”tećena vida je Brailleova zvučna bilježnica koja zahvaljujući svojim karakteristikama omogućava osobama oÅ”tećena vida potrebnu samostalnost. Provedeno istraživanje usmjereno je na detekciju približnog broja učenika koji koristi Brailleovu zvučnu bilježnicu u Å”kolama u Zagrebu te ostatku Hrvatske, ali i otkrivanje razlika među učenicima s obzirom na spol, dob, oblik obrazovanja. Dobiveni rezultati predstavljaju implikaciju za buduća istraživanja, ali i veći rad na ovom području.The development of assistive technologies has a great influence on the development of the independence of people with disabilities, especially for those people with sensory impairments who, because of the nature of the defect, have reduced access to information. Considering that 90% of the information is received visually, people with visual impairment form a special risk group and have to rely on their other senses. It is the development of the right technology that will enable them to follow the requirements of the environment more easily and give them equal access to information. There are many assistive technologies available to visually impaired people who experience difficulties in completing their curricular and extracurricular activities. It is important to establish a good connection between a person and technology in order to facilitate the use of the aid that fits best to the personā€™s needs. One of the forms of assistive technology that can help visually impaired people is Braille notetaker which, thanks to its features, allows much of the needed independence in their day-to-day life. This research is focused on detecting the approximate number of students who use Braille notetaker in Zagreb and the rest of Croatia. It also centres on discovering and identifying differences between students regarding gender, age, form of education and other. The obtained results represent the implication for future research and a good base to conduct a greater research within the same area

    Relationship between anthropometric measures of body composition and fat tissue with indices of arterial stiffness in an apparently healthy population

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    Povezanost antropometrijskih mjera tjelesne mase i masnog tkiva i arterijske elastičnosti je rijetko istraživana, posebice u naizgled zdravoj populaciji. Uz to, međusobna povezanost između antropometrijskih mjera nije poznata. U 152 muÅ”karca, 200 premenopauzalnih i 60 postmenopauzalnih žena, mjerena su tri pokazatelja arterijske elastičnosti (brzina pulsnog vala, augmentacijski indeks i centralni sistolički tlak) i pet antropometrijskih mjera [indeks tjelesne mase (ITM), postotak tjelesne masti (%TM), opseg struka (OS), omjer opsega struka i bokova (OS/B) te omjer opsega struka i visine (OS/V)]. Podaci su analizirani univarijantnim i multivarijantnim metodama s prilagodbom za dob, krvni tlak, visinu, frekvenciju srca, lipide i puÅ”enje. Nasuprot univarijantnoj analizi koja je pokazala pozitivnu povezanost između antropometrijskih mjera i arterijske elastičnosti, multivarijantna analiza s prilagodbom na čimbenike rizika je pokazala da su ITM, OS i OS/V ostali značajni, ali negativni prediktori arterijske elastičnosti u premenopauzalnih žena (Ī² od -0,06 do -0,16; P<0,05), kao i ITM u muÅ”karaca (Ī² od -0,09 do -0,13; P<0,05). Primjena obiju metoda u postmenopauzalnih žena nije utvrdila povezanost. ITM, OS i OS/V su antropometrijske mjere međusobno najsnažnije povezane (r=0,9, P<0,05), nasuprot OS/B i %TM koje su bile slabije povezane s ostalim mjerama (r=0,6-0,7, P<0,05) u cijelom populacijskom uzorku. Antropometrijske mjere tjelesne mase i masnog tkiva i pokazatelji arterijske elastičnosti su povezani slabo i negativno u naizgled zdravoj populaciji. ITM, OS i OS/V su se pokazale korisnijim antropometrijskim mjerama od OS/B i %TM u naÅ”oj populaciji.Association of anthropometric measures of body composition and arterial stiffness, especially in an apparently healthy population has been poorly investigated. In addition, the association between different anthropometric measures is also unknown. In 152 men, 200 pre- and 60 postmenopausal women, three arterial stiffness indices (pulse wave velocity, augmentation index and central systolic blood pressure) and five anthropometric measures (body mass index ā€“ BMI, body fat percentage by skinfold measurements ā€“ %BF, waist circumference ā€“ WC, waist-hip ratio ā€“ WHpR and waist-height ratio ā€“ WHtR) were measured. Data were analyzed using uni- and multivariate analyses adjusted for age, blood pressure, height, heart rate, blood lipids and smoking. In contrast to univariate analysis that generally showed positive correlations between anthropometric measures and arterial stiffness, adjusted multivariate analysis revealed BMI, WC and WHtR as significant, but inverse and weak predictors of arterial stiffness in premenopausal women (Ī² from -0.06 to -0.16; P<0.05) and BMI in the males (Ī² from -0.09 to -0.13; P<0.05). In postmenopausal women no association was found using both methods. In the population sample BMI, WC and WHtR were more strongly inter-correlated (r=0.9, P<0.05), in comparison with WHpR and %BF (r=0.6-0.7, P<0.05). In an apparently healthy population anthropometric measures and arterial stiffness indices are associated rather weakly and inversely. BMI, WHtR and WC might be more useful measures than WHpR and %BF in our population