2,377 research outputs found

    Spin-Correlation Coefficients and Phase-Shift Analysis for p+3^3He Elastic Scattering

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    Angular Distributions for the target spin-dependent observables A0y_{0y}, Axx_{xx}, and Ayy_{yy} have been measured using polarized proton beams at several energies between 2 and 6 MeV and a spin-exchange optical pumping polarized 3^3He target. These measurements have been included in a global phase-shift analysis following that of George and Knutson, who reported two best-fit phase-shift solutions to the previous global p+3^3He elastic scattering database below 12 MeV. These new measurements, along with measurements of cross-section and beam-analyzing power made over a similar energy range by Fisher \textit{et al.}, allowed a single, unique solution to be obtained. The new measurements and phase-shifts are compared with theoretical calculations using realistic nucleon-nucleon potential models.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Expansion algorithm for the density matrix

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    A purification algorithm for expanding the single-particle density matrix in terms of the Hamiltonian operator is proposed. The scheme works with a predefined occupation and requires less than half the number of matrix-matrix multiplications compared to existing methods at low (90%) occupancy. The expansion can be used with a fixed chemical potential in which case it is an asymmetric generalization of and a substantial improvement over grand canonical McWeeny purification. It is shown that the computational complexity, measured as number of matrix multiplications, essentially is independent of system size even for metallic materials with a vanishing band gap.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Maximum energy conversion from human motion using piezoelectric flex transducer: A multi-level surrogate modeling strategy

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    Conventional engineering design optimization requires a large amount of expensive experimental tests from prototypes or computer simulations, which may result in an inefficient and unaffordable design process. In order to overcome these disadvantages, a surrogate model may be used to replace the prototype tests. To construct a surrogate model of sufficient accuracy from limited number of tests/simulations, a multi-level surrogate modeling strategy is introduced in this article. First, a chosen number of points determined by optimal Latin Hypercube Design of Experiments are used to generate global-level surrogate models with genetic programming and the fitness landscape can be explored by genetic algorithms for near-optimal solutions. Local-level surrogate models are constructed then from the extended-optimal Latin Hypercube samples in the vicinity of global optimum on the basis of a much smaller number of chosen points. As a result, an improved optimal design is achieved. The efficiency of this strategy is demonstrated by the parametric optimization design of a piezoelectric flex transducer energy harvester. The optimal design is verified by finite element simulations and the results show that the proposed multi-level surrogate modeling strategy has the advantages of faster convergence and more efficiency in comparison with the conventional single-single level surrogate modeling technique

    Scharnhorst effect at oblique incidence

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    We consider the Scharnhorst effect (anomalous photon propagation in the Casimir vacuum) at oblique incidence, calculating both photon speed and polarization states as functions of angle. The analysis is performed in the framework of nonlinear electrodynamics and we show that many features of the situation can be extracted solely on the basis of symmetry considerations. Although birefringence is common in nonlinear electrodynamics it is not universal; in particular we verify that the Casimir vacuum is not birefringent at any incidence angle. On the other hand, group velocity is typically not equal to phase velocity, though the distinction vanishes for special directions or if one is only working to second order in the fine structure constant. We obtain an ``effective metric'' that is subtly different from previous results. The disagreement is due to the way that ``polarization sums'' are implemented in the extant literature, and we demonstrate that a fully consistent polarization sum must be implemented via a bootstrap procedure using the effective metric one is attempting to define. Furthermore, in the case of birefringence, we show that the polarization sum technique is intrinsically an approximation.Comment: 11 pages double-column format, 2 figures, RevTeX 4.0 (beta 2). Final versio

    Near-Surface Interface Detection for Coal Mining Applications Using Bispectral Features and GPR

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    The use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) for detecting the presence of near-surface interfaces is a scenario of special interest to the underground coal mining industry. The problem is difficult to solve in practice because the radar echo from the near-surface interface is often dominated by unwanted components such as antenna crosstalk and ringing, ground-bounce effects, clutter, and severe attenuation. These nuisance components are also highly sensitive to subtle variations in ground conditions, rendering the application of standard signal pre-processing techniques such as background subtraction largely ineffective in the unsupervised case. As a solution to this detection problem, we develop a novel pattern recognition-based algorithm which utilizes a neural network to classify features derived from the bispectrum of 1D early time radar data. The binary classifier is used to decide between two key cases, namely whether an interface is within, for example, 5 cm of the surface or not. This go/no-go detection capability is highly valuable for underground coal mining operations, such as longwall mining, where the need to leave a remnant coal section is essential for geological stability. The classifier was trained and tested using real GPR data with ground truth measurements. The real data was acquired from a testbed with coal-clay, coal-shale and shale-clay interfaces, which represents a test mine site. We show that, unlike traditional second order correlation based methods such as matched filtering which can fail even in known conditions, the new method reliably allows the detection of interfaces using GPR to be applied in the near-surface region. In this work, we are not addressing the problem of depth estimation, rather confining ourselves to detecting an interface within a particular depth range

    Enabling Technologies for Silicon Microstrip Tracking Detectors at the HL-LHC

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    While the tracking detectors of the ATLAS and CMS experiments have shown excellent performance in Run 1 of LHC data taking, and are expected to continue to do so during LHC operation at design luminosity, both experiments will have to exchange their tracking systems when the LHC is upgraded to the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) around the year 2024. The new tracking systems need to operate in an environment in which both the hit densities and the radiation damage will be about an order of magnitude higher than today. In addition, the new trackers need to contribute to the first level trigger in order to maintain a high data-taking efficiency for the interesting processes. Novel detector technologies have to be developed to meet these very challenging goals. The German groups active in the upgrades of the ATLAS and CMS tracking systems have formed a collaborative "Project on Enabling Technologies for Silicon Microstrip Tracking Detectors at the HL-LHC" (PETTL), which was supported by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale" during the years 2013 and 2014. The aim of the project was to share experience and to work together on key areas of mutual interest during the R&D phase of these upgrades. The project concentrated on five areas, namely exchange of experience, radiation hardness of silicon sensors, low mass system design, automated precision assembly procedures, and irradiations. This report summarizes the main achievements

    Metamodel-assisted design optimization of piezoelectric flex transducer for maximal bio-kinetic energy conversion

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    Energy Harvesting Devices (EHD) have been widely used to generate electrical power from the bio-kinetic energy of human body movement. A novel Piezoelectric Flex Transducer (PFT) based on the Cymbal device has been proposed by Daniels et al. (2013) for the purpose of energy harvesting. To further improve the efficiency of the device, optimal design of the PFT for maximum output power subject to stress and displacement constraints is carried out in this paper. Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) on metamodels generated with Genetic Programming from a 140-point optimal Latin hypercube design of experiments is used in the optimization. Finally, the optimal design is validated by finite element simulations. The simulations show that the magnitude of the electrical power generated from this optimal PFT harvesting device can be up to 6.5 mw when a safety design factor of 2.0 is applied

    Renewing Criminalized and Hegemonic Cultural Landscapes

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    The Mafia's long historical pedigree in Mezzogiorno, Southern Italy, has empowered the Mafioso as a notorious, uncontested, and hegemonic figure. The counter-cultural resistance against the mafiosi culture began to be institutionalized in the early 1990s. Today, Libera Terra is the largest civil society organization in the country that uses the lands confiscated from the Mafia as a space of cultural repertoire to realize its ideals. Deploying labor force through volunteer participation, producing biological fruits and vegetables, and providing information to the students on the fields are the principal cultural practices of this struggle. The confiscated lands make the Italian experience of anti-Mafia resistance a unique example by connecting the land with the ideals of cultural change. The sociocultural resistance of Libera Terra conveys a political message through these practices and utters that the Mafia is not invincible. This study draws the complex panorama of the Mafia and anti-Mafia movement that uses the ‘confiscated lands’ as cultural and public spaces for resistance and socio-cultural change. In doing so, this article sheds new light on the relationship between rural criminology and crime prevention policies in Southern Italy by demonstrating how community development practice of Libera Terra changes the meaning of landscape through iconographic symbolism and ethnographic performance

    Requirement of a Membrane Potential for the Posttranslational Transfer of Proteins into Mitochondsria

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    Posttranslational transfer of most precursor proteins into mitochondria is dependent on energization of the mitochondria. Experiments were carried out to determine whether the membrane potential or the intramitochondrial ATP is the immediate energy source. Transfer in vitro of precursors to the ADP/ATP carrier and to ATPase subunit 9 into isolated Neurospora mitochondria was investigated. Under conditions where the level of intramitochondrial ATP was high and the membrane potential was dissipated, import and processing of these precursor proteins did not take place. On the other hand, precursors were taken up and processed when the intramitochondrial ATP level was low, but the membrane potential was not dissipated. We conclude that a membrane potential is involved in the import of those mitochondrial precursor proteins which require energy for intracellular translocatio
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