366 research outputs found

    Domestic Relations-Child Custody-Reasonable Visitation or Divided Custody

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    Determining the Relationship Between Water Quality and Ulcerative Mycosis in Atlantic Menhaden

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    Project No. 92-15. ICMR Tech Report 93-08. The research on which the report is based was supported in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (EHNR), through the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study. Contents of the publication do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute their endorsement by the United States or North Carolina Government.The objectives of this study were to investigate the possible causes of ulcerative mycosis (UM) in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary. Ulcerative mycosis is the commonest disease affecting the finfish populations of the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary. While infectious agents have been isolated from UM lesions, the underlying environmental cause of the disease remains a mystery. We presently know very little of how water quality (including pollution) influences UM prevalence. The difficulty in reproducing the disease by simply challenging fish with the fungal pathogen suggests that environmental stress may play a very important role in disease development. Previous sampling surveys for UM that simultaneously examined water quality did not always show any consistent relationship to disease prevalence, perhaps because water quality monitored simultaneously with disease sampling may not be representative of the actual conditions that caused the disease outbreak. To obtain more reliable data on the risk factors influencing the development of UM, we placed clinically normal Atlantic menhaden in tanks at various sites along the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary and examined them periodically for the development of UM lesions. We also simultaneously measured ambient water quality, including dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, chlorophyll a, and prevalence of a new toxic dinoflagellate that we have recently discovered in the Albemarle Pamlico Estuary.Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources, East Carolina Universit

    The impact of race, gender and other selected variables on the participation of college and university faculty in professional associations

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    The purpose of this research was to: (1) identify factors which affect the decisions of higher education social science faculty to affiliate or not to affiliate with professional organizations; (2) identify the efforts of selected professional organizations to recruit, retain, and reclaim minority and female higher education faculty; and (3) make recommendations to professional associations, university administrators, and other interested parties about the professional affiliations of minority and/or female higher education social science faculty. Instruments to address the specific research questions of this study did not exist. Therefore, three separate instruments were devised to gather data from the following three sources: (1) selected professional associations; (2) twenty-two four-year North Carolina institutions; and (3) social science faculty members employed at the institutions in item (2)

    Absence of Langerhans Cells in Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, an AIDS-Associated Lesion

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    Oral hairy leukoplakia (HL) is a recently described manifestation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in which Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been shown to replicate. To seek evidence for a local defect in mucosal immunity, we assessed the presence of epithelial Langer-hans cells (LC) in these lesions and in autologous nonlesional mucosa. We used monoclonal antibodies against HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, and T6 antigens to identify LC in biopsy specimens of HL from 23 homosexual men. In all lesion specimens, LO either were not detected or were present only in greatly reduced numbers with at least 1 of the antibodies. In nonlesional oral mucosa from the same patients, LC were detected with all 3 antibodies in 11/12 specimens (92%) and were found in approximately normal numbers with at least 1 antibody. There was close correlation between the absence of LC and positive staining for EBV, human papillomavirus antigens, and candidal hyphae in the epithelium. We conclude that LC are absent or greatly reduced in the lesions of HL. Absence of normal LC function may be important in the pathogenesis of HL and may reflect an event in the pathogenesis of other features of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome

    An Assessment of Oral Health on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

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    An assessment on the oral health of 292 Oglala Lakota residents of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota looks at dental issues, periodontal disease, oral lesions and need for dental care. The research was conducted by the University of Colorado, Center for Native Oral Health Research and funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation

    Anr and Its Activation by PlcH Activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Host Colonization and Virulence

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa hemolytic phospholipase C (PlcH) degrades phosphatidylcholine (PC), an abundant lipid in cell membranes and lung surfactant. A ΔplcHR mutant, known to be defective in virulence in animal models, was less able to colonize epithelial cell monolayers and was defective in biofilm formation on plastic when grown in lung surfactant. Microarray analyses found that strains defective in PlcH production had lower levels of Anr-regulated transcripts than the wild type. PC degradation stimulated the Anr regulon in an Anr-dependent manner under conditions where Anr activity was submaximal because of the presence of oxygen. Two PC catabolites, choline and glycine betaine (GB), were sufficient to stimulate Anr activity, and their catabolism was required for Anr activation. The addition of choline or GB to glucose-containing medium did not alter Anr protein levels, growth rates, or respiratory activity, and Anr activation could not be attributed to the osmoprotectant functions of GB. The Δanr mutant was defective in virulence in a mouse pneumonia model. Several lines of evidence indicate that Anr is important for the colonization of biotic and abiotic surfaces in both P. aeruginosa PAO1 and PA14 and that increases in Anr activity resulted in enhanced biofilm formation. Our data suggest that PlcH activity promotes Anr activity in oxic environments and that Anr activity contributes to virulence, even in the acute infection phase, where low oxygen tensions are not expected. This finding highlights the relationships among in vivo bacterial metabolism, the activity of the oxygen-sensitive regulator Anr, and virulence

    Space Environment Effects on Silicone Seal Materials

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    A docking system is being developed by the NASA to support future space missions. It is expected to use redundant elastomer seals to help contain cabin air during dockings between two spacecraft. The sealing surfaces are exposed to the space environment when vehicles are not docked. In space, the seals will be exposed to temperatures between 125 to -75 C, vacuum, atomic oxygen, particle and ultraviolet radiation, and micrometeoroid and orbital debris (MMOD). Silicone rubber is the only class of space flight-qualified elastomeric seal material that functions across the expected temperature range. NASA Glenn has tested three silicone elastomers for such seal applications: two provided by Parker (S0899-50 and S0383-70) and one from Esterline (ELA-SA-401). The effects of atomic oxygen (AO), UV and electron particle radiation, and vacuum on the properties of these three elastomers were examined. Critical seal properties such as leakage, adhesion, and compression set were measured before and after simulated space exposures. The S0899-50 silicone was determined to be inadequate for extended space seal applications due to high adhesion and intolerance to UV, but both S0383-70 and ELA-SA-401 seals were adequate
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