693 research outputs found

    Colonization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Dormitory Versus Non-Dormitory Populations

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that has developed resistance to numerous antibiotics such as methicillin, a commonly used antibiotic for the treatment of Staphylococcus infections. In the community, MRSA is widespread, and it is believed that 1% of the population is a carrier. People are potentially at a greater risk in areas where factors such as close skin-to-skin contact occur, cuts or abrasions in the skin occur, contaminated items and surfaces are present, or where overcrowded living conditions and poor hygiene are common. MRSA’s occurrence in people without risk factors who live in communities is also increasing, and some of these infections are not typically associated with staphylococci bacteria. MRSA carriage rates are important to monitor in populations where individuals are in close contact and have crowded living conditions, such as a dormitory. The goal of this research is to identify MRSA carriers in the dormitory and non-dormitory populations in order to quantify nasal carrier rates. Frequent athletic facility attendance was also monitored to determine if this is an additional risk factor. Nasal swabs samples were collected from volunteers over the age of eighteen. Background information was gathered from volunteers at the time of swabbing by means of an anonymous survey. Background information that was taken into account when analyzing data included: place of living (dormitory versus non-dormitory); if they ever lived in a dormitory and timeframe (how long and how long ago); if they had a MRSA infection previously (confirmed by a physician); how often they visited a gym facility; and their age. Our results demonstrate that approximately 10% of Winona State University student were caring MRSA intranasally. We found a strong correlation between carriage rates and dormitory status and gym usage. Similarly, dormitory populations who used a gym facility frequently were at an even higher risk of MRSA carriage. We believe these findings indicate an increase in carriage rate among WSU’s dormitory student population. These data indicate a need to increase WSU’s surveillance of MRSA carriage rates and infections

    Examining trade-offs between social, psychological, and energy potential of urban form

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    Urban planners are often challenged with the task of developing design solutions which must meet multiple, and often contradictory, criteria. In this paper, we investigated the trade-offs between social, psychological, and energy potential of the fundamental elements of urban form: the street network and the building massing. Since formal methods to evaluate urban form from the psychological and social point of view are not readily available, we developed a methodological framework to quantify these criteria as the first contribution in this paper. To evaluate the psychological potential, we conducted a three-tiered empirical study starting from real world environments and then abstracting them to virtual environments. In each context, the implicit (physiological) response and explicit (subjective) response of pedestrians were measured. To quantify the social potential, we developed a street network centrality-based measure of social accessibility. For the energy potential, we created an energy model to analyze the impact of pure geometric form on the energy demand of the building stock. The second contribution of this work is a method to identify distinct clusters of urban form and, for each, explore the trade-offs between the select design criteria. We applied this method to two case studies identifying nine types of urban form and their respective potential trade-offs, which are directly applicable for the assessment of strategic decisions regarding urban form during the early planning stages

    Aprendizado de máquina : estatística Bayesiana em método de regressão linear simples com aplicação em magnitudes de quasares

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    Neste trabalho, conceitos de inferência estatística são utilizados para aplicação de métodos de regressão linear simples através de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina. Como principal objetivo, busca-se analisar e comparar o método de regressão linear simples entre duas interpretações diferentes: abordagem estatística bayesiana e abordagem frequentista, também chamada de clássica. Utilizando-se bibliotecas específicas de programação probabilística e aprendizado de máquina para linguagem de programação Python, realiza-se, computacionalmente, a análise para os dois vieses de interesse. Os dados utilizados para análise são referentes às magnitudes i e z dos quasares obtidos pelo Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Estas demonstram forte correlação entre si, sendo possível descrevê-las através de uma reta. Para a abordagem clássica, espera-se encontrar a linha de regressão que melhor descreva os dados. Para tal, busca-se encontrar uma estimativa única e pontual para os parâmetros de regressão. Em contrapartida, a análise bayesiana prevê que os parâmetros são descritos através de distribuições, ao invés de valores pontuais.In this work, statistical inference concepts are used to apply simple linear regression methods through machine learning techniques. The main objective is to analyze and compare the simple linear regression method between two different interpretations: bayesian statistical approach and frequentist approach, also called classical. Using specific libraries of probabilistic programming and machine learning for the Python programming language, the analysis for the two biases of interest is carried out computationally. The data used for analysis refer to the magnitudes i and z of the quasars obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. These show a strong correlation between them, being possible to describe them through a straight line. For the classical approach, one expects to find the regression line that best describes the data. To achieve this, it is needed to find a unique and punctual estimate for the regression parameters. In contrast, bayesian analysis predicts that the parameters are described through distributions, rather than unique values

    On-site methods within DECATHLON – towards point-of-use molecular analysis and next generation sequencing

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    There is an increasing need for on-site applications of DNA-based methods, both, for inspection services by public authorities, as well as for companies that wish to monitor their supply chain. The capability to apply DNA-based methods in the field, or at ‘point-of-use’, is critical where centralised laboratories are inadequate to meet the demand of prompt answers for early intervention. The application fields addressed by DECATHLON are food analysis with specific emphasis on pathogen detection for food safety, GMO identification and customs issues. In recent years much progress has been made in the development of different types of on-site devices that can accommodate DNA-based methods. Within the DECATHLON project, two primary approaches for on-site use of DNA-based methods are developed in parallel; sample preparation and nucleic acid identification using a centrifugal microfluidic platform, and development of a novel graphene nano-gap sensor for next generation sequencing

    Abandono do tratamento e cessação do tabagismo: análise dos dados de um programa de controle

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    Objective: to analyze the profile of smokers undergoing treatment and the factors associated with smoking cessation and smoking cessation in a municipal programo of treatment. Method: cross-sectional study carried out in Araranguá, state of Santa Catarina, with 109 people from the Tobacco Control Program, between March and December of the year 2018. Sociodemographic and health information, including depressive symptoms, impulsivity and coping skills, were collected. Descriptive and inferential analyzes were carried out. Results: 40.4% of the participants abandoned the treatment, group that obtained the highest mean for impulsivity. The main reasons reported for abandoning treatment were: “being well without smoking”, work-related situations and withdrawal symptoms. It was observed that 7.64% quit smoking and 93.8% had mild dependence on nicotine. Conclusion: although abandonment is high, some remained in cessation. Those aged 49 years or less were significantly more abandoned and nicotine addiction is a significant impediment to cessation.Objetivo: analisar o perfil dos tabagistas em tratamento e os fatores associados ao abandono do tratamento e cessação do tabagismo em um programa municipal. Método: estudo transversal realizado em Araranguá, Santa Catarina com 109 pessoas do Programa Controle do Tabagismo, entre março e dezembro de 2018. Foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas e de saúde, incluindo sintomas depressivos, impulsividade e capacidade de enfrentamento. Realizou-se análises descritivas e inferenciais. Resultados: 40,4% dos participantes abandonaram o tratamento, grupo que obteve maior média para impulsividade. Os principais motivos relatados para o abandono do tratamento foram: “estar bem sem fumar”, situações relacionadas ao trabalho e sintomas de abstinência. Observou-se que 7,64% cessaram o tabagismo e 93,8% apresentavam dependência leve à nicotina. Conclusão: apesar do abandono ser alto, alguns permaneceram em cessação. Os com 49 anos ou menos foram tiveram abandono significativamente maior e a dependência à nicotina apresenta-se como dificultador significativo da cessação

    Dynamics of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Compartments during B Cell Receptor–mediated Cell Activation

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    Antigen recognition by clonotypic B cell receptor (BcR) is the first step of B lymphocytes differentiation into plasmocytes. This B cell function is dependent on efficient major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II–restricted presentation of BcR-bound antigens. In this work, we analyzed the subcellular mechanisms underlying antigen presentation after BcR engagement on B cells. In quiescent B cells, we found that MHC class II molecules mostly accumulated at the cell surface and in an intracellular pool of tubulovesicular structures, whereas H2-M molecules were mostly detected in distinct lysosomal compartments devoid of MHC class II. BcR stimulation induced the transient intracellular accumulation of MHC class II molecules in newly formed multivesicular bodies (MVBs), to which H2-M was recruited. The reversible downregulation of cathepsin S activity led to the transient accumulation of invariant chain–MHC class II complexes in MVBs. A few hours after BcR engagement, cathepsin S activity increased, the p10 invariant chain disappeared, and MHC class II–peptide complexes arrived at the plasma membrane. Thus, BcR engagement induced the transient formation of antigen-processing compartments, enabling antigen-specific B cells to become effective antigen-presenting cells

    Socioemotional Factors and Cardiovascular Risk: What Is the Relationship in Brazilian Older Adults?

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular risk is composed of several modifiable factors that cannot be explained only at the individual level. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between socioemotional factors and cardiovascular risk in older adults. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study with data from The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros, ELSI-Brazil), population based with data collected between 2015 and 2016. Cardiovascular risk-the study outcome-was assessed using the WHO/ISH Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Charts. The exposure variables were perceived social support from those who would receive help in situations and productive and leisurely social participation carried out in the last 12 months. We used crude and adjusted logistic regression for socioeconomic conditions, health conditions, and lifestyle habits to estimate odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the occurrence of the outcome. RESULTS: There were 6,005 participants between 50 and 74 years old with complete data. Of these, 18.7% (95% CI: 16.9-20.6) had high cardiovascular risk. Being in the highest tertile of greater social participation is associated with a lower prevalence of high cardiovascular risk (OR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.50-0.95), adjusted for all variables, when compared to the lowest tertile. Furthermore, the absence of perceived social support is associated with a higher prevalence in different models. Perceived social support from close family members (son/daughter, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law) for material issues is associated with a higher prevalence, whereas having support from friends for affective resources is associated with a lower prevalence of high cardiovascular risk. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: Socioemotional factors such as lack of perceived social support and social participation were significantly associated with cardiovascular risk. This suggested that the development of strategies aimed at reducing cardiovascular risk during aging needs to consider socioemotional factors and social relationships

    O processo integracionista do Mercosul no ano de 2007 pelo modelo da dimensão global da integração regional

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    This paper aimed to analyze the advance of the regional integration process in the MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market), using a model developed for Professor Mario Ruiz Estrada, of the College of Economy and Administration of the University of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, the GDRI (Global Dimension of Regional Integration Model) and that as characteristic has differentiated the use of other variable for analysis, that not specifically of economic origin, derivatives of the evolution of the commerce processes. When inferring and comparing the external performance of the economies that compose the Mercosur, evaluating itself the impacts of the advance of the process of regional and commercial integration, are evidents the inequalities that exist in the block. However, a common evolution is observed, in the direction of intensification of the integration between the economies, mainly after the process of opening lived for the continent, beyond the advance of the integration in the context of the Mercosur, from the decade of 1990. The analyzed data show that, in the generality, these economies are if integrating to the world-wide market, and in parallel, accenting the integration degree enters the members of the block.Este trabalho avalia a partir do Modelo da Dimensão Global da Integração Regional (DGIR), desenvolvido por Estrada (2004), qual o estágio da integração regional no ano de 2007 para o Mercado Comum do Sul – Mercosul, considerando Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai (Países-Membros do bloco). Para obtenção do Índice do Estágio da Integração Regional foram consideradas variáveis políticas, sociais, econômicas e tecnológicas com interesse homogêneo. Verificou-se que: para o ano de 2007 os índices políticos e econômicos foram classificados como em desenvolvimento e os índices social e tecnológico como desenvolvidos. Conclui-se que, embora tenha havido melhoras em todos os índices quando comparados com trabalhos anteriores, é necessário que os países membros do Mercosul busquem melhoras principalmente nas áreas política e tecnológica. Palavras-chave: Comércio Internacional, Mercosul, Integração Regional